Chapter 5

A month past. Alec is closed to 3 months for his pregnancy. Magnus tried to help around at the house but his work caught up to him. Luckily for him, Alec understands his job and never complaints but he felt guilty for leaving Alec stayed for him if he get home late at night. He told Alec so many times not to stayed up for him but they end up arguing. He knows how emotional Alec got since he got pregnant but he cant helped from being a jerk sometimes. He went home from work one night and soon as he entered his home the twins ran up to him. He was exhausted as hell but seeing the twins excited to see him home made him forget all the stress he had at work. "Daddy!" Both twins hugged his legs and he kissed them both. "Why aren't you guys in bed yet? Its late." It was late and its almost 11pm, he wonders why Alec didn't put them down. "Where's papa?" He looked around the house but didn't see Alec. "Papa in bed all day, he's sick. Aunty Izzy told us to stay quiet." Magnus looked at the twins before he stood up. Alec is sick, he got worried hearing that but glad Izzy keep him company but why he didn't call him. "guys go upstairs now and get ready for bed, I'm coming later to check on you okay. Let me see papa first." They both groaned but Magnus gave a look caused them to rushed to their bedroom in a split second. Magnus hanged his coat in the closet before headed upstairs. He opened his bedroom door and saw Alec lying on bed with his back facing the door. Magnus walked up and sat beside Alec causing the bed to moves and Alec stirred from his sleep. "Izzy, I told you go home, Magnus will be home soon. Don't worry." Alec still didn't opened his eyes and he didn't know that Magnus was beside him. He sniffed and hugged his body. His face is pale and his forehead is wet with sweats. Magnus ran his finger through his hair and pushed it back from his forehead. Then Alec coughed out and Magnus heard how his throat crackled. He clenched his stomach from his cough. He sat up and grabbed his stomach wincing in pain only to realized his husband was there next to him all the time. "Mags." His voice croaked and Magnus rubbed his cheek with his finger. "Why didn't you call me? If I knew you got sick I would come home soon." Alec lay back in bed resting his head on his arm folded under his head. He sniffed again and Magnus stroked his arm up and down. "Have you eaten already? Where's the twins?" Alec asked, even though he didn't ate the whole day but he's concerned more on Magnus well being. Magnus smiled when Alec always put other's before him. "They made a mess in the living room, I scared them so they could go to sleep. Speaking of which I need to go and check on them. I'll be back soon and I'm all yours till the weekend okay babe?" Magnus leaned and kiss Alec on his forehead and he felt how his skin is warm when his lips touched. Alec only able to nod and let Magnus handle the twins.

Magnus entered the twins room and saw them jumping on bed with no clothes on. He gasped and felt like want to spank them both on the bum but he control himself. "Guys I told you to dress for bed! Why didn't you listen?" They stopped jumping and come down. Magnus opened the drawer and got their pajamas out. They both went to him and Magnus applied the PJs on them. Max want to put on himself because he felt his older. Sophie on the other hand still running around the room letting Magnus catches her. "Soph come on, daddy tired to play." Sophie pouted in disappointment and went to him letting him put on their clothes. He helped Max to put on the pants cause it was backwards. Then he lift them up the bed and get them under the blankets. "Guys, behave okay. Papa is not well. He need to rest. He can't do it if you guys are noisy." Max looked at Sophie and they know how loud they can get. They nodded and Magnus kiss Max on the forehead before turning to Sophia. "Daddy." Sophie asked him cutely making him smile. "Yes sweet pea." Magnus pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Can you take us to see fish?" Magnus crooked his eyebrow upon her weird request. "You mean you want to go the aquaria to see fish?" Sophie nodded and giggled. "We'll ask papa if he is well enough okay?" She pouted but then smile cause she knows Magnus will gave her what she wanted. He kissed her on the forehead and went to the door. He stands before the door and looked at them, holding the switch for the night lamp on his finger, "On or off?" They both said on at the same time and Magnus held the door opener, "open or close?" They both answered open and Magnus leave it opened so the light from the hallway could shine upon the door. Its easy for the twins to go to the bathroom at night if the hallways light were on and the door is open. Then he went back to his room.

He saw Alec is still sleeping so he decide to take shower first. After he's done he stood by the bed and drying his hair with a towel in his hand. He put on his sweatpants but no shirts on. He climbed the bed and pull Alec on his chest and noticed Alec was shivering cold. His body felt hotter than before. His teeth is chattering and his lips are sickly pale and white. He didn't opened his eyes when Magnus hold him. "alexander you're having a fever, lets get you out from this clothes." Alec's shake his head and his hands kept trembling. "N-N-No, its too c-cold. Let me sleep, I'll be fine tomorrow" His words chatter with his teeth. "No. I won't let you sleep like this. Get up." He knows how ridiculous his demand were and Alec wont listen to him so he grabbed Alec's shirt and pulled it above his head. Alec groaned and he hugged his own body from the shivering. Magnus throw the shirt in their dirty hamper and went to the bathroom. He grabbed few towels with him. He took the basin from under the cabinet mainly used for soaking feet and Magnus filled it up with water same temperature as the room, not too hot or too cold either. He bring it to Alec's side and start to soaked the towel in. He start to wet Alec's hair making the pillow soaked under his head. Alec groaned in his voice hating the water being too cold. He kept on removing Magnus' hand away to stopped him but Magnus get more irritated. "Alexander its either this or I will throw you in the bath tub. You are worst than the twins when they got sick" Magnus was right cause when the twins were sick he got both Alec and himself for help but now he's all alone. Alec stop fighting him for a while and eventually fell asleep with soaking bed. Magnus felt exhausted after and end up fell asleep by Alec's side.

Alec woke up that morning on Magnus chest. He felt better than last night and somehow hungrier. He looked up to see Magnus tired face and he remembers how his husband took care of him last night. He slowly get up and get off from bed not wanting to wake Magnus up before headed to the bathroom. After he showered he put on his clothes, simple shirt and pants then he went downstairs to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out eggs carton and bacon. He whipped the eggs into the bowl and poured them on the pan. He stirred and fried them before putting the bacon into the other pan next to it. He grabbed an apple from the counter and bite them to relieve his hunger before he could eat his meal. Somehow the apple taste weird and he hated the feeling of making him sick. He checked the apple in his hand inspecting it thought it might be rotten but the apple is fresh and new. He tried to take another bite since maybe the first bite was the first thing he had since yesterday. But the apple still taste the same and he end up spat out the remaining in his mouth into the garbage can. He put down the apple and went back to the eggs and bacon. He was lost in his thought went he felt suddenly an arm grabbing his tummy hugging him from behind. He felt his husband's warm embrace rubbing his hand on his tummy. His tummy might not be big but its soothing when Magnus rubs it. Magnus rested his chin on Alec's shoulder and kissed it softly. "Good morning angel. How are you feeling?" Alec smiled holding Magnus hand on his tummy while the other hand flipping the bacon. "Better, thank you." Alec looked over his shoulder to gazed upon his husband's eyes. Magnus' leaned and kissed his cheek. "Don't do that again next time. Call me if anything and I mean if anything. I might be caught up at work but there is nothing more important than my family. understood." Alec nodded and looked deep in Magnus eyes. Magnus leaned again and kissed him on the lips. His soft pink lips matches with Alec pale one. He would never felt sweeter other than his husband's lips. Alec pulls back and finished cooking but Magnus didn't let him go. He kept holding him and rested his head on Alec's back watching him cook. Alec put the omelette on a plate and the bacon on each plate. He placed the plate down and turned off the stove. He felt Magnus rubbing his tummy and his hands went way lower than it should. He grabbed Magnus' hand before he could go any further. "Mags, they will come down soon. You won't be able to hide." Alec snapped him from his wet dream of ravishing Alec in the kitchen. He groaned and rested his forehead on Alec's shoulder and let go of his embrace. Alec felt sudden chills and regret when Magnus let him go but then he turned around and grabbed Magnus by his arm spun him back and crashed their lips together. Their kiss is much rougher than earlier but Magnus pulls back to breath. "I though you said -" before he could finished his words Alec crashed their lips again. Magnus smiled knowing Alec could never resist him but he was right, the twins will come down soon and from what he felt, they would never have time to cover it up. So he gave Alec one last heated kiss before pull himself back from kissing Alec. Alec looked at Magnus who now smirking at him since he was the one who pushed earlier then he rolled his eyeballs at him and nodded. "Yeah, yeah I know, the twins." Magnus crooked his eyebrow and stares at Alec, "Did you just rolled your eyes at me?" Alec looked back into Magnus' brown eyes and felt sudden kink between them, "Maayybe." He dragged his words longer and earning Magnus another look. "You know you will be punished for that later Mr Lightwood-Bane." Alec smiled hearing those words. He and Magnus never had a chance to fool around anymore since after the twins. "Oh I'm looking forward for it Mr Bane. But -" he stopped himself and looked down while rubbing his lower tummy. "Don't get so rough." Alec looked up and saw Magnus looking at his tummy, Magnus kneeled down and lifted Alec shirts up exposing his tummy. His kissed it and earning a moan from Alec. He looked up and saw Alec tilted his head back shutting his eyes. He was enjoying the view of his omega melting pleasure by his touch. "Daddy won't hurt you, not even your papa. But he is being so naughty these days and refused to listen to daddy." Alec chuckled and look back down grabbing Magnus' head cupping his both cheek. Magnus stood up and kissed Alec again on his lips. It was a soft peck and after Magnus turned around pouring himself a cup of coffee. Alec tried to grabbed the coffee from Magnus hand but he pulled it away. "Na-ah, no coffee for you. Drink your milk." Alec pouted and looked at his milk untouched on the table. He saw Magnus sipped on his cup while reading on his newspaper when he crashed his lips on Magnus again but Magnus didn't realized Alec would do that so the coffee went inside Alec's mouth instead he swallowed it. He coughed out in shock Alec behave like that. "Alexander. What has got into you?" He wiped his mouth with a napkin by the counter and saw Alec grinning licking his lips by the taste of the coffee. "You didn't let me so I had a taste from your mouth. Its sweeter than any coffee ever." Magnus doesn't know how to react whether he should be mad or he should be turned on right now by Alec sudden movement. "Plus you allow me to have my coffee when I had the twins so why not now?" Alec looked back at Magnus who still holding his cup of coffee looking weirdly at Alec. "That's when I realized you can't sleep when the twins won't stop moving all night and you whined at me for not being able to sleep the whole night." Alec smirked and remember that moment. "Plus Alec its not good for the baby. Study shows that it could lead to birth defect and miscarriage." Alec noticed how Magnus' voice changed and he hugged his husband back. "I'm sorry. I wont do that again. I'll listen to you." He pulled back and Magnus smiled at him nodding. He peck Alec's lips and Alec turned to the table. He took the plate from the stove and placed it on the table. Magnus grabbed the plate and took the fork and knife for him and Alec. He handed to Alec first before he had his breakfast. They sat next to each other, Magnus reading the newspaper while Alec on his iPad reading on some stories. 

They heard the twins rumbled downstairs and Magnus jumped from the chair and hide behind the wall of the kitchen. Alec smiled at his husband behaving like a 5 year old. Then he saw Max and Sophie entering the kitchen and looked at Alec. "Where's daddy?" Max asked. "Ouch that hurt. No good morning to papa straight looking for daddy huh." Alec rolled his eyes again and saw Magnus laughed holding his mouth trying to be quiet. They both entered the kitchen when Magnus startled them both with a growled and both Max and Sophie jumped and screamed. "Daddy! Don't do that! You scared us" Sophia punched him on his shoulder and Magnus pretend it hurt him more than it should. But then the twins hugged him and he carried them to their chair and they both sat in front of Alec. "What do you guys want for breakfast? cereal?" Max and Sophie both yelled yes and Max yelled fruit loops while Sophie clapped her hands in joy. Magnus poured the cereal with milk on each bowl and handed to them. They ate like they haven't ate in days. Alec stares at them while continued back on his breakfast. He munched on the bacon and grabbed another bacon from Magnus' plate. "Hey that's mine." Magnus stares at him before he could say anything Alec ate the whole bacon and smiled back. "Easy on the bacon hun. Its greasy and oily. Its not goo-" Magnus was interrupted again by Alec, "It's not good for the baby, I know! God as if I couldn't eat anything in this house anymore." He sighed and continued reading on his iPad. "That's not true, you can eat the grape, the salad, the eggs, ohh, the apple." He hold up the apple on Alec's face. Alec took the apple and put it back before he shot a glare at his husband's face. "I don't want apple, it tasted weird and I almost vomit this morning." Magnus crooked his eyebrow and took back the apple from the bowl and bite it down. "It taste the same to me. Here -" he gave Alec the apple and Alec shake his head and pushed back Magnus hand away. "Daddy, papa don't fight please." Sophie sudden spoke made Alec and Magnus realized how childish they're acting. "No sweetie, we're not fighting. We're just talking okay?" Alec said while Magnus rubbed his shoulder. "Papa." Sophie spoke again. "Yes sweetheart." Alec looked at his 4 years old playing with her spoon. "are you feeling better?" Alec smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah Soph, much better. Nothing to worry about." "Well, if you are okay, can we go see the fish?" Alec looked up from his iPad and looked at Sophie with a weird face. "Fish? You mean like in Taki's or the fish market?" Alec is really confused when Sophie asked him that and they all laughed at Alec, especially Magnus. "Babe she meant the aquaria." He still laughing at Alec and Alec couldn't help but chuckled himself. "You want to see the fish like in the TV? Sure hun. I think we can plan it today if daddy isn't busy with work." Alec looked at Magnus and then they looked back at the twins. They swore they could see the twins looked at Magnus like they wanted his kidney. Then suddenly Magnus raised both of his hands up and yelled, "Lets go to the aquaria!" They all yelled in the kitchen and the twins run upstairs to changed. Alec smiled at their behavior and his husband. 

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