Chapter 32
It was close to noon and they had stepped out of the hospital to get a breather. Namjoon wanted to inform his friends about his findings and get their insights on certain things. Things took a different turn.
A certain woman kept pulling his attention toward her. Standing at five-foot-three-inches, she was easy to the eyes with soft features and a cute nose. Her hair was secured in a bun and he thought she'll look great with her hair down. What enticed him more was her sharp tongue and explosive personality. Alvira was charming, compassionate, and all fun with her friends. She always beamed and fell into ease when she was around them. But for some reason, she went all defensive when it came to him. And it was definitely entertaining. He didn't remember the last time a woman kept him on his toes all the time.
When finally Jin handed him Portia's phone, Namjoon scrolled through the Instagram account amazed at the extent these women would go to protect their loved ones. Eunji's post that morning had garnered so much attention from the media and public given she was a successful model. The tabloids had already gone crazy digging into Jimin's life. And he was completely sidetracked with morning's incident.
The trio's comments had quickly thrown the media vultures into a frenzy. Sure, he stepped into Katy's account to see it littered with a lot of selfies with Jimin. More comments were flooding their notification panel. People who didn't know them would definitely think there was a thing going on between her and Jimin.
Why would she throw herself under the bus? Then again, he already had his answer. She was someone who cared less about her reputation. And when it involved her friends, she threw caution to the wind. He clicked Jimin's account seeing more photos of him with the women, more with Katy.
He quickly shot a text to his team working on Jimin from his phone informing them of this progress and instructed his PR team to do damage control. They'd remove any unnecessary posts, articles, comments or threat to them. He certainly couldn't involve Jungkook or Hoseok's PR team in this issue. Also, Katy had unintentionally stepped into the issue were Jimin was concerned. So, now he felt responsible for her as well.
Namjoon also made a note to clear Katy's past now that he knew how much she meant to his friend. He could say Hoseok wasn't thrilled by the way his lips set in a thin line forming a downward curve, but there wasn't anything Hoseok could do were she was concerned. She barely spared a glance at his direction.
"Hoseok-ah, how come I never knew your relationship with Jimin? It's obvious you're close, but you never spoke of him or posted a photo of you together." Even Jimin's Instagram did not have any photos of Hoseok.
"Jimin didn't want others to use him as a way to get to me," Hoseok said. "He's stubborn that way and even refused to work for me." A fond smile curved his lips. "He said he didn't want to take advantage of my kindness and he wanted to do it for himself."
Namjoon nodded, his respect for Jimin increased two-fold. Jimin was certainly different. He tapped his fingers thoughtfully on the table as he continued to scroll through their photos. When he initially dug into Jimin's life, there wasn't much he could find. His Instagram account was set to private. But Namjoon had his ways, he'd quickly found Jimin's connection with the trio, but they were nothing out of the ordinary—just four friends hanging out with each other.
But that hadn't given him much insight into Jimin's situation. He often visited the hospital in an attempt to figure out Jimin when his migraine episode happened. His brother had surprisingly opened about his past and Taehyung had filled him in. Those newfound details had set the investigation into a different direction altogether.
"Why would you put yourself in the spotlight?" he asked Katy with a frown. "Do you realize how ugly this could get?"
Katy lifted a brow, cocking her head to the side with a smirk lifting the corner of her lip. "Do I look like I care?" she scoffed. "Been there and done that for all wrong reasons." She sipped her hot chocolate. "This time I'm doing it for all the right reasons."
"But you really should take a step back and think before you do something rash," Alvira grumbled. "One of these days you're going to give me a heart attack."
"And grey hair," Portia supplied from the other end of the table. It was clear the women didn't agree with their best friend, but they would have her back no matter what.
Katy shrugged in response. "Guys, this isn't new. We've been doing this for a while now."
"Yeah, to make that ding-dong jealous. What did you even see in that man? He literally has asshole written on his forehead. If I was there in the mall that day, I'd have blasted his nuts!"
Ding dong? Namjoon burst into laughter. The way Alvira scrunched her nose and face was way too cute. "I think I'm missing something here," he said between his laughter.
"Dong-gi is ding-dong," Hoseok answered while stifling his laughter. Namjoon's brow creased. Ah, so his friend knew more than he let on.
"The bastard ran into them once, created a scene in public, claiming Katy was still stalking him and his girlfriend," Portia growled, drawing air quotes in the air at the word girlfriend. "He kissed that bitch he was dating at that time and told her that he has his eyes only for her. Everyone knows that bastard doesn't do relationships." She rolled her eyes dramatically.
In his peripheral vision, Namjoon noticed Katy shuddering at the mention. It must be a touchy subject for her.
"He is a bastard," Alvira slammed her hand at the table. "I swear to you one day I'll get my revenge. I'll blast his car."
"I was a fool." Katy sighed. "I'm not proud of my choices then, but I don't regret it either. It made me the woman I am today."
"Anyways, what I was saying," Portia intervened. "So a decent crowd has started to gather around them. Our sweetheart here," she pointed at Katy, "Was frozen on the spot, barely holding it all together. Our Jiminie saw what was happening and made a dramatic entry." She wiggled her hands in the air with a mischievous smile. "Ding-dong doesn't even compare to half the man our Jiminie is. Jiminie almost reshaped his face that day, warning him to stay away from his girlfriend. Oh, I so wish I was there to see that bitch's face then."
"Hey, don't degrade the word. A bitch is loyal. I'd say he's a dick, but he doesn't have one," Alvira hissed.
Namjoon coughed at Alvie's sudden outburst.
Katy pushed her empty cup aside. "Sorry, Jungkook. Your boyfriend is only doing this to protect me. We never thought it would put you on a tight spot. That's the only thing I regret."
Jungkook eased a smile. "It's okay, Noona. Really. You don't have to apologize." He looked down at his finger. "If I was in his shoes, I'd do the same too."
"Thanks." Katy nodded. "Eunji texted him last Friday," she said. Namjoon straightened at the information.
"What?!" Taehyung almost jumped out of his seat.
Katy ignored his surprise and continued, "She asked Jimin to meet her. He replied they don't anything to talk and blocked her number." She met Jungkook's wide eyes. "Jimin never gave his number to her and he doesn't know how she got it."
"What does she want now?" Hoseok's sounded furious.
"Isn't that obvious?" Portia scowled.
"We thought about the issue," Katy intervened. "It's obvious she's playing dirty. They literally met after all these years at the party. It screams trouble when she posts something out of the blue like this. They barely talked and Jimin doesn't even remember her anymore. Either she's obsessed with him and doesn't want to see him move on without her or..." she trailed off eying everyone at the table. "She got some other agenda. I've got enough stuff on my account to prove Eunji is bluffing. That's why I stepped in. Jimin is stressed as it is. She's the last thing he needs now."
"She's popular for god sake." Alvira threw her hands in the air. "Why would she do this now?"
"Doesn't this affect Jimin's job if he got into a scandal like this?" Portia asked.
Katy leaned in her chair, crossing her leg at the knee. "Probably. Since Jungkook is the boss, we don't have to worry about it. I hope the distraction created works."
Namjoon worried his lower lip. "Ahn Eunji, aged twenty-eight," he mumbled. She was now a famous model walking ramps in the United States and Europe. "Jimin worked for her six years ago while she was still struggling, doing minor gigs that weren't enough to gain her a steady place in the industry." He pushed the phone to Portia. "But she got breakthrough six-years ago. One day she's in Seoul and the two days later she was walking in New York fashion week."
He leaned forward resting his elbows on the table. This was the main reason he asked them to step outside for a bit. A new piece of information he put together.
"Do you think she's involved?" Taehyung asked.
—in Jimin's accident? The unspoken words hung heavily in the air.
"I don't think. I know," Namjoon scratched his chin. The women were watching intently with narrowed eyes. They already knew about the situation, so he thought it won't hurt to reveal the piece of information he found. The women might even be able to help them. "You see, Eunji wasn't even popular in Seoul. Her sudden popularity after Jimin's disappearance doesn't sound like a coincidence to me."
"You mean someone set Jimin up?" Alvie voiced out.
Ah, he loved her brain.
"But didn't we see Jimin kissing her?" Taehyung asked. "The video is clear. He's with her willingly."
"Bullshit." Katy rolled her eyes. "For all we know, he could have been drunk. People do shit when they are intoxicated."
"Or drugged?" Everyone's attention shifted to Portia. "Just saying it's a possibility," she mumbled.
Jin scratched his chin thoughtfully. "It's a possibility I agree."
Namjoon let the new possibility sink in. "The photos and videos we received are legit." He tapped the fingers on the table. "There's more to this. Taehyung told me Jimin took multiple jobs even before he finished college. He had a bank account with decent savings..." he trailed of gauging their reactions. "Those bank accounts were closed shortly after Jimin's accident, just like his social media."
"I knew it!"
The curses broke out. The only person, who sat wide-eyed, too shocked to say something was Jungkook.
"Why would anyone go to the extent of erasing someone's existence like this?" Namjoon questioned himself.
"Did he see or hear something he shouldn't have?" Jin asked then shook his head. "Those things happened only in the movies. How does Eunji fit in all this?"
"Is there anything you haven't told us?" Namjoon asked Taehyung and Jungkook. "Think clearly. There must be something. Who all knew about Jimin and Jungkook's relationship?"
"No one," Jungkook spoke. ", ah...Eunji knows." He nervously met Taehyung's glance. "We were low key, but when Jimin started working for Eunji, she was...ah...she was over-friendly with him. So, Jimin told her that we were dating. We even went to her party as a couple."
Namjoon nodded. "So, she knew."
"Yes, and she still went after him," Taehyung said, briefing about his short encounter with the woman a week ago at the party. "But nothing makes sense. Why would someone go after Jimin?"
Namjoon looked at Jungkook. "Someone with a purpose and benefit. A scorned ex?"
Jungkook scoffed. "Jimin is the only man in my life. He was my first." His cheeks flared red. "I mean...ah, my first love. He's the only man I was ever with."
Though Namjoon knew both Jungkook and Taehyung, he didn't know much about their personal lives. They never talked about the past. There was no need to talk about it.
"One-sided love? Jungkook was popular in school, wasn't he? It's a possibility someone tried to get your attention and couldn't. Jimin was simply in the way," Namjoon mused.
"H-hyung..." Jungkook shifted in his chair. "I-I don't know." He licked his lips. "We were together like forever."
"Yeah," Taehyung agreed. "They became official once Jungkook graduated high school. But we kept it a secret since Jungkook still is in the closet."
Alvira checked her watch and jumped to her feet. "Girls, break time over," she grabbed her phone and pocketed it. "Keep us in the loop if you find something."
The men nodded.
"He knows," Katy said as she pushed the chair aside and stood. She fixed her gaze on Jungkook. "Jimin knows that you were his boyfriend and he fucked it up."
"W-what?" Jungkook blinked. "I-I..."
She narrowed her eyes at Dr. Seokjin, who suddenly shifted in his chair. "It slipped my mind," Jin mumbled.
"See..." Her face was a mask of fury. "What I tell about men? Your communication skills suck!" She pointed a finger at him, then turned to face Jungkook. "Jimin already suspected you guys are somehow connected to his past. That day you kissed him at the rooftop, Jimin went to Dr. Jinnie here and demanded for answers, which our kind doctor gave him. Jiminie had a panic attack, which was so bad that he had to be sedated. The next day, I ended up babysitting him the entire day because our doctor was afraid that Jimin would do something."
Jungkook gaped at her, looking between the people at the table and then Katy. Namjoon pursed his lips. The woman was straightforward. She didn't beat around the bush. Cool.
"Jimin thinks he doesn't deserve your love. He is punishing himself for something he doesn't remember." She watched the others, her jaw clenching. "Something we aren't even sure if it was real," she stressed. "I don't know the truth, so I can't speak on his behalf. All I can say is, give him a chance. He's been through a lot and he likes you a lot." A sigh drifted out of her mouth. "Just treat him well, okay? it out. Whatever it is that's bothering you guys, just fucking open that mouth and talk." Without another word, she pivoted on her heels and exited the coffee shop.
Alvira turned to Namjoon. "And're responsible for Jimin's protection, right? If he so much as ends up here with even a single scratch on his better trust me when I say this, I'll put the same scratch on you." Her finger was so close to Namjoon's nose that his eyes bugged at the onslaught of his fury.
"Aish, Alvie. Leave him alone." Portia dragged her outside. An uncomfortable silence settled between them as the women disappeared from their view.
"That," Hoseok snickered.
"Are you sure you stand a chance with that one?" Jin asked Namjoon who sat in a daze. "She's literally going for your throat at every chance she gets."
"Are you kidding me, hyung?" Namjoon chuckled. "Have you seen her breathing in another man's direction before?"
Jin shook his head while a smirk upturned Namjoon's lips.
"Exactly, hyung. I get under the skin for some reason."
Namjoon's eyes twinkled with anticipation. The woman was really something. No one had put him on a tough spot before. Even all their conversations ended with her going berserk on him, he enjoyed every moment of it.
Alvira was interesting.
Very interesting.
Things are about to get intense. I love my girls. I believe women should be strong and face their struggles with their head held high. Remember your worth. Never let anyone treat you with disrespect. No matter how dear that person to you. A person who loves you will never ever disrespect you.
I've been through shit and what I portray through my story are a few things I can relate with my life. Stay strong girls. We got this.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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