

It's just another day to him as they had spent today's adventure at the carnival that came into town. Tom watches his two friends from the park bench buying ice cream from a street vendor.

Suddenly, soft music starts playing in the background, Someone's actually playing their instrument at a place like this.

Heads turn by people walking about to see what's going on. All eyes on a man in a black tux with a red tie all spiffed up for today's occasion.

"Commie?" Tom says surprised under his breath to himself, getting up from his seat.

The three friends thought Tord wouldn't be joining them today because he said he had something important to do earlier.

Tord stood straight playing his black violin in a lovely tune. His silver eyes opening to look at them, actually at a certain someone.

Baby dear, how far have I fallen for you~

The horn haired male sang as he starts to make his way towards them.

Those eyes of yours are so capturing
Alluring should I say
Oh dear, I have fallen for an angel~

Time and again you keep filling me up
My thought, my dreams, my heart~

The sounds of the violin rang in Tom's ears. They were so full of feelings played from the heart. Walking closer to Tom.

Baby dear, will you do me the honor to accept my song?
I pour my feelings in here for you
So that they may reach into your own heart to love me too~

Tord steps pass Tom, not even batting him and eye.

What do you say my dear angel?
Will you accept my song from a fallen one?~

Tom turns around to find Tord on one knee in front of his best friend, Edd. Like a king who bows to only his queen.

Edd drops his ice cream to cover his mouth, tears welling in his eyes of pure happiness.

"Yes!" He falls to his knees and give Tord a hug in acceptance to his proposal for a relationship with him.

Matt claps along with everyone who watched the scene. All of them supportive and happy for them.

The man in a blue hoodie even claps to cover up the pain within his heart.

He kept telling himself that everything's okay.

That their love was impossible anyways.

~+Next Day: Morning+~

Tom woke up with a groan,'Yeah, defiantly drank too much if my hangover feels like fucking shit.' He thought to himself as he slowly sat up on the bed. Looking around, he find he's in his bedroom.

He looks at his bed to find it's just him. 'Did someone pick me up from the bar last night?' Some pain washes over his brain, "Okay, get the painkillers first and some water."

Tom gets off his bed, exiting the room to the hallway. He goes down the hall for the bathroom, steps shakey but he manages by keeping his hand along the wall. Opening the mirror cabinet he pulls out the painkillers and takes one of the small paper cups. The blue man takes the pills dry and washes them down with water from the sink.

"That's better."

"Oh, morning Tom."

The brunet turns around to see Matt smiling at him. He looks all dressed up all ready for today.

"Morning Matt... Did one of you guys pick me up from the bar?" Tom asks trying to piece together what happened last night that resulted in having him home instead of somewhere where he could have gotten laid like he intended.

Matt thinks for a moment to recall what happened last night. "Yeah, Edd got worried about you after you left for the bar. You didn't say a word when you left so he was pretty concerned about it. After our third movie, he had Tord go check up on you." He tells his blue wearing friend.

"What happened after that?" He asked to get further information.

"Well, Tord came back looking pretty roughed up. He had a few scratches and bruises on his face you know. In the end he just gave you to me saying to take your make up off and put you to bed." Matt simply looks at Tom curious. "You don't remember any of it?"

"I blacked out, must have drank too much." He groans as he holds his head again. Tom looks to Matt, "Mind helping me downstairs?"

"No problem." Matt generously helped Tom out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

Edd, having been sitting on the couch with his boyfriend hears their steps and look back to them. "Tom!" He gets up from his seat to check on the man. "Are you okay?! Tord told me you were getting molested by some pervert at the bar!" His tone worried.

"Huh? I was getting molested?" Tom raised a brow not understanding what Edd was talking about.

Tord got up from his seat with a grunt and joins the conversation. "Apparently when I came to pick you up from the bar, there was this guy getting really handsy with you. I managed to punch him away before he could even kiss your drunken ass." He crosses his arms as he has a look of indifference on his face.

Tom clicks his tongue, "You should have just left me alone Commie. Drunk me was about to get us a good lay." He moves off of Matt to go to the kitchen to get some food.

"Wait, Tom! What do you mean?" Edd said confused and concerned as he follows him into the kitchen.

"What else would I mean Edd, I practically wanted a good fuck last night so I went out and got drunk to do it." Tom was followed in the kitchen by his three roommates. "I'm not picky with prey at the bar."

"Tom, I don't think that's something you should do." Edd advises with internal worry for his friend. He knows Tom drinks and gets drunk, but he's never heard of this before. He wonders how long Tom's been doing this.

Tom would rolled his eyes even if they couldn't tell. "It's not like I do it all the time Edd. It's only when I really want to forget something bothering me that day. Yesterday happened to be one of them." He takes a seat, taking a piece of toast from the plate in the center of the table.

"I doubt you could be the predator and the person who touch you last night a prey. You can hardly get anyone with your looks." Making eye contact with Tord who has a dead set glare at him. Tom assumes he's probably annoyed by having to pick him up last night from the bar. He could tell Matt was also right about last night seeing as Tord had a few extra bandages on his face.

Edd looks at his boyfriend with a scolding look. "Tord, don't be rude." His boyfriend huffs as he doesn't break his glaring contest with Tom.

"I'll have you know I can get anyone while I'm drunk."

"Pfft, yeah right." Tord wasn't going to believe the stupid bullshit. Not for one second is he going to believe this Jehovah's Witness.

Tom stand up from his seat, hands slammed on the table, with an angered expression settled on his face. "Try me fucking Commie!"

"No thanks, I got a beloved boyfriend already." Tord brings a smug smirk on his face Tom wishes he could wipe off his face with a good punch. Too bad Edd and Matt are here.

"Ugh! I'm going to my room!" Tom finally having enough of the conversation storms pass the trio to head to his room. Matt following after him quickly with pleading words for him to wait.

Edd turns to his boyfriend still holding his scolding expression. "Tord."

Said male kisses his boyfriend's cheek. "Relax Edd, Tom's just moody since he's on his man period."

"Don't think your kisses will make it up to me Tord. I'm still mad you made Tom feel like no one will love him." Edd pulls himself away from Tord and leaves the kitchen to run outside. The Norwegian man coughs before following after his boyfriend to apologize to him.

Meanwhile, Tom locks himself in his room with Matt. He wouldn't let anyone else in to interrupt the peace and safety he felt inside his room.


He looks to Matt who bares a worried expression on his face. Tom tries to smile, but all Matt could see was hurt. "I'm fine Matt. How about I draw some stuff while you can look at my other creations in the mean time."

Matt not wanting to make his friend any sadder goes along with his suggestion. The two of them set up the room like they usually do when they spend time together. The ginger would sit in the blue bean bag chair, looking through new and old sketches Tom has done.

The brunet, on the other hand, would sit on his bed sketching other things that would come into his mind. Sometime his drawings would be his friends, small cartoony drawings, and rarely a picture of the one who stole his heart. Of course Tom would never draw his face in and correct hairstyle to keep the person a mystery if anyone were to stumble upon it.

This time, Tom drew Matt while he looked through his recent sketches. Drawing always soothes him, gives him something else to do rather than being bored or getting himself drunk.

After an hour passed, Tom feels better. Matt sets down the last sketchbook from the pile he pulled out from the closet. He gets up from his seat to search through the closet for more pieces to look at.

Peeking in, he looks for a sketch pad that may catch his interest. A red one standing out from the rest comes to his attention. He reaches for it and grabs to take out.

He goes back to his seat and opens the sketch pad happily. The sketches are done beautifully, but Matt notices how sad they appear.

Faceless people by each page, one in particular is sad while the other doesn't seem to care. When he gets to one page, it shows the one who doesn't care holding a colored heart of blue.

'You stole my heart...' The words said next to the faceless man in beautiful, neat cursive writing.

Matt turns the page and the heart the man was holding is on the ground with a webbed crack while he has his back to it as if to walk away.

'But I know you'll never love me back'

Matt look up from the sketch book to look at Tom. The blue hoodie wearing male had stopped drawing to play Susan. Fingers brushing against her strings with a sad expression on his face.


"Yes Matt?" His eyes not leaving his bass.

Matt smiles a bit, "Can you sing something?" He thought that Tom might feel better after sing his feeling right now. He's heard it a few times before and Tom alway seems happy after doing so.

"I guess." Tom strums a few cords to warm up. Then his fingers started to actually play notes making Matt smile even more.

Wise men say, only fools rush in~
But I can't help falling in love with you~

Tom plays the cords beautifully as Matt sways to the tune. Unknown to them that Edd and Tord were coming their way.

Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you?

The couple comes to the door hearing Tom's song. Edd has a small smile of his face, he's happy to hear him sing, but the sad tune is downing. He actually thinks Tom's heartbroken because of those two verses sung. 'Did something happen to Tom involving his love life?' He thought to himself.

Like a river flows~
Surely to the sea~
Darling, so we go
Some things were meant to be~

Tom remembers the memory of Tord asking Edd to be his boyfriend clearly as he sang those lyrics. He feels like his heartstrings are being played with while he's trying to hold in the urge to cry.

Take my hand, take my whole life too~
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you~

Tord finds himself curious too. He's never witnessed or heard of Tom in this kind of state before.

Like a river flows~
Surely to the sea~
Darling, so we go
Some things were meant to be~

Take my hand, take my whole life too
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you~
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you~

Tom plays the last refrain a couple of times and ends on a nice yet sad note.

But I can't help falling in love with you~

He looks to Matt to see his red sketchbook. "Matt, I told you not to touch my different color sketchpads, only the blue ones."

"I already looked through those, I thought I could just peek into this one for a bit before I put it back." Matt looks at him like a little kid being caught red handed. He held up the book to show Tom the one page making the other's eyes widen. "Is this what caused you to be mad when Tord was being mean to you earlier?"

Tom didn't answer for a full minute. He looks away from the sketch, "Everyone may think the emotion of love is wonderful... but to me it's dangerous."

"Did someone break your heart Tom?"

The brunet hums and said, "It was stolen, later broken. It's fine though, they didn't know I love them. They found someone, the person they love the most, but I support them."

Tom sets his bass aside and lays back on his bed on his stomach. He watches Matt go through his red sketchbook more with a downcast look. "I'm a freak anyways... Who would love someone with black eyes like mine?" He unconsciously rests his fingertips on the skin under his left eye.

"Tom, I'm sure they're someone better out there for you." Matt says to try and cheer his friend up.

Tom chuckles emotionlessly, "I wish that were true."

It was silent for a moment. Matt didn't say anything as he quietly continues going through his private red sketch pad. The couple just outside the door unsure if they should come in to the room now.

"Hey Matt."

The ginger looks up from the sketch of the faceless love interest. "Yes?"

Tom rolls onto his back to look at his white ceiling.

"I'm thinking of moving back into apartment."

Edd mouth hangs open when he hears those words leave his friend's mouth. He turns to look at his boyfriend who looks frozen to his spot.

Tord looks blankly at the door in front of him. 'Tom's thinking of leaving...' The single thought ran through his mind, over and over again.

"What?! But Tom, we like you living here with all of us!" Matt says as he stands from his seat, dropping the sketchbook in the process. "You can't leave." His eyes going teary.

Tom sits up on his bed, and stands up to stand in front of Matt. "Matt, listen to me very closely, alright?"

The ginger stays silent so Tom could continue to state his reason.

"I have enough problems staying here that you and Edd don't know about. For my sake and for you two, I need to leave."


Tom, out of character, hugs the tall male tightly. "I need to disappear for awhile."

"Give me one good reason why. If you can do that then I'll keep my lips sealed about why you're leaving us." Matt said firmly. He didn't want to lose his friend and a person who he treats like a brother.

Tom let's Matt go to backs away from him.

On the other side of the door, Edd and Tord can only hear shuffling for a moment before hearing a gasp from Matt.

"Now will you let me go?"


"Matt, please."

"I... Alright Tom... Your secret is safe with me."


Okay, okay, another update ^^

This makes up for not posting a new chapter for We're Family. I'll be posting another chapter in a few seconds to add to the make up of my reason.

I want to warn all of you that my Hanahaki Au is a bit different from the usual norm of the created original Au.

See all next time!

Also, those who send Fanart, please add your signature to the art so I don't have to write the credit down below unless you want to remain anonymous. Finally, label if you email or tag me on Instagram which Fanart is which for certain stories.

Thanks! Now to the cute Fanart for today!


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