Chapter 50
This chapter will have multiple POV's. *** indicates POV switch.
Party scene is bit long, so I'm breaking it into two chapters or maybe three. Next one will be posted tomorrow.
Finally, the party scene is here. My exams are over and now I can start writing to my heart's content.
Jungkook's nerves balled in his stomach when he entered the Hilton that evening. One of the event staff led him to the biggest party hall in the hotel. It was strange to go to an event alone. In the past, Taehyung was always there to accompany him. This time, however, Jimin had ended up working all day. When Jungkook texted Jimin half an hour ago he received a one-worded text that said busy.
The young CEO hated one-worded replies, especially when it came to Jimin. It brought unwanted memories he so wanted to forget. He was nothing but a nervous ball all day and arriving at the venue didn't make it any better. His hands were at his sides, fingers tapping on the side of his thighs as he rode the elevator with the event staff dressed in a black tux.
"This way, sir," the male staff said as he stepped out of the elevator.
Jungkook thanked him and made his way to the party hall aka the entire rooftop that was transformed into a party space. Soft music greeted him, which piqued his interest because Jeon Corporation's events normally had boring music that made someone yawn even before entering the hall. This one was warm and inviting, so Jimin like. That eased his mind. His legs moved fast, expecting to find Jimin inside.
The entire space was decorated in white. He should have guessed it when he received the 'Dinner in White' as the theme. White lanterns, linen table clothes to tableware—it was nothing like their previous parties. Waiters in the party uniform flitted around the area with expensive champagnes and other drinks. A bar was set at the far left end of the rooftop while the steaming buffet was to the right. Tables and chairs lined the walls, leaving the center part free for the people who loved to dance. His gaze soon found the DJ station and his lips curved into a smile—totally Jimin.
He wasn't the only one in awe. Jungkook could see it the faces of the party-goers. It was still early and there were only a few inside mostly the interns and a few other department staff he recognized. Not many were in there yet, but he knew already it was going to a night full of fun. There was a door near the buffet area that led the party-goers into another hall and Jungkook saw more people gathered inside.
Is that a game room? Wow. He made his way into the room, sudden excitement bubbling inside him. Apart from the pool table, darts, foosball, card game area, and shuffleboard, it also hosted a huge ball pit made Jungkook laugh under his breath. Grabbing a flute of champagne, he let his gaze wander. Jimin wasn't here neither was Taehyung or anyone he wanted to see tonight. Jungkook pulled his phone out and called Taehyung, who answered in the third ring.
"Wait. Let me put you on speaker!" Taehyung's voice rang in between the bustle and hustle in the background. He could hear Jimin's muffled voice complaining. "Sit still, Minnie. I'll glue your ass to the chair if needed."
"Where are you?" Jungkook's lips curved involuntarily at the sound of their voices. Some of his nervousness evaporated.
"Getting your boyfriend ready for the evening. Your daddy dearest kept him busy all day and he just came out of the shower."
Taehyung loved to dress up people and for once Jungkook was glad he wasn't the one Tae readying for the event. Speaking of which, it could run for hours that horrified Jungkook.
"You're at home?" He tried to keep his voice calm, despite the rising panic.
"No. Room: 715."
"Come to the room if you have reached."
"Okay," his response was quick, relieved to escape the room.
Pocketing the phone he turned to go to the elevator. But the relief didn't last long because right then he saw his father entering with two of his minions. One was Lee Hyun, his assistant Jungkook met for the first time on Friday and the other was Ahn Heesung his other new assistant. All dressed in a crisp, white suit.
Jungkook didn't understand why his father would leave his assistant of five years back in Europe and travel with the new ones. Again, it wasn't his problem. He didn't like either of them. Jungkook wasn't a person who disliked or judged someone the first time he met them, but there were some types of people who rubbed you the wrong way.
His father caught his eyes, scrutinizing gaze accessing Jungkook from head to toe. Jungkook tried to skirt around the lonely tables, but he was stopped by a board member entering with his wife.
"Jungkook-ssi, you look good."
Jungkook bowed, accepting the greeting as he returned the greeting. It didn't take long before he was swarmed by people. With a sigh, he plastered his signature fake smile and tried to be as polite as possible, his gaze wandering to the entrance every few minutes. He was talking to yet another board member and his lovely wife when his father talked or more like passing on a snide remark.
"Your dog ditched you today?"
Jungkook clenched his jaw. "Dog?" He lifted a brow, knowing very well who his father meant. "I don't own a dog." He tilted his head to see his father's assistants looming behind him. "Keep your bitches on leash by the way. I don't like the way they're looking at me." A smirk tugged at his lips when his father's smug grin vanished.
Before his father could retort they were distracted by a few other guests. Jungkook tensed upon seeing Yuna. Dressed in an elegant knee-length one-shoulder white dress that had a slit on the thigh and wearing her signature red lips, Yuna's sharp gaze swept across the party hall, finding Jungkook. He grimaced internally when a seductive smile curved her lips. His father moved closer, beaming like a teenager that sickened Jungkook to the stomach.
"Jungkook-ssi," Yuna greeted with a bow, showing too much cleavage and Jungkook averted his gaze. "I was pleasantly surprised by the invitation." One of her hands climbed along with his left hand. "I knew you would come around."
Jungkook didn't respond or greet her. The so-called corporate party that was supposed to be only for the employees now had a few celebrities and even a few reporters lurking around. He knew he couldn't trust his father. The old goat was always throwing him to the women and took pleasure when the rumor mills began spinning much to Jungkook's dismay.
Without single thought, he pushed her hand aside. "That invitation was from my father," he pointed to his beloved dad with a tight smile. "He's a great fan." Jungkook didn't have to turn to look at the sneer on his father's face. He didn't wait either, he moved away intending to leave the hall but relief flooded him when a group of familiar people strode in.
Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, and Min Yoongi were all dressed to kill, looking tall and handsome in their expensive white suits. Namjoon was the first to spot him and the men rushed to him with bright smiles. They greeted him with a brief hug and a pat on his back. Jungkook felt his tension leave and relaxed further, more than glad to finally be with his people.
"Where are your dates?"
"Yoongi here is my date," Hoseok said with a twist of his lips. "Cos my real date has to go as someone else's date tonight."
Yoongi flashed his gummy smile, a rare sight he saved only for those who were close to him. "I have been your date as long as I could remember," he teased. "Don't worry. You'll survive one more night."
Jungkook knew them both on a personal level through Jimin. They weren't too close yet, but he knew of the massive crush Taehyung had over Yoongi and he could see why. Yoongi was shy but extremely sweet and caring. He even sent food for Jungkook whenever he cooked and was a perfect addition to his hyung line that blew up since Jimin showed up in his life again. Now he also had a noona line, who cared about him than his real family would ever do.
"The girls ran late from work," Jin added. "They're getting ready in one of the rooms Taehyung booked."
"They should be here soon. Come on, let's grab a drink." Namjoon patted Jungkook's elbow, guiding them to the bar.
Mingling with people became easier with his hyungs around. Namjoon was quite known among the celebrities with his company handling most of their security detail. Many came over to greet them.
Hoseok kept the chats, short and crisp, never bothering to carry on even when the guests seemed too keen to pull him away for a private chat. Jungkook wondered how different his personalities were. CEO Hoseok was unbothered, cold, and distant, but Jimin's Hobi hyung was all bright and sunny with a contagious smile that brightened anyone's heart at any time of the day.
Seokjin on the other hand was hit by many female partygoers, all were turned down with a polite smile. When someone persisted, he had said he was taken. Portia had finally managed to wrap that handsome doctor in her pinkie. He couldn't wait to bitch about it in their group chat later. It was something he seemed to enjoy these days. After being alone for too long, their arrival in his life was like a breath of fresh air. He loved how easily they lightened up Jimin's mood. Jimin handled his stress much better with them around unlike before.
Forty-five minutes, one beer and one champagne later Jungkook felt a sudden silence wash over the room. Maybe he felt that way because the rush of blood to his head drowned the chatters around him. Because there stood Jimin, looking like an angel descending from heaven in a white round collar button-down shirt with top two buttons open, matching slacks that accentuated his thick thigh and a slim fit jacket with sequined roses across his chest and waistline.
Their gazes locked and Jungkook felt his world still for a moment. Jimin's platinum blonde hair was deeply parted to the side and styled to reveal his forehead. He had gone for a smokey look for his eyes that made his eyes pop. Jungkook thought the grey lens suited the older better, complementing his ethereal look. Peach colored lip gloss coated his plump lips. His neck had a few more additions apart from his usual Chanel necklace. Dangling earrings adorned his ears.
Someone tapped on his shoulder and Jungkook blinked several times.
"You're staring," Yoongi muttered under his breath. "We're in public, boy."
Jungkook downed the remaining champagne and tried to glance away. But like a magnet, his gaze once again found Jimin. He was now making their way toward their little group with Taehyung and the girls in tow. They were all dressed in white like everyone else.
Taehyung once again opted out for his favorite Gucci white suit with a satin shirt. He had ditched his tie in favor of leaving the tops three buttons open. His dark hair was styled in curly waves, falling over his eyes. His neck was bare. The only jewelry adorned him was his favorite Alexander McQueen earring on his left ear. The look definitely had the desired effect on Yoongi, who was discreetly staring at his best friend.
The girls had opted for a simple, elegant yet comfortable look. Portia wore an off white short dress with high neck crochet, Alvira in a bodycon dress with one side tiered ruffle sleeve, and Katy in a v-neck cami lace dress with spaghetti strap. Jungkook's gaze strayed to Jimin again. He really had a hard time to focus with Jimin looking so fucking ravishing.
It is going to be a very long night.
Jimin hardly had time to eat anything the entire day. If it wasn't for the pajeon Jungkook forced him to eat in the morning, he'd have had nothing but water in his stomach. Taehyung fussed with his hair as he sat sipping his orange juice the room service delivered a while ago. He bit into the mini sandwich moaning at the taste. Food tasted divine when you were extremely hungry.
He expected Jungkook to show up sooner but there was no sign of the youngest as the clock ticked away. So he could only assume that someone was keeping him away. The nerves in his stomach were haywire at the thought of the evening. He didn't want to face Eunji.
Jimin nibbled at his bottom lip. "Can you keep Eunji away from me? I don't know how Jungkookie will react if he saw her again." This party was a bad idea. Very very bad with all caps.
"Don't worry. The guys know what to expect and Katy noona will be by your side all the side. Eunji won't dare." Taehyung paused styling Jimin's hair for a moment and met his gaze through the mirror. "Even if she did, we will be there to handle her."
Jimin nodded, his chest tightening as he thought about the several things that could go wrong. "Did you talk to Namjoon hyung?"
"Yeah." Taehyung resumed his work. "Don't worry about it, Minnie. Whoever is trying to hurt you, won't get away for long."
It didn't take long before the girls entered with bright smiles and filling the room with loud banters. They teased him for being late and soon turned on each other, teasing about the night and making fun. Well, the pink faced panda was definitely a vision to behold. Jimin clicked a photo to tease her later on.
When they made it to the rooftop an hour later, it was crowded. Loud chatters drowned the music being played. It didn't take long to find his target. Damn. Jungkook in a turtleneck was definitely his weakness. In a slim fitted suit that accentuated his body proportion, the youngest looked beautiful. His black hair was parted in the middle, falling in waves to the side, framing his cute face. Wide doe-eyes glistening stars were locked with his own. Jimin so wanted to trace his lips over that sharp jawline before kissing those delicious pink lips.
Can a man look so sinful in a simple white suit? Jimin already had his answer. Jungkook stirred every obscene thought in his mind. He couldn't wait for the night to end. Jimin had to remember they were in public, especially at the party.
"Oh fuck!" Katy cursed loudly, bringing him out of his trance. "Why the hell does he have to look so hot?"
"Hold me. I think I'm gonna faint." Portia was grabbing at Taehyung's arm in a tight grip.
Alvira snickered beside them. "CEO Hoseok is out to kill again. Panda your man is handsome."
"I know. I know." She was breathing harder, her hands trembling. "How do I look? I'm not ready, girls. My heart feels like it's gonna explode."
"Wow," Taehyung mumbled. "So, this is what how you really feel like, huh?" He chuckled. "That poker face is just a show."
"Shh..." Portia slapped his arm. "That's a secret." Her expression turned mushy again as she stared at the handsome doctor. "Somebody help me. I really can't breathe."
"You'll be fine," Alvira grunted. "At least you can be with your man all night, unlike someone who can only look from a distance."
"Why does he have to go all CEO mode? Hobi mode is much easier to handle," Katy groaned as she palmed her face with a shake of her head.
Jimin chuckled leaning to her ear. "And whose mistake is that? All you have to say is yes and he will be yours."
"Shut up," she mumbled with a pout, one of the rarest sights for the ever-confident Katy.
"You like him already. Why are you pretending then?" he asked in a gentle tone and watched her shoulders sag in defeat.
"Like?" Alvira snorted. "This idiot is hopelessly in love with her Hobi for as long as I know."
"Love?" Jimin's eyes widened.
"Shut up," Katherine hissed. "Not a single word, Jiminie," she warned, big eyes boring into him, then she sighed. "Listen, I know it sounds weird...but it feels kinda good to know someone desires me." A shy smile stretched her lips. "Let me have my fun, girls. I like the chase."
"You keep waiting until someone else steals him away," Alvira grunted. Jimin rolled his eyes. That one never bothered to sugarcoat. Not that Hobi hyung would look at another woman, but Katy really had to let go of her insecurities for once. "Too many are eying him already."
"You were supposed to be on my side." Katy punched her arm. "A bitch is hanging on your Joonie's arm for the past five minutes. You'll be the one to lose your precious Joonie if you don't claim him soon."
"He's not my Joonie."
"Then why is your face red?" Portia bumped into her shoulder.
"I can even see the steam coming out of her ears." Taehyung poked Alvira's ears. "Your ears are really red, Alvie. Whoa...that's some serious trouble we have—"
"Shut up!" Alvira was already storming off to Namjoon's direction while the others snickered.
"Alright, girls. You know what to do." Taehyung lifted his elbow to Portia. "Let's rule this night."
"Yeah, bitch mode on," Katy cheered, and soon they were making their way through the throng of people and to the friendly group huddled by a corner near the bar.
Jimin silently prayed the night didn't bring any drama for he was already exhausted.
I'm also happy with all the Jikook content today. I'm screaming literally.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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