Chapter 37
A/N: Happens after two weeks from last chapter.
Taehyung whistled low under his breath as he ducked out of Jungkook's office. The youngest was sucked into another conference call with the Chinese investors and he was only happy to get out. He nodded curtly at Byeol who was busy training the new assistant who'd take Byeol's position at the front desk so the former would be working closely with Jimin in the coming weeks.
He didn't bother to knock when he reached Jimin's office. When had he ever knocked? Even when that landed him into far embarrassing moments more than once they never changed. Living together for over ten years does that to people. There was never a boundary between them. No secrets.
Taehyung entered just in time to see Jimin throwing a crumpled paper into the trash with a scowl. His friend's body went rigid as soon as he spotted him. The air around them suddenly changed as Jimin blinked, shifted on his feet seemingly frozen before he quickly forced a smile.
"Hey," Jimin said pushing his hands into his grey dress pants.
Taehyung didn't need words to understand something bothered Jimin. He closed the door behind him, strode to the trashcan. In his peripheral vision, Jimin tensed, biting his lips. His hands left his pockets and Taehyung knew whatever it was his friend didn't intend him to find out.
He ignored Jimin's weak protest and kicked the lid open. Crumbled pieces of paper, fresh flowers, and a small gift box greeted him. He lifted a brow as he picked the paper.
Jimin's shoulders slumped and he hung his head. "Don't tell Jungkook." He swiveled on his feet going to perch his hip on the table, resting his hands behind him.
Taehyung clenched his jaw as the straightened the small piece of paper.
I know you're avoiding me.
But please...can we talk?
I don't want to lose you again.
You never had him in the first place, bitch. Tae wanted to yell, but he didn't know that yet. That night was a mistake. It had to be. He closed his eyes. Oh, how much he wished it wasn't true. That Jimin could remember and tell him none of it was true. Or maybe tell him it was a one-time thing he did in a drunken stupor as absurd as it sounded. He shouldn't think like this. Tae schooled his thoughts as he slanted a look at his friend.
Jimin ran his hand over his weary face, sliding the hand to the back of his neck as he expelled a loud breath. "She won't stop," he said weakly. "I blocked her number, but she keeps texting me from other numbers. Then she..." he waved at the trashcan. "...she sends flowers and notes. Please don't tell him, Taehyung-ah. I...I don't want to mess with what we have between us."
"I'll instruct the security to stop this shit from coming up," Taehyung gritted out through his clenched jaw. He tilted his head to the side, planting a hand on his hip. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
Jimin didn't meet his gaze. "I have to bear the consequences of my past actions." His voice barely audible and he further slumped on the table. The beaten look on his face tugged at Tae's heartstrings.
He closed the distance between them in two long strides and threw his arms around his friend, one hand gently cupping the back of his neck, the other hand rubbing the length of Jimin's back. "I'll bear it with you," he whispered. That was what friends did. They shared the burden. "You don't have to do this alone, Minnie." He released him to lift his chin and lock their gazes. "I won't let you do this alone."
Jimin bit his lip, staring at him intently, searching his gaze for a long moment. Tears glazed in his eyes. Then he nodded softly and rested his head on Tae's shoulder. "It's so hard, TaeTae. I don't want to lose Jungkookie again." His voice was on the verge of breaking. A side he rarely showed anyone.
Between Jungkook and Jimin, the latter was always the voice of reason and strong-headed while Jungkook was strong on the outside but more delicate and emotional on the inside. The oldest of the three saw them as his family. He always looked out for Taehyung and Jungkook, protecting them at every turn. He rarely allowed himself to take comfort in the others. Jimin was good at hiding his emotions. But after the accident, Jimin had changed. He was now not afraid of showing his vulnerable side to Tae and sharing his thoughts unlike before.
"You won't." Taehyung ran his fingers through his friend's hair, gently combing the way Jimin liked. His bestie relaxed further, his arms encircling Tae's waist.
"I don't want this Tae. I don't want to deal with this right now." Taehyung rubbed Jimin's back. "Why won't she leave me alone?"
Taehyung didn't have an answer. When Eunji showed up at the hospital last time, everyone was perplexed as to how she found out about Jimin's accident. Namjoon later discovered that someone who saw Jimin arriving in a taxi, seemingly injured had spread the news. It didn't help he was later rushed to the hospital in an unconscious state. Though they did it discreetly, a few of the staff had seen them. So, when Eunji called the office asking for Jimin, someone kindly informed her that he was at the hospital.
What does Eunji want? It irked him to no extent that she'd go after Jimin even after he warned her not to. He thought she'd gotten his message. Clearly, she missed it. She should have known better but the woman went on to post on Instagram.
With Hoseok now in the picture, the man wasn't going to sit and watch while the two important people in his life being dragged around by the media. That guy was extremely protective and Taehyung was amazed how far he was ready to take it. He'd jumped into action as soon as Dong-gi made an ass comment under the thread degrading Katy thereby garnering more attention. Namjoon took care of the Instagram post and the several articles that popped as a result. The security team Hoseok installed at Katy's apartment and the hospital had warded off the media vultures and furious fans. But that didn't stop Eunji from making her move.
"How long is this going on?" He released Jimin and led him to the couch.
"Every day," he responded collapsing unceremoniously on the couch.
That was for two weeks. Taehyung mimicked Jimin's action. The oldest leaned into him resting his head on Tae's shoulder and he placed his cheek on Jimin's head.
"The flowers are already here when I come to work. Then she randomly calls in one of the work phones." He waved to the desk. "A few times Byeol refused to transfer she used different names or sometimes different voices to bypass the front desk. I already made it clear that I want nothing to do with her. I swear, Tae." Jimin straightened, fully facing the youngest. "I hate that woman. I don't know why she won't give up. It's been five years. What does she want now? What did I even see in her anyway? I can't believe I did something like that." He visibly shuddered as he made a disgusted face.
The only person who could answer this question was Jimin and unfortunately, he didn't remember a thing.
"How did I meet her, Tae? You told me that I worked for her. But what kind of relationship did I have with her?" Jimin asked with a frown.
Taehyung took his hand and intertwined their fingers. They had grown considerably closer in the past two weeks. Jimin asked how they met and Tae had told him. He's shown him the photos of them together. He'd told Jimin how he fell in love with their cute dongsaeng. One story at a time like the doctor said. Taehyung kept the details minimal but told Jimin whatever he wanted to know.
"Please..." Jimin pushed again. "I want to know what I'm dealing with. I'm tired of this shit."
Taehyung sighed. He toed off his shoes and adjusted his position on the couch, throwing both legs up. Jimin took the hint. They'd done this thousand times in the past. When they wanted to talk deep shit, they always cuddled to each other. Jimin was a bit awkward when Tae initiated skin ship after his return, but he had quickly fallen into the routine. After all, who could resist Tae. Jimin too removed his shoes and climbed over Tae, lying comfortably with his cheek pressed to his chest.
"So, you used to be a stubborn asshole," Tae began with a light-hearted smile. "You often went out of your way to take care of us." He rubbed Jimin's back. "You were ambitious, did two jobs while going to college. So, when you got this position as Eunji's assistant you were excited. It was everything you wanted. She paid well and it was also the experience to add to your impressive portfolio."
Jimin hummed but said nothing.
"Soon your work started consuming most of your time. You see it wasn't a normal nine to five job. She's a model, so you had to stay with her until they wrapped the shoot. She also did a lot of late-night shoots so you were barely home."
At that, Jimin lifted his head. "What happened?"
"Jungkookie missed you. You come home late and leave early. You were gone even during the weekends." Taehyung stopped rubbing and instead held him tighter. "Jungkookie..." Tae inhaled deeper and schooled his thoughts. "He's very emotional. He felt neglected."
Jimin swallowed, blinking rapidly. "I hurt him?"
"Not intentionally. You missed your dates, started to give excuses..." Tae sighed. "The job turned out to be something you didn't sign up for. But you couldn't leave yet, you needed the money. He tried to understand, he really tried, Minnie. He'd stay up on weekends for you to come home, just so you could eat together and cuddle for the night. But sometimes you'd tell him that you already ate something on the way and he'd lie to you that he too ate earlier and went to bed. He didn't want you to know."
Jimin buried his face into Tae's chest. A soft sob raking his body. "I was a fool."
"You were tired," Taehyung defended. "And you were working for both of your future. Jungkookie wanted to become a game developer. He told us his father would never let him follow that path. So, you worked hard for both of you," he said softly. Jimin had a secret saving only Taehyung knew about. The oldest didn't want Jungkook to know. He wanted Jungkook to have enough money for when he decided to pursue his dream. "You encouraged him to follow his heart, but never told him you were saving for his future."
Taehyung hooked a finger under Jimin's chin, lifting his head and brushing his tears off. "You loved him so much, Minnie. But you were also a stubborn ass. You won't let him see your pain. I blame you partially for that because if he had known he'd have understood. He thought you were falling out of love with him. His insecurities were getting the best out of him."
He combed his fingers through Jimin's thick hair. "Eunji started keeping you away even during your day-offs. She invited you to her parties. It didn't help that Eunji was all over you. I tried to warn you, but you'd always tell me I had nothing to worry about because you were gay and your heart only belonged to Jungkook."
Jimin stiffened on top of him, he lifted his head, blinking once as his frown deepened.
"You took him to one of her parties and introduced him as your boyfriend. But that didn't stop her advances." Taehyung clenched his jaw, despising what was coming. This was the hardest part—the big, black elephant in the room they refused to address. "Jungkookie was jealous and he was hurting, rightfully so. No boyfriend would appreciate it if someone else was trying to steal the love of their life. He tried to reason with you but you wouldn't listen."
More tears flowed and Jimin sniffed silently. "I'm sorry."
"Minnie, you told me you were going to fix it. You were working even on Jungkook's birthday. When I called you that day, you told me that you were leaving and had a surprise with him. But you never came." Tae tried to keep his bitterness at the bay. He had to pause and take deep breaths to calm down. He buried his nose into Jimin's hair, inhaling his calming scent. Jimin was right here. "The same night..." he breathed again. "You okay, Minnie? We can talk some other time."
Jimin trembled slightly, his hand fisting at his shirt. "I'm fine," he whispered. "Keep going."
"Okay." Taehyung just lay there composing his thoughts and framing his words carefully. He didn't want to hurt Jimin. "We received some photos and videos that night," he murmured after a while. "He was waiting, you know," he continued in the same gentle voice. "But when he saw them, it broke something in him."
Sobs raked Jimin's body. "I'm sorry."
Taehyung rubbed his back on impulse, his other hand stroking his hair. "Shh...It's okay." He kissed the top of Jimin's head. "Breathe, Minnie." He continued to stroke his hair as they lay there in silence. "It was in the past. Take it easy," he whispered as he held him.
After a while, Jimin calmed enough. His sobs stopped. "Tell me more."
"You're not going to like what I'm about to say," Tae warned.
"I can handle it." Jimin lifted his head. "Please..."
Tae expelled a breath. " cried all night. But it didn't stop there." He closed his eyes, dreading this part. "He...he tried to kill himself, Minnie."
Jimin gasped, almost stopped breathing.
Tae opened his eyes. "Breath," he coaxed. Jimin blinked but followed his command. "The cut wasn't deep and I found him before he could do further damage. I watched him all night and then you came home in the morning with that I-just-got-laid-hair and all. He shoved you out of the apartment with your bag. I didn't know what to do Minnie. I should have stopped him, intervened. I don't know." He pursed his lips. "I sat there doing nothing. Because I was too shocked to process everything. Then there was Jungkook, he got drunk again and tried to drown himself in the bathtub."
Jimin stared blankly at him as if he had trouble processing what he heard. His lips trembled and breathing grew heavier, fresh tears rolling out.
"It was hard, Minnie. I regret not going after you. But I couldn't leave him alone either. Not when he was being suicidal. I looked for you later, you know, to demand an explanation and to beat your ass. The calls went to your voicemail and all your social media accounts were deleted." He purposefully left out the details not wanting Jimin to worry more. "Then imagine our surprise when we received your application. I wanted to rip the papers and pretend we never saw it. But Jungkookie wanted you in. He wanted to see how you would face us after all these years and we didn't know why you were coming back."
Jimin said nothing for a long while. He just lay there, slowly breathing.
"Don't encourage Eunji. I'll do everything in my power to get her off you back."
The oldest nodded, still not saying a word.
"Minnie..." he called. Jimin just lifted his head, his face blank, and void of emotions. "Don't go into that phase again," he pleaded. "He needs you and you need him. I can't watch you both suffer anymore. Tell me you'll do everything to make this work."
Jimin nodded without hesitation. "Trust me, Tae. I won't ever put him in a situation like that ever again."
Taehyung searched his gaze and gave him a smile upon seeing his determination. "You both deserve to be happy after everything you went through. I won't sit idly and watch if anyone is trying to take that away from you."
Jimin managed a tight smile. "Thanks, Tae."
"Stop being silly. Just be happy, okay?"
His best friend nodded, his smile more easy and genuine this time. "Okay."
I'm wondering if I should write a prequel just focusing on the maknae line and the Jikook romance. What do you think? Should I do it?
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
Happy Birthday Joonie! He's so precious.
I love this edit.
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