Chapter - 59
"You called." Eunji was beaming from ear to ear as she looked down at him.
"Sit." Jimin motioned her to the couch opposite to him but she ignored him and plopped to his right, too close for his comfort.
Days rolled into weeks and weeks into a month since the accident. Jungwoo had left abruptly after his confrontation with Jungkook and Jimin was back to work. Namjoon hadn't found enough evidence to pin Jungwoo's ass to the crimes he had committed so here he was.
It was Alvie's idea. She had suggested that Eunji might talk to him. If there was one good outcome of the accident, it was that Jimin had his memory back. Not just fragments like before, but he remembered it all. The incidents from that night were still a blur to him and Portia claimed Eunji must have drugged him.
He absent-mindedly caressed the small button camera fixed to his shirt. They needed evidence. Meeting Eunji was the last thing he wanted to do. But he had no choice. Jungkook was away on a three-day business trip and Jimin chose to do it before he came back tonight. He should have told Jungkook, but the youngest was shaken and blaming himself ever since he figured who was behind the attack. Jimin didn't want to add more to Jungkook's worries.
He invited her over to the office after working hours so he could talk to her in private, but still under supervision. Namjoon was in Jungkook's office, monitoring the camera feed.
"I knew you'd want to see me."
Jimin took a deep breath, steeling his resolve. He had to do it for the sake of Jungkook. He slightly turned his body to face her, so the camera was aimed at her.
"I'm sorry, Eunji." He slowly reached for her hand. "I just...remembered."
"What did you remember?"
"That night..." His thumb ran a smooth circle on the back of his palm. "Sorry that I hurt you."
Eunji's confusion was evident, but she masked it with a smile.
Jimin decided to throw more crumbs. "You know, I was in an accident," he paused, noticing there was no shock or surprise in her face. "I have selective amnesia." He forced a small smile. "It is why I forgot everything about us. I'm sorry I hurt you."
"Oh, Jimin!" She threw herself at him and Jimin stiffened, forcing the rising bile down.
With clenched teeth, he brought his hands around her, patting awkwardly. "What happened that night?"
She released him. "You just said you remembered."
"Yes," he gauged her reaction. "The morning when I woke up in your bed you said we...Did we really do it?"
"Of course, we did. You said you love me and were ready to leave with me. But then you disappeared."
"Oh, yeah?" He stood, dropping the act, and pushed his hands into his pocket. "So why don't you speak the truth now." He strode to his desk, perching on it, and crossed his ankle.
"I'm telling you the truth." She jumped to her feet.
"You know I was dating Jungkook. I was in love with him. So why would I go with you?"
"I can't believe we are back to this again."
"I remember quitting the job, Eunji. I walked out, only to wake up in your bed the next morning. So, help me understand, Eunji. Why would I go back on my decision and why I don't remember anything about that night?"
"You were confused, Jimin." She walked toward him. "When we met you started analyzing your choices. You told me that you regretted being with Jungkook. That you didn't know what to do with him." Jimin grimaced when she grabbed his arm. "He was insecure and was giving you hard time. You felt stuck with him, baby."
Jimin didn't have enough time to back off when she closed the distance. The kiss was unexpected. Disgust washed over him and before he realized he grabbed her jaw in a painful grip, pushing her away but still keeping her in his grip. "I did not give you my consent to kiss me," he growled, reaching out for the tissue holder and ripping a tissue out. "Don't fucking dare to touch me." He wiped his lips furiously, throwing the tissue on the floor. "Only Jungkook get to do that. And don't fucking call me baby. Only Jungkook gets to call me that."
"J-Jimin, you're hurting me."
He released her, wiping his hand on his pants as if he touched something disgusting. "What did you do that night? Did you drug me? How did I end up in your bed?" He stalked her and she backed up, gulping and eyes wide with fear. "I sure did not go there willingly and I do not remember kissing you. What the fuck did you do to me, Eunji?"
She froze for a moment before something changed in her face. "What happened to you?" she screamed, hot tears trickling down her cheeks. "You said you remember but clearly you don't remember anything at all." She threw her hands in the air. "You're hurting me, Jimin. Physically and emotionally. You want to know the truth? It's true that you left me. You indeed quit. But you came back. You were drunk and you told me you love me. That you were torn because you couldn't just leave Jungkook. But...but things escalated," she sniffled, her chest heaving, and Jimin's hands shook.
This was definitely not the story he wanted to hear. He didn't remember getting drunk. But if she spewed this shit to someone no one would believe his words. Namjoon had said Jimin's testimony wasn't enough. That his history with amnesia was questionable. So, they needed solid evidence. Eunji wasn't giving him one.
"You used me and left me," Eunji cried. "I was devastated when you acted as if nothing happened between us. You made love to me and claimed you wanted only me. You told me that you were going to break things with Jungkook. You told me to renew the contract and you will meet me later."
"Someone tried to kill me," Jimin's face was void of emotion as he stared at her. "Jungkook broke up with me and threw me out of the house. And then someone ran me over with a car."
"I'm sorry it happened to you." Eunji once again approached him. "Do you think it's easy for me? I spend all these years wondering what I did wrong. You were gone without a goodbye. I just wanted closure, Jimin."
Jimin couldn't respond. His head spun and the familiar ache started at the base of his skull. "Leave."
Eunji lifted her hands to touch him, looking every bit broken and for a moment Jimin felt bad for hurting her. She dropped her hands with a nod. "Okay. I see how it is." She wiped her tears and squared her shoulders. "I won't bother you again, Jimin. If you want to see me, you know where to find me."
She spun on her heel and left the room. Jimin's hands fisted on his sides. What the fuck was that?
He ran a hand over his face, doubting his memory for a moment. Jimin racked his brain and there wasn't one instance he showed interest in her. Nothing he could remember.
"That's fucked up." Namjoon stormed into his office. "If she goes spinning that story...we are...shit!"
Jimin took a shaky breath. "What do we do now?" This did not go as they planned.
"It's well-planned." Namjoon grimaced, running a hand through his hair. "Her involvement is questionable, but after knowing your side, it doesn't go with her version of events."
"I'm sure I never cheated on him, hyung. Never," Jimin deadpanned.
"I believe you." Namjoon sighed. "Go home and get some rest. We'll find a way."
Jimin nodded tiredly. He had a long night ahead.
Jimin headed to Jungkook's apartment. Security now accompanied him wherever he went. Jungkook also had arranged a Mercedes to take him to work or anywhere he wanted to go. Jimin was sure Jungkook bought it and the metal beast came with bulletproof windows but Jungkook had shrugged it off like nothing. While Jimin thought it was a bit too much, he didn't complain. He knew Jungkook's fear and his heart only swelled at his actions.
Over the last month, Jimin's things were slowly moved into Jungkook's apartment. His lease was also almost up and he didn't bother with the move. After they accepted their feelings for each other, they barely stayed apart. Even on days, Jimin went to his home, Jungkook always climbed into his bed at midnight having a key to Jimin's apartment, saying he couldn't fall asleep.
Jimin missed Jungkook. The youngest didn't want to leave but Jimin convinced him saying he shouldn't slack off at work. They all had work to do.
When he entered the bedroom with a hot shower in mind, he noticed Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed.
The youngest didn't lift his head. His hands were clasped together in his lap.
Jimin strode to him. "I thought your flight arrived at one a.m."
"I took an early flight." Jungkook still wasn't meeting his gaze.
Something stirred inside Jimin's chest. He crouched on the floor in front of Jungkook, hooking a finger under Jungkook's chin. "Baby?" He froze seeing the bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "Wha—"
"Do you feel stuck with me, hyung?"
"You know that you have a choice, right?" Jungkook cut him off. "That...if you..." his breathing grew erratic, eyes desperate. "I'm sorry, hyung." He brushed off his tears furiously. "I should have known I can't compete with her."
Jimin frowned. Jungkook's words didn't make sense. Who was he talking about?
"I saw you both," Jungkook's words were a whisper and Jimin froze. "I was there at the office." The youngest averted his face, pain radiating off his features. "I saw..." A sob racked his body and he covered his face. "I'm sorry, hyung. I'm sorry you felt that way."
"It's not—"
"It's okay, hyung. I understand." Jungkook didn't let him finish. "I..." His lips trembled. "I accept my defeat. You can have anyone you want. I'll just...I'll..." He fidgeted with his hands.
"Jungkook!" Jimin's patience waned thin.
What the fuck was going on in his mind? Which part of 'I love you' or 'You're the only one for me' did he not understand? Jimin's clenched his fist.
"I won't hold you back." Jungkook stood abruptly. "I won't stop you. I—I'll be here. As long as you come back to me that is. I'll take anything I can get." He was breathing harder. " You don't even have to tell anyone, hyung. No one has to know about us. I'll—"
What the fuck?
"That's enough!" Jimin stood, his voice booming and causing Jungkook to flinch. His chest heaved with anger. "What the fuck are you going on about? Huh? Do you even hear yourself?" He badly wanted to punch something. "You want me fuck someone and then crawl into your bed?"
Jungkook blinked. He opened his mouth to speak but Jimin cut him off.
"Don't. How can you even suggest such a thing? Is that how you see yourself?"
Jungkook hung his head, clasping his fingers in front of him.
"You wanted us to be a secret? Even when I was barely eighteen, I never fucking hid you from anyone. I was just waiting for you to turn eighteen so I can call you my boyfriend. Everyone in the university knew who you were to me. I never hid us, Jungkook."
Jungkook was biting at his bottom lip, shifting on his feet, wide eyes blinking rapidly as he looked at Jimin. Jimin had never been this furious before. Even when he was angry, he never showed it to Jungkook.
"Even now, it's you who is hiding me—hiding us." Jimin stretched his arms wide, his nostrils flaring. He tried to reign in his anger. God, he tried. Only the more he thought about Jungkook's words the more furious he grew. "What did you see tonight?" Jimin knew something had to have happened for Jungkook to lose his shit like this.
The youngest did not answer. He winced at Jimin's hard tone but said nothing.
"I asked you a question." He grabbed Jungkook's chin, forcing him to look at him. "What the fuck did you see?"
"You...I—You—She kissed you."
Jimin clenched his jaw, dropping his hand to fold them across his chest. "And let me assume, you left as soon as you saw that."
Jungkook swallowed.
Jimin spun on his heel, running both his hands through his hair. "You know what your problem is? You see and you assume. You don't even stop to think." He didn't mean to raise his volume, but he was so pissed that he could hardly control his anger. The accident and the events followed had always kept him on an edge. "You haven't changed a bit. Did you even fucking think of asking me about it?" Jimin glared at him. "No." He threw his hands in the air.
Jungkook took a step back, doe eyes wide and looking lost. "H-hyung..."
"Don't you dare hyung me now!" Jimin hissed. "If you had trusted me enough to give me a chance to explain none of this would have happened." Jimin knew he had to stop, he was treading over thin ice, but years of pent up frustration was getting the best out of him. "Tell me, Jungkook." He took long strides, grabbing the youngest by his shoulders. "Tell me what I have to do to make you believe? I've told you repeatedly, I've shown you repeatedly. How else do you want me to prove my love to you?"
Jungkook's lips trembled, his tears flowing free and Jimin's heart broke.
Jimin stepped back, storm howling in his mind. He needed to clear his head. He pivoted on his heel, ready to leave the room.
Jungkook hugged him from behind. "I'm sorry..." he sobbed. "Please...please don't leave me."
"Let go, Jungkook." Jimin winced at his harsh tone. He should take it down a notch, but he couldn't help it. He didn't want to live every day proving his love to Jungkook only for him to doubt it again over trivial things. Jimin was tired. Jungkook has to sort his feelings. They can't go on like this. Trust was a foundation of any relationship. With Jungkook's constant fear and insecurities clouding his judgment, Jimin didn't know how to help him anymore.
"Please...hyung." Jungkook buried his face into Jimin's neck. "Don't go. I'll be good." He turned Jimin around, peppering kisses all over his face. "I can be good. Please let me prove it to you." He bent his head reaching for Jimin's lips.
Jimin planted a firm hand on Jungkook's chest. "Not tonight, Jungkook. Every time we fought over this, we have sex and makeup, forget it, and move on, only for you to bounce back to the same point." He pushed him away gently. "I'm not touching you. I won't make love to you until you're sure about me."
"Hyung..." Jungkook grabbed his hands.
"What's the point in telling you all those words and showing you when my words or actions mean nothing to you?"
"T-that's not true." Jungkook was shaking. "No, no, please..." Jungkook's grip on his hands tightened. "D-don't leave..."
Jimin pried his hands off him. "I'm not leaving. But I need space. I can't talk to you like this." He spun on his heel and strode to their shared closet. He pulled the change of clothes. "I'll be in the guest bedroom."
Jimin's heart constricted when he walked out. But Jungkook's words kept bouncing in his mind. It sliced through his heart. He never cheated and never will. However, he didn't think he could keep going on like this. Jimin brushed off his tears and slammed the door shut behind him.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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