Chapter 25
Alec woke up that morning feeling empty. He look around but Magnus wasn't there. He fell back on his bed feeling disappointed. Then he heard a clicked sound from the bathroom and Magnus appeared wiping his hand. He smiled looking at Alec already up.
"I thought you left me." Alec pouted. Magnus loves how Alec being clingy and sometimes emotional especially during his pregnancy. He climbed the bed and kiss him on the lips. "I will never leave you Alexander, not like this." Alec smiled and pulled him for another kiss. Magnus felt Alec's tummy kicking him as he was kissing Alec. He smiled and shifted his body down. He kissed Alec's belly and rubbed it softly. "Good morning darling, daddy loves you." Alec smiled looking down at him. Then he noticed, daddy? His kids, his family. He suddenly sat up pushing Magnus back. "Magnus, the kids. We spend whole night here."
"Relax Alexander, when you fall asleep yesterday I called them and let them know everything is okay. They all want to come today but I told them to stay at the house since I'm bringing you home." Alec nodded sighing in relieved. They engaged in a conversation when suddenly Dr Ranver making her rounds. "Morning guys. How are you feeling Alec?"
Alec nodded and rubbed his belly. "Can I go home today?" She sighed clicking her tongue while checking his files. She pulled out his monitoring strip for his contraction and smiled. "Well I guess the medication is working, no more contraction for the past 6 hours. You vitals are improving, so does the little guy. I supposed you can be released today under one condition." She closed the file and handed it to the nurse. she came closer to Alec and Magnus and took her seat on the side of the bed.
"Alec, you are 6 months pregnant. The baby might developed enough but not strong enough to be delivered into this world that early. Please I'm begging you take good care of yourself, no stress, no heavy lifting, no long distance travels. Anything could happen since your body is too fragile to begin with. You have a great family to take care of you. Sometimes its just something you couldn't resist but to accept help from others. I know how you like to do things on your own but sometimes you need to slow things down a bit." Magnus looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a look of 'I told you so'. Alec huffed and rolled his eyes at him before nodding to everything Dr Ranver had to say.
"I promised, I'll take it easy." Dr Ranver smiled before leaving the room shaking hands with Magnus. Alec looked at his husband as their hands tangled with each other. "I'm not gonna ignored the fact that you just rolled your eyes at me." Alec smiled gritting his teeth in innocent way.
"I'm sorry daddy." Magnus raised himself and sat on the bed rubbing Alec swollen belly, its the perfect size, not so small and yet not so big. "I'm thinking about your punishment. I can't decide how I will punished you." Alec raised his eyebrow and tried to hide his smirk.
"How about make love to me. I miss you." Magnus smiled ear to ear showing his perfect teeth. He kissed Alec deep in a passionate kiss, but stop himself realizing where they are at the moment. "Alexander, we can't right here." Alec pulled back and frowned. "And you think back home is better? Its like a zoo there." Magnus chuckled but Alec frowned still crossing his arm to his chest. "I love how you pout Alexander, you wonder where Sophie get those from. I can't not just because the place, I don't want to hurt you. After what happened, we need to slow down."
Alec sighed and rubbed Magnus cheek with his finger. "I know, I'm sorry. I want to go home and rest. I miss the twins anyway." Magnus smiled and kiss him some more, "I'll get the discharged settle then we go home okay." Alec nodded and lay back on bed waiting for his husband.
As Alec and Magnus entered the house, he was greeted with everyone there. "Alec are you okay? Oh my god I was so worried for you." Izzy hugged and followed by Maryse and the rest of the family. "I'm fine, just tired and hungry a bit." Izzy smacked Magnus arm and he winced in pain gripping his arm. "What the hell was that for?"
"You couldn't at least feed him before you got home." Alec chuckled and he kissed his husband cheek to cool him down. "Relax Izz, he didn't know I'm hungry plus I really want mum's lasagna." Magnus smiled taking Alec's coat off. "I'll start cooking then, Clary would you help me please." Clary nodded before headed to the kitchen followed by Maryse.
"Papa!" The sweetest voice Alec miss even though its only for over the night. He saw Max and Sophie running down the stairs and hugged Alec. Alec covered his bump with his arm and released when the twins hugged him. "Papa, don't leave us again please." Max and Sophie clinging Alec's leg. "I know babies, I'm so sorry okay. I'm here now." Alec tried to kneel down but Magnus just scooped him up and carried him in his arm making Alec gasped in surprised. "Sorry you guys, papa is mine and no one to disturbed him. Bed rest. Doctors orders." They all laughed at Magnus behavior trying to escape Alec from everyone.
"Magnus put me down, I'm heavy." Magnus looked at Alec whose still in his arm. "I will carry you to rest of my life Alexander. You were never heavy nor you will ever be." He kissed Alec as he placed him on the bed softly. He put Alec's leg under the comforter and placed the pillow neatly for him to lie down.
He sat beside Alec and stroke his hair back behind his ear. Alec smiled and leaned his head on Magnus palm. They were gazing each other when suddenly the twins barged in the room and jumped on the bed.
"Papa is baby okay?" Max asked with his cute eyes. Sophia was on his other side looking at him with the same questioning look. "Baby is fine, wanna see." Alec pulled up his shirt exposing his stomach. Max and Sophia touched his belly and it moves around. Max and Sophie giggled upon the touch while Magnus and Alec chuckled at their behavior. "Its like a fish." Sophie squealed and Alec couldn't help and laughed.
Suddenly Max rested his cheek on Alec's belly and kissed it softly. "Thank you for taking care of papa." Alec looked at Magnus and his gaze turned to Max. He rubbed Max's back and stroked his hair. "Promised me you will look after little brother if I'm not around." Max looked up and Magnus stared at Alec. "Alexander, don't say that to him." Alec looked at Max and tears start to falls on his face. Sophie saw Max cried and she dwelled in tears, "Papa don't leave us again. Take me with you." Sophie stood and hugged Alec's while Max hugged on the other side. Magnus stared at him with an angry look. Alec saw and realized what he just did, he mouthed sorry to him and rubbed the twins back.
"Guys thats not what I meant, I'm sorry babies please don't cry. I meant was if I went to work or when I'm not at home, would you take care of him?" Max and Sophie looked up and nodded. Alec brushed his finger on their cheek to wipe the tears away. "Now go play with Stephen and Anna, I need to talk to daddy." They both nodded and kiss Alec on his cheek before leaving the room.
Magnus closed the door and leaned against it crossing his arm to his chest. Alec looked at his husband before he sighed. "I'm sorry, it came out wrong. I didn't meant to say that way." Magnus sighed rubbing his face before approaching the bed.
"Don't say that again, I'm not ready giving up on you yet." Alec stroke his cheek and pulled him for a kiss. Magnus rested his forehead on Alec's. "I love you Alexander." Alec opened his eyes and looked at Magnus' brown eyes. "I love you too Magnus."
I'm just delaying this story and I'm sorry, I really feel bad to finish this chapter but I have too. Hope you guys still enjoyed reading this, I know it sucks.
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