Chapter 22

It has been a week since the incident but yet Alec still remained unconscious. They worried if he awake soon the wound will reopen and his vitals weren't stable enough to hold the pregnancy. But yesterday Dr Ranver and Dr Carter told Magnus he's stable enough to removed the tube. It has been 24 hours since they removed it and Alec still hasn't wake up yet. Magnus knew it would take time but seeing Alec lying on bed like this kills him, plus he's there because of his fault.

No matter how many time Izzy told him it wasn't his fault but in his heart still telling it was. They found out the truth about what happened and the detective told him Camille didn't make it after she was shot. Turns out she is frustrated due to her past and couldn't let go of Magnus. The case was closed.

Max on the other hand was making a remarkable recovery and already started eating. The first thing he wanted was the cherry pie they promised. Sophia kept him company everyday and refused to go home. She slept with Alec almost every night for the past week. She refused to go and she kept talking to Alec making her own conversation even though he couldn't respond. She talk to her little brother and when she wants to leave Alec she will whisper something in his ears. She never told anyone what she said and not even Magnus.

Magnus couldn't go back to his home for the first three days after the incident. It was too heart breaking to see the blood all over the tiles and Maryse had someone to clean the house so he could enter but as soon as he did, he was an emotional wrecked. He cried every day when he entered his house thinking of the event. He managed to pull himself together after a week but the memory haunts him.

"Daddy?" Sudden small voice called out Magnus name brings him back to reality. He wiped his tears and turned his head to the side and saw Max walked in hand in hand with Sophie. He couldn't even figured out how on earth did his kids managed not to get lost in the big hospital. The whole pediatric ward loves them since Sophie was the center of attention. They won't mind babysit them plus Maryse come to hospital everyday and bring Sophia home to eat and dressed.

"Come here munchkin." He pull Sophie and Max on his lap but they pushed back and climbed the bed with help by Magnus and lay down beside Alec. Max joined her the other side. How he wished Alec would wake up and see how an angel their kids is.

"Papa, you have to open your eyes and see my new ribbon. Its pink!" She squealed. She held the ribbon on Alec chest but Alec didn't moved not an inch. She had a sudden disappointment on her face and she looked down fiddling with her dress. She then tie the ribbon on Alec's wrist and lie back down hiding her face in Alec's chest.

"Don't worry Soph, Dr Hale said, papa is sleeping cause baby need to sleep. He will wake up when baby is awake." Max comforting her but she continued hugging Alec's hiding her face. Magnus knew she was actually crying. "Papa, I miss you. Please wake up." Her soft voice spoke and Magnus felt tears running down his cheek. He wiped it immediately doesn't want the twins to see. He got up and kissed Alec on his lips before leaving the room.

Magnus leaned his back on the wall and sighed. His body is tired and he missed Alec. His smiled, his gaze when he stares at Magnus and the most was his voice. Magnus kept scrolling through his gallery in his phone just to listen to Alec's voice. His incredible laugh and when he's mad made Magnus love him even more. He was lost in his thought, he looked at his phone and the clock shown 6pm. The twins haven't eaten dinner yet and they have been stuffing themselves with a lot of junk food since everyone kept buying it for them. Even the lady at the hospital cafeteria couldn't escaped Sophia's charm gave her a bag of chocolate chip cookies. He went back inside Alec's room and the twins still talking to Alec and each other.

"Guys, what do you want for dinner?" Magnus asked as he sat on the edge of the bed. Sophie was sitting on Alec's leg and Max on the chair. Magnus wonder maybe he jumped there. He still has a bandage wrapped around his forehead but yesterday they opened them and had it dressed. "Daddy look, the baby is awake. Papa is gonna awake soon!" Sophie pointed at Alec's stomach when it move. The baby has been moving a lot lately and kicked it few times more especially when Magnus talking to him.

"I know sweetie, but papa still need rest. Max you need to go back to your room, Dr Hale will wonder where you are. Sophie let's go home." He tried to pull Sophie's hand but she yanked it off with an angry expression. "No! I'm staying with papa tonight!" She rebelled. Magnus sighed and sat back down on the bed. "Come on Soph, I'm tired, lets get some dinner and go home, we'll see papa tomorrow okay. I promise." He raised his pinky finger to Sophia but she turned her head the other way.

Just then Alec's hand move and a groan came out from his mouth. His eyebrow creased as he's trying to open his eyes. Magnus raised his body closer to Alec and cupped his cheek. "Alexander? Hey baby its me." Alec tried to open his eyes again but failed and he raised his hand to his throat.

"w-wa-water." He tried to voiced out but his voice cracked and only a heave sound heard. Magnus poured the water into a glass next to Alec's bed. Magnus raised his head with the remote control to prop him up. He bring the glass to Alec's dry lips and he drank it hungrily. He leaned his head after and opened his eyes for a better view. Then he saw Sophie on his legs, Max on his left side and Magnus on his right.

"Max." He called as he stroked his cheek and Max hugged him. His small hands wrapped Alec's neck. Alec cried and Sophie joined the hug. "Are you okay baby? I'm so sorry. Did it hurt? I'm sorry, please forgive me." He held Max tight in his arm and kissed both of them in the forehead. "Papa, I'm okay. I got a lot of candy and there's balloon, and a lot of toys! Dr Hale said I'm a warrior cause I survived!" He pulled from the hug with a cheer and so does Sophie.

"Papa, I'm sorry. I promise I take care of you. I won't fight you anymore." Sophie suddenly spoke made Alec surprised and for once he could see Sophie felt bad after seeing him in this condition. "I heard all of your words baby. I love you so much. Wait whats this?" He raised his arm and saw the ribbon she put it earlier. She chuckled cutely, "That's for you, a present." Alec smiled and then pulled Sophia into a hug and thanked her.

They both released from their hugged and she moved to his legs giving space to Magnus. "Magnus." He called but then their lips crashed together in one deep kiss. Max and Sophie smile at their parents instead of the usual response. "I'm so sorry Alexander, its all my fault." Magnus said as their forehead leaned to each other. He couldn't help to control his tears that flowed like a water. Alec wiped his tears away knowing how guilty Magnus feel right now. "Baby don't cry please. Its not your fault." Magnus just kept his silence cause after everything, he still put Alec in danger and he was lucky this time - again.

"How's the baby? Is everything okay?" Alec asked and put his hand on his belly rubbing it softly. Magnus went and placed his hand on top of Alec's tummy. "Everything is fine, he's a strong angel. Its over, everything is over." He smiled and Alec leaned to kiss him again which later joined by the twins. "Ohh my babies. I love you guys so much." He sighed and nothing feels better than to be together again after everything they had been through.

Magnus decided to order a pizza and they had dinner together. Alec moaned as he chewed and it taste heavenly since he hasn't ate in a week. His body only hydrated with fluids goes through his veins but his stomach is still craved for food. "babe stop that its killing me." Magnus chuckled but Alec smirked and kept continued teasing him. They had a short time since the visiting hour is over and Magnus insisted for Sophie to come home with him since she always refused to. But after Alec talked to her softly she agrees and warned Magnus to bring her as soon as the sun hits the sky.

After Magnus drops Max at his ward Alec managed to rest but suddenly felt alone in the room. He wanted to call Magnus but he doesn't want to worry him and he could see Magnus is tired and his face showed dark circles and eye bags which mean he has been crying a lot. So he just sighed and rest but then suddenly his room was opened and he saw Max coming in. "Max! What are you doing? Are you okay darling?" He asked as Max climbed the bed and rested his body on Alec's side.

"I have a nightmare. That lady come to hurt you and baby again." He sobs and Alec hugged him tight. "I'm sorry baby, I promised she won't come anymore okay". He nodded but then he falls asleep on Alec's chest. He stroke his back as his chest moves up and down. Suddenly a nurse came in wearing a colorful scrubs meaning she is from the pediatric ward. "I knew it. He always missing and this is the only place I could find him. How are you feeling Mr Lightwood?" She sound nice and he can see she actually cares about Max. "Its fine, I'm okay. Did you say he always escaped and come here?" She nodded before she smile. She pulled the chair and sat down, "I could take him back if you want, you need to rest anyway." She suggested but Alec shake his head and pull Max closer, "No, its fine. He had a nightmare and I wont leave him ever again." She nodded understood and excused herself out from the room. Soon Alec falls asleep holding Max in his embraced. 

A/N: I'm so sorry, I'm so exhausted and my brain is not working. I tried to write as best as I could and this is the best. I can't remember how many time I deleted and rewrite again. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it since it will be over soon. Thank you for all the vote and comment. Love you guys. 

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