
After running out of the club, I went straight back to the bus, since I had no where else to go and didn't want to worry Liam.

As soon as I got back to the bus, I decided on taking the empty bunk above Zayn's. I climbed in, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out and asleep.

Liam's POV
"I trusted you." I furrowed my eyebrows, my fists still clenched. Louis really pushed his limits this time. First, he went and secretly dated my sister behind my back. Now, he cheated on her with another girl.

"Liam-" Louis started to say, but cut himself off. He was speechless, of course.

I shook my head, my jaw clenched tightly. "Just don't."

I knew I couldn't hit Louis in a public place like this. Not with everyone in the club watching us intently.

So, I spun on my heel and walked out of the club. By the door, Paul stopped me. "Liam, what's happening?"

"Nothing, nothing." I said through gritted teeth. "I'm going back to the bus and finding Avery."

"I'll get the rest." Paul said, and I nodded before walking out of the club and around the building, towards the bus.

When I got back on the bus, I didn't see Avery anywhere. But when I checked each of the beds, I saw her fast asleep on the bunk above Zayn's.

I sighed, closing the small curtain to the bunk. I hated Louis for what he did to my sister. I'm her older brother; and part of an older brother's duty, is protecting his younger sister. This was exactly the reason why I didn't want Louis, or any of the guys, to date Avery.

I heard the bus door swing open, and all of the guys, and Danielle, piled into the bus. Louis kept his head down, refusing to look at anyone; especially me.

Danielle walked over to me and sat down, a sad expression clear on her face. "I feel so bad for her. After finally getting to know her, I feel like she's a little sister to me, too."

I nodded understandingly as I took Dani's hand in mine. "Louis will get what's coming to him." I spoke, letting out a long sigh afterwards. Louis peeked back at Danielle and I, and I knew he heard what I said. Hm, good.

"I doubt she's going to want to be with us on the rest of the tour." Danielle sighed as well, looking over towards the bunks.

"I don't blame her, love." I shook my head, looking down at my lap. Truly, I did think that Avery coming on tour with all of us would be an excellent plan. Well, it was excellent. Until Louis decided to be a cheating arse.

"If she decides to fly back to London, I think I'm going to go with her." Danielle said, and my head shot up from my lap. "Let's be honest, Liam. She's going to really need a friend."

Danielle's words sunk in, and I sighed yet again, nodding in agreement. Avery was definitely going to need support from a friend, and I'm pretty sure Danielle was fit for that job.


Avery's POV
The next morning, I woke up and instantly had a headache. God damn, hangovers, I swear. Never drink, kids.

The thoughts of last night's events came back to me, causing my head to pound even harder. I let out a quiet groan, getting off the top bunk, my feet landing on the floor of the bus.

When I walked into the lounging area, I saw that Danielle and Liam were already awake. They were sitting on the sofa, watching some show on the small TV.

They both heard me come into the area, and their heads turned to face me. "How're you feeling?" Liam asked sadly. I walked over, plopping down next to my brother.

"Shitty. And hungover." I replied, looking dead ahead of me. Liam's arm moved so it was around my shoulder comfortingly, and I let out a sad sigh.

"9:30 in the morning and I'm already a mess." I looked down at my lap, feeling my eyes water up.

"Don't worry about that dickhead, love. He doesn't deserve you." Danielle spoke up, giving me a sympathetic look.

I didn't know what I was supposed to say to Danielle's response, so I just stayed quiet. The last thing I wanted to do was say something that I would've ended up regretting.

We heard a shifting noise from the bunk area, and a muffled tired groan. Then, a tired Louis appeared in the lounging area, not expecting to see me sitting on the couch.

"Avery.." Louis said quietly, as his voice was groggy from just waking up. I made eye contact for one second, and noticed his features. His eyes were red and puffy, along with his cheeks. His hair was an absolutely disheveled mess. He looked like he hasn't slept in days, regardless of the fact that he just woke up.

"Leave her alone, Louis." Liam snapped, pulling me closer in my seat.

"Can we please talk?" Louis asked, completely ignoring Liam's remark. Me, being the stubborn shit I am, kept my mouth shut, avoiding Louis' eye contact.

Now it was Liam's turn to be standing. He made his way over to Louis, standing in front of him. "Leave her alone." He repeated. "You have some nerve to come out here and beg to have a conversation with her."

"Liam, you don't understand. It was a mista-" Louis started saying, but was cut off by a now pissed off Liam. "If it was such a mistake, then why the hell did you do it?" His voice started to raise.

I could tell in Louis' face that there was something he was hiding; some sort of guilt or regret. Or maybe embarrassment.

Louis fell silent for a few moments, until he muttered, "You don't understand."

"No, I understand completely. You went and had sex with another girl while drunk, and broke my little sister's heart into a million pieces. Don't have to explain the story to me twice." Liam snapped, his fists clenching.

"Would you two stop it?!" I stood up, taking both of the guys off-guard.

Liam looked over at me, a questioning look on his face. "Stop what?"

"Stop fighting over me. Stop trying to decide what's best for me. I'm a big girl, I'm 19 years old, and I am pretty damn sure that I can handle myself." My voice started to rise. "Yes, Louis shattered my fucking heart into billions of pieces. But guess what? I'll get the hell over it and find someone who will love me instead of play me."

A look of pain spread across Louis' face at my last remark, but I didn't care. Not right now, at least.

The others guys came out of their bunks, wondering what the hell was going on out in the lounging area. Once they saw Liam, Louis, and I, they didn't have to say a word. They only watched.

"But Avery.." Louis said quietly, taking a step towards me. That only resulted in me taking a small step backwards. "Don't." I said.

I spun around, walking off the tour bus. There was no way in hell I was dealing with more arguing today. The boys were shouting my name, but I didn't turn back. I even heard Louis shout something, but I wasn't quite sure what.

Thank god the boys had a day off today.

Vote for Chapter 28.

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