Chapter - 64
"Guys! Are you even serious?" Portia exclaimed with her arms thrown dramatically in the air when Hoseok entered the apartment with Katy in tow.
"Aren't you supposed to take her to your apartment?" Alvie countered taking a defensive stance with a pout that gave her away.
Jimin was still reeling from the events unfolding that morning and couldn't help the laughter bubbling out. This was disaster. Portia gave Taehyung stink eye before turning her attention to Hoseok and Katy.
"Why? Are you killing someone without me?" Katy countered with a lift of brow and a tilt of her head, causing the Portia and Alvie's expression to falter. Katy's eyes widened after a moment. "You are? Shit! How can you even think of leaving me out of this? Where's the body?"
Taehyung snorted upon noticing Hoseok's mortified expression.
"We haven't killed anyone?" Portia grumbled under her breath.
"Yet," Alvie added with the same pout.
"It was supposed to be a simple kidnapping and interrogation. First, Tae goes and invite these two and now you both," Portia huffed, folding her hands across her chest. "We should just go live and let the whole world enjoy at this rate."
"Who did you kidnap this time?" Katy asked.
This time? Jimin snorted. Why wasn't this even surprising?
"That Eunji bitch," Alvie responded. "She won't tell us anything. So, we knocked her out to give her a scare. She should be awake anytime now."
"What did you give her?" Katy was moving to the room they held Eunji as if they did this several times before.
They weren't expecting this when Taehyung called them that morning and told them to pick him up on their way. Jimin wasn't surprised in the least. Jungkook was with him the entire time, rubbing the small area of his back, hugging him and telling him that he trusted him. He still wasn't sure if their plan to get Eunji confess would work. But they were here already and it was too late to back out.
"Hyung, you okay?" Jungkook asked for the seventh time that morning.
"Yeah," he smiled softly. "Am good."
"She's awake," Taehyung informed and they slowly filed into the room.
"That was a bummer," Alvie grinned. Eunji's blinked owlishly, fear replacing her confusion. "Ah, now there's that expression I wanted to see. Good thing you didn't die. Cause we still haven't figured how to dispose you of."
Alvie went to grab the injection and Jimin noticed Hoseok's horrified expression as the severity of the situation finally dawned on the elder. He gave him an assuring smile while Katy occupied the empty chair with an impassive expression.
"Doesn't that injection paralyze people leaving them with a permanent damage if used more?" Katy inquired with a serious expression, causing Eunji to pale.
"Yeah," Alvie shrugged. "Why do I care if she can't walk anymore? We are only stalling time until we decide what to do with her."
Alvie uncapped the needle and tapped the syringe, bending to inject the content into Eunji's arm and the model struggled to free her hands. "Please," she rasped. "You can't do this."
Alvie didn't respond, but instead busied herself with finding the vein, pressing the pad of her thumb on Eunji's hand. Jimin realized she was stalling time. When the needle pricked Eunji's skin this time, she cracked.
"I didn't do anything, I swear," Eunji cried. "Let me go. I won't tell anyone."
"Quiet!" Alvie started pushing the liquid. "Even if I let you live, you can kiss your precious ramp walks goodbye."
"No, no, no." Eunji thrashed again. "I've been nothing but honest. I...I liked him, okay? My feelings were honest. I was a famous model. Why would I play with Jimin's life? I have nothing to gain. I tried to help him that's all."
"You were a struggling model," Katy corrected her. "I'd say a promising career and a contract like that with a European agency does wonders, doesn't it?"
"I...I don't know what you're talking about. This has nothing to do with Jimin. I worked hard."
"Sure, you did," Alvie countered. "We are not interested in whatever trash that leaves your mouth," Alvie paused briefly, staring into her eyes. "You haven't said anything useful. So, why should I listen to you?"
"Stop. I'll tell you anything you want," Eunji cried.
"I'm not interested."
"It was Ketamine," Eunji spoke before Alvie could push rest of the contents inside. She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. "K-Ketamine. That's what Minhee said."
"What's a Ketamine?" Hoseok asked, now moving further into the room.
"It's a date rape drug," Katy said. "It causes a person to hallucinate or feel woozy. Basically, they don't remember anything once the effects wear off."
Alvie straightened and removed the needle. "I'm going to untie you. You're going to be a good bitch and tell everything you know to the camera. You have two choices, tell us the truth and live or say nothing and end up in a dump yard."
"This will ruin my life. I'm not saying anything. I need my lawyer."
"This is not a police station and you don't pull strings here, bitch." Portia hissed. She turned to Alvie. "Why did you stop anyway? Move I'll do the rest."
"No." Eunji tried to move back. "I...I..."
"You'll tell us exactly what we want to know," Portia reiterated.
"He...he'll kill me."
"If you don't talk, then we will kill you," Alvie countered.
"We will protect you," Hoseok intervened. "It depends on the information you have for us. If it's useful, you have my word. You have our protection." Eunji stared at him for a long moment. "No one will hurt you."
"What if you don't keep your word?" Eunji asked.
"You don't really have a choice," he pushed his hands into his pockets. "Take it or leave it."
When she didn't respond, he shrugged and turned to leave the room.
"Wait! I...I'll do it."
"Then you have my word."
Jimin's heart raced as he moved further into Jungkook's embrace, who hugged him from the back, resting his chin on his shoulder. He didn't realize he was shaking until Jungkook hugged him tighter, speaking words of comfort. He nodded shakily and continued to observe the scene.
Taehyung stepped forward. "Move her to the living room."
Once in the living room, Taehyung settled in front of Eunji with his camera. "I'll ask you questions and you'll answer them. Try something funny and all bets are off."
Eunji nodded jerkily.
"Tell me about yourself."
"My name is Ahn Eunji. I'm twenty-eight and I'm a model."
"Are you aware that I'm recording our conversation?"
Eunji looked around, her gaze briefly pausing at their faces before she looked down at her lap and licked her lips. "Yes."
"So, tell me. How did you and Jimin meet? How did you get acquainted with him?"
Eunji sighed, fidgeting with her fingers. "He was working as my assistant."
Taehyung waited patiently for her to continue. He tilted his head and cocked a brow when she didn't. Understanding dawned on her face and she cleared her throat.
" a call from someone. So, uh, this guy met me and told me that I should hire Jimin. In turn, he paid me one billion won."
"One billion?"
Eunji nodded. "I was...having a hard time. I was doing small projects and it wasn't enough to get me where I want. So I didn't question when I was approached."
"You hired him."
"I did. The contract, his paycheck everything was taken care by him."
"Who is this 'him'?"
"He told me his name is Heesung. But that's all I know." She nervously tucked her hair behind her ears. "One day he told me that I need to seduce Jimin."
The silence stretched between them. When Taehyung scowled at her she spoke again.
"I tried, but it wouldn't work."
Jimin snorted at that, their gazes briefly locked before Eunji averted her gaze.
"Why did you have to seduce Jimin? What's in it for you? You knew he was gay," Taehyung pushed.
"I was just following the orders," she replied. "I was told to get closer whenever his boyfriend was with him, behave as if we were having an affair."
"And did it work?"
She shook her head. "Jimin was always professional. He never crossed the boundary even when he was drunk." She fidgeted with her fingers, staring at her lap as she did so. "That day at the party, I was supposed to seduce Jimin and get some compromising videos. We know it wouldn't work. So, Minhee drugged him. Had him drink a shot before he came up to meet me."
Jimin tensed and felt Jungkook's grip tighten around him.
"Did it work?"
Eunji nodded. "He...actually left before the drug kicked off. Minhee tracked him and brought him back. He was swaying on his feet and was inebriated by then."
"Tell me more."
"Ah, we kissed and Minhee took the photos and videos we needed."
"Then Minhee send them to Jimin's friends."
Eunji swallowed. "Y-yes."
"Do you realize what you did is a crime? You could go to jail for this?" Taehyung didn't bother to hold in his anger this time.
"Nothing happened, okay?" Eunji was breathing harder. "We kissed that's all. And it didn't even work out the way we want. Heesung was furious we didn't get the sex tape. Jimin...he passed out before we could get any further and kept moaning Jungkook's name the entire time. So whatever we shot was useless."
"That doesn't justify what you did to him," Taehyung hissed. "What did you do then?"
Eunji bit her lips. "Minhee carried him to my bedroom. The next morning, he left and I received the contract and money as I was promised."
"So nothing happened that night?" Jimin asked in a low voice, too afraid it would crack. All this time, he was being punished for something he never did. Tears pricked his eyes.
Eunji shook her head. "I'm sorry."
"Where's Minhee?" Taehyung asked.
"I...I don't know. We never met each other after that night. I left to Paris next week. Maybe he too left and settled somewhere."
"Why?" Jimin asked.
"I don't know. We just did what Heesung told us to do."
Taehyung looked over his shoulder, meeting Hoseok's gaze and the eldest of the two pulled his phone out scrolling through his gallery and handing the phone to Taehyung.
"Is this the man who offered you money to set up Jimin?" he asked showing the phone to Eunji.
She took the phone from his hand, gaze scanning the photo before she nodded. "He is the one."
"Did he contact you again?"
Eunji nodded. "Y-yeah. I met Jimin again at that party. Two days later, I received a call from Heesung. He said I have to meet Jimin again. I told him it won't work because Jimin is still with Jungkook and he didn't even talk to me. Heesung wouldn't listen. He blackmailed me saying he would reveal everything I did to the public if I didn't do this."
"Will you testify against him in the court?"
"Someone is trying to kill Jimin. He has every right to file a case against you for drugging him and attempted rape. Will you testify against Heesung in the court?"
Her eyes widened. "I...I need my lawyer."
Taehyung smiled. "Fair enough. Thanks for talking to us Eunji."
He stopped the recording and tested it before nodding to Alvie and Portia. Portia pulled her phone out, walking to the other room.
From there on everything was a blur. An officer Jimin recognized as Officer Sama came in, taking Eunji's statement. She had more questions to ask the model. With the video as evidence and no lawyer to support, the model had revealed everything she knew.
Jimin's knees gave out and Jungkook was quick to pull him into his embrace. "I'm sorry, hyung." He repeatedly kissed Jimin's face and head as he held him tighter. "I'm sorry. It's all because of me."
Jimin shook his head. "I don't care." He cupped Jungkook's face. "I...I didn't c-cheat."
"You didn't," Jungkook sniffled.
Jimin felt like a huge weight was lifted off his chest. "I didn't." That was all that mattered.
"I'm sorry, hyung. I treated you so badly. I'm so sorry." Jungkook rocked them back and forth.
"We talked about this already," Jimin sniffed. "It's okay. I want to put everything in the past and move on."
"I didn't know, hyung. I don't know what to do. With everything that's happening...I don't know what to think." Tears sprang free of Jungkook's eyes. "Only my father has a reason to do something like this. It's so fucking obvious. You suffered through hell just because you love me."
"I'm so sorry, hyung. I don't know what I did to deserve you. But I'll work hard. I'll make it up to you. I won't let that bastard hurt you ever again." He rested his forehead against Jimin as he promised. "I'm so sorry hyung. I'm gonna make things right. He won't escape this for long. He will pay for every fucking thing he did."
Taehyung came to crouch beside them, throwing his hands around them as he hugged them tighter. It was then Jimin noticed Namjoon entering the apartment with a police officer. They spoke in hushed tones before the officer dragged Eunji along.
"You said you'll protect me," Eunji yelled at Hoseok. "You said no one will hurt me." She struggled in the hold of the police officer.
"The police won't hurt you and you'll be very safe inside the jail," Hoseok said nonchalantly.
"Let me go!"
But the officer was already dragging her out with a brute force.
"Thank you, Sama." He heard Portia chirp as she shut the door.
He sunk into Jungkook's embrace. Exhaustion washing over him. His hatred for Jungkook's father only grew. What kind of man hurt his own son? Jeon Jungwoo. The answer was simple.
He met Hoseok's gaze which was narrowed with fury. In that moment, he knew everything was going to be okay. They weren't alone this time. They had family. A family he created through friendship. He sighed. Things were going to be okay.
Ketamine mightmake you hallucinate or feel woozy. It can also cause an upset stomach,vomiting, high blood pressure, changes in your heart rate, seizures, or a coma.It usually takes effect within 30 minutes and lasts an hour or two. But youcould be affected for a day or more.
A/N: Only two more chapters to go. Phew.
Below is the summary of another fic I'm working on offline. he he. Hope you'll like it. It's gonna be majorly BTS x Reader with Jikook and Taegi. The plot is bit complex but it'll be a fun read, I promise.
Crossroads and rings
If there is one thing a person should know about the famous quintuples of Vinora, it is that they're extremely loyal to each other and no matter what, the friends will always come first.
Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Katy Jeon, Min Aera and Porshia John had been friends since childhood. The tight bond they share had withstood time and several struggles. Will love be any different? Chaos ensues when hearts are entangled. Now only time will tell if the quintuples can overcome this. ***Jeon Jungkook has worked all his teen years, training to take over as the CEO of the Jeon Corporation. Work is the only luxury he could afford and he doesn't care about the world outside work. However, things take a turn when his grandfather's will is exposed. Here enters his estranged half-sister, her existence alone threatening to bring his world crumbling down to dust. To make things worse, his sexuality is accidentally exposed to his family. And if that isn't enough, he had to fall for his sister's sexy attorney Park Jimin.***Park Jimin had known Jeon Jungkook all his life. After all, he was his dear friend's brother. He is only worried that Jungkook could hurt his friend in a heartbeat. He vows to protect her from Jungkook's family at all costs. But when the time comes for them to meet, he falls harder and faster for the adorable boy with an innocent bunny smile. However, things aren't as easy as it seems. Because for Jimin, friendship will always come first.
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