A Song For You
The band flew to Wisconsin then back to Texas. After the show at the Cotton Bowl, Stevie was rushing off to record a song with her girls that were always around. Lindsey found this odd but he knew not to push her, letting her do as she pleased. She seemed thrilled with this new song, simply titled "S" on a cassette, when she came back from the studio.
She felt much better with the medicine she had been taking and was even looking stronger and more vibrant. Lindsey noticed the change and he was constantly showering her with compliments. Her skin glowed and she was gaining back the weight she lost plus a little more. Christine, too, was happy to see her friend recovering. Her face began to fill out and she was no longer a gaunt shell of herself. Her eyes sparkled and she was talkative and lively. Happy, so happy and the moody darkness disappeared. She wore color, and was even nicer and sweeter than usual. The world was a beautiful place to her now and no one but Stevie understood why, not that anyone was complaining.
End of July, into August, her distinct energy returned. Her nausea was naturally lessening and she was able to wean herself off the medication, her doctor instructing her how so she wouldn't notice symptoms. She was thankful for the help and was able to continue on with the rest of her first trimester in bliss.
"You are so beautiful" Lindsey tells her, kissing her passionately. "I cannot take my eyes off you"
"Ooh, Linds." Stevie coos, kissing him and running her hands through his hair. He pulls her into him, his hand hiking up her skirt and feeling up her backside. Her libido was at all time high and she was wet just thinking of all he would do to her. She bit her lip, anticipating his next move but it never came. Lindsey heard voices heading their direction and let go of her. She would be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed. She definitely wanted more. Christine, John, and Mick came into the room and she shot them a death glare. The room grew frosty as she hurriedly tossed things into her bag and left the room for the hired car.
"What was that about?" John asked and Christine shrugged.
"Marital problems" Mick surmised and they left it at that, following Stevie then Lindsey (who went after his wife) out.
They flew to New York where they played two shows, did a show in Philadelphia, then on to Landover. These dates to Stevie seemed to drag as they were nearing the end. She was getting so very tired and Lindsey was very accommodating. Lexington, Cleveland then back down south to finish up the tour in Baton Rouge and the joy on her face after that show...you could have filled rooms with it. Backstage Stevie had an untamed, child-like glee. She kissed Lindsey hard on the lips, stroking his face.
"Are you on something?" He asks.
"You know I haven't touched anything in weeks" Stevie tells him. "I'm so excited to be going home, Lindsey"
"I can tell, Jesus Christ I've never seen you like this"
"Aftershow high," Christine says. "She's the most tired of us, I think, so she's going to crash when we get back to the hotel"
"Sit down a minute, Stevie. You're running around here like a crazy person, you're gonna break your neck"
"Okay. I'll rest but only for a minute. Hotel then home, hotel than home!"
Her energy, in truth, was infectious and it made the others feel better that she was so happy recently. She flopped down on the couch, waiting for the car to grab them and take them back to the hotel. She was the only one changed to go. As the others got ready the room grew quiet. No humming, no tapping, no dancing, no singing of random songs. Lindsey and the others finished, noticing the quiet calm too.
"Stevie, we're ready" Lindsey says walking back out to her. "Aww, honey..." She was fast asleep. He smiles down at her, kissing her forehead. Did he have the heart to wake her? He stroked her face and her eyelashes fluttered. "Wake up, sweet girl"
"She crashed, didn't she?" Christine asks. "Adorable"
"Hi, Linds" Stevie said in a soft voice.
"Let's get you back to the hotel. You're exhausted"
She nodded. "When we get home, lets go see your mom. We haven't been for a while and we can share our news. Since we already told my parents on the phone, we can go to them next."
Lindsey smiles. "Great idea"
They collected their belongings and were whisked away to the hotel. Stevie stripped down immediately, tossing on a night gown. She studied her body in the mirror. You could already see little changes and they made her so happy. "I wrote a song just for you" she whispered. "One day, I know you'll hear my voice and I can sing it to you" She strokes her burgeoning bump, tears filling her eyes. I cannot wait to tell your daddy. Lindsey was changed and ready for bed when she emerged from the bathroom.
"I thought you fell in" Lindsey joked and she smiled, climbing into bed with him. She looked thoughtful as her head lay on the pillow. He stroked her honey-golden hair and had to ask "What are you thinking about?"
"Our beautiful future." She tells him. "I am so excited to go back to California and do everything you had planned for us."
"You mean?" He asks, referring to his dream of a child and she nods.
"Yeah, a house of our own that we can pick out together" she says. She loves to tease him and the look on his face almost made her spill the beans right then. "I'm so happy, Lindsey"
"So am I. I love you"
"I love you too"
After a peaceful sleep, they were back up and ready to go home. They would be back in the studio soon and they needed this time to just be for a while.
Stevie was so happy she could have kissed the ground when she arrived back home. She was a radiant light, beaming as she set foot on California soil. Lindsey agreed to drive his anxious and excited wife to his mother's house after she finally ate something. They sat at a sweet diner having breakfast and talking. She couldn't stop smiling and that made Lindsey follow suit.
"I love seeing this side of you" Lindsey said, taking her hand across the table. "I am so happy I get to share a life with you. You are so sweet and kind, so full of life..."
"I'm definitely full of life" she said with a chuckle and smiles back.
"I still cannot believe you're my wife"
"Looks like you're stuck with me"
"Proud to be stuck with you. Forever"
"Forever baby." She confirmed. Lindsey leaned over the table and kissed her, a hand coming to rest at the side of her sweet face.
A certain someone was watching from a table in the corner, eyes narrowed. Stevie ignored her initial feeling that there were eyes on her, continuing to eat breakfast with her husband in perfect contentment. All she could think of was how she would tell Lindsey of their sweet baby Buckingham and how much she loved the romantic 50s music playing overhead. Life couldn't get any better than this...but of course it could always get much worse.
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