Perfect Timing

Lindsey was starting breakfast downstairs, his wife sleeping after a rough night. She was up and down, tossing and turning. She was due one week from today and she was feeling every bit ready. Stevie knew something was up. She got out of bed, used the bathroom for the millionth time and started a shower but the water was no relief. She was anxious and couldn't stand still. She washed her hair and wrapped herself in a towel, going to the mirror to moisturize and put on the tiniest touch of make up. As soon as she opened up her make up bag, she became disinterested. She sighed, zipping it back up and getting dressed. A little cramp as she put her dress on, nothing major. Barely a blip. She continued to towel dry her hair and there it was again.

"Happy almost-Valentines Day" Lindsey says, kissing her cheek. "You look beautiful as always"

"Thank you" She smiled but something was off and he could sense it.

"Did you manage to get any rest?"

"A little until my bladder woke me up"

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault"

"It kind of is" he says, smiling and rubbing her impressive bump.

"Oh that's right" she says, jokingly. She raises up on her tip toes to kiss him. "I love you"

"I love you too. I have breakfast downstairs" Another cramp. She looks at the clock, deciding to time them and looks back at Lindsey.

"Great, I'm starving"

"See you down there?"

"Yeah, I'll be right down"

Lindsey left her on her own and she readied herself to join him. She yanked the hospital bag out of the closet and drug it to the bedroom door by the long strap before going to the kitchen. She sat down and was so uncomfortable. She felt like she needed to walk around, but remained across from him, eating the surprisingly well cooked pancakes. Another cramp, another glance at the clock.

"Is everything okay? You're acting like you're waiting for something"

"More like someone"

"The baby will be here sooner than you think"

"I'm sure" After sitting there a moment, she feels another cramp. It's much closer together than the previous ones. Her hand goes to her belly, a silly attempt to soothe the pressure and ache.

"After breakfast, what do you want to do?"

"Go back to bed" she says with a laugh.

"We can do that"

They're nearly finished and Stevie heads upstairs again, feeling nauseous and unable to continue. Lindsey washes the dishes and goes up after her. She's asleep on the bed when he walks in and he smiles, stroking her cheek. He curls into her and tries to drift off himself. The baby is so active in there and smiling at the little kicks would be the last thing he remembers for a couple of hours.

Stevie wakes up with a dull ache in her back and the need to pee again. She gets up to go the bathroom, the dull ache radiating through her hips. She whimpers, not truly understanding what she's feeling. It doesn't hurt but it doesn't not hurt. She hurries up in the bathroom, washing her hands. As she's drying them off on a hand towel, she has to brace herself on the sink. Lindsey turns over in the bed, she watches from the door way. He finally turns back over and opens his eyes.

"Come back to bed" he croaks, seeing her standing there.

"Lindsey, I don't feel good"

"Maybe you need more sleep, or maybe you're still hungry and don't realize it"

"I'm having cramps" she says. "I think they're contractions"

"The doctor said they were fine"

"But these hurt, Lindsey" Stevie says, instantly feeling another painful pressure. Tears fall down her cheeks without her consent and Lindsey sits up.

"They hurt?" She nods, breathing through the pain. "Are you in labor?"

"I think so. Can we go?" she asks pitifully.

"Of course, honey." He gets up, going to the closet. Completely missing the fact the bag is already by the door.

"Are you as scared as I am?" she asks.

"I think I'm more excited than scared"

"I'm terrified" she weeps.

"Shhh" he says, coming back to embrace her and he kisses her hair. "Don't be scared. You're going to be great. You're doing amazing"

"What if something happens?"

"It won't"

"But if it does?"

"We have doctors trained to handle it." She nods, accepting his answer. "I love you and I won't let anything happen to you or our baby" He kisses her again to soothe her and takes her hand to go downstairs.

"Are you ready for all of this? Like really ready?"

"I don't think we have a choice" Lindsey says with a chuckle and he gets a smile out of Stevie. "When we come back to this house, it will be with a baby"

"I can't wait" He gets her to the car and tucks her safely inside. "Do you really think I can do this?" She asks between intensifying contractions.

"I know you can. You're so strong"

"I think I'm excited." She tells him and he smiles at her.

"I'm excited too. Boy or girl? What do you think?"

"I'm not sure, maybe a boy."

"Really now?" He says, surprised by her answer. "I thought you wanted a girl"

"I did but around five months I felt like it was totally a boy"


"So what do you think?"

"Now I'm not really sure. I thought you were going to say girl and I was going to agree but've thrown me for a loop"

She laughs but the mood suddenly becomes serious. The contractions are nearly in top of each other by the time they arrive at the hospital. They sign in and a nurse checks her. That shift she felt was all to real, she was very close now and all they had to do was wait. They gave her just a little something to take the edge off but she felt everything. Her breathing slowed when it was administered and she didn't feel like she was going to have a panic attack anymore. Lindsey kissed her sweaty forehead. Their life as they knew it was about to change forever.

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