Chapter - 49
Jungkook stared at the ceiling, sleep far out of his reach, dried tears staining his cheeks, and emotionally exhausted. It was close to eleven at night.
When he reached home, he'd tried to call his mother. It went unanswered as usual. Growing up, he never understood why his mother wanted him to stay in his room all day when he was at home. While his schoolmates had many stories to tell about their parents and the things they did during the weekends, Jungkook stayed silent because he didn't have a story to tell.
He was silent not because he was shy, but because he didn't have anything to talk about. The kids in his class didn't know that though. They soon started ignoring him because he talked less. He used to think everything was normal between him and his mother. But she had almost shut him during his early teen years.
Sports were one of his outlets. It didn't require talking so he preferred doing that. When his father made him pack bags to go to Seoul, he was terrified. He knew no one here. Even though he had no friends back home in Busan, he at least knew their faces and names. He had a hard time fitting into the new crowd. All the attention he was receiving as the new kid in the block was suffocating him. It didn't help the school bullies took pleasure in teasing him for looking so skinny.
The day he met Jimin still warmed his chest. Kindness was the last thing he expected from the school's popular boy. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung were the most whispered name on the campus. One was the epitome of beauty while the other was full of muscle, chubby and rough, exuding confidence. Imagine his surprise when he ran into the same two boys in the changing room.
He didn't mean to follow them. Something about Jimin and the way he had taken care of him throughout the game had made Jungkook orbit around him subconsciously. The others left him alone when Jimin and Taehyung were around. Jimin soon became his safe place.
Another sob racked his body and he curled into a ball, biting his lips as he fought the urge to pick up his phone and call him.
You're pathetic.
Who would want someone as weak as you?
Do you think Jimin loves you?
You're fucking annoying. He will never love someone like you.
The taunts replayed in his mind as if it happened yesterday. Jimin had dated a few girls before Jungkook. Though Jimin said he was gay and he went out with girls before he was sure about his sexuality, it didn't lessen Jungkook's fear. He cringed at the memory of being so emotionally vulnerable to every taunt thrown at him.
He shouldn't have bothered with them, but it didn't help. Every time he came home from school, bearing the hurtful words of Jimin's exes and the others, Jimin was there to comfort him. He took all the comfort Jimin had to offer. He became clingy.
Jungkook sniffed, wiping his face with the sleeves of his baggy t-shirt. What would Jimin think if he saw him like this? His entire body went rigid when the door to his bedroom opened. He closed his eyes tight, biting his lips so hard that he tasted blood.
Light footsteps approached him. Soon a kiss was pressed on the side of his head and he held a whimper. Jimin's citrusy scent mixed now with his sweat enveloped him. Jungkook fought the urge to turn around and clung to him like a koala then and there.
Jimin retreated to the bathroom and when Jungkook heard the shower running, he jumped out of the bed and rushed to the spare bathroom in the hall. He scrubbed his face clean, getting rid of any traces of his emotional break down before going back to his room.
When Jimin came back, Jungkook pretended to sleep, curled on his right side. The bed dipped behind him as Jimin climbed under the sheet. A kiss was placed on his nape and he shuddered involuntarily, his heart racing. Jimin wrapped his hands around Jungkook's waist.
Jungkook waited until Jimin's breathing evened before turning in his arms and nuzzling his nose into his neck inhaling the fresh citrusy scent of his body wash. He settled into his embrace with his arm wrapped around Jimin, his hold tightening subconsciously. Jimin responded with a soft hum in his throat as he kissed the top of Jungkook's head, the youngest melting into his chest. All the worries that plagued him since morning evaporated when Jimin threw a leg over him, holding him closer.
Finally, Jungkook's mind was at peace.
Jungkook rolled to his left side, hands searching for the familiar warmth that cocooned him the entire night. His eyes shot open when he came up with empty space instead. Thoughts still disoriented from sleep, sudden panic coursed through him. Jimin?
His breathing quickened as he shot out of the bed, grabbing for his phone when a loud noise caught his attention. Jungkook was out of the room in an instant, relief washing over him at the sight of Jimin cursing under his breath as he picked the pan from the floor, dropping it in the sink. Jungkook watched as the elder adjusted the Bluetooth in his ear, talking to who he assumed must be one of the noonas as he bustled around the kitchen.
Without wasting time, he hurried to the bathroom freshening up. When he went back Jimin has almost finished cooking.
"Oh, hey, good morning," Jimin beamed, looking angelic even with disheveled hair and bare face in the morning. "I made pajeon." He gestured to the pan as he bid goodbye to the caller on the other end and removed the Bluetooth, carelessly dropping it on the counter.
"Good morning, hyung. You look good." He fought the urge to go over and hug him, instead he shuffled on his feet awkwardly and sat on a kitchen chair.
Jimin smiled, eyes turning into crescents as he plated the food. "Byeol said you went home early. Is everything okay?" he asked, worry etching his features.
Jungkook thought of saying everything was fine, but his shoulders slumped against his will. He couldn't lie to Jimin even if he tried. "Dad troubles." He gave a tight-lipped smile, dropping his head to stare at his hands on his lap.
"Hey..." Jimin was in front of him, cupping his face, and Jungkook bit the inside of his cheeks.
Don't cry.
Don't —
His eyes teared up. Fuck. He was weak for Jimin and he had no control over his emotions when he was this close staring into his soul.
"Shh..." Jimin was hugging him, hands threading through Jungkook's hair. "It's okay."
Jungkook sniffled, hugging Jimin as he clung to him. "I'm sorry," he mumbled into Jimin's chest.
"For what?" His voice was a gentle whisper, caressing his wounded heart.
"For crying...I should stop crying like this. I know I'm weak and pathetic. I..."
Jimin was looking into his eyes again with the same soft smile on his face. "Who's putting these stupid thoughts into your head? Huh?" he scolded softly. "You should never apologize for being human."
"Hyung..." Jungkook bit his trembling lips, more tears burning his eyes.
Jimin used his thumbs to brush his tears, then continued to rub smooth circles on his cheeks. "Crying doesn't make you weak, Jungkookie. You cry because you care. Sometimes you just have to let it all out." He embraced him again, enveloping Jungkook with his warm citrusy scent. "You know I used to cry a lot after my accident," he recalled. "I used to feel bad after crying. Jin hyung tells me that crying makes people mentally stronger."
Jungkook didn't respond, instead let the sobs take over, his body shaking as his tears soaked Jimin's t-shirt.
"You're anything but weak, my Jungkookie. If someone is calling you weak and pathetic—" Jimin's voice hardened, taking a dangerous edge border lined with fury as he straightened Jungkook to stare into his eyes again. "— then remember they're the ones who are weak and pathetic. They are afraid of you and what you're capable of. The only way they can bring you down is by emotionally weakening your defenses. Don't let them get to you, Jungkookie." He brushed Jungkook's hair out of his face, his features softening again. "You're precious, my baby. You're everything I could ask for..." He kissed the tip of Jungkook's nose. "Don't let your father do this to you."
Jungkook sniffed and nodded as he inhaled deeply, allowing the words to settle in his mind. It soothed the ache in his chest. He found himself snuggling into Jimin's chest again. "Thanks, hyung."
Jimin smiled with ease, eyes full of love. "You know why I love you?"
Jungkook hesitated before shaking his head. "Because you are you, silly," his chuckle was light-hearted. "You're a fierce lover, always giving your hundred percent in everything you do." His thumb continued to caress his jaw. "And that contract...seriously Jungkookie? Why would you do that?"
Jungkook blinked, lacking words to explain.
"That was a stupid plan." Jimin shook his head, his lips twitching with a smile. "What were you thinking when you tied me to you for three years with no escape like that? Huh?"
"I...I..." Jungkook didn't know. He offered a sheepish smile. His initial plans for revenge went down the drain the moment Jimin walked into his office. What was he even thinking? But he was glad he was being stupid and let Jimin back into his life.
"You know stupid as your idea was, I'm glad you did what you did. Thank you for loving me Jungkookie." Jimin closed his eyes briefly before opening them. "I have to tell you something. It's about the other when I had a panic attack. I—" His phone blared disrupting their conversation. "Oh," Jimin frowned. "It must be the event coordinator. They called me twice already." He smiled weakly before pulling away. Jimin grabbed the Bluetooth, attending the call as he went to get the plates. "Eat," he mouthed at Jungkook before walking out of the kitchen and disappearing into their bedroom.
The youngest grabbed the chopsticks, pouting that their moment was broken. He started eating slowly, waiting for the elder to come back. Ten minutes later, Jimin was hurrying out of the room, dressed for the day; his bag slung over one shoulder as he continued to talk into the phone.
Jungkook frowned when Jimin offered an apologetic smile. Jimin disconnected the call. "Sorry, something came up. I have to go." He kissed Jungkook's cheek.
Jungkook grabbed his wrist before he can turn. "Eat."
"I don't have time. I'll grab something on the way."
Jungkook was shaking his head, grabbing Jimin's plate. "Don't start with the excuses now," he scolded. "Sit."
Jimin's phone was ringing again. Jungkook stopped him, taking the phone away before he can attend. He frowned noticing it was the event coordinator.
"Jungkookie... The event is today. We can't—"
"I know and I'm still your boss. Eat." He pointed at the plate as he answered the phone. "Jimin is in the shower. He'll call you later."
Jimin's brows knotted, an amused smile lifting the corners of his mouth as he grabbed he chopsticks to eat wordlessly. Jungkook didn't wait for the woman to finish and he disconnected the call.
"I love it when you go all macho on me..." Jimin winked giving him a flirty smile that sent sparks of arousal down his stomach.
"Yeah?" He leaned closer. "Keep up with that and you won't leave this apartment for another hour."
"Oh." Jimin pursed his lips, focusing on his food that drew a smile on Jungkook's lips. It was so easy to love Jimin. He was so simple, the most caring and affectionate individual.
Jimin's phone blared again making Jungkook groan. This time it was Taehyung.
"It must be Tae." Jimin was already standing up, wiping his mouth, his food only half-eaten. "He's driving me to the venue. I'm sorry, Kookie. But I really have to go." He cupped his face, kissing his lips. "Finish up for me?" He squeezed Jungkook's cheek once and soon he was running toward the door, shouting over his shoulder, "See in the evening."
Jungkook's smile fell at the reminder. The event.
He had seen the guest list and foreboding churned his stomach. Eunji will be there.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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