
Lindsey dashed into the hospital room and Christine stood up at the sight of him. Stevie was asleep and Lindsey smiled at her but quickly frowned.

"I missed it, didn't I?" He said, sadness in his voice.

Christine shook her head. "She got a little something for the pain. She tried to hold out. Her water hasn't broken yet but the contractions were right on top of each other. Poor thing but at least she's sleeping now"

"Are they keeping her?"

"Oh, the baby is definitely coming so she's staying until she makes her debut."

"Okay, good. Leo?"

"Asleep with John in the waiting room."


"Are you okay?" She asks. "You seem out of it"

"I've had a crazy night"

"I bet you have. I'll let you have time with her. She will be so happy to see you. The little thing was actually relieved the baby was being stubborn. She would have been devastated if you missed this"

"Thank you for bringing her. I'm kicking myself for not being here. I just knew something was going on. I tried to get here but..."

"Shhhh. Spend some alone time with your wife."

"Thanks Chris, for everything"

"Anything for such good friends. I'm going to go steal my nephew back from the ex"

"Good luck" Lindsey says as she leaves, taking the spot Christine once occupied at her bedside. He pushed her bangs back from her forehead and kissed her oh so softly. She sensation made her stir and he almost regret doing it. She adjusted on the bed, tossing her head back and forth until she finally opened her eyes, blinking in the light. A warm smile spread across her face. She was so beautiful, bare of makeup.

"Hello" she says, her voice hoarse.


"You made it, Linds"

"I sure did. How are you holding up?"

"I'm great, now that you're here."

"If you're tired, you should try to sleep while you can. You'll be doing a lot of hard work soon."

"No, I'm fine"

"I didn't mean to wake you"

"I know but I'm glad you did" She lifts his hand to her lips and kisses his knuckles. "Did you have fun?"

"Not really. Mick was fun for the most part but I kept thinking something was up. We had a couple beers and I couldn't keep my mind away from you. I called a cab but the tire blew and I was waiting forever so I walked up to this person's house and met a really nice older couple. They were fans, can you believe it? The husband, Bob drove me up here to see you"

"Wow, that's quite the story!"

"It was something, that's for sure." Lindsey agreed.

Suddenly Stevie could feel her contractions again and it caught her off guard. "Fuck..." she whispered, rubbing her side.

"I'm so sorry I'm putting you through this again" Lindsey said, kissing her forehead again.

"It will be over soon, right? That's what you told me last time."

"That's true. It's all worth it. Our little girl will be here in no time. Chris said you've been doing an amazing job. You're so strong, Stevie"

"Thank you" she said, tears falling down her face. "Will you talk to me? Take my mind off it?" She was breathing through another contraction and it was hard for him to watch her in so much pain.

"Sure, have you thought of any names?"

"Yes, but I want to see her first"

"What do you think she will look like?"

"Like her daddy" Stevie says with a small smile.

"Let me rub your back"

"That sounds amazing, thank you" He makes small firm circles on her lower back and it feels so good. "Your touch is magic" she says.

"I just wish I could take away your pain"

"It's okay. I would do this again and again"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We should definitely wait longer next time. 15 months is close"

"I have friends who have Irish twins. Born in the same calendar year"

"No way!" He says and she laughs.

"Maybe in a couple of years"

"How can you say you want more when you're in so much pain right now?"

"It's only temporary and I love being a mother." She says, grabbing his free hand as another contraction washes over her in violent waves. "Mmmm....I think she's close"

"Should I get someone?" He asks and she nods. Lindsey leaves for a moment and comes back with a nurse and Doctor Wilson, who was also her doctor with Leo.

"Alright, Stevie, lets check you and see what's going on" Stevie nods and Lindsey turns away, feeling embarrassed. Stevie smiles a little at his reaction. "Oh, yeah. You're definitely ready. Your water hasn't broken but that's not entirely unusual. I can break it for you."

"Great" Stevie breathes. The doctor was able to break it without tools as they were already bulging and didn't need much more help. The gush was such a relief but the pressure that followed was awful.

"Push with your next contraction" Dr Wilson says.

"Lindsey, I need you, baby" Stevie holds out her hand and he helps her sit up. Her legs are positioned for her and she grabs the back of one knee, pushing with all her might.

"Great job, angel" he tells her, kissing her temple.

"A couple more pushes when you're ready" the doctor instructs.

"You can do it, honey. Amazing job."

"I'm so tired, Linds"

"I know, baby. Let's see our little girl then you can sleep"

"Okay" she whimpers. A contraction is building so she pushes once more. The head emerges and their baby has an impressive amount of dark hair.

"She's gorgeous, baby. Keep going. She's almost out" Lindsey says and he is already in tears.

Another push and the baby is quickly put on her chest. Stevie lets out a sob as a nurse tries to wipe the baby off a little with a warm towel. "She's so pink!" Stevie says, trying to get a look at her face. "Oh she looks just like you Lindsey, just like I said she would."

"She sure does. What name did you pick? Does it suit her?"

"It does. Aurora Violet Buckingham"

"Beautiful, Stevie. Aurora, I'm your daddy" Lindsey says, stroking the baby's hair. "You are so beautiful"

"Thank you, Lindsey. I'm so, so happy"

"I'm happy too. God, we make cute babies"

"Yes we do" she agrees. The baby is taken away momentarily to be weighed and diapered. She returns to them wrapped in a pink blanket and matching little hat. Both parents are beaming. "Will you get Leo?"

"Of course, I'll be right back" He blows them a kiss before he navigates toward the waiting room.

"Your brother is going to love you, Aurora. You were late but so worth the wait. You're perfect. I can't believe it. Of all the problems you could have had, of all the things that could have happened to you..." The tears start again, her guilt still plaguing her. "Nothing happened. I'm so lucky you're safe. You're beautiful, you're an absolute angel. I love you so much, my beautiful girl" she says, examining her little fingers and studying her tiny scrunched features. Lindsey returns with their boy and Christine.

"Oh my goodness!" Christine coos. "Leo should look first but I want my turn" she says and Stevie chuckles.

"I promise"

"This is your baby sister, Leo." Lindsey says, putting the toddler on the bed. "Be careful. She's so little."

"Baby" he squeals and Stevie nods.

"Yes, baby. Isn't she pretty? You're a big brother, my sweet boy!" Leo, unprompted, bends down and gives the baby a kiss and all three adults 'aww' in unison. Leo wants off the bed; he's a curious boy but there were murmurings of toys in the waiting room and Lindsey knows that's exactly what's on his mind. Christine picks Leo up and goes to get a closer look.

"She's a beauty" Christine says. "What did you name her?"

"Aurora Violet" Lindsey says proudly.

"Did Stevie pick it out?" She asks and Stevie nods. "Thought so. It's a name fit for a princess"

"I hope she has your eyes" Lindsey says, kissing her.

"Only time will tell" she says.

"I'm going to head out. I will watch Leo for you, no problem"

"Thank you. I appreciate it"

"You're welcome. Congratulations. I will have the guys go home too. We can all make over her later, when you're home and feeling stronger"

"Have a good night. Drive safe"

"I will. Precious cargo" Christine says, jiggling Leo on her hip and causing him to giggle.

Goodbye, baby boy. See you soon" Lindsey says, kissing his son.

"Goodbye, baby" Stevie says and Leo waves as they walk out the door.

Lindsey ends up taking the baby so Stevie can get some sleep. Her mother would be there the next day in the evening when Stevie is discharged, waiting for them at the house. She would help with Leo for a few days and make sure Stevie doesn't push herself too hard. Lindsey kissed his brand new baby daughter, watching the sun come up. He smiles at his beautiful wife, the sunrise bringing an otherworldly glow to the small hospital room. Life could not be more perfect, he thinks.

After a few hours, a nurse comes to check on the baby and give Stevie any pain relief she needs in recovery. She wakes up for Aurora's first feed, and for breakfast. She was positively radiant despite how tired she still was and Lindsey couldn't take his eyes off her.

"I am so proud of you" he tells her. "I love you, Stephanie"

"I love you too. I can't wait to go home."

"Neither can I. It's crazy to think that when we walk out these doors today, we begin our life as a family of four."

"It's totally crazy but you know what?"


"I wouldn't want to have it any other way" She says, pulling him by the collar of his tee shirt to meet her lips with a passionate pressure. Lindsey feels her smiling against his lips as they break their kiss and he tucks a wavy tendril behind her ear. He smiles back, looking deep into her dark brown eyes that he could easily get lost in for the rest of their lives.

The End

A/N: thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting on yet another one of my stories! I have much more coming in the future and hope to start another story soon!

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