Chapter 26
"Jungkook-ah, you have to take it easy on Jimin."
Jungkook was once again in his in-built gym, punching the shit out of the poor bag. It had endured the most of his frustrations for a year now. Taehyung wondered how long this would last before he had to replace it.
"You're the one to preach." Jungkook kept punching, not sparing a glance at his direction. Sweat soaked his skin and the thin t-shirt he wore. He saw Jungkook storming out of the party hall and had followed him home. The youngest had changed out of the suit and went directly to the gym without a word. He didn't see Jimin anywhere so he could only guess they both had an argument given the piss poor mood of the youngest. He was dying to know what happened. He asked the youngest what happened multiple times and received only silence as an answer.
"We signed up for this. I know what happened today was unexpected, but you can't hold the grudge on Jimin for something he doesn't remember." Taehyung pushed both hands inside his dress pants, staring at the youngest.
"I'm not holding any grudge."
"Seriously?" Taehyung sighed. "Jungkook-ah, can you just stop that for a moment and listen to what I have to say?"
"I can hear you."
"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung warned, a sign of his waning patience laced his voice and the youngest stopped with a grunt, panting heavily. "Do you remember I told you that Jimin deleted his social media accounts?" He decided it was time to open up to the youngest. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell him before, the time just wasn't right.
Jungkook slanted a glance at him and removed his boxing gloves. "Yeah, why?"
"Jimin was in a coma when it happened. Doesn't that feel weird to you?"
Jungkook lifted a brow, pinning him with his gaze, his full attention now on him. "What does that mean?"
"Jungkookie, do you remember when Namjoon hyung said Jimin's past doesn't exist?"
"I do." He wordlessly removed the gloves, grabbing a clean towel to wipe the sweat.
"He cheats on you, meets with an accident the very next day, then he's gone from our lives like he never existed. Doesn't that sound strange to you?"
"Hyung," Jungkook said exasperatedly. "Just say it already."
"Jungkook-ah, I don't know exactly, but I smell a foul play. Someone deleted his social media accounts when he was still in a coma. I know it was active for at least two weeks as a matter of fact because I was trying to contact him. What if his accident wasn't an accident?"
Jungkook tensed, his body going rigid as he stared at Taehyung. "T-that's...Jimin doesn't have enemies. H-he —"
"But you do," Taehyung deadpanned.
"Hyung, what are you trying to tell me?"
"I could be wrong, but I have a strong feeling that things aren't the same as we look at them. There is more to his accident. All these events are all connected in some way."
"H-hyung..." Taehyung noticed the panicked expression of the youngest and sighed.
"Namjoon hyung is already on it. have someone watching Jimin all the time."
Jungkook blinked. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"
Taehyung shrugged. "I didn't want to add to your problems. I found this on that day at the hospital, I didn't think it was the right time to discuss these things. I also needed some clarity before telling you." He took a deep breath. "Minhee is missing."
"Minhee?" Jungkook frowned and Taehyung could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
"The one who sent us the so-called photos and videos."
Jungkook's frown deepened. "I don't understand where you're going with this, hyung. Tell me Jimin isn't in any danger."
Taehyung's jaw tightened. "I don't know, Jungkookie. It's just this gut feel I have inside, okay. I'm doing this because I can and I'm not willing to take any chances. We could turn up with nothing, but at least I can be sure that way."
Jungkook nodded in understanding. "Thanks, hyung."
"You know you don't have to say that right."
Jungkook nodded and forced a smile.
"Come here," Taehyung pulled the youngest into a hug. He rubbed his back. "Be patient with Jimin. Give him a chance."
"You know I will," Jungkook whispered.
"Jimin doesn't know that." He released Jungkook. "We aren't being careful as we planned to do with him. I know I slipped a lot of times. It's just natural when he's around and I feel it's only a matter of time before he figures it out. When that happens...just...just make him feel wanted, earn his trust and...ugh! I'm not good at this. Just...just..."
"Hyung...I kissed him today." Jungkook averted his gaze, reddish tint spreading across his neck and ears.
"After...ah..." Jungkook scratched his neck. "I saw him with Eunji and um...ah, kind of lost control."
"He kissed me back."
"And you were punching the shit out of that poor bag because of that?" He pointed the punching bag and waved a finger at him. "All this drama because of a kiss?"
Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other. "Nah...I was just angry."
"Angry that you couldn't finish what you started?" Taehyung folded his hands across his chest, eyes narrowing at the youngest.
"That you know."
Taehyung shook his head, a traitorous smile tugging at his lips. "You're trouble you know that."
"So, I have been told."
Jungkook squealed when Taehyung lunged at him, tickling his sides.
The next morning wasn't any better for Jimin. The heaviness in his heart continued to weigh him down, eating away at his insides—guilt, disappointment, and mostly disgust. Jimin didn't know exactly which emotion rode him now, but it was a mixture of everything.
Jin had forced him to shower and eat breakfast before he left to attend the emergency at the hospital. Portia should come to babysit him for the rest of the day. He huffed in annoyance. Leave it to his doctor hyung to worry. He should really trust him not to do something foolish. But then Jin said he was calling Portia to keep him company.
Jimin was in Jin's bedroom. His doctor hyung didn't like to leave him alone and always insisted they shared bed because the only time Jimin showed up here was when he was distraught and Jin knew Jimin needed company.
The front door opened and he heard the clang of keys when he started his second movie for the day—a Disney classic, because nothing serious or emotional in his current mental state and they were a safe bet; just a bunch of his favorite characters running around. Alvie had recommended them to him when he had trouble processing his condition and adjusting to the world. It had helped a lot since it always took the edge off his mind. However, today was different. The thoughts of Jungkook occupied every cell of his body, drowning him in a sense of guilt. He contemplated drinking himself to oblivion but it would only worsen his condition. It was a battle.
The door to the bedroom opened and Katy popped in with a bright smile. Jimin found himself reciprocating the smile as he said, "I was expecting Portia."
Katy rolled her eyes. "Jinnie called her first." She shrugged the thin cardigan, dropping it on the foot of his bed before climbing beside him. "You know how Panda gets around him."
Jimin snickered. Portia adored Pandas and often behaved like one. The name he started calling her for fun stuck on their tongue, though they were careful to use it only in private. "And you let her off the hook?" He lifted a brow. "I expected more from you, Katy."
She bumped into his shoulder. "You think I'll let her off that easily?" She wiggled her thick, groomed eyebrows; her big, almond-shaped eyes twinkled with mischief. "Guess what was the emergency today?"
Jimin raked his brain, teeth tugging at his lower lip when it struck his brain. "Don't tell me it's 207."
Katy winked. "It is."
"Damn." Jimin burst into laughter. Room 207 in St. Mary's hospital hosted a special patient, a 70-year-old grandpa, Mr. Lee with Dementia. Sometimes he threw tantrums like a child that could easily escalate and send the staff running to the hills. However, there was only one person who could pacify and comfort him. Portia was his angel.
"Panda send me here because she thought Jinnie is gonna be home all day."
"But he's at the hospital."
"You're sneaky."
Katy shrugged. "I'm just trying to speed the process. So, you want something?"
"No, I'm good."
She moved closer to rest her head on his shoulder and snuggled to him. Jimin visibly relaxed seeking comfort in her embrace. It was something she did when he was out of his element. Jimin despised it when someone treated him like a fragile fish. Initially, when he was still at the hospital, he was extremely touchy and often pushed away anyone who tried to offer comfort. "I don't want your pity," he'd yell at them.
So, one such day, she had come to his room with a bare face and puffy eyes seemingly exhausted, and asked if he minded if she stayed for a bit. When he said it was okay, she asked if he could hold her and he did. They found it worked both ways. Despite his grouchy mood he felt the need to comfort her and in the process forgot his worries.
Soon he noticed her doing the same whenever he went into one such mood, shutting everyone out. Though it appeared to the outside world that it was her seeking comfort, the truth was exactly the opposite. It always worked because when she did that it brought out the protective side of him. Sometimes they talked sometimes they just stayed silent. Today, he knew she'd talk. So, he waited.
"You know what I did when I found out he was cheating on me with that bitch?" she asked in a soft voice after a while.
A smile tugged at his lips. As loving and caring the woman was, she had a demonic side that came out when someone pushed the wrong buttons. Her ex had been at the receiving end, all for the right reasons. "You slashed the tires of his precious Lamborghini." His shoulders shook as laughter raked his body. That wasn't the only time she did it though. Whenever she saw his precious princess sitting on a club or restaurant or any convenient parking lot without cameras or security, she went for it. Taillights, mirror, tiny scratches, you name it she'd done it.
"I did." She lifted her head, turning her body one-eighty-degrees to face him, and crossed her legs Indian style as she met his gaze. "And you know what I did when he found out?"
Jimin knew the answer, but he pursed his lips letting her continue.
"I owned my shit." She licked her lips out of habit. "You get what I mean?"
Jimin understood yet he wanted her to continue with the talk. When her ex found out it was her doing, he had filed a case, only to drop it soon. Katy was someone who knew her shit. She held something strong against her ex, so he never messed with her again.
"I know what I did was wrong, but I don't regret it. He deserved it. You see, he was already screwing behind my back and nothing I might have said or done would make any difference. I'd be just a barking dog. But there was something he valued more than anything—his car. I knew it would hurt him, so I did what I did with full knowledge of how he would retaliate. I owned up to my mistake."
"He deserved it," Jimin whispered. But Jungkook didn't deserve what he got.
"That's not the moral of the story," she huffed as if sensing his line of thoughts. "The thing is we all do shit, okay? No one is perfect. What you did was shitty? I'm just saying that... instead of beating yourself over it, you should just step forward and own it."
Jimin swallowed. "And how is me owning my mistake going to help me now? I fucked up, didn't I?"
Katy sighed exasperatedly. "This isn't going the way I expected." She rubbed her temple with her index and middle finger. "Listen, what I'm trying to say is... there's no point in crying over spilled milk. You fucked up, you accept it and now you have to move on."
That was the problem, wasn't it? He didn't know how to move on. Jimin was stuck in the vortex of his guilt. It sucked him in and kept him inside.
"Does crying make you feel better?" she asked, hooking a finger under his chin to lift his face.
He shook his head.
"Does blaming yourself over and overtake the pain away?"
"Are you willing to do anything that it takes to make this right?"
Jimin blinked. Make it right? Was that even possible?
"He hates me."
"Does he?" She lifted a brow with a shake of her head. "Jinnie isn't exactly the sharing type. But I have great persuasive skills, you see. I know what happened last night." She took a pillow placing it on her lap before leaning on her elbow. "Jungkook said he hates the way you make him feel, didn't he?"
"Same." Jimin looked away.
"Nope." She smiled. "The thing is... Jungkook wants to hate you for what you did, but he is not able to do that for some reason. Even after all these years, he still hasn't gotten over you. He hates the way you make him feel."
"What's the difference?" Jimin's lips trembled as he fought the traitorous tears.
"Let me ask you this, what will you do if you were in his shoes? Let's say Jungkook cheated on you while you were dating, you both break up and then he showed up in front of you after five years. What would you do?"
Jimin contemplated her words, his mind racing. "I...I will be angry." He met her gaze again.
"If it were you, will you recruit him?"
He shook his head. "No."
"Has he ever done or said something to hurt you?"
Jimin shook his head again. Except for the lack of communication, Jungkook never did anything like that.
"If it were you, wouldn't you at least throw some insults? Harsh words or something out of spite. I know I'd do that." She pointed a hand at herself.
Jimin blinked, letting her words sink in.
"The boy is madly in love with you, Jiminie. It shows in his eyes. The way he sees you says it all." She waved her hand animatedly. "That day at the hospital, when he brought you in, he turned the place upside down and never left your side. If that wasn't love then I don't know what is."
" can he love me after what I did to him?" he stuttered, the pain once again stabbing his heart.
"That's something only he can answer," Katy said, once again adjusting her position beside him to loop her hand through his elbow, leaning on his shoulder. "All I'm saying is... you can't change the past. It's over. There's no turning back. You accept it for what it is and you should move on. Think of ways to make it better."
"It hurts."
"I know." She sighed. "I never thought you swing both ways, you know." She straightened with a frown. "That was..."
"What?" he asked. Out of all things she could have said, she chose to say this? Was she even real? Then Jimin already knew the answer. Wasn't that why he loved the crackhead nurse?
"I don't know." Katy shrugged. "I always thought you were gay. I mean you never so much as stared our way and you know how irresistible we are," she winked. "But you go all starry-eyed for Jinnie and Hobi, checking out their asses when they weren't watching."
"Katy!" he swatted at her arm, eyes widening. "I never did."
"You always do."
He never realized doing that. She must be joking, but her serious expression said otherwise. "I don't," he argued, too embarrassed. He never thought of them that way. They were handsome men and good friends, more like his brothers but that was all. "I don't check them out as you do with Hobi hyung," he said purposefully to distract the conversation.
Her eyes widened in alarm. "What? I never check him out."
It was Jimin's turn to roll his eyes. "You do."
"I never checked his ass," Katy deadpanned.
Jimin snorted, "I never said it was his ass."
"Ugh! You are...You are—"
"I know," he replied with a cocky grin.
"I know what you're doing. Stop distracting me." She pointed a finger at him with a scowl, and then her face broke into a smile. "Was the kiss good?"
Heat crept onto his cheeks. "The best," he whispered.
She let out a low whistle, settling beside him again. "Do you think Panda has a chance with our Jinnie?" she wondered. "The man is oblivious, but...ugh!"
Jimin chuckled. "Maybe they both need some push."
She nodded with determination. "How can we get them together when she purposefully avoids him at every chance? She just doesn't take the initiative to be in front of him at least. I mean... you gotta parade that ass in front of your man for him to notice you know."
"Says the one who hides under the table when a particular someone visits," Jimin teased.
"I never hide. I was just looking for something," she mumbled.
"You're all bark when it comes to the others, but when it's you... you just hide," he pointed out. "Give him a chance, noona," he said softly. "He's a good man you know."
"Can we just watch the movie?" her grip on his hand tightened.
"Okay. I'll drop it this time, but I'm not letting you off the hook yet."
With that, both fell into a comfortable silence, eyes fixated on the screen while their mind wandered.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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