Chapter 16
Jimin didn't have to open his eyes to know where he was. The familiar lavender fragrance wafted to his nostrils, drawing a smile. It overrode the usual disinfectant smell he despised and added personal touch. He was back. For some reason, he felt more at home in this small hospital room than at his rented apartment. Perhaps, it was because he knew almost everyone here. He cracked his eyes open, ready to greet the––
"You're awake." Her contagious smile tugged at his lips. "I think I told you to never come back."
"Aww...Then how am I supposed to see you?" He relaxed seeing he was in his old room. That was one thing about St. Mary's. He'd been visiting them on and off for the past five years, especially with his episodes like that. And they always put him in the same room because they knew he'd grown attached to the space as his own.
The nurse rolled her round eyes with a cluck of her tongue. "I never said no to a good coffee." The corner of her lips twitched as she checked his vitals and moved to remove the IV from his veins.
Jimin hummed. "How about this Saturday? There's this Thai restaurant I found last week. Their pad Thai noodles are the best."
"Smooth." She pursed her lips, but burst out laughing. "You know I can't say no to food."
"No. The truth is you can't say no to me."
She stuck a Band-Aid on the back of his hand, rubbing softly to ease the knot that had formed in his veins. "You wish," she huffed. A strand of black hair fell on her cheek, framing her round face. She appeared tired, but the bright smile on her face never faded.
"I know you love me."
"Of course, I love you, Jiminie. But can you just stop giving us a heart attack like this? You were out cold when they brought you here. I swear I'll drag my ass to hell just to beat the shit out of you if something happened."
Jimin laughed. "No, no, don't go that far. You're too hot for the demons."
Portia chuckled. "If you didn't have a headache I'd have probably smacked your head."
She was one of the three nurses he called friends though they rarely hung out outside the hospital due to their hectic work schedules. They often met for dinner at each other's homes and occasionally on their rare days off went clubbing. Portia, Katy, and Alvira were all of same age, a year older than he was. They had grown over the time he spends in the hospital, always cheering him up and making him feel at home. The trio often ended up in Jimin's room during their downtime, bringing homemade food and talking his ears off. They talked almost every day, ranting about anything and everything in the group chat they had for themselves.
"Like that one time, you considered hitting my head with a golf club?" He remembered the time he was too depressed and going through cognitive treatment. The three of them, suggested different ideas saying that should bring his memory back. To say, their fun-filled banter had lifted his spirits considerably that day.
"Alvie suggested that," Portia said, offended.
"Yeah, right. So your idea was to push me down the stairs."
Portia shrugged nonchalantly. "We were just trying to help. Our ideas were better than what Katy suggested."
Yeah. Katy basically volunteered to run him over with her car. That one was particularly dangerous. Jimin groaned. "Did you already tell them?" The bubbly nurse-trio he dubbed as bombshells could give him a run for his money. Of course, if Portia knew then the others would know too.
"They know, alright. But it wasn't me this time. Jinnie called them and demanded they're here when they wheeled you in. So, yeah, they know."
Portia shrugged, hugging the file she carried to her chest.
"It's Jinnie now, huh?"
It was no secret she had a thing for his handsome doctor hyung. Though she tried to hide it, it was too obvious from the way she reacted when he was around. His doctor hyung on the other hand was too oblivious and he sometimes wanted to smack his head and ask if he was really a psychiatrist for not knowing a simple thing such as this.
"Like you don't know already." She rolled her eyes as her cheeks heated up. It was amazing how just his name was enough to get her all flustered. Maybe that was what love did to people. The woman was hopelessly in love and was content just to stay in the same space as Jin. "So, which one is your boyfriend?" She pointed her thumb over her shoulder to the only couch in the room.
"Boyfriend?" Jimin's brows knotted. He lifted his head and tilted to the side to get a better looked. Jungkook and Taehyung were crammed in the couch, Taehyung resting his head on Jungkook's chest, whose mouth was slightly parted. Memories of that night came flooding into his mind.
"If I didn't know better I'd have thought the one at the bottom with a baby face is your boyfriend. He was a wreck this morning. The handsome one wasn't any better. You made good friends in a short time, Jiminie. They hadn't left the room since we shifted you here."
Jimin's heart raced. What was she rambling about?
"What time is it?"
"Seven in the evening. You were sleeping like dead all day."
"Oh." Jimin rubbed his temples.
"You didn't answer my question. Was I right? It's that baby face, isn't he?"
Jimin felt the heat rush to his cheeks. "He's not my boyfriend."
"Sure." She pursed her lips.
"I swear, Portia. He's just my boss and the guy on top of him is his best friend."
"So, it's one-sided?" She looked back at Jungkook with a smile that sent an alarm to Jimin's brain.
"Don't you dare feed this bullshit to the others," he warned, knowing well how Katy and Alvira would react when they found out. "And I'm straight."
"Right. We all saw those love bites, you know." Portia smirked. "And you know I'm good at keeping secrets."
"Yeah, just not with Katy and Alvie," Jimin snickered. "Before you get any ideas, he was drunk and it was an accident. He passed out and nothing happened."
"Aww..." she crooned causing Jimin to roll his eyes.
"Stop," he hissed, his eyes darting to the men. They hadn't stirred.
Portia raised her hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. I'm outta here. You can leave whenever you're ready."
She left and Jimin was left to ponder over her words. What were they doing here? He remembered Jungkook finding him in his office. Did they stay all day? From what Portia said, they were. He sat with a groan. Jungkook never gave him any inclination except for the two times he got drunk. The second time shouldn't have happened. Like never.
He should find Jin hyung. Jimin saw his phone on the table and grabbed, quickly shooting a text asking where his doctor hyung was. He slipped out of the bed and then the tiptoed out of the room.
Jimin was breathless for some reason when he slipped into Jin's office. "Hyung..."
"Jimin-ah... Good to see you." Jin grinned, his lips curving into a perfect arch. His hair slightly disheveled from the constant combing of his fingers only increased his appeal. Despite the worn-out look on his face, his doctor hyung held a glow to his face. He wore a white button-up and grey slacks with his doctor's coat. He stood up from his chair and embraced him in a hug.
Jimin found himself relaxing as Jin led him to the black leather couch that stood out like a sore thumb against the white walls and matching furniture in the room. It was the one piece Jin hated with a passion. It belonged to the previous doctor who was replaced by Jin after his retirement. Jin never understood the taste of the elderly man and often grumbled about the couch saying he'd have ditched it if it wasn't comfortable after long working hours.
"Do they know?" he breathed, heart already racing with the possible answers. He didn't have much time to contemplate that night and now that he has finally come to his senses his mind was all over the place.
"About your accident?" Jin asked. "Yes, I had to tell them."
"Hyung..." Jimin bit his lips, his body growing stiff and nerves weak. His head was still heavy and he didn't like the direction of this conversation. Jin shouldn't have told Jungkook about his medical condition. The youngest frowned because Jin was always protective of him. If he had told his boss about the memory loss then he must have a very good reason to do so and Jimin trusted his judgment.
"Your boss told me what happened the other night. So, I had to warn him what he's getting into."
Jimin frowned. "What's with everyone saying the same thing? He's just my boss. Nothing more. It was a fucking accident, that shouldn't have happened. I will never let something like that happen ever again."
"Relax, Jimin-ah." Jin patted his knee and gently squeezing it once. "He said he was drunk and swore that nothing happened that night."
"I'm never accompanying him to a party again. I should just stay the hell away from him," Jimin grumbled under his breath. He threaded his hand through his hair and rested his elbows on his knee.
Jin shrugged. "Can you blame him?" Jimin noticed the twitch of his lips. "I've told you before, you make even straight men question their sanity."
Jimin palmed his face, a groan slipping out of his mouth. "Hyung..." he whined. "This is supposed to be my dream job. None of this should have happened in the first place." He felt his anger rising. I should have decked him when I had the chance. Boss my ass.
"Breathe, Jimin-ah." Jin's hand was on the back of his neck, gently massaging and kneading the flesh to release the tension. "This isn't something you're facing for the first time. You had men hitting on you before."
Jimin forced himself to breathe. In and out. He repeated the motion a few times before opening his eyes. "Those men weren't my boss. I've worked my ass off to get this job. Now, are you telling me that I have to hunt another job because my boss got a thing for me?"
"I agree it was a misfortune. But he regrets his actions."
"Does he now?" Jimin lifted a brow.
"Listen, Jimin-ah, this is something you should sort with him. Let him explain first and make yourself clear to him. Jungkook doesn't look like a person who would force himself on you. Everyone has his or her weak moments. Besides, they care for you. They brought you to the hospital and stayed here all day."
Jimin pursed his lips. Why would they stay all day? He then remembered what Byeol said about Jasmine. Jungkook cared for the woman and still visited her at the hospital. Besides, as Jin said, this wasn't the first time some drunkard tried to hit on him. He'd seen worse when he hit the clubs with Hoseok sometimes. None of that had bothered him before. He'd simply tell them off and leave the place.
But you didn't tell Jungkook off. Jimin gritted his teeth. He didn't even push him away. Does that make him a consenting adult? He clenched his jaw as he realized he had sent a wrong signal to Jungkook in a moment of stupor. Crap.
He stood with a sigh. "I'll talk to him."
Jin nodded. "I'm sorry, Jimin-ah. I had to tell them about your migraine because they should know what they're dealing with. I talked to Jungkook about your job responsibility and that requires you to be with him all the time. That meant you go where he goes. Jungkook travels a lot. He should know how to help you if you had a panic attack."
Jimin's shoulders slumped. Jungkook did travel a lot and he was staying in Seoul longer this time because of the upcoming product launch. They had a Japan and Paris trip scheduled for next month. Jimin already had their itinerary. It would be only Jungkook and Jimin for Japan. Taehyung was headed to China and will meet them in Paris just in time for the investor's meeting and the annual tech conference afterward.
"What did he say?"
"Jungkook said he'll be more responsible and will keep my warning in his mind. He even took my number."
"That's it?" Jimin quirked a brow.
Jin frowned. "Yeah."
"No other questions?"
Jin watched him intently. "Did you want him to ask questions?"
"Hyung...don't put words into my mouth. You know I lost a job because of this shitty migraine." Jimin couldn't blame his ex-employer. No one in their right mind would want to employ someone like Jimin who had to go through panic attacks and suffer migraines because of the constant triggers he faced in the earlier stage of his career. Every damn thing he faced in his daily life was a trigger and it took a lot of time to learn to adjust and not let the things trigger him.
"You're not losing this one." Jin crossed his legs, leaning casually as he rested his head on the backrest.
Jimin pushed his hands inside his pockets and rocked on his heels. "There is something I should tell you."
Jin patted the empty spot beside him and Jimin collapsed on it unceremoniously. They had let go of the formalities long ago. He expelled a heavy breath as he got ready to tell Jin his sinful secret.
"That night when Jungkook kissed my neck, I didn't push him away." He hung his head as that weird sensation stirred in the pit of his stomach. Jin was right. The sloppy wet kiss he got from a kid in that club one night did not trigger anything. He had simply pushed that horny kid who was barely in his twenties with a warning to keep his hands off. With Jungkook, he wasn't sure what was happening.
Jin was silent beside him, waiting for him to talk like he always had.
"I remembered something clearly. It has never happened to me before." Jimin continued to explain the night's incident with a slight embarrassment. But Jin was his doctor. There were no secrets between them. He reclined in the seat waiting patiently for Jin to process everything. His doctor hyung, however, just observed him with that serene expression he always sported.
When after a while Jin said nothing, Jimin sighed and sunk into the couch. "Say something."
Jimin chuckled and was rewarded with that windshield wiper laugh Jimin adored. It eased his mind and he sensed an invisible weight lifting off his shoulders.
"Jimin-ah, it's okay to admire someone and even feel attracted. It's a natural emotion. You might feel overwhelmed because this was something you never considered. I will only tell you to keep your mind open for all possibilities. Whatever it is, give it a chance, see if it's something you want. It's just like a color. How did you know you like blue?"
"I like purple now."
"Last time it was blue."
Jimin nodded. "Hobi hyung took me to Japan last year. We went to this Wisteria festival," he reminisced with a warm smile.
The surprise trip to Ashikaga Flower Park that had over three-hundred and fifty trees looked like an enchanted forest right out of the Disney movies. Draped in a purple blanket, it stole his breath away. Though there was pink wisteria, blending with purple, but Jimin found the purple, so calming and something about it called to him. He had stared at the purple blooms for what felt like hours, a weird sense of nostalgia washing over him as goosebumps erupted on his skin.
"Whenever I see purple I feel close to something. I can't explain, hyung. But feels like home." While he didn't remember what his home was like, though often he wondered if he ever had a home, he decided long ago that a place that made him feel wanted, that gave him a sense of belonging was home to him. That way, the color purple gave him a sense of belonging.
"It's quite simple, isn't it? You experience different things, go through all these emotions, and finally figure what you like. It's more meaningful to you now that you know why you prefer purple," Jin said with a calm smile. "Your sexuality is something you should figure. Love doesn't have a gender or color, Jimin-ah. It's such an unadulterated feeling you experience from the bottom of your heart. The things that should matter are how much this person means to you and how they make you feel." Jin uncrossed his legs and threw a hand around his shoulder. "I don't have a personal experience to tell you exactly what love is, but I think you should let it happen to you."
When Jimin didn't respond Jin continued, "Take your time. If you want to look at a man, you should just look. Perhaps, it's because something about this person intrigues you. It could be their charm, talent, or character. Perhaps, it's a sexual attraction. You have to figure out what this person makes you feel." Jin inched closer. "Listen, let's say just don't add a gender tag to people. Just follow your heart. Does that makes sense?"
"I think so," Jimin mumbled, confused more than ever. As confused as he was, he was determined to talk to Jungkook and ask him to stay the heck away. Yeah. That was what he should do first.
Until we meet again...💜💜💜
I came across this nicely edited AU on YouTube. You might like it.
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