Chapter 31

A/N: The trio Katy, Portia and Alvie were only supposed to be guest characters, but as the plot developed I saw their potential and gave them more space. So, I made very minor changes in initial chapters to make sense in the later chapters. I didn't bother introducing them in the initial chapters as I wanted to maintain the mystery factor going on about Jimin's memory loss.

Also, this fiction definitely has smut. It will be explicit cos I don't hold back with stuff. He he. Anyways, I haven't marked this book Mature since it's clean till this point. But smut is just around the corner and if you're underage you won't be able to read it. But who am I kidding? I know you live for jikook stuff just like me and my friends. So, buckle up.

Hoseok traced the rim of his coffee mug, seemingly lost in his thoughts. To say, he was baffled with the new findings. They were now at the coffee shop a few blocks from the hospital. Taehyung had dragged them all here half an hour ago. Jungkook though refused to leave Jimin gave in when Taehyung gave him a stern look that said we-need-to-talk.

It wasn't long before doctor Jin joined them, collapsing on the chair as he rubbed the back of his neck. So now, they sat in a cozy corner of the shop, sipping their coffee as they discussed the recent events. The security footage had made their blood boil.

Jungkook looked pissed. Well, everyone was. Jin looked ready to kill and Taehyung was no better. The only person who was calm in the entire situation was his dear old friend Namjoon. That man lived for this shit and Hoseok could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

As Hoseok looked at Taehyung, he realized how blessed Jimin was to have such friends in his life. The man fucking hired a bodyguard just because he had a hunch and that guard had saved Jimin's life today. The cops had come and gone with their usual paperwork and questions. Jimin was in no position to answer their questions. Jin had sedated him to avoid another episode and said he needed to rest.

"So, you're Jimin's Hobi hyung," Namjoon said for the sixth time since morning.

Hoseok shrugged. "You know only my mom calls me that. It was something I told Jimin once and that name kinda stuck." He found it adorable when his dongsaeng used that name. Even his parents found Jimin adorable. Jimin had that effect on everyone. Well, after retirement they'd changed a lot and now tried to make up for all those years they missed.

"Hoseok-ssi, sorry for earlier," Jungkook said, forcing a tight-lipped smile as he shifted in his seat. "My behavior was rude and unprofessional. I deeply regret the inconvenience I caused."

"It's hyung for you." Hoseok's lips curved into a smile. Jungkook's eyes widened but he nodded. "I like you, Jungkook. And I'll let morning's incident slide because I know I'd be more pissed if you hadn't behaved like that."

Hoseok was impressed. The young man had thrown away his life's work in a heartbeat to get to Jimin. He earned his respect in Hoseok's eyes. That was someone worthy of his brother.

"T-thanks, I guess."

Hoseok smiled with a curt nod.

"I think I should head back. Jimin is alone." Jungkook pushed his empty coffee mug aside and stood.

"Jungkook-ah, we're not done talking." Taehyung gripped his arm. "Besides, Minnie is not alone. Noonas are looking after him."

Jin grinned. "The hospital is like a second home to Jimin. Don't worry, Jungkook-ah. He's safe here."

Hoseok opened his mouth to say something when he saw three familiar faces. "Speak of the devil."

"Huh?" Everyone at the table looked up at him and he simply jerked his head to the window. The trio stood outside engaged in a heated discussion. The women had been furious when they found out someone tried to kill Jimin.

Alvira sniffled and fumed threatening the perpetrator's life, listing at least ten different ways she'd kill him if she ever got her hands on him. Portia had painted their ears with colorful profanities and Katy had stayed tight-lipped as usual. It didn't take a genius to know how pissed she was. He could see she was imagining her friends doing all said things to the perpetrator.

"She's cute," Namjoon said out of the blue drawing their attention.

"Who?" Hoseok lifted a brow, slightly annoyed as he thought 'you better don't say it's Katy.'

"The short one," Namjoon replied, "Alvira."

Hoseok let out a relieved chuckle. "Careful with that one Joonie. She's the most dangerous of them all."

"Hey, what did I tell you about my staff? Keep your claws off them," Jin hissed.

"They're off-limits, I get it," Namjoon grunted. "You speak as if I sink my claws into every woman I meet. I really like this one, hyung. She's funny and adorable."

"You're on your own then. Don't say I didn't warn you." Jin shrugged. "Mess this up and you'll have two she-devils chewing your ass."

"Is that why you steer clear of them?" Namjoon quirked his brow. "Hyung, if you like someone you have to make the first move." He waved the waiter over ordering a refill for everyone. "I know you like the tall one," he stated as a matter-of-factly.

"W-what? Yah! This brat. Stop spewing nonsense." Jin's ears grew red.

Hoseok chuckled under his breath. "Come on, hyung. You're always checking her out when you think she's not looking."

"You should ask her out," Taehyung piped in.

Jin's shoulders slumped. "I know, it''s just she doesn't date. I mean...she always turns down the men who ask her out. She's always avoiding me as if I'm a plague. Doesn't even meet my gaze more than one and barely talks. I don't think I have a chance."

"Not all men are you," Namjoon quipped.

"You're a fool," Hoseok snickered. "That woman is head over heels for you and you're here pining over like a teenager."

Jin blinked but then shook his head. "She doesn't like me that way."

"Seriously, hyung. Just open your eyes wide and observe her, will you?" Hoseok said. "Have you seen the way she gets all flustered when you're around."

"She does?" Jin beamed.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "And here I thought you're a genius. Even I know that she likes you."

"Just go for it, hyung," Hoseok encouraged.

Namjoon squared his shoulders, a coy smile turning the corner of his mouth up. "Lee Mi-cha aka Portia, aged thirty, single and shares an apartment with her only friends in Yeongdungpo-gu. She likes coffee, appreciates good food—Italian and Thai are her favorite, and enjoys occasional walks along the Han River. A social butterfly with almost non-existent social life because of tight work schedules."

"How did you know all that?" Jin half-turned in his seat to glare at his brother. "Are you digging into their lives, Joonie?"

Namjoon shrugged. "I was curious. In my defense, I had to know about the people in Jimin's life."

Jin shook his head. "You're unbelievable."

"No. I'm extremely good at my job." Namjoon wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Portia never dated after her messy break up. He was an ass hole and that shit was ugly. Let's say that bastard stalked her even after the breakup and those two," he pointed at Katy and Alvie, "almost beat him to death once."

This caught Hoseok's interest. "They what?" The women were still outside, oblivious to their surroundings as they talked. They all had their phones out, typing furiously.

Namjoon leaned closer. "They walked in on him trying to force himself on Portia in their apartment. They did a decent job on him. Cops got involved and they moved to Seoul. Lee Mic-cha became Portia and started new."

"What about the other one?" Hoseok asked pointing Katy. He already knew she had a past that she didn't like talking about he shouldn't pry but he couldn't help it. Jimin knew but won't talk about it.

"Jeong-seon aka Katy, aged thirty, single and shares an apartment with her only friends in Yeongdungpo-gu. An introvert until your vibe matches, optimistic, funny with a short fuse, and protective of her friends. Loves food, but a picky eater. Enjoys singing and dancing. Just like the other two, her social life is non-existent. Jimin is the only man they allow anywhere near ten-feet of them."

Hoseok already knew this. "Tell me more."

Namjoon cleared his throat. "Well, she was engaged to her high school sweetheart for five years. You know him."

Hoseok lifted a brow. "I know him?"

Namjoon nodded excitedly. "Everyone knows him. Lee Dong-gi. Does it ring a bell?

Everyone at the table frowned but Taehyung perked up. "Lee Dong-gi? The Lee-Dong-gi?"

"The one and only." Namjoon flashed his dimples.

"Damn. That was Katy?" Taehyung's eyes widened.

"What?" Hoseok looked between the two men as the other two sat with a puzzled look. It was obvious they knew something he didn't.

"A few years back when Dong-gi was still a rising star there was a huge scandal. You see, he only wanted her as his trophy wife—beautiful, obedient, and hopelessly in love. You know the kind of woman his parents can be proud of. His parents were particular of the woman he brought into their home and Katy happened to tick all their conditions." Namjoon rolled his shoulders. "Anyways, Dong-gi was a fuck boy and a manipulative ass hole. Katy trusted him blindly. do I put this..." Namjoon frowned. "He had this hold on her. She was too young and he was her first love. No matter what he did she always forgive him and he used it to his advantage."

Hoseok's blood was boiling as Namjoon continued.

"So, this continued even when she got into college. This is where she met Portia and Alvira. When they found out that bastard was abusing her, they tried to talk her out of it. It was the same time Katy found out he was cheating behind her back with actresses and models. When she called off the engagement, he went on to paint her as an obsessive sasaeng. Lawsuits, angry fans, media—you name it."

"Fuck!" Hoseok cursed under his breath.

"I remember it was the talk of the town," Taehyung whispered. "Wow."

"She didn't have it easy," Namjoon agreed. "That doesn't mean she didn't fight back. You forgot who she's with." He chuckled. "The women are a force to reckon with if someone messed with one of them. They protect each other." He smiled fondly as he looked over at the women. "Portia and Alvie set him up, recorded one of his sexacapdes. Fucking brought him to his knees, forced him to make a public apology, and withdraw all the cases."

Hoseok looked at the women with newfound respect. It explained why they steered clear of men.

"That's not the end of it. Katy is a wild one. She never let go of a chance to mess with Dong-gi. Rumors claim that Dong-gi's precious Lamborghini had been at the receiving end ever since the scandal. He filed a suit on her once, but soon dropped it and claimed it was a misunderstanding."

Hoseok remembered that incident from a few years ago. About someone slashing the tires of his car and the star had badmouthed his stalker on media, only to release an apology two days later saying it was a misunderstanding and things were sorted out. He never guessed it was with his Katy. That was such a huge turn-on he admitted to himself. He liked women who knew their shit.

"What about your girl?" Taehyung asked, his face bright and eyes curious.

"Thirty, single, lives with her only friends—"

"In Yeongdungpo-gu," Taehyung cut him off. "Yeah, we got it the first time."

"Right." Namjoon cleared his throat. "Likes Chocolate, introvert with a short fuse, overly protective and possessive. She's someone who'll do anything for her friends. You see, she's the one always cleaning the mess her friends made. So, I can only conclude she hates men as much as her friends." His shoulders slumped. "I really don't stand a chance."

Hoseok thought otherwise. "It means they haven't met the right men yet." He lifted a brow at Jin, giving him a knowing smile. "I'm not letting them slip when I'm this close to her."

"Isn't this wrong?" Jungkook spoke suddenly. "We shouldn't talk about them behind their backs, right?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "It's wrong if you're talking bad. They are just talking about the women they like. Friends talk this stuff among them."

"Is that what we are?" Hoseok grinned. "Friends."

Taehyung looked taken back. "I thought we already established that. And we have to work together for Jimin's sake. We all share the same interest."

Hoseok chuckled. "I like you."

"I like you too." Taehyung rewarded him with a boxy smile that suddenly brightened the atmosphere. "Thanks for taking care of Minnie all these years."

"It's a pleasure."

"What are you doing here?" A sudden voice interrupted them and they all looked up to see Alvira standing in front of Namjoon with a scowl, her gaze fixated on him. "Shouldn't you be on the street chasing the bastard who almost killed Jiminie?" She folded her hands across her chest, narrowing her gaze at him.

Hoseok must agree she looked scary when she pulled that routine. However, Namjoon on the other hand seemed to enjoy the attention he was receiving.

"Then you must realize I have people to do that kind of stuff," he countered with a dimpled smile.

"Give that man a break!" Katy threw a hand over her shoulder while smiling down at the guys. She appeared exhausted despite the bright smile on her face.

Alvie huffed before pulling a chair for both of them. She dropped to the chair beside Namjoon while Katy occupied the one beside Taehyung. Portia came with a plate filled with an assortment of cookies. She pulled a chair sitting between Hoseok and Jungkook.

"Raspberry cookies for Katy and chocolate chip cookies for the others," she said pushing the plate to the center. The waiter came with their drinks. He noticed Alvie and Katy opted for hot chocolate while Portia had iced Americano. Everyone reached for the cookie, quickly taking a bite.

"How's Jimin?" Jungkook asked, shifting in his seat.

"He's asleep," Alvira said. "Don't worry. He's not alone. We have someone watching over him. Besides, this not-so-subtle bodyguard is gaining too much attention. So, I locked him in the room with Jiminie."

Hoseok chuckled under his breath.

"What?" Alvie asked when Namjoon lifted a brow. "He was getting on nerves—always looking at me as if I'm the one who ran over him with a car."

"He got the wrong person then," Portia huffed. "It was Katy's original idea."

Katy rolled her eyes. "Now we know people don't gain memory just like those movies claim. I mean we are yet to try hitting his head, but yeah, I don't think he magically got his memories back."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Jungkook intervened, doe-eyes wide like saucers. "You were planning to run him over with a car?"

Alvie and Portia burst into laughter.

"Ugh! Stop it, girls. You're making me the villain. No. It was meant as a joke when Jiminie won't stop stressing about his memory loss and that was years ago."

Portia shook with laughter. "His reaction was all worth it." She pointed at Jungkook, who visibly relaxed. "But I'm offended, Jungkook. How could you even believe such a think about us?"

"It's not like you're not capable of doing it," Namjoon grumbled under his breath.

"True." Katy shrugged munching on the cookie. "But the only person I want to run over now is that Eunji bitch."

"I want to gouge her eyes out and crack her head on the wall," Alvie grunted.

"Eunji?" Taehyung leaned forward. "What about her?"

Portia pulled her phone from the pocket, wordlessly scrolled through her Instagram before pulling up a particular post. She slid the phone to the center of the table. "Here."

They all leaned over to look at the post. What the—

She posted a selfie taken years ago with a caption and a heart emoji.

@EunjiOfficial: "I love waking up to your sweet smile. Meeting you was the best thing that happened in my life. Seeing your smile keeps me going." <3

The majority of the comments speculated Jimin must be her rumored boyfriend. But what caught his attention was the other comments from three specific women under the thread.

@Smexy_Panda: Yep, meeting him was the best thing that happened in my life too. But wasn't he with @Katy_321 today?

@She-devil: His smile keeps me going too. @Smexy_Panda He is with @Katy_321 every day?

@Katy_321: This bitch again. @EunjiOfficial He changed his hair color at least five times since you took that photo. Stay away from my boyfriend!

@Smexy_Panda: @Katy_321 Hold on. Is she the stalker bitch you told us about?

@Katy_321: @Smexy_Panda The one and only.

@She-devil: @Katy_321: Tell her he's already taken. Wait I'll tell her myself. @EunjiOfficial Back off, bitch. He's taken.

Hoseok curbed the silent rise of jealousy within him at the word boyfriend. He knew how both banded together to protect each other from their suitors. It was a thing going on forever between them.

It started when Katy ran into her ex in the mall, who now he knew as Dong-fucking-gi, calling her names and taunting her with his flavor of the week—Victoria's Secret angel with big tits and ass as the bastard described it. Not that Katy was anything less. She was curvy with generous assets that women longed for. The woman was walking wet dream for him, only she didn't know that yet. If she knew already, she acted oblivious to his affection. He wasn't very discreet with her so she must know already.

Anyways, Jimin had stepped to the front taking the role of her boyfriend just to spite him. He also knew Katy's Instagram was littered with selfies of her and Jimin because Dong-gi still stalked her account. Hoseok knew she hadtrouble with her past relationship, knew she tidbits Jimin revealed to himunintentionally, only he didn't expect it to be fucking Dong-gi, the mostpopular actor in South Korean film industry.

It didn't sit well with Hoseok. Well, he wanted to be the one in Jimin's place, not as her fake boyfriend but a real one. He clenched his jaw. Soon.

Until we meet again...💜💜💜

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