Chapter - 63
It was close to ten at night when Taehyung received that call. At first, he was left wondering why Alvira would call him with such urgency and ask him to come to the high-end club in Gangnam. However, he doesn't even pause to tell Yoongi or Hoseok where he was headed to when he grabbed his car keys from the glass bowl on the table on his way out. She had asked him to come alone and he knew her enough to know Alvie doesn't bullshit.
He had received at least three calls, all speaking in hushed tones of urgency that had him wonder whatever they were up to wasn't good. Following their instructions, he parked his car behind the club in a dimly lit lot and made his way into the club through the back door. He doesn't recognize the woman who let him in. She looked petite and shorter than him, similar height and build like Alvie. But something about her posture and the way she carried herself told him that she wasn't just someone.
When she stepped into the staff elevator, he followed her, gaze scanning her questioningly. The woman kept her head straight, shoulders squared and barely sparing him a look. She paused briefly when they reached the toilets, glancing around before pushing the door open. He stood staring at the 'under maintenance' board and mulling if he should enter because it was women's toilet. And what was he doing here?
His question was answered when the door creaked open, a hand shot outside to pull him inside. The woman released him and turned to face him with a hiss, "Took you long enough." Alvie smoothed her hair, her breathing irregular.
"Got caught in traffic. Why am I here?" He scrunched his nose, taking in the surrounding. It was surprisingly clean and dry, but the thought of someone walking in on them, especially him being in the women's toilet unsettled him.
Alvie jerked her head to one of the cubicle. The woman who led him there stood outside with her hands folded across her chest. He approached the cubicle with a racing heart and his eyes popped out of their sockets when he received the answer to all his questions.
He stood dumbstruck for a moment before slowly blinking and coming to his senses. A dark chuckle breached his chest as he thought if he wanted to hug and kiss the women first or do whatever hell he was here to do. He decided to do the latter first. Portia stood proudly guarding the dirty laundry that had slumped on the closed lid of the toilet, her head lolled to the side.
"What are my orders?" he asked smugly, his gaze landing questioningly at the new woman.
"We gotta get her out of here," Portia said. "Don't worry. That's officer Sama. She's a friend." She bent to move the unconscious looking Eunji.
Eunji groaned, mumbling something incoherent and he realized the model was just intoxicated.
"Take her to your car and drive to our apartment." Alvie threw him the key to their apartment. "She's just drunk. We figured no one would spare a thought if she left with you in this state. We will text her security from her phone once you are away from the club."
"Okay," he agreed, no questions asked because...he already had an inclination where this was headed to and hell be damned if he disagree to something like this. After all, they knew this bitch was one of the reasons Jimin suffered. The others would freak out if they had a slightest idea of what they were doing. But he didn't care.
He didn't even grunt when he hauled Eunji carelessly. So what if he strained a muscle or two? She didn't deserve his respect. He secured a hand around her waist, suppressing the churning nausea at her closeness. Sama went ahead, inspecting the hallway and soon he made his exit.
To his surprise, the extraction went without a hitch. Eunji barely stirred once she was strapped to his seat. He drove carefully and arrived at the women's apartment shortly, parking in the designated spot. He didn't bother much knowing there were no cameras.
Depositing the sleeping bitch on the living floor couch, he waited for the others to come. Half an hour later, Alvie and Portia arrived. A wave of displeasure washed over their features, but they wasted no time. With Taehyung's help they dragged her to one of the rooms and secured her in a chair, tying her arms and legs before taping her mouth.
"That's gonna be uncomfortable," Alvie muttered. She grabbed Eunji by her hair, pulling her head as she glared at her face. "After what you did with Jiminie, just be glad I'm not hanging upside down like how I initially planned to do."
"It's too much work," Portia grunted. "This bitch doesn't require that much effort."
Alvie huffed. "Thanks, Tae. We knew we could count on you."
Taehyung simply folded his hands across his chest. "What's the plan?" He cocked his head to the side.
"Ask her nicely what she did to Jiminie," Portia said. "Maybe not too nicely. Hand her ass to her and put her in her place. We have a thing or two to do."
Taehyung nodded. They were getting into lot of trouble but he didn't mind it one bit. "What about that officer? Can we trust her?"
"Yeah," Portia said. "We just need this bitch to confess. Once we learn the truth, we will decide how to proceed."
"Are you sure she's gonna talk?"
Alvie shrugged. "Who cares? Gives us more reason to whoop her ass. But yeah, we have our ways," she said with a dangerous glint in her eyes.
Portia moved forward, slapping Eunji's cheeks. "She messed with a wrong crowd."
Taehyung grunted in agreement. Never in his life had he wanted to hurt someone so badly. This woman may not be directly involved with the shady plan to get Jimin killed, but she had helped whoever it was trying to kill his best friend. He refused to believe she didn't have a hand in this entire ordeal.
"She'll be out till morning. Let's get some sleep," Alvie announced. "Tae, you can sleep in Katy's room. Get some rest while you can. We have a big day tomorrow."
Taehyung doubted if he will be able to sleep with all the adrenaline rush that hadn't subsided in his body yet. But he exited the room with a curt nod. There was nothing he could do now. He had to wait.
"What is he doing here?" Portia frowned when Jungkook walked into the room they were holding Eunji, dressed for work.
Eunji was wide awake, her fear filled gaze now darting around. Her lips were slightly parted and the area around her mouth slightly red because of the tape being pulled off not so gently.
"I figured having extra pair of hands won't hurt, especially if we have to hide a body," Taehyung replied nonchalantly and watched Eunji gasp with a satisfaction.
Jungkook had frozen beside him, not expecting the sudden turn of events. After all, the youngest thought he was giving a ride to Taehyung.
"What are you doing?" Jimin gasped, walking in after Jungkook.
Portia shrugged at Jimin's question.
"What we should have done sooner?" Alvie answered as she set the camera in position. "Tae, you're in charge of recording."
"Sure." Taehyung moved to position, taking the mantle from her.
Portia pulled out two bottles from her pouch, patiently proceeding to drain the contents into a syringe, tapping it as she slanted a glance at now hyperventilating Eunji. Surprisingly, the bitch hadn't uttered a word yet. She was panicking but she hadn't said a word.
"Listen, bitch," Portia turned to face Eunji. "I'll only say it once. You might have already guessed why you're here. And before you ask, your security won't come looking for you. They think you left last night with a handsome stranger for a quick fuck. So, we are going to ask you a few questions. You answer them honestly, we will let you walk out of this place without a scratch on your body."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Eunji narrowed her eyes, scowling at the women.
Alvie pulled another chair to sit. The camera focused only on Eunji. "We haven't even asked you anything yet."
"You don't know who you're messing with. I won't let this slide," Eunji hissed, showing some emotion for the first time she was here. "The media will chew your asses for harassing me if they find out."
"If they find out," Portia emphasized each word with a smirk. "Who said anything about finding out, hmm?" She grabbed a fistful of Eunji's hair, tugging at it painfully. "You see these needles? One is a sedative and the other one is a poison. You give me the truth, I'll sedate you and leave you outside your residential building. You refuse, I'll put you in our mortuary and trust me, honey, no one will ever know it was you. We get unidentifiable bodies all the time."
Eunji gulped. "You wouldn't."
"To be honest, I don't want to," Portia sighed. "But you hurt my friends. And honey, that's something I don't like. When I don't like something...I do shit."
Alvie leaned forward. "Her ex tried to hurt her once. Guess what, we made sure that bastard doesn't get a boner in this life time. So...we may not kill you today, but we have other ways..." She eyed her from head to toe. " ruin you. Hmm...will your agency still employ you, if you don't look beautiful anymore?"
Eunji shuddered when Alvie caressed her cheeks. "W-what?"
Alvie dropped her hand and leaned back. "Killing is too easy. But I'll enjoy you live with a knowledge of what would happen if you mess with wrong people. So, yes, I'll ruin you inside out."
"Now tell us, Eunji..." Portia crossed her knees and folded her hands across her chest, tilting her head to the side. "What happened the night Jimin went to see you?"
Eunji clenched her jaw, her palms fisting. "He came to see me many nights. I don't know which night you're talking about."
Taehyung sensed Jungkook tensing beside him. Jimin subconsciously leaned into him, looping his hands around his waist to keep him grounded.
"Ah, I see..." Portia sniffed. "Let me refresh your memory then. On the night of 1st September, six years ago he came to you. His contract with your agency had just ended. Later, we received some compromising photos of you and him doing...ah, some unpleasant things..." Portia scrunched her nose. "So, what happened that night?"
Eunji had the audacity to laugh. "What do you think had happened? We had sex like any other couple would."
"Was he willing?" Taehyung gritted through his teeth, tempted to go over and knock her head on the floor.
"Of course he was," Eunji snorted.
"Is it? Then why do I feel like whatever happened was non-consensual?" Portia asked, her composure calm, but Taehyung could sense the storm brewing under that façade. Alvie was like a silent spectator. If Eunji was clever, she'd would have noticed the calm demeanor of the women was only a mask before the shit hit the storm.
"He's a man. No one can take advantage of a man. Are you insane? First, he acted like he didn't fuck me and then dump me. Now, are you trying to tell me that I raped him?"
"Did you?" Portia had leaned forward, their faces inches apart.
"What the fuck? How can I rape a man?" Eunji was breathing harder.
"Really? Then you'd be surprised to learn women aren't the only victims of sexual abuse. It happens to men too." She leaned back, once again with a nonchalant look. "However, I'm not here to educate you per se. I'm here to know what did you do to Jimin that night. More specifically, who told you to drug Jimin to get into a compromising position?"
Eunji's expression slightly faltered before her brows knotted and she scowled. She stared Portia for a long moment, the silence stretching before a smug look replaced her scowl. "I never had to drug anyone to my bed." Her tongue darted out wetting her lips as she flicked a glance at Jimin. "Men desire me. I'm sure..." her gaze found Jimin again. "Jimin can vouch how good I am in bed."
Before Jimin can make a move, Portia slapped her across her cheek then sighed. "Guess it's time to move to plan B." She handed one syringe to Alvie. "I don't think she has anything useful. Just kill the bitch already."
Alvie brought the syringe to her eye level. "Ah...I think you messed up."
"Huh?" Portia blinked at her.
"You didn't tell me which one is which." Alvie waved the syringes in front of her face. "How do I know which one is the correct one?"
"Just inject her with both. She's gonna die anyway. Why does it even matter?"
"But...we haven't decided how to dispose her body." Alvie frowned. "We thought she will tell us the truth and we just have to sedate her."
"Give it to me." Portia reached for the syringe. "Kill her first and then we will talk."
"Wait!" Alvie hid the syringe behind her. "If we can't come up with a fail proof plan on time, we will have to keep her body here and she will stink." She scrunched her nose.
"So what do you propose?"
"Well, we can sedate her first. Come up with a plan and then kill her."
"No shit, Sherlock. One of the injections is a sedative."
", paper and scissors?"
Portia grinned. "Perfect."
Taehyung bit his lip to stop the laughter from tumbling out while Eunji stared at the women. Alvie won and was searching for a vein when Eunji let her fear show.
"What the fuck are you doing?" she growled. "Let me go."
"I don't know," Alvie said, nibbling at her bottom lip in concentration. "I mean...I know what I am doing but I don't know if this is sedative or the killer shot. Guess we will have to find out."
The needed pricked her skin and Eunji screamed.
I managed to write a chapter between work. Hope to see you tomorrow!
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