Chapter 5
Jungkook didn't know how long he was staring at the phone. Jimin's Instagram was set to the private mode and he had less than thirty followers. The old Jimin he knew loved to flaunt his adventures. He had so many followers he didn't even know. He nervously tapped his fingers on his knee. Saturday has come and gone. Namjoon hadn't called yet.
He clicked on his followers and scrolled through, checking one by one. Why he was stalking Jimin on social media? He had no clue. But Jungkook was intrigued. He wanted to know what Jimin did in these past six years.
After having no luck with a few accounts, he stumbled onto an account. The woman went with the username Smexy_Panda and there were tons of photos, mostly selcas, random things, and her friends. A few also had Jimin. They must be friends. His finger hovered over a specific photo where Jimin sported red hair, taken three years ago. Jungkook clicked on the tag and visited the next profile, suddenly interested to know more about his friends. The She-devil account was the same like before.
Jungkook was scrolling mindlessly until he stumbled onto the third profile. His heart raced upon seeing the photos of Jimin and the woman who went by username Katy_321.
"H-hyung..." his voice almost cracked, hands shaking. Unlike the other accounts, this had selfies of the woman and Jimin, looking cozy and sporting a huge smile on their faces.
Taehyung was beside him in an instant, his hands grabbing the phone, shock coating his features.
"Do you think they're together?" Jungkook couldn't respond to that simple question. What did he expect? That Jimin would still be single after all these years?
Tears stung his eyes. Jungkook bit his lips, willing himself to stop. It didn't matter. It had been six years and people change all the time. Just because he hasn't moved on doesn't mean the other didn't. He wanted to laugh at his thought. They wouldn't have broken up in the first place if Jimin hadn't moved on. In the end, he lost to a woman.
Disdain filled him at the sight of the woman in the photos. God, she was beautiful with brown locks and huge brown eyes, bow-shaped lips, small nose, and wavy hair framing her perfectly round face. Fuck.
Taehyung closed the app and threw the phone at Jungkook. "Don't look." He ran a hand over his face as his jaw clenched, the small twitch of a muscle in his jaw didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. Taehyung was furious. The elder stood to pace the floor, his fists clenched by his sides.
Jungkook stared at the floor for the next couple of minutes before his hands went to his phone on robotic mode. He was looking at the photo again. Why does Jimin have to like girls so much? Was I just a time pass? Someone he used to explore his sexual fantasies?
The more he thought about it the more it hurt. Why was it so hard? This shouldn't even surprise him anymore. Jimin left him all those years ago for a woman. It shouldn't matter anymore. But it hurt like a bitch. He wanted to pull his hair and scream out loud.
The silence hung heavily in the room. Jungkook didn't realize how much time had passed. Taehyung had stopped pacing a while ago and was on his phone. A few soft curses he heard told him Tae was looking at the photos. Jungkook too saw every single photo of them, which was almost all the posts, except for a few rare selfies. Almost all the photos had Jimin.
"Jungkookie... Can you put that thing aside for a minute?" Taehyung's frustration was evident in his voice. They were currently at Tae's luxury apartment in Hannam the Hill. "Staring at his Instagram profile is not going to change anything."
"Like you aren't doing it." What was the point anyway? The damage was already done. His heart ached just like it did all those years ago when he first saw Jimin with Eunji. The pain was still fresh. And seeing these photos only ripped open his old wounds.
Tae dropped beside him with a defeated sigh and Jungkook propped his legs on Tae's lap. "He was my soulmate," his voice lowered as his expression turned sullen. "You know I can't hold grudges. I was fine until I saw him. But now that he's closer, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to think of these photos. It makes me furious." He dropped his head to his hands, elbows propped on Jungkook's legs. "And it angers me because I know it's not fair to you. Perhaps it wouldn't have bothered me if you weren't involved with him. But it does. I hate them for doing this you. I don't even know that woman but I already hate her."
Jungkook understood. He couldn't blame Tae. Jimin has always had this hold on them. Though he was the eldest of the trio, he had been the baby of the group––the one who always demanded attention and acted cute despite his macho appearance during the younger years. The one who made them laugh and cracked jokes.
As much as Jungkook hated to admit it, seeing Jimin again had ignited something within him. He wanted to stay furious. He wanted to confront him for the betrayal. But as much as Jungkook wanted to remember only the night that tore them apart, he ended up remembering the majority of those warm nights instead. Those nights they spend stargazing or just cuddling while they talked about anything and everything.
It was hard to stay mad at Jimin for long. He hated himself for that. His initial anger had ebbed away in a matter of days. Though he had too many questions to ask, too many emotions to sort out he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with Jimin anymore. Six years was a long time. They had grown apart and the breakup was bad. But whenever he saw Jimin it felt as if nothing had changed.
Even now, he could only think why he wasn't the one on those photos with Jimin. Why he wasn't the one Jimin looking at? Why he wasn't the one Jimin holding? Why he wasn't the one feeding Jimin? Why he wasn't the one hugging Jimin? Why? Why it has to be her?
Jungkook despised the way his heart still raced at the mere sight of Jimin. He hated the way Jimin's smile made him feel. He hated it more when he saw Jimin talking to the others or laughed out loud at something the others said. And hated himself for hating Jimin. Oh lord, I'm screwed. He didn't realize his hands were shaking until Tae grabbed them.
"Jungkook-ah, it's still not late. We can kick him out of job or transfer him to some other office," he suggested. "You don't have to put yourself through this."
Jungkook's throat constricted as he moved to hug Tae. "I should have shred that paper and moved on like we never received his resume. But I screwed up."
Taehyung gave him a sad smile. "You still want him."
Though Jungkook's initial impulse was to deny the claim, he couldn't produce a sound. He clamped his mouth shut. As much as his logical side of the brain wanted him to cut all the ties and move away, he couldn't help the way his heart clenched at the thought. He wanted Jimin. He wanted his sole attention. He wanted everything. A tear slid out of his eyes.
"I miss him, hyung."
Tae rubbed his back, running his hand in smooth circles. "I can't blame you."
Jungkook shut his eyes tighter, fighting the tears.
"He was your first love. You threw yourself at work and never moved on. We hit the club all the time, yet you never looked at anyone else. I thought you would eventually let him go."
"I'm a fool."
"A fool who is hopelessly in love."
"I'm not," he mumbled knowing well how his words contradicted his thoughts, especially when he had admitted that he missed Jimin.
Taehyung scoffed. "Right."
A few tears had escaped his eyes and trickled down his cheeks. He brushed it off and straightened with a grim look. "Was I not good, hyung?" he found himself asking, his gaze on the floor, fingers fiddling in his lap. "We fought a lot. I'm a possessive and jealous bastard. But when did I let that stop him from anything he wanted to do?"
Tae squeezed Jungkook's thigh gently. "You were too good for him."
"Then why did he do that? Was I not enough?"
Tae fixed is gaze on him. "That's his problem, Jungkook-ah. He...he..." He clenched his jaw. "Let's not talk about this.
Jungkook swallowed hard. Was it because Jimin was experimenting with his sexuality? Or was it a onetime thing because he was too drunk to know who he was screwing? He tried to come up with different answers over the years, but none satisfying. The only one who could answer him now acted as if they had no past together.
"I don't know what to do anymore." He clenched his fists.
"We will figure it out together." Tae stood from the couch. "Don't give it too much of a thought. How about we go boxing? Or do you want to play some games?"
"Games," Jungkook whispered.
"Come on, then. I'm gonna beat your ass today."
"In your dreams." Jungkook tried to joke, but his voice came out weak. He stood regardless, following Taehyung.
"Any update from Sungho-ssi?" Jungkook asked lifting his gaze from his phone. The gaming session had considerably improved his mood. They now hung out on the terrace, talking business.
"We don't have an exact date yet. We should get an appointment anytime next month."
Jungkook nodded. If his father ever got wind of this, he might flip. Developing a virtual reality game had always been his dream. JH Inc. was at the top of the gaming industry and the owner of the company was Korean. He was trying to get an appointment with the CEO Jung Hoseok for over six months now. It was easier said than done though. He sighed, running a hand over his face. If his proposal went through, he'd be living a dream.
Taehyung's phone dinged and he jumped to his feet. "Namjoonie hyung is here," he said and Jungkook rose to his feet.
Jungkook's heart thudded as he made his way to the living room, wondering what news he had brought. He held his breath as Namjoon stepped inside, shrugging his trench coat and handing the can of beers he brought to Taehyung. He wore black jeans with a blue short-sleeved t-shirt.
"I got some spicy fried chicken and beer," he said lifting the bags in his hand, then his gaze found Jungkook's. "Your guy is clean, got nothing useful."
Jungkook's face fell. Nothing?
Namjoon strode to the couch, dropping unceremoniously. "Sit. I've had a long day." He unpacked the chicken and beckoned them to eat.
Jungkook sat on the floor in front of Namjoon, taking the can of beer the eldest handed him. There was more to the story though he had said he found nothing useful. He looked at the eldest expectantly as Namjoon bit into the chicken and let his eyes close. Taehyung plopped beside Jungkook on the floor, grabbing a piece of chicken as he too waited for Namjoon to speak.
"Park Jimin, age twenty-nine, single and lives in a one-bedroom apartment in Yeongdungpo-gu. No family and very few friends. On a scale of 1-10, his social life is 0." Namjoon took a generous sip from the can before biting into the chicken.
"Single?" Jungkook's brow shot up. "A-are you sure?"
Namjoon's brow quirked as he chewed. "Yeah."
Jungkook opened and closed his mouth a few times, letting that information sink. Single. Then who was that woman?
"Do you want some ramyeon?" Tae asked, chewing the chicken.
"No, I'm good. Haven't eaten anything since morning." He wiped his fingers in a napkin.
Jungkook pulled his phone and after contemplating for a moment pulled the woman's Instagram profile, showing it to Namjoon. "We found this."
Namjoon barely glanced at the photos. "That's Katy," he said munching on the chicken and taking a quick sip of his beer.
"You know her?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah, she works at the hospital."
"Hospital?" Jungkook and Taehyung asked in unison.
"Mhm..." Namjoon nodded. "Which is why...I'm actually here. Something doesn't add up," he continued. "When I say his past is clean..." His eyes narrowed. "It doesn't exist."
"What?" Jungkook and Taehyung asked in unison, a deep frown on their faces.
"I got his social media account, emails, and other details from Tae earlier. None of them exists now." He took a bite of the chicken, chewing for a moment. "It's possible he deleted all the accounts after the incident and started fresh," he added as a matter of fact. "However..." he trailed off. "I found one lead that might help."
"What is it?" Jungkook's heart was beating faster as he leaned forward.
"Jimin regularly visits a neurologist."
Jungkook's brows shot up. Why would Jimin visit a neurologist?
"Dr. Kim Seokjin specializes in occupational therapy and works closely with patients diagnosed with memory loss. You know Dementia, Parkinson's, and that kind of stuff."
Jungkook swallowed.
Namjoon leaned forward. "I was able to find this information after hacking into Jimin's banking details," he lowered his voice. "The transaction dates back to 2016. It's impossible to pull the records from the hospital. But..."
"I might happen to know this doctor and maybe he will help. There's no guarantee though. Seokjin doesn't talk that easily––patient confidentiality and such. Katy works with Seokjin."
"So...she's not his girlfriend?" Jungkook asked the question that was bothering his mind ever since he saw the photos.
"What? No," Namjoon laughed out loud. "You thought she was his girlfriend?"
Jungkook averted his gaze at that.
"I'd have thought that too if I didn't know better," Namjoon continued. "I know Katy and her two friends. They don't date. I didn't know about their relationship with Jimin until I saw their Instagram recently. But I'm sure it isn't what you think."
An invisible weight lifted off Jungkook's heart and he let out a relieved sigh he didn't know he was holding.
"You didn't tell how you know this doctor or the women yet?" Taehyung intervened.
"The doctor is my brother." Namjoon continued to eat with an amused smile. "I happen to visit him at work for stuff."
"So shouldn't it be easy to get his information. Talk to the women or something," Taehyung pushed. "They'll talk if you already know them."
"I'll give it a try, but it's not that easy." Namjoon shrugged.
"Hyung, does this mean Jimin has some kind of memory loss?" Jungkook's mind worked faster, drawing out all the possibilities.
"Possible. That is one possible explanation for why he acts like a stranger. He might not actually remember you guys," Namjoon replied and went back to his food.
Jungkook's frown deepened.
"That sucks," Tae said. "How are we supposed to remind him then?"
"Hit his head maybe," Namjoon scoffed. "I'm not a doctor, Tae."
"What do we do now?" Jungkook's heart still raced. He wanted to laugh at himself and felt like a fool. All his plans went down the drain and now he was clueless. So much for revenge. Oh, god! He hadn't even started yet.
Beside him, Taehyung boomed with laughter. That's when Jungkook knew his friend had already lost it.
Taehyung had the habit of laughing at serious moments. Today was no different. Jungkook looked at his best friend with a look of a puppy that was kicked. The corner of his lips twitched. Well, that was the beauty of friendship, wasn't it? You won't mind going down as long as you had your friend with you.
They were both in the elevator and Taehyung had been laughing maniacally. Jungkook joined the laughter occasionally though he was still torn between laughing and crying. The present moment he went with laughing because they were already in the Jeon building, heading to his office.
"This is fucked up. Can life fuck us up any worse?" was all Tae said every time he took a break to catch his breathing.
They headed directly to the office and settled on their seats. Jungkook powered up his computer while Taehyung brushed off his tears and controlled his laughter. He pulled his phone out with a serious expression. However, that didn't last long because Jimin chose to enter his office at that moment and his friend lost it again.
Jimin stared at Taehyung with wide eyes. His gaze flicked from Jungkook to Taehyung, his mouth opened and closed as he tried to make sense of the situation. Jungkook on the other hand stared at Jimin like a doe caught on headlights.
Jimin shifted from one foot to the other, his lips twitching. He turned back, but then stood again as if comprehending whether to leave them or come inside.
"Ignore him." Jungkook cleared his throat and averted his gaze. "What is on my schedule today?"
Jimin slowly advanced and it was now Jungkook noticed the papers in Jimin's hand. "Ah, it's the first Monday of the month. The board members are waiting in the board room for the monthly review," he said.
Shit. It had slipped his mind and he hadn't even prepared anything for the meeting. Those old goats loved to drag him for no reason and now he had given them a reason. Taehyung had regained his composure and was now slumped in his chair. Jungkook cast a panicked look to his friend and watched as Tae mirrored his expression.
"You left early on Friday before I could set a reminder. I tried to call in the evening, but you had already switched off your work phone." Jimin worried his bottom lip. Jungkook jerked his head toward him. "So..." he trailed off. "I took the liberty to prepare some pointers based on last month's meeting." He stepped forward and slid the printed papers toward him. "Um...if you can review––"
"Thanks!" Jungkook scanned through the reports, his face splitting into a full-blown smile. The report was fucking perfect. When he glanced up, his heart skipped a beat. Jimin was staring at him with a fond smile. "This...u-um..." Jungkook stuttered. He cleared his throat and averted his gaze to the paper, feeling the heat slowly spreading from his neck to his face. "This is good," he mumbled. "C-coffee. Can you get me a cup of coffee?"
Jimin was about to exit the room when Taehyung called, "Minnie..."
Jungkook's heart dropped to his stomach as he whipped his head to Tae. It was how he addressed Jimin every time in the past.
Taehyung too realized his mistake a little too late. He gaped like a fish, eyes wide as he tried to cover his slip up.
Jimin froze by the door, slowly turning and tilting his head as he gazed at Taehyung with a distant look in his eyes.
"" Taehyung flashed his boxy smile, quickly masking his shock. "Caramel Macchiato please."
Jimin blinked a few times and nodded his head without a word.
Jungkook couldn't believe what the hell just happened. He forced a breath and sank into his chair as Taehyung suddenly spoke, "Jungkook-ah, do you think he remembered something?"
He glared at Tae without responding to his question.
"I saw his face right? He was shocked."
Yes, he saw that. Jimin had seemingly frozen in his spot.
"I have an idea." Taehyung jumped to his feet and rushed to Jungkook before perching his hip on the table. "We know him better than anyone else does. What if we remind him?"
"You're crazy."
Taehyung leaned forward. "Just think about it. Haven't you watched all those movies where these characters have flashbacks? We can't let him get away like that. I mean...How can he forget me?!"
Jungkook rolled his eyes and stood. "Whatever. I have a board meeting to attend. I'll see you later."
"What about your coffee?"
"It's yours. You need it more than me," Jungkook said exiting his office.
I loved writing this chapter.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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