Chapter 21
It was still early inthe morning, a little shy off three-thirty when they arrived at the Incheonairport. Jimin and Jungkook arrived early though their flight was at five fifty-five a.m. They both had showered and dressed in suits so that they could head directly to the conference. Jimin did quick math in his head and decided they will have enough time to make a pit stop at the hotel, drop off the luggage and grab something to eat before they went to the meeting that started at ten a.m. Taehyung left to China last night.
"Have you been to Japan before?" Jungkook asked Jimin as they made their way to the VIP lounge. They both had their blazer hanging around their arms, ties tucked in their pants.
"A few times for work," Jimin said matching his long strides. "My hyung took me to Wisteria festival last year." He visibly beamed at the memory. Oh, he missed Hobi hyung so much. He hoped his hyung stayed longer this time.
"Oh, I didn't know you had a brother." Jungkook lifted a brow; face slightly tilted to his direction.
"Not blood related," Jimin explained. "We met at the hospital. He took care of me when...ah..."
"You don't have to talk about it," Jungkook quickly said. "If you're not comfortable that is... I'm a good listener though..." He scratched the side of his neck and paused briefly. "If you ever want to talk..."
Jungkook looked adorable when he did that and Jimin found himself laughing at the youngest boy's awkwardness. "I'll keep that in mind," he touched his arm and Jungkook nodded with a smile. They started walking again. "Anyways, my hyung took me in and supported me after I got out of the hospital. He's the only person as close as family. Then you already met Jin hyung and the girls. They're all I have."
The girls treated him like a brother. During the short time they spend together they have definitely became more than friends and Jimin thought they could be considered family. Jin hyung too. The thought brightened his mood. Who cared if they shared blood or not? These people were with him during his worst. They were still there for him and that was all that mattered.
Jungkook remained silent by his side. They reached the lounge and settled comfortably on the two-seater leather couch. The youngest occupied the same couch as him though the lounge was pretty much empty except for the two other fellow passengers.
"Have you been to the Wisteria festival?" Jimin asked settling the blazer on his lap.
Jungkook tilted his head with a distant look in his eyes. "No. I never really had a chance. It's always running from one meeting to another. This is the first time I'll have one day rest all for myself." He leaned on the couch, resting his head on the backrest with a sigh.
"You never really don't do anything for yourself, do you?" He already knew the youngest spend very less time for himself out of office. The man was practically married to his job and when he worked, he even forgot to eat or take a bathroom break. Jungkook in his eyes was someone who needed a person to constantly take care of his needs, remind him to eat, or to take a break. Taehyung did a great job and now that Jimin was in picture, both men didn't move their asses until Jimin nudged them to do something about it. So much had changed in such a short span of time and Jimin admonished how natural it was among them. It was like they've known each other for years.
Jungkook shook his head, blinking his sleep-filled eyes. "Taehyungie used to bring me out before. Now we don't have time to do stuff we loved to do together."
Jimin's lips set in a thin line. The youngest looked like he could definitely use a break. "When was the last time you went on a vacation?" he asked already knowing the answer to his question.
Jungkook snickered, "Never. Do you think my dad would allow me that luxury?"
Jimin shook his head, his mind quickly formulating a plan. He pulled his phone out and searched for the Wisteria Festival. Fortunately, it was still early May and they were there the right time. He slanted a glance at the youngest, who now had his eyes closed, lips slightly parted with a soft snore. The sight drew a soft chuckle from Jimin. Cute.
A sudden urge to protect him washed over him. I wish I could show you the world outside our office. You deserve a break.
He nodded to himself as he quickly tapped on his phone. Their time in Japan was limited, but there was one thing he could pull off if he panned right. With a smile, he pocketed his phone, determined to make this trip worth it, and loosen up the youngest a bit.
It was five in the evening when Jimin dragged Jungkook to the empty men's room. The youngest blinked when Jimin pushed him into the room and rummaged the bag slung on this shoulder.
"Here," he thrust a black full-sleeved hoodie at him. "Change."
"What?" Jungkook frowned. "We still have a meeting to attend."
Jimin rolled his eyes. He dropped the bag on the counter, shrugging off his blazer and untucking his shirt. Jungkook's eyes popped out, his jaw going slack. "Why healthcare needs artificial intelligence?" Jimin lifted a brow nonchalantly. "You can catch the session online." He proceeded to unbutton his shirt. "What are you staring at? Change. We don't have much time."
"W-where are we going?" Jungkook stammered, blinking multiple times and shaking his head before removing his suit. Jimin took it, carefully folding it, and placed it inside his bag along with his clothes.
"You'll see."
The youngest lifted a brow but said nothing. He knew Jimin had planned something for the evening; he got that familiar look on his face. It was the same look when he wanted to surprise Jungkook. He didn't waste time, giving Jimin a view of his sculpted body with six-pack abs before shrugging on the hoodie. Jimin too chose a black full-sleeved t-shirt, which he pulled over his head.
Jimin had Jungkook's arm in a protective grip when they exited the building. Where were they going? Jungkook wondered as he wordlessly slipped into the taxi that Jimin flagged down, speaking fluent Japanese. Kaimeido-Tenjin Shrine. Jungkook didn't know what that place was. A traitorous smile was already tugging at his lips and he almost texted Taehyung. Almost.
Not now, he said to himself as he clasped his hands on his lap, heart beating faster. He didn't know where they were headed to or what Jimin had in store for him. Jungkook peered through the window, excitement bubbling inside of him, the meeting long forgotten. Well, he wouldn't miss much. The focus of this meeting was to network and they had one more day to spend.
"We're here," Jimin announced when the car came to a stop after fifteen minutes. "Welcome to Kaimeido-Tenjin Shrine. Fortunately for us, the Wisteria festival is ongoing and the light-up starts at five-thirty." He rounded the taxi, tugged at his arm as he led him to the entrance.
Jungkook stared at the eldest with his mouth agape as they made a beeline to the ticket counter. Jimin paid, once again conversing fluently and soon they were walking through the enchanted garden. Jungkook's eyes were wide, trying to take in the scenery in front of him all at once. He'd seen photos and videos before, but nothing matched the real thing.
"Hyung, this is beautiful," he whispered. "I...I..." Over hundreds of Wisteria flowers were in full bloom and hung at the historical shrine site by the picturesque pond and vermilion arch bridge. The elegant display astounded him.
Jimin beamed, "I knew you'd like it. It's not as big as Ashikaga Flower Park. They have Azalea flowers too and it's beautiful. I'll take you there someday."
Jungkook whipped his head so fast that he thought he broke his neck when he heard the soft crack. Did Jimin just promise another date? Well, he didn't know if this could be counted as one since Jimin had no idea how much this meant to the youngest. Did he remember something? Or was he just trying to be nice? The youngest didn't ponder on it for longer. He was content with anything Jimin had to offer.
"I wish I had brought my camera," he said averting his gaze from Jimin. The flowers were beautiful, but the eldest somehow outshone them and Jungkook found his eyes trailing after Jimin. While the former admired the scenery, Jungkook admired him.
"You can use your phone," Jimin said airily as they waltzed through the long isles enjoying the colors.
Jungkook nodded. "I love purple." He laughed, feeling genuinely happier for the first time in six years.
"Really?" Jimin halted, doing a full turn to face Jungkook. "Purple is my favorite color too," his eyes widened with excitement before he turned his head to the flowers. "Purple feels like home."
Jungkook swallowed the sudden lump formed in his throat. Jimin loved bright colors—yellow and orange when his mood was bright; blue and black when he felt out of his element. Purple...purple is my color.
"I'll get us something to eat." Jimin was already walking away, hands in his pocket, bag casually slung in his shoulder.
Jungkook's phone rang and he welcomed the distraction, almost sighing when he saw Taehyung's name flashing on his screen. The youngest didn't waste his time gushing about his date to his favorite hyung. Taehyung was as elated as him.
"He remembered?"
"I don't think so... but he behaves just like the old days. It''s like nothing changed between us."
"I'm happy for you, Jungkook-ah. Just go with the flow, okay?"
"Okay. Hyung... I'll call you back." Jimin was coming toward him, hands full of food.
"I got Takoyaki and Yakisoba," Jimin said. "I liked them when I tried it the last time. I'm sorry I should have asked for your favorite, I didn't realize until I got to the stall and I was lazy to walk back."
Jungkook chuckled. "This is great." He took the food from the eldest. "Thanks, hyung. Takoyaki is my favorite." The golden balls of fried batter filled with little pieces of octopus, tenkasu (tempura scraps), benishoga (pickled ginger), and spring onion were mouth-watering.
"Don't burn your tongue," Jimin warned as they found a bench to sit.
Jungkook hummed as he took a bite. He loved Takoyaki which was slightly crisp on the outside, gooey on the inside, slathered in Japanese mayonnaise. He puffed his cheeks, chewing happily as the savory flavors melted his taste buds. "This is so good," he mumbled with a mouthful of food.
Jimin laughed, his eyes crinkling. He reached out to poke his cheek. "You're cute."
Jungkook flashed a wide smile, his bunny teeth full-on display, nose scrunching before he shoveled the food into his mouth. The last time they relaxed like this was when they visited the amusement part for Taehyung's birthday. Things had gone downhill from there. Jungkook broke his thoughts, focusing on the present.
The sizzling yakisoba—Japanese wheat noodles with pork, cabbage, and onions fried on a griddle and topped with benishoga, katsuobushi, aonori, and a squeeze of Worcestershire sauce. Both were silent until the dishes were gone, polished off their take out containers.
Jungkook leaned on the bench, rubbing his full stomach with the goofiest smile he could muster. "Thanks, hyung. That was delicious."
Jimin nodded, mirroring his smile. "I love spicy food. How about some crepes? One of the stalls has it."
"Sounds good." Jungkook jumped to his feet. "Lead the way, hyung."
Jimin shook his head, collecting the empty containers and carrying it to the trash can. Jungkook threw a hand around Jimin's shoulders. The eldest just leaned to him as he always did and it was just like the old days. Jungkook's cheek hurt from all the laughing—the two of them, having the best time of their lives.
"Hyung, look this way," Jungkook instructed and Jimin was happy to oblige—anything to see that adorable bunny smile on his face. The youngest was in high spirit and he had dropped all formalities as soon as they had entered the taxi. He let Jimin drag him around while laughing the entire time. They took a lot of photos on their phones and it was Jungkook treating Jimin as his model, making the eldest blush from all the attention he received.
Jimin didn't know what came over his mind when he planned the trip. The moment Jungkook said he never went to the Wisteria festival, he had the strange urge to show him all the places he had the pleasure to visit during his short time in Japan. Jimin loved to explore, even when he was exhausted from all the walking he did, he didn't miss a chance to visit new places.
Today was no different. Initially, he had no plans whatsoever. However, that changed when Jungkook looked at him tiredly in that lounge with an unspoken longing in his eyes. If there was something Jimin could do to make his dongsaeng happy, he was going to do it. His dongsaeng? Jimin's thoughts faltered. When did that happen? Why was he caring for Jungkook all of a sudden?
He shook his head, following Jungkook as they tried to make the most out of the evening. It was eight past thirty, almost three hours since their arrival. Both were exhausted at their feet, but content as they sat on the bench—a lonely spot to admire the view without interruptions.
Sometime during this Jungkook had leaned on his shoulder, making Jimin stiffen. He forced his shoulders to relax and act cool at the closeness. The youngest was touchy, though he got used to some of it during the evening, this felt more intimate. He tried to move discreetly only to pause when he noticed Jungkook had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Another thirty minutes had passed; the staff had begun urging the visitors outside since it was closing time. Jungkook looked so young and soft with a pout on his lips; looking nothing like the tough CEO he was inside the office. Jimin fought the urge to trace his cheek. What was wrong with him? He brought his hand up, intending to tap Jungkook's cheek to wake him up, but ended up cupping it instead. He ran a thumb over his soft skin and called softly, "Jungkook-ah..."
"Hmm..." The youngest didn't open his eyes, instead nuzzled his cheek on Jimin's shoulder, his mouth slightly parting.
"Wake up." Jimin tapped his cheek this time.
Jungkook opened his bleary eyes, lifting his head and looking around while he pressed the heel of his palm to his eyes.
"Come on, let's go home." He stood, extending his hand for the youngest to take. When he did, it swallowed his much smaller ones, his warmth surrounding him.
They were silent during their short trip back to their hotel, Jungkook half-asleep and slightly swaying on his feet. Jimin suppressed his laughter as he looped his arm around the younger boy's waist who towered him by five inches. Jungkook on the other hand removed Jimin's hand from his waist before latching himself onto his back, hugging him like a koala, resting his head on his shoulder as they walked inside.
Laughter bubbled in Jimin's throat, the action spreading warmth across his chest. They reached their room, adjacent to each other. Jimin pried Jungkook's hands off his softly, patting his pants for the keycard. Jungkook whined but tapped his left pocket twice before leaning on the door, eyes shut.
Jimin slipped his fingers inside Jungkook's pocket, retrieving the keycard and unlocking the door. "Sleep tight, Jungkook-ah. I'll wake you tomorrow morning."
He nodded sleepily, stumbling inside. Jimin waited for the youngest to close his door.
Jungkook paused, his door still ajar, one hand wrapped around the doorknob, eyes blinking repeatedly as he narrowed them at Jimin with a frown. "Hyung..."
"Yes," Jimin observed the youngest with the fondest smile he could muster.
"Thanks." Jungkook left the door and pulled him into a tight hug. He buried his face in Jimin's neck just like he did in the hospital room. Jimin sucked in a breath when Jungkook's nose bumped the crook of his neck, his breath tingling his skin. An involuntary shiver ran through his spine for unknown reasons. "It was amazing," Jungkook whispered. "Thanks, hyung." He stepped back with a sleepy smile. "Good night."
"Good night, Jungkookie," Jimin whispered.
Jungkook blinked at the nickname just as Jimin realized the slip-up. His eyes widening slightly, realizing his mistake. Too late. But Jungkook nodded with the same smile.
Jimin stood frozen on the corridor even after Jungkook closed the room.
What just happened?
I love fluff. *sigh*
So how was the chapter? Let me know your thoughts.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
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