Chapter 18

After Magnus finished cleaned up the kitchen with Maryse, they had a little chat between both of them and he turned to his watch, its nearly four hours since Alec took a nap. If he didn't wake him up he won't be able to sleep at night. So he excuse himself to go and checked on his family.

As he entered the room he saw Alec was already awake but the twins still asleep in his arms. "Baaabbbeeee." He whined. Magnus couldn't help but to snickered which anger Alec more.

"Stop laughing, get them off me, my back is killing me, plus I have to pee really bad." He whined again. Magnus came closer and pulls Max to a bit of his side and cradled Sophie in his arm. Alec immediately woke up but groaned in pain clutching his back. He got up as soon as he sat up but worst mistake cause he felt like a wave hit his face, he felt his knees weak and almost fell on the floor but luckily for Magnus who's till stood beside him holding sleeping Sophie in his arm, able to held Alec on other side and sat him back down on the bed.

"Babe, you're okay? Slow down you just got up." Alec still blinking his eyes away trying to ease off the dizziness. He took few deep breathes and when he felt a bit better he tried to get up again but only to stop by Magnus. "Na-ah wait there mister."

Magnus placed Sophie on the bed next to Max and went to Alec's side. He carefully lift him and helped him to the bathroom. He still wobbled but after sometime he managed to balanced himself. He waited for Alec to finish as he sat on the bed looking down to the twins. He caress Sophie's hair and Max's back thinking how he would go crazy if to lose either of them. He was so lost in his thought he didn't realized Alec was done and staring at him.

"What are you thinking so hard?" He asked and Magnus shake his head off turning to face him with a smile. "Come here." He patted his lap for Alec and he did. He sat on his lap wrapping his one arm around Magnus' neck while the other over his cheek. Magnus placed his arm around Alec's waist and the other rubbing his swollen belly.

"Penny for you thought?" Alec asked, he can actually see Magnus is worried of something but he never pushed him to open up. Whenever he is ready he would tell him. "Nothing for you to worry about, just things at work." Alec sighed as he knew Magnus is lying. "I will always worried. You are my life, the reason for my breathing. Its fine if you don't want to talk about it but I'm here if you need me. Don't forget that." Magnus nodded and kissed him softly. Just when they starts to enjoy the kiss Sophie and Max woke up from their sleep. Sophie was furious to see Alec on Magnus' lap and tried to push him off but Magnus hold Alec tight in his arm. "Papa! No! Daddy mine." She signed and pushed Alec's knees but her small body won't help to move a bit. Magnus and Alec smiled and they kept on clinging on each other teasing their kids. "No! Sophie, daddy mine." Magnus wrapped Alec in his arm tighter and pulled away from Sophie but they didn't realized Max was behind them.

Max appeared from behind Magnus and pulls Alec's neck and he falls down on the bed along with Magnus. Sophie was so happy and she climbed on top of Magnus' chest sucking her thumb. Max on the other hand got on Alec side and hide himself under Alec's armpit. They both laughed as their kids are really picky on each other.

"Lets go home and put you to our bed, you look tired." Magnus signed and Alec nodded. He admit this time his pregnancy wears him out but nothing he couldn't manage.

Few days past and Magnus was acting weird around his family. Alec felt how his husband became insecure and over protective which he loves him but at point where they couldn't leave the house irritates Alec's the most. He even argued with each other which end up Alec crying himself in the bathroom. Magnus wish he could tell Alec everything but in order to keep him safe, he can't.

On one particular evening, Magnus fell asleep after playing with the twins. He refused to go to the office until he managed to put Camille locked in jail so he decide to work from home. To his convenient Raphael was doing everything at the office and he finished up at home. Magnus woke up to a house silent as the grave. He admit the twins are asleep but usually Alec would put on soft music around or sometime he would left the tv on just so the house is not too quiet. Alec hate silenced cause he felt scared if he was alone at home.

Magnus went down to the living room to find Alec but he is no where to be found and he searched the whole house for him. As he went to the garage he noticed Alec's car is not there and he went back inside the house to call him. As the ring goes, he could hear another ring inside the house. He found Alec's phone in their room next to the bed. His heart dropped cause he doesn't know where Alec's been and he didn't even left a note saying where he went.

Magnus was pacing around the house for almost half an hour before he's losing his mind but then he heard a car was pulled over and he saw Alec walking in carrying a grocery bag with him. He entered the house with Magnus stood in the middle of it with his hand on his waist.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouted and Alec was shocked as he was greeted this way. "Didn't you see me carrying the grocery? Where else? We are running out of milk and some other things. What's with you?" He snapped back and headed to the kitchen. He was unpacking the grocery when Magnus entered the kitchen.

"Alexander you are never to pull that stunt again do you hear me? Wherever you go you need to tell me! Don't leave just like that!" Alec stop unpacking and stared at his husband. "What is wrong with you? You have been acting weird since we got home from mum and dad. Am I not to enjoy my freedom anymore? I can go whenever I want wherever I want and I don't need your damn permission for any of it!" He shout back as he was done Magnus being so hostile.

"You wouldn't dare! I will take your keys and hide it if you did that. You are not to leave this house until I said so!" Alec looked at Magnus with his eyes flooded with tears but before he could react to his tears he took an apple he brought from the market and throw at Magnus. But its worst when Magnus managed to duck it. So he threw another and he took all of the groceries including the marshmallow bag and throw it at him.

"Alexander stop! That won't hurt me a bit and you know it." Magnus caught some of the item and Alec just kept throwing stuff at him.

"You son of a bitch! I am not your property for you to kept locked in this house!" Then he pulled the last straw as he throw the orange and it hit Magnus on his head. He winced in pain and Alec grew in satisfaction. He walked off the kitchen but followed by Magnus and he pulled his arm but he yanked it away. He headed upstairs to their bedroom and removed his luggage and start packing his clothes in it.

Magnus entered the room and saw Alec pacing back and forth stuffing his clothes in their luggage. "What the hell are you doing?" Alec didn't budge to stop and look, "What is it look like I'm doing? I'm leaving till you changed your possessive behavior." Magnus heart dropped hearing Alec's word to leave him. The thoughts of Alec leaving him just gave him chills and fright which he need to stop him.

"Alexander, please stop, don't do this. Don't be so hasty. You're over reacting." He signed as he took the clothes in the bag and put it back in their drawer. "Oh so now you want to talk and the nerve you said I'm over reacting! Didn't you see how you behave this few days? You're the one who went out of your mind Magnus! How many times I tried to break that but you refused too so I'm leaving, I cannot take this anymore." Alec took back the clothes and stuffed it in the bag but Magnus pulled his hand trying to stop him. "Alexander please give me a chance to explain! Stop this!" He yanked off from Magnus and tried to leave the room but Magnus pulled him back and locked the door.

"Let me out Magnus or I'm calling Jace!" Alec threatened but he knew Magnus wouldn't care less if he call his family. "Let me explained but please calm down and think of the baby." Alec rubbed his belly and for once he forgot he's pregnant. He took deep breathes few time and sat down on the bed. Magnus kneeling in front of him pulling out a piece of paper folded in his jeans.

"Before I show you this promised me you will not over react and do anything stupid." Alec frowned his eyebrow looking down at Magnus. He took the paper from his hand and opened them. He gasped at the view as he saw his family photo being marked and scratched with a side note on the back. It didn't help at all, Alec frantically got up and starts to panic.

"My kids, Magnus I need to make sure they are okay!" He opened the door and ran to the twins bedroom and found them safe and sound asleep in their bed. He sighed and Magnus pulled him back to their room. He doesn't want the twins to hear their conversation.

"The kids are okay, I have the baby monitor with me." He showed Alec the night stand and the monitor released a soft snores voice. He turned back his gaze at Magnus with a fury look and shoved him on his shoulder. "Why the fuck you keep this away from me? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked and Magnus knows he was to be blame.

"Alexander please calm down and let me tell you everything. Sit down." He pushed Alec back on the bed and kneeled in front of him. He tried to hold his hand but Alec pushed it away and crossed his arm on his belly. "Fair enough. I found out the day before the appointment, I don't want to upset you. Its hard to keep things from you since you can read me like an open book." Alec glared at him with a scoffed.

"And you think keeping this a secret would help any better? I thought we're all in this together Magnus. She won't dare to touch my babies or I swear I kill her myself." Alec stood up but Magnus pushed him back on the bed.

"She won't dare to touch my family or I kill her myself." Magnus replied.

"None of this would happened if it wasn't because of you Magnus. If anything to happened to my kids I would never forgive you." Magnus gaze was still on the floor and he kept silence for a while.

"How could you Alec. You know its already hard for me and why you blame me on this? You think I don't feel bad enough if anything to happened to any of you? I rather kill myself then to see you get hurt Alec or the kids." Alec felt guilty in his heart as he saw Magnus' face changed with tears flooded from his eyes. He climbed down holding his stomach and straddled Magnus.

He cupped both of his cheek and made him look up. Their eyes met and Magnus couldn't help to sobs. Alec pulled him for a hug and he continued to cry on Alec's shoulder. After a while Alec pulls back and wiped Magnus' tears away. He leaned in and kiss him on the lips. "Better?" He asked and Magnus nodded.

"I'm sorry for keeping it away from you and I promised I would never do that again but please I need you to tell me everywhere you go so if-" he stopped himself before he could continued. The thought of Alec being hurt just kills him inside.

"Nothing will ever happened to me if we stick together. Remember that always." He nodded and went back to hug his husband. Later they were cuddling in bed with Alec's back against Magnus chest. Magnus placed his hand over Alec's belly caressing it softly. They didn't talk for a while just holding each other in their warm embrace. "You didn't tell me you pretty good at throwing things. You nearly kill me with a bag of oranges." Alec laughed and Magnus couldn't help to kiss his cheek. He lifted his hand and stroke Magnus hair to feel the bump he cause but then he let his hand went back on top of Magnus'.

"I used to play baseball with Max. We used to practice our throw at the backyard. He was so convinced that he would be the next star athlete. His dreams are imaginative and creative. What that small boy have in his head only God knows." Magnus sighed and rested his chin on Alec's shoulder. "You can practice with our Maxie, something you can make up for what you lost doing with your brother Max." Alec kept his silence and Magnus leaned to kiss his cheek. He sighed at the touch and a drop of tears flowed to his sheet.

"What are we gonna name our boy?" He asked Alec as he wiped his tears away. He looked down as Magnus was caressing it softly. He smiled but more of a smirk and didn't say a word.

"You sneaky lil one aren't you. You have a name and you didn't tell me. How could you Alexander." He pouted but Alec pulls him closer. He can't stop laughing and Magnus just keep attacking him with kisses. That's when he felt a kick for the first time and Magnus gasped cause he didn't removed his hand from Alec's stomach. "Was that?" He asked and Alec nodded. "I miss this. I miss feeling miracle inside of you. I love you Alexander." Alec craned his neck to meet Magnus' eyes. "I love you too Magnus." He leaned and kiss Alec but this time on the lips.

He pushed Alec to lie on his back as they continued kissing. Magnus let his hand wanders around Alec's body and then decide to lift Alec's shirt up. He kissed Alec's swollen belly and he moaned. He kissed his way up to Alec's neck and he tilted it to give more access before they smashed their lips together again. They were lost in their kisses when suddenly they heard Sophia crying through the baby monitor. Magnus groaned in frustration and got up from the bed heading to the twins bedroom. Alec followed later and saw Max and Sophie on Magnus' lap as Magnus tried to calm them down. "What's wrong?" Alec asked. "Think they had a bad dream. Its fine now." They all spend their time in the twins room telling stories, playing make believes and decided for dinner after.  

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