Chapter 40 | Mature content

The song suggestion Do me by Kim Petras was once in Jungkook's spotify playlist. To think he listened to these lyrics give me shivers...

*Severe smut ahead*


That evening on their way to the spa, Jimin could barely look at Jungkook who was whistling happily along with the song that played on the radio. Jungkook's fingers tapped on the steering wheel as he looked ahead at the road.

Jimin averted his face to hide the heat spreading across his neck and cheeks at the reminder of their rendezvous. His heart raced at the memory. Getting into the shower with Jungkook was the last thing he expected when he went to inform Jungkook about his plans for the evening.

The youngest had pushed him against the bathroom door capturing his lips in a searing kiss. Water from his body soaked through Jimin's t-shirt, but that was the last thing his mind registered. Jungkook's lips had moved against his with such expertise that left him breathless and pulsating arousal.

He had grabbed his ass just as he pressed his semi-hardened arousal against his hips. Jimin found himself gyrating his hips against Jungkook to find some kind of relief. The sexual tension that had been growing around them for the past couple of weeks had unleashed something in Jimin.

He ran his hand down Jungkook's muscular back, feeling every inch of smooth skin and toned muscle that led to the curve of his ass, so round and firm in his hands. One hand cupped his ass, gently kneading the flesh. Jungkook let out an obscene moan, so sinful that Jimin felt his cock twitch within his boxers. His free hand flitted along Jungkook's toned abdomen and stopped to tease his nipples.

Jungkook's nipples were very sensitive. Jimin learned that small detail the last time they were together. The youngest tasted every inch of his mouth, sucking at his tongue, his hands fisting at Jimin's t-shirt. Their moans echoed off the bathroom walls as they fought for dominance. Jimin gave in first, his head falling against the door as he let the youngest take the lead.

His hand flicked Jungkook's nipple twice before trailing down to palm his very hard, big cock. Jimin wrapped his hand around Jungkook's cock, marveling how soft yet firm the flesh was. He teased the leaking slit, spreading the pre-cum along with the head of his cock. The water on Jungkook's body along with pre-cum made the slide easier.

Jimin jerked the cock, earning throaty moans from the youngest and his kisses faltered. The elder surged up switching positions as he pinned Jungkook against the door. Jungkook's chest heaved as a shudder raked his body. Jimin took a moment to admire the beautiful man in front of his.

Jungkook's dark hair, now wet was disheveled and fell over his eye. His lips were swollen and parted, his doe-eyes half-closed. He leaned over to place open-mouthed kisses along his silky smooth skin. Jimin rolled his tongue over Jungkook's nipple.

"Mmm..." Jungkook's hands dug to Jimin's sides as he pulled him closer. One hand cupped Jimin's head, bringing him closer to his chest. Jimin kissed and sucked at Jungkook's sensitive skin. Jungkook was a moaning mess when Jimin moved to his other nipple, showering it with the same attention.

"Hyung..." Jungkook bit his lip, eyes shut as he tugged at Jimin's hair.

Jimin trailed his lips along with Jungkook's obliques, licking the muscles. His mouth watered as he remembered how good Jungkook had tasted in his mouth the other day. He quickly knelt between Jungkook's knees too impatient to wait any longer.


Jungkook's hips jerked forward when Jimin wrapped his lips around his cock. He took all of Jungkook in one go, the tip of the cock hit the back of his throat. Jimin gagged once but didn't move when he heard Jungkook's vocal response.

He ran his hands along Jungkook's toned thighs as he twirled his tongue around his cock, licking at the precum, moaning at the taste. Salty and so Jungkook. He hummed in appreciation sending vibrations along his cock and Jungkook responded immediately by tugging at his hair. One of Jungkook's large hands held his head closer while the other stroked his hair.


Jimin lifted his gaze, his heart stuttering when he saw Jungkook watching him intensely. Without breaking their gaze, he bobbed his head, angling his head to go deeper and taking Jungkook's length as much as he can.

"Feels so good, hyung..." Jungkook trembled visibly as if he had trouble standing upright. "You're so good to me..." He kept stroking Jimin's hair.

Jimin hummed as he hollowed his cheek sucking Jungkook the way he loved. If someone had told him that he would be getting down dirty with another man a few months ago, he'd have laughed at their faces. But Jungkook was not just any man. He is my man.

The elder still couldn't comprehend how soon the youngest had wormed his way into his heart. Though he knew they had a shared past, it had nothing to do with what he felt for the youngest now. He had liked Jungkook even before he learned of the past. Only he had been too ignorant of the sexual attraction he was feeling toward him. He had brushed it off as admiration but he knew better now.

He loved the way Jungkook's manhood slid into his mouth, loved the way it stretched him making him overwhelmed with the size of it. The scent that surrounded him was too masculine, so like Jungkook and so homey. His own home.

Jimin closed his eyes relishing the obscene moans of the youngest. His chest was filled with pride at the thought of evoking such a response from the youngest. He didn't know giving pleasure to someone could be so satisfying. Not until he met Jungkook. His needs had taken a backseat as he focused on making this better for Jungkook.


Jungkook's back arched, his hips thrusting into Jimin's mouth. "I love your mouth hyung." Jungkook panted, "You look so beautiful with your lips around my cock." He pushed the hair out of Jimin's hair, combing his fingers through his scalp as his other hand cupped Jimin's cheek. "I've dreamed of this every day." His chest heaved as his breathing grew ragged.

Jimin moved his hand from Jungkook's thighs to fondle with Jungkook's balls.

"Ah!!!" Jungkook almost keeled over. "H-hyung...Oh shit...fuck hyung..."

Jimin smiled with Jungkook's cock pounding into his mouth. His other hand cupped Jungkook's ass as he deep throated the youngest. His body tensed under his hands and mouth, his thrusts growing sloppy, letting out lewd moans.


"J-Jimin...Jimin...Jimin..." The youngest chanted as he jerked his hips, his grip on Jimin's hair tightening.


Jimin's hand shot upward, pushing at Jungkook's chest as he held the youngest steady. He sucked him clean and released his cock once he was satisfied. Jungkook slowly slid to the floor, dropping his head to Jimin's shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. Jimin ran his hand over Jungkook's back as his lips feathered over his skin. He kissed his neck, shoulder, the shell of his ears, and everywhere he could reach as he held the youngest closer.

"L-love you so much, hyung..." Jungkook sobbed into Jimin's shoulder. "So good to me hyung..." His shaky hands wrapped around Jimin. "Missed this so much...Missed you so much."

"Shh..." Jimin continued to kiss the youngest as he held him through the aftermath. What he didn't expect was the youngest to release him, his breathing now even and eyes suddenly growing darker as a smirk found its way to his lips.

"Your turn," Jungkook said as his hand slipped off Jimin's t-shirt in a swift motion. Jimin barely registered the change when Jungkook captured his lips again. He stood lifting Jimin as if was nothing. His fingers fumbled with Jimin's pants and in a swift move, he removed them along with his boxers.

Jimin grew red and his hands flew in front of him to hide his arousal, but the youngest swatted his hands away.

"Never hide from me hyung...Fuck! I can't wait to taste you." With that, he dropped to his knees taking his cock into his mouth. Jimin bit his lips at the sudden feeling of warmth, so sinful that it sent jolts of electricity from the tip of his cock to other parts of his body.

The youngest went all in, barely teasing and no foreplay. Not that Jimin minded. He enjoyed the attention. The elder didn't remember their past encounters, but Jungkook's mouth had ruined the pleasure he'd had in his own hands. His tongue teased the slit of his cock. The pleasure washed over him like a large ocean wave, consuming every cell of his body.

When was the last time he touched himself? Too long. He knew he wouldn't last long. The familiar knot was growing in the pit of his stomach. He had closed his eyes earlier, the mind too focused on Jungkook's tongue and mouth. Jungkook's movements grew urgent, humming a tone of appreciation as he twirled his tongue around the head of Jimin's cock. Jimin felt Jungkook's voice sending vibrations through his sensitive tip. The youngest didn't slow down or hold back.

Before Jimin knew, he tumbled over the edge spilling into Jungkook's mouth. Jimin didn't even open his mouth when Jungkook released him, standing to hold him tighter as he rode the high, his body slightly shaking. The youngest moved them to the shower. Jimin sighed when warm water hit his skin.

Jungkook was silent, hadn't said a word that confused Jimin. He squirted shampoo into his hand before massaging it into Jimin's head. The elder chewed at his lips wondering why he was silent all of a sudden. He didn't know what to say, he was also afraid if he'd say something wrong.

The youngest continued to wash his hair and lather his body, taking his time to wash the soap off. His fingers were a soft caress, tracing every inch of Jimin's body, occasionally pausing to massage his skin. Jimin let out a sigh, relaxing further. They stood under the shower, still not talking. He threw a glance over his shoulder to see Jungkook's face screwed up in concentration.

Perhaps, this was some sort of a ritual the younger liked to do. His frustration mounted a little as he did not remember how Jungkook was before. How things were between them before. Between them, Jungkook had an upper hand and for the first time, Jimin felt like a lost puppy. Should he say something?

By the time Jimin was clean and was about to ask something, he felt Jungkook's lips brushing over his nape.

"You still taste the same," he murmured against his skin. His hands now rested on Jimin's hip as Jungkook moved to kiss the shell of Jimin's ear. He sucked at his ear, teasing with his tongue. A shudder raked Jimin's body.

Jungkook cut the shower, wrapping his body with a clean towel and taking another to dry their hair. Jimin watched the jerky movements of the youngest with a puzzled look, trying to read his expression.

Once done, Jungkook hoisted Jimin over his shoulder. Jimin yelped in surprise, his hands flying to hold on to something and finally caught Jungkook's lean waist as the youngest marched into the bedroom.

When he threw Jimin onto the mattress who landed with a soft bounce, the elder knew Jungkook was far from done. Jungkook closed the distance with a look of the predator.

"Do you know what you do to me?" Jungkook whispered as he hovered about Jimin. "It was very hard to take care of you and not jump your bones, hyung." He paused to look at the clock. "When do we leave again?"

Jimin blinked, his brain too lost in the haze and the building anticipation rendering him speechless as he stared at the shirtless Jungkook.

"Hyung..." Jungkook pushed the inside of his cheek with his tongue with a growing smirk. "You wanted to go out today."

"Y-yeah." Jimin breathed, still affected by the way youngest making him feel. Why was he feeling this way suddenly? They've been intimate already. That didn't make this any easier.

"When do we leave?" Jungkook asked slightly hovering on all fours above Jimin.

"Ah..." Jimin tried to collect his haywire thoughts. "F-five fifteen? The appointment is at six."

"Hmm...Where are we going?"

"C-can't tell you now," Jimin managed to mumble and bit his lip when Jungkook ran a hand over Jimin's chest.

"I like surprises." Jungkook bent leaving feathery kisses across his collarbone. "I want to mark your skin."

Jimin moaned involuntarily, but then suddenly remembered where they were going. "N-No." He pushed at Jungkook's chest and the youngest suddenly left him with wide eyes.

"Sorry, hyung." He quickly went to sit on his heels as he lifted both his hands. "Relax. I won't do anything you don't want," he said softly. "I'll stop. We can—"

Jimin frowned first but soon understood why the youngest acted that way. "No, no. It'" A blush crept onto his cheeks. "I didn't mean it that way." He lifted himself on his elbows as she glanced at the youngest. "You me." Jimin averted his gaze, feeling self-conscious under Jungkook's intense gaze. "Just...not today." He lifted his gaze to Jungkook again. "We can'"

Jungkook chewed at his lower lip, a grin curving his lips. "Does this have something to do with"

Jimin pursed his lips. The youngest was sharp. He must give him that. "Ah...yeah?"

The youngest chuckled as he once again closed the distance between them. "Okay, I won't mark you today." His breath fanned over his lips. "You can stop me anytime you want. I won't do anything you're not comfortable with."

Jimin hummed as he lifted his chin to kiss Jungkook in the lips. "I trust you," he murmured against Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook cupped his head slowly pressing him into the mattress. "Going to make you feel so good, hyung." He kissed his jawline, nipping his skin that sent shivers down to his cock.

"Yes, please..." Jimin's eyes fell close, his fingers curled around Jungkook's shoulder. When their lips connected, it was gentle but strong, demanding yet full of passion. He marveled at the softness of Jungkook's lips. Jungkook's tongue soon found its way into Jimin's mouth, his free hand slipping between Jimin's thighs.

Jimin moaned into Jungkook's mouth. The need for the pleasure he denied himself for years finally in his hands. Suddenly he was glad for waiting. Jungkook understood him. He was ready to give him time. And Jimin was finally ready to try and live the life he always wanted. This was Jungkook, his Jungkook.

Jungkook ran his hands along the length of Jimin's body. "You're so hot..." he murmured. "So perfect for me." His fingers flitted along his ribs, lifting his head with a frown as he skimmed over a scar. His eyes met Jimin's briefly. Jimin sensed Jungkook finger shaking as he traced the scar again. The youngest bent kissing over the scar. "I almost lost you." When he lifted his head, his eyes were filled with tears.

Jimin cupped his face and pulled him closer. "I'm here," he whispered, brushing off his tears. "You won't lose me again, Jungkookie." He kissed him, pouring all the love he felt for Jungkook then. Jimin didn't know what exactly he felt at that moment, but his heart felt like it would explode with all the warmth he was feeling for the youngest.

Jungkook though appeared so strong and stoic, was too sensitive and soft on the inside. He could sense how emotionally dependent he was and his protective instinct sprung forward. The need to comfort him and assure him overwhelmed Jimin. Words didn't seem enough to describe what he exactly felt for the youngest. So, he decided it was time.

"Make me yours again," he whispered breaking their kiss. "Take me, Jungkookie. Make love to me."


"Jin hyung told me. I know what I did was inexcusable. I know I hurt you in the worst way possible, yet here you are looking at me like I am the most precious thing in the world. I'm sorry I don't remember why I did what I did. I'm sorry I have no words of excuse. But if I can do something to mend the damage, I'm willing to try. Let me make it up to you, Jungkook-ah. Let me love you the way you deserve to be loved. I...I—"

"You're still the most precious thing to me, hyung." Jungkook closed his eyes, a pained expression crossing his features. "Baby, you don't know what you're asking for." When he opened them, they were full of desire. "I can't...I...can't control myself. It's been too long." His body shuddered.

The small term of endearment surprised Jimin, but it also sent a rush of warmth to his chest. Jimin turned in his arms, pressing a hand on his chest. "Then don't..."


Jimin lifted his head, capturing Jungkook's lips in a soft, demanding kiss. Jungkook opened his mouth when he coerced his lower lip and let him explore his mouth, let him take control as he dominated the kiss.

"I want you," Jimin demanded when they surfaced for breath. "Please..." He continued to kiss Jungkook's jaw and neck, sucking the soft skin. "Forgive me, Jungkookie. Forgive your hyung."

Jungkook groaned. "Ah, baby, I...I..." He stuttered when Jimin nipped the juncture of his neck, slipping an arm underneath his shirt, tracing the taut muscles before running his thumb across his sensitive nipple.

Jimin kissed his lips again. "Make me yours..." He ran his tongue on Jungkook's lower lip teasingly before biting it. "I...I want this. Mark me, Jungkookie. I want everyone to know I belong to you."

Jimin saw something snap in Jungkook's eyes. In a second, Jungkook he pinned Jimin on the mattress. He deepened the kiss with a low growl in his throat. "You want this?" His hand traveled down to grab Jimin's firm ass. "I won't hold back..." He squeezed his ass, his breathing heavy and panting. "I can't..." He sucked the skin on Jimin's neck, leaving a bruising kiss. "I want to fuck you so hard that you can barely walk out of this room. That I'm the only person you can think of when you move."

Jimin let out a strangled moan, the thought alone arousing as hell and he was hard again, just like that. He gyrated his hips, trying to find some relief, but Jungkook planted a hand on his hip and controlling his movements.

Jungkook fumbled with his towel, removing it and throwing it away carelessly. Jimin gasped looking at his hardened member. Fuck, he was big. He reached to trace Jungkook's cock, but Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and pinned it above his head. "Not now, baby..." he hissed and his eyes widened. "Fuck! You're so hot." His hands reached under the pillow, fumbling, and finding the lube and pack of condoms.

Tae left them there. Jimin blushed at the memory.

"I don't want to use the condoms," Jungkook said as he uncapped the lube.

 "I'm clean," Jimin said desperately. "It''s my first time. You can...I mean if you're..."

Jungkook slammed his lips on Jimin's, kissing the life out of him. "C-clean," he murmured, his lips briefly leaving to kiss his jaw, neck, and the expanse of his chest. "N-never touched another." He palmed Jimin's cock, earning a loud moan.

"Please...I want you," Jimin whimpered. His body was on fire. He didn't remember the last time, he felt such an explosive need for someone. It didn't make sense. But one touch from Jungkook was all he needed to let go of all the doubts and questions in his mind. He melted into his touch.

Jungkook poured a generous amount into his hand and warmed the liquid. He slipped his index finger and middle finger into Jimin's mouth. "Suck me while I prepare you." He breathed harder.

Jimin immediately obeyed, licking and sucking his index and middle finger. The feral look on Jungkook's face had him whimper in anticipation.

"Yes, just like that..." Jungkook praised. "I'd love those lips wrapped around my cock again," this voice was thick with lust. "But that will have to wait."

His hands holding him in place left him briefly. Jimin yelped when Jungkook flipped him with ease and slapped across his ass. Fuck. That felt good.

"Ass up, baby." He was already between his legs, his fingers tracing his exposed rim.

Jimin bit his lower lip. He buried his face into the pillow when he felt the first finger breaching his unchartered territory. He breathed through his mouth, swallowing the tinge of pain. Jungkook bent kissing his spine as he used his free hand to massage his ass.

Jimin relaxed around his finger and wiggled a little, tensing when Jungkook added another finger. "Oh."

"You like that?" Jungkook curled his fingers stretching him.

"Y-yes..." It was somewhat painful but bearable. The foreign feeling of having something down there made his heart race. But the moment Jungkook hit something inside Jimin yelped with an unexpected moan.

"Want more?"


Jimin's eyes rolled to the back of his head when Jungkook added a third finger. He stretched him and hit the spot again that had almost knocked the breath out of him.

"Oh god! Oh...oh..."

Jungkook continued to kiss his back, running his hand along his sides as he moved his fingers in and out of him. Jimin moaned, burying his head further into the pillows. The pleasure he felt in his lower half was blinding. Something he never thought about before. He wanted more. He protested when Jungkook's fingers left him. But relaxed when he sensed his cock nudging his entrance.

"Stay still..." Jungkook growled, slowly entering.

Jimin breathed through his mouth as Jungkook's cock stretched his wall. He bit his lower lip suppressing the sudden tinge of pain. Jungkook paused, running both his hands on Jimin's back. He gently massaged his lower back. He bent pressing soft kisses along his spine.

"It's okay... A little more..." He coaxed in a gentle voice that Jimin found himself relaxing more. "Yes, baby...just like that." He pushed further and let out a loud curse. "Fuck, baby, you're so tight."


Jungkook was fully in, Jimin felt every inch of his cock inside him. He rested his head on Jimin's back allowing him to adjust to his size. "I'm going to move."

Jimin nodded frantically. "P-please..." He arched his back.

Jungkook's left arm circled his waist while the right arm held his hips, holding him as he started to move, painfully slow and gentle. Jimin felt his knees weaken as he let out a stream of moans.

"C-can't control." Jungkook fell forward, burying his face in his back. "B-baby...I..."

"Faster," Jimin whispered. He didn't know where the courage had come from but he sensed Jungkook's need. "Fuck me, Jungkook. Fuck me like you mean it."

"Fuck," Jungkook cursed, his control snapping as he jerked his hips forward. He fucked into Jimin at a rough pace.

Jimin cried out as he hit a spot that sent his nerves haywire. "More...want more..." he found himself whimpering and Jungkook gave him exactly what he wanted. He fucked harder and faster, their ragged moans too sinful for his ears yet so arousing.


The world around Jimin spun and the pleasure Jungkook giving him was all he could think of. Jungkook adjusted his hip in a different angle that hit Jimin's prostrate. With each thrust, he went deeper and harder. "Feel so...good." They were panting harder. Jungkook slowed, pressing Jimin further into the mattress, his hand flattened between Jimin's shoulder blades, his thrust growing torturously slow as he kissed Jimin's neck, sucking the skin there. "So perfect," he murmured. "I've dreamed of this every day," he groaned on hearing Jimin's hoarse moans.

Each thrust brought him closer to a new height. It also brought him a sense of nostalgia he couldn't fathom. A sense of familiarity washed over him making him whimper. He'd been here before in the same position, begging for release. A sudden memory flashed in his mind as the pressure in his lower half continued to build and as if sensing it, Jungkook slipped a hand to grab Jimin's leaking cock.

"Jimin...oh! Fuck Jimin..."

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts as pleasure reduced him into a stuttering and blubbering mess. He was close. So, close. The youngest chanting his name did something to him.


"What do you want, Jimin-ah?"

"I...oh..." Jimin panted releasing a stream of moans as Jungkook's thumb circled the slit of his cock. "I wanna cum. Make me cum, Kookie."

"Then cum for me, baby...Come for your Kookie." Jungkook suddenly bent kissing Jimin's neck, licking and sucking at the skin. "I wanna hear it, Jimin-ah. Do it."

The sudden satoori accent slipping off Jungkook's tongue was his undoing. Jimin didn't know that hearing that dialect could be so arousing. His orgasm hit him like a freight train, so intense that he gasped for his breath.

His body went slack taking Jungkook with him. Jungkook's thrusts grew urgent as he chanted Jimin's name. After a dozen more erratic thrusts he stilled grunting and releasing into Jimin. Their breathing harsher and Jimin could sense the Jungkook's heart beating against his back.

They stayed like that until both their breathing evened out. Jungkook rolled over, taking Jimin with him so he lay on his chest, his semi-hard cock was still inside him as Jungkook kissed his shoulder.

"That was so good, hyung." He continued to kiss his skin as he stroked Jimin's chest. "Love you so much, Jimin-ah."

Jimin relaxed in his arms. "I love you too, Kookie. That was amazing."

Jungkook hummed. "I cleaned you earlier so we don't have to shower again." He chuckled. "Wasn't planning to make you messy." He sighed.

Jimin laughed. He tapped at Jungkook's hand before rolling to his side and winced when Jungkook's cock slipped out.

"Was I too hard?" Jungkook wrapped his hand around his waist.

"No," Jimin replied, a smile curving his lips. "I loved it." He tilted his head to meet Jungkook's gaze. "Do you think we could still make it tonight?" He glanced over the clock realizing it was close to five already.

"Then let's better get our asses moving." Jungkook grinned as he got off the bed. He hoisted Jimin bridal style. "Let's get cleaned first."

Jimin nodded and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. A pleased smile plastered itself on his face as he closed his eyes, relishing the moment between them.

I can't believe I ruined something as good as this. Thanks for giving me another chance, Jungkookie.

Until we meet again...💜💜💜

So, Panda is writing a story call Fondly Yours, which has an amazing plot and it will make your lungs burst . 

Main ship: BTS x Reader

Side ship: Jikook with lots of smut

It's four chapters long and a fun read. Give it a chance if you like Love Will Remember. It's something similar with same characters. We share characters yeah. He he he.

We also have this challenge going on, who writes the best Jikook smut. So be warned. Read at your own risk. 

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