The Little Blue House

Lindsey had an odd feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. The longer he stayed at the bar, the more intense it became. His mind kept wandering back to his wife at home. I'm sure everything is fine. She's with Christine. She would call if anything was wrong.

"Where are you, mate? Are you in there?" Mick asks, seeing his friend is lost in thought.

"I don't know." Lindsey says, coming to. "Uh, I think I might head home soon"

"The night is still young. Come on, one more beer"

Lindsey finishes the last little bit of his current beer, picking at the label. "One more then I'm done"

"Atta Boy!" he says then calls for another round.

The waitress brings the beers and Lindsey takes a couple sips. "I know I said I'd stay but I really think I should go"

"Lindsey, you're worrying too much. You spend all day, every day together. You need guy time"

"I like spending time with Stevie. Yes, I need guy time sometimes but she's overdue. She could have that baby at any time."

"Alright, I'll take you back"

"I'll call a cab. Talk to you soon" Lindsey grabs his jacket and goes to use the payphone. The car arrives and he rushes inside, giving the driver his address.


Stevie is feeling very conflicted. The movie is over, and it's been over an hour since she felt her first little twinge. She couldn't be sure- is this it? It better be. She's about to get evicted. Tell Christine or wait it out? She bites her lip. Maybe I will wait it out. The contractions aren't so strong and this could take hours. She tries to get comfortable, flopping about a few times before giving up.

"Is everything okay?" Christine asks, hearing Stevie's frustration.

"Yes, I'm fine, just trying to get situated" she tells her, another dull contraction building.

"Would you rather go to bed? I can call you tomorrow"

"No, don't leave" Stevie says a little to quickly and Christine gives her a strange look.

"Why not?" She asks, her tone implying she knows much more than she's letting on.

"I, um...I just want you to stay. Let's catch up! Are you dating anyone new? Tell me about...anything!"

"You know I'm with Dennis, Stevie. What's really going on with you?"

"I've been having contractions" Stevie confesses.

"We should call Lindsey. He gave you the number"

"I know, but maybe we should wait" She says, and instantly the contractions that started out little and barely noticeable, pick up. The intensity grows and it shows on her face.

"I'm calling Lindsey and then we are going to the hospital"

"Fine, I will go get the bag"

"No, you can tell me where it is. You rest as much as you can" Stevie just nods and waits for Christine. It's not so bad. "So I have good news and bad news" her friend tells her.

"Okay?" Stevie asks, a hand on her bump.

"So um, Lindsey's not there but Mick is and he said he left"


"Maybe he's coming here" Christine says.

"When did he leave?"

"45 minutes ago"

"That bar is like 15 minutes away. Where is the good news in all this, Chris?" She panics, thinking of all the possible negative things that could have happened to her husband. Tears well up in her eyes as she breathes through a particularly difficult sensation. "We need to go, I can't do this anymore" she says.

"Alright, let me get everything together and I will help you out. I'm going to start with Leo."

"Okay" Stevie says, exhaling a cool stream of air out of her mouth, and inhaling through her nose again. Apparently the Lamaze she took with Leo is paying off now. She manages to calm herself down and focus. Stevie begs to hold her son and Christine allows it, holding her tired little boy to her chest and inhaling his scent. "I love you Leo." She strokes his dirty blonde curls and sinks into a near meditative state.

"Almost there, love" Christine tells her.


Lindsey is cursing himself. The taxi blew a tire and he's waiting for assistance. He's not in a good mood at all. There's a little blue house up the road and he's been eyeing it for a few minutes.

"Hey, I'll be back" Lindsay says and the driver just nods. He is on a mission to get to a phone and get the hell out of dodge. He gets to the porch of that little blue house and knocks. God knows what time it is. He waits a moment and a woman possibly in her early fifties opens the door. "I'm sorry to bother you, I'm--"

"Lindsey Buckingham! You're in Fleetwood Mac!" She says excitedly. "Come in, come in! Make yourself at home!" She ushers him inside and sits him down on the couch. "Bob is going to freak when he sees you!" She says. "He's my husband. He's got all the Fleetwood Mac records 1968 to now. We bought Tusk and we love it!"

"Wow, thank you!"

"You're so welcome! So what brings you?"

"I was actually wondering if I could use your phone. My cab blew a tire and I wanted to call my wife"

"You're going to call Stevie Nicks on our phone? Sure, go ahead!"

"Thank you" Lindsey says and she points the direction to the phone for him. He dials their number but she doesn't pick up. He calls again, and then a third time and he's starting to get worried. A man he assumes is Bob passes him and heads toward the living room. Lindsey hangs up the phone and goes back to join the couple.

"Any luck?" The woman asks.

"No and I'm actually nervous. I don't know if I should be saying this but she's pregnant and she's overdue. I have this weird feeling that she's in labor"

"Oh my goodness!" The woman says. "Bob, his cab broke down. Will you drive him?"

"Oh, sure. Is that okay Lindsey?" Bob asks, a warm smile on his face.

"That would be perfect! You guys are life savers"

"No problem" Bob tosses on his coat over his pajamas and leads him out to the car. They get in and head off to the hospital to see if Stevie is there. There is no other reason she wouldn't pick up. Bob chats with him about Fleetwood and the band members, some of the influences of the songs and Lindsey is happy to be in the presence of someone so nice. He's a fan but he's not an obsessed, screaming fan. When they arrive, Bob escorts him inside and they go right to the front desk.

"I'm Lindsey Buckingham and this is my buddy Bob. Say hi Bob"

"Hi Bob" the tall tanned grey-haired man says with a wave and Lindsey chuckles. If he's honest, he's still a little buzzed and none of this feels real.

"Anyway, I'm looking for my wife. Is she here?"

"Stephanie Nicks-Buckingham?" the nurse asks and Lindsey nods. "Room twenty-two, eleven"

"Perfect. Thank you"

"I'm going to leave you to it but it's was nice meeting you"

"It was nice meeting you too. And your wife. Hey, you got anything I could sign?"

"Oh would you? Thanks man!"

"I always carry this ticket with me. It's from Rumours tour."

"Cool" Lindsey grabs a pen from the desk and signs his ticket.

"Thanks, wow this is far out." Bob says, and its like he's a young man again. "Congrats, Lindsey. See you around"

"Yeah, for sure" Lindsey says, heading to find Stevie's room. He hears the sound of babies crying behind every door he walks past and it makes him nervous. If he missed the birth of his daughter, not only will he be upset but Stevie is going to kill him.

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