Why? Because...

Lindsey sees Stevie pass him and he feels like something isn't right. He follows her, finding her crying in the bedroom.

"What happened?"

"I heard G-gertie talking ab-bout me with your mom." She stammers, trying her best to calm herself down. "She thinks I'm black magic, that I'm an evil witch...she hates me!" Stevie wails.

"Stephanie, Gertie lives in a cottage in Maine away from society. And it's a good thing too because she's so square she won't even listen to the radio. She's a downer, babe. I don't even know why she's really here. She doesn't like my mom either"

"I want your family to like me, Linds. That means a lot to me. I won't be anywhere I'm not wanted"

"You are wanted. My mother loves you, my father adored you...I don't understand why you care"


"Because why, Steph? Why does it even matter? We do what we want to anyway."

"I don't like the negative energy. It radiates off of her and I feel it instantly as I walk into the room. I don't think I can do this"

"You are so strong, stronger than you think. Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No, just...maybe I should go"

"I thought we came here to talk about our marriage" Lindsey was taken aback. He certainly didn't want her to leave.

"This was supposed to be good news but it won't be to her. And what if she's right, what if I'm not good for you?"

"Do you know how crazy that sounds? Let's try one more time with her. We can both leave if she's going to be nasty to you."

"I just want her to like me" Stevie says sadly.

"She's lame. She doesn't have to like you. She will be leaving soon, hopefully never to be seen again and we can go back to living our beautiful little life." Stevie gives him a look, not appreciating how awful he's being about someone who is his own flesh and blood, regardless of how she is being treated by them. "I don't get where this is coming from. Tell me- why do you give a fuck? My family barely associates with her" He keeps pushing the issue and she getting frustrated. Why can't this be easy?

"Because I'm pregnant, Lindsey, and I want this baby to be loved" she says, tears falling down her face.

"You're pregnant?" He asks, a huge smile spreading across his face and she nods. "Angel, that's amazing"

"You think so?" She asks, sniffing.

"I know so. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tour just ended, I wanted to surprise you. Just not like this... are you happy?"

"I'm thrilled. Wow, a baby, Stephanie!" He kisses her, feeling her tears splash onto his face. "I didn't know you were off the pill"

"I wasn't. Our little one is just very determined. They must feel like they have to be born into this world"

"Are you healthy?"

"Yes. The doctor gave me medicine to help with the vomiting and I was able to wean myself off of them a couple of weeks ago. I'm taking prenatal vitamins to make sure the baby gets all the nutrients it needs."

"Wow....this is so great. I'm going to be a father. And you, you're going to be a mom, Steph" His excitement brought her so much joy. It was palpable.

"I know, I can't believe it. Isn't it something?"

"It sure is" he kisses her again, holding her. His mother knocks on the door though it's open a crack and Lindsey tells she's welcome to come in.

"Is everything okay in here?" Ruth asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me. I appreciate it"

"Was it Gertie?" she asked and Stevie bit her lip, not wanting to confess.

"Yeah, Stevie wants her to like her but Aunt Gertie won't even give her a chance, mom. You hear how she talks to her, if she talks to her at all"

"Why does it matter? She's so square she doesn't even listen to the radio!" Ruth says, hands on her hips and it sends Stevie into an unexpected fit of giggles. "What did I say?" Ruth asks with a smile.

"I said the same thing" Lindsey says, kissing Stevie on her cheek and lingering there. "It's nice to see you smile"

"Yes it is. Well, why don't you come back if you're feeling better and discuss your news" Ruth says.

"I think we'd rather tell you in private. We have more news than we thought, huh Steph?"

"Yes we do" Stevie says, smiling at Lindsey, holding his hand.

"We're married." Lindsey tells her and his mother is over the moon.

"I am a little sad I wasn't there, but I am so happy for you guys! When did this happen?"

"January '77" he says.

"My goodness, you've been married for... a year and a half or better" she says, doing the math


"And you're happy?"

"So happy"

"I'm so proud of you two for working out your differences and giving your love another chance. Congratulations"

"I would save the congratulations, just for a moment"

"What do you mean, son?"

"Stevie's pregnant. We're having a baby" Lindsey is beaming, his wife leaning into him, kissing his jaw.

"Oh my gosh! A grandbaby too? I can't believe it!" She says and Lindsey gets up to hug his mother. Everyone is crying. "You're going to be great parents."

"Thank you. Steph is going to be an amazing mother."

"Yes she will. I need a hug from her too" Ruth hugs Stevie, rubbing her back. Ruth smiles, her body feeling different in her embrace. "How far along are we?"

"A little over three months" Stevie said.

"Oh no, morning sickness on the road?" Stevie nods. "You poor thing. With my boys it wasn't too bad but when I was sick, I wanted nothing more than to stay home and to lay in my own bed. That must have been so hard"

"It was. Doing shows like that was difficult but I had no idea we were expecting at first. I thought I caught something from all the traveling. I was taking vitamins to keep from getting sick. I was so upset they didn't work" she says with a laugh.

"Babies are the best reason in the world to go through what we women do"

"I agree" Stevie says, a hand on her tiny bump.

"Anyway, I'm going to be making dinner. Any requests? Are you still sick?"

"No, not anymore. I'm starving at all times"

"So I guess just make a lot" Lindsey jokes

"I can do that. Congratulations"

"Thank you" His mother leaves the room.

"You were sick for so long with that stomach bug! I wonder how it didn't click for us right away?"

"I ruled it out. I was on the pill. This baby is in the like 1%"

"Amazing" he says, wonder and pride in his voice.

"So you're really happy?"

"Of course. I've wanted this for so long"

"I cannot believe it. Are we crazy?"

"We've been crazy"

"I guess so. Married in Vegas three weeks after reconciling, getting pregnant on the road. We're going to be bringing the baby into the studio, Linds. I think we're actually insane"

"We might be. But there is no one else I'd rather go insane with than you"

"Aww...that was actually kind of sweet"

He laughs and kisses her. "3 months?" He asks, a hand finding her belly.

"The baby is growing like a weed. I'm really starting to blossom, I think"

"I will have to see for myself later" he says with a wink and Stevie blushes. "Come on, lets go back to the living room. What is that you say, radiate light? Do that. Focus all your positive energy on the baby and into the room. Cancel out her negativity with the beauty inside of you"

"That's a great idea" Stevie says, placing her hand over his. "I love you"

"I love you too. You've made me so happy" he kisses her and leads her down the hall to the living room. They sit in awkward silence for several minutes until someone speaks and to their surprise, it's Gertrude.

"I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you, Stevie. It's not very becoming of a lady to be rude and nasty to another woman. And it's not fair to you. From my understanding, you are a member of this family and you deserve to be treated as such. It is not my place, nor anyone's, to make you feel like a second class citizen. You have every right to be here. I am truly sorry for hurting your feelings"

Stevie is taken aback "Wow, thank you. I accept your apology." Gertrude awkwardly hugs her, having shown little affection in her life, and notices something peculiar about the tiny blonde in her arms but chooses not to mention it in front of everyone.

Dinner is nearly finished and Stevie helps Ruth in the kitchen. Gertie and Lindsey talk idly, waiting for the others to join them. Stevie plates up the food and sits down across from Lindsey.

"First of all, before we eat I'd like to thank our guests for being here. Gertrude, it's been such a long time and we have a lot of catching up to do. Lindsey and Stevie, for sharing the news of your marriage and your baby with me. My heart is full"

"A baby" Gertrude repeats, finally a small smile on her face. Stevie looks at her, tears returning to her eyes. "A baby is something to be celebrated" It al becomes clear to the older woman, that was what she felt when she embraced the young woman.

"I agree" Stevie says. Gertrude places a hand over Stevie's on the table and it takes them both by surprise.

"Congratulations" Gertie says and instantly, all of Stevie's anxieties melt away.

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