Chapter 22
That night Jimin lay on his bed, reminiscing their evening. Why did he go out of his way to make the youngest happy? Why couldn't he stick to the usual schedule? Hell, he had even screwed up the last session of the day in favor of their visit. Not that Jungkook complained about it, but now that the day was over Jimin couldn't stop thinking how reckless and irresponsible his actions were.
The hug Jungkook gave him kept replaying in his mind. He radiated warmth and security that Jimin felt himself sinking into his embrace. They fit so perfectly together and it was that feeling in the deep pit of his gut. Something about that hug stirred a sense of belonging. It was nostalgic and it was like coming home after a long day.
That was what panicked Jimin. He shouldn't feel this way about his boss. And sure Jimin wasn't into men, was he? He ran a hand over his face, grabbing his phone from the bed where he had carelessly dropped it earlier. He hadn't bothered to wash up or change, his mind preoccupied with the events of the evening.
His fingers hovered over the recent contacts before he pressed the call button for Hoseok.
"Hello," Hoseok answered after two rings in a hoarse voice.
"Hyung..." Jimin breathed, his thoughts still in shambles.
"Are you okay?" He heard ruffling of sheets and his sound clearer, all hints of sleep gone.
"Yes," Jimin exhaled. "Yes."
"What is it?"
"There's, how can you tell if you like men?"
"Huh? W-wait. You like men?" His voice rang with shock.
"Hyung, I don't know." Jimin suddenly regretted having this chat in the first place. "It's complicated. I don't know what's happening...It could be nothing, but—"
"Tell me everything."
Jimin sighed. Then he began telling his hyung from the day he started working at Jeon Corporation. Hoseok was silent the entire time. His hyung was a good listener, speaking only when he needed to but he always listened and offered a good piece of advice.
"I...I don't know what's happening to me, hyung? When I see Jungkook I feel something. I...I feel something for both, okay. It's like I've known them for years. But I can't remember."
"You feel like both men are connected to your past in a way you can't explain."
"But what you feel for Jungkook is much more deeper than what you feel for Taehyung."
"You like it when he hugs you."
"You want to make him happier."
"You feel something when he gets touchy and this feeling is more than just a friend."
Jimin exhaled loudly, throwing his forearm over his head. "Maybe. I was never into men. You know me, hyung. This is all new to me."
"But Jungkook makes you feel things you never felt before."
"Do you think Dr. Seokjin knows more than he let on?"
"I know he knows more. He wouldn't have told Jungkook about my memory loss otherwise. And I don't have to courage to push him for details. I...I'm afraid I might not like what he has to say. I mean...he wouldn't hide it from me if it wasn't that serious. He might have his reasons." Jimin threaded a hand through his blonde locks. "I...I'm just confused about all this, hyung."
"Okay. Let me talk to him. And Jimin-ah, about these things you're feeling now, follow your heart."
"But hyung—"
"Love doesn't have a gender, Jimin-ah. There's nothing wrong with loving a man. Nothing to be ashamed of. If you like Jungkook that way, you should just go for it."
"I...hyung, I don't even know what to do." Jimin had nothing against the love between the same gender. It was just that he was inexperienced. Though he had tried dating, it couldn't be counted as experiences because none of them got past the first date. He never encouraged a second date. And he never tried to date men. Because none of the men made his heart flutter like Jungkook. None of them caught his attention until him.
Hoseok chuckled. "You're doing well and I have a feeling that you already have him wrapped around your pinkie."
"Hyung," Jimin whined. "How can you say that?"
"He didn't complain when you brazenly decided to crash his meeting, did he?"
Jimin pursed his lips. Hoseok was right. The youngest had barely said a word when he forced him to change, which was quite daring on his part.
"He likes you. Trust your hyung. Just go for it."
"Okay." His shoulders slumped. His actions today were unwarranted and something he would never ever repeat. "Thanks for talking, hyung."
"Aish, you brat. You know you can call hyung anytime."
"I know."
"I might be halfway across the world Jimin-ah. But my ears are always open for you. Keep that in mind, alright," his voice lowered, once again the sincerity of it blanketing Jimin.
"I will."
"So, here's the thing I wanted to tell you the other day before I got distracted by my assistant," Hoseok trailed off. "I found someone reliable to manage the business here."
"What? So you don't have to travel like before right?"
"Yes," Hoseok chuckled. "Your hyung will always be with you."
"Awesome!" Jimin sat upright, his mood lifting considerably. "More time for Katy then."
"W-what? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Accept it, hyung. You both obviously like each other."
"' doesn't like me that way."
"You sure? Because I get a different feeling. I see stars in her eyes whenever your name is brought up."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Hyung, you have to ask her out."
"What if she said no?"
Jimin shrugged. "What if you don't give her a chance to say no?"
"How do I do that?"
"Seriously, hyung? You're clueless when it comes to your own love life. Flowers and hearts, hyung. Woo, that woman. Pour your heart out. Show her how much she means to you."
"It's easier said than done."
"Then you wait until someone else sweeps her off her feet."
"Don't you dare," he growled.
Jimin laughed. "Just go for it, hyung. How will you know what she will say if you never try? Even if you failed, at least you tried. You did your best and don't have to live with regrets." His voice softened, "What do you have to lose anyway?"
Hoseok sighed on the other end. "You're right. I'll try something."
"You better."
"I gotta go. Have a meeting at eight. Love you, Jimin-ah."
"Love you too, hyung."
"Don't hesitate to call me if you need me."
Jimin's heart felt lighter, but embarrassment filled him when he thought of his actions from this evening. He had initiated something without even realizing it. He slammed his palm on his face with a groan. This was going to be hard and he could only hope he survived the coming days without embarrassing himself more.
He turned and hugged a pillow, screaming into it. Then forced himself to relax. They had a busy day tomorrow and he was exhausted from lack of sleep. With a sigh, he closed his eyes, wishing for the sleep to envelop him.
The next morning, there was an awkward silence between the two with Jimin avoiding the youngest, talking only when he needed to. Jungkook though looked at his best mood didn't comment.
The day's events occupied them and they kept running from one workshop to the other, networking, attending meetings, and talks. It was around three when Jimin's stomach growled reminding him of food and he realized Jungkook hadn't eaten all day. They both had woken later than usual and had hurried to the venue with just a coffee.
He rushed to find the youngest conversing with a group of businessmen animatedly. They were laughing at something the youngest said and Jimin noticed Jungkook shifting from one foot to the other, eyes darting around, lower lip between his teeth. Ah, time for a rescue mission. He almost laughed to himself thinking how he had been able to read Jungkook like an open book these past weeks. Jimin pulled his phone out and made his way to the group—the trick always worked.
"Excuse me, gentlemen," Jimin bowed at the others. "Mr. Jeon." He lifted the phone. "There's something that requires your immediate attention."
Jungkook let out a relieved breath, lips twitching as he turned and bowed at the businessmen quickly excusing himself.
"Are you hungry?" Jimin asked.
"Starving." Jungkook's stomach growled on cue causing the eldest to laugh out loud.
"Aww...we have to take care of it soon. How do you feel about Sushi or Onigiri?"
"How do you know my favorite food?" Jungkook lifted his right brow with a surprised look on his face.
"Ah," Jimin blinked as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't. I just suggested because those are my favorite," he said with a sheepish smile. He really didn't know what Jungkook liked, but from what he observed, the youngest happened to have a lot in common with him and that ran with foods as well. He made wild guesses based on his preferences and was elated to learn Jungkook loved them. "I already made reservations. Shall we?" He gestured his hand for Jungkook to follow and watched as the youngest follow his direction with a small smile.
Jungkook couldn't help the emotion that squeezed his chest. He ate in silence, watching the eldest munch the seafood, savoring the taste.
Jimin hated seafood, he didn't like the smell. He tolerated some of them if it didn't smell too fishy, but most of the time he preferred meat. He had been taking care of him for the past few weeks and now he came to think of it, realization dawned on him. And the truth clenched his heart.
No way, he murmured to himself quickly masking his thought with a cough when the elder lifted his gaze. "Thanks, hyung. This is delicious," he said with a smile. Jimin simply nodded with a smile and went back to his food.
Jungkook tried to swallow the emotion in his throat. The food Jimin brought last week to the product launch, the one he brought yesterday and the one they were eating now all were Jungkook's favorites. The color...purple was his color. Jungkook loved purple and black.
The youngest cleared his throat and decided to test his crazy theory. "Hyung..." he called with a smile. "Coffee or hot chocolate?"
Jimin blinked but soon caught on. "Hot chocolate." He smiled back.
Wrong answer. That was his favorite. Jungkook kept the smile intact as he grabbed another piece of sushi. "Strawberry or chocolate?"
"Spicy or sweet."
"Both, but I prefer spicy."
"Reading or games."
"Games. Though I'm not good at it." Jimin chuckled, his eyes disappearing as he leaned to his side.
Jungkook popped a few more questions, painfully realizing his theory was right. Jimin had subconsciously adapted to the things he liked. His chest squeezed and suddenly breathing became difficult. He excused himself from the table and rushed to the toilets. He let the tears fall once he was inside the empty cabin.
It fucking hurt like a bitch and Jungkook didn't know how to take this finding. He could only think of how much Jimin must have loved him to adapt to his lifestyle even in his current state. I don't deserve you, hyung. He covered his mouth as he let the sobs rake his body. I fucking don't deserve you.
Two things:
1) So, you might find my characters Katy, Portia and Alvira making appearances in my other fanfictions as well. I created these characters and decided to retain them in other stories as well because it's easier for me to remember their names, character traits and features. I might use a different variations of their names. So, yeah. You might also see these characters making appearances in my friend's book. We decided to share the characters. That's what besties do, right? Lol.
2) Jimin can speak Japanese fluently, he learned it in school. Jungkook doesn't question this because he already knows this. Also, Jimin has selective amnesia. People with selective amnesia forgets certain memories of their past, it could be just a few days, months, years or altogether, but the skills they have acquired during this time stays with them. Like driving, reading, writing and speaking, performing basic functions and such.
Selective amnesia is a type of amnesia in which the sufferer loses certain parts of their memory.
There are different types of memory loss and it's different for every patient. Some patients forget how to perform basic functions and had to be taught doing it. That's where occupational therapy comes into work. These doctors/therapists help them learn and help them adjust to their new life in the society.
Amnesia can be caused by damage to areas of the brain that are vital for memory processing. Unlike a temporary episode of memory loss (transient global amnesia), amnesia can be permanent.
Most people with amnesia have problems with short-term memory — they can't retain new information. Recent memories are most likely to be lost, while more remote or deeply ingrained memories may be spared. Someone may recall experiences from childhood or know the names of past presidents, but not be able to name the current president, know what month it is or remember what was for breakfast.
Isolated memory loss doesn't affect a person's intelligence, general knowledge, awareness, attention span, judgment, personality or identity. People with amnesia usually can understand written and spoken words and can learn skills such as bike riding or piano playing. They may understand they have a memory disorder.
Hope this helped if you aren't familiar with this memory loss stuff yet. Also, it's a fiction so we don't have to play exactly by the rule book for extra drama. I'm trying to keep it as relatable as possible.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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