Chapter 11

Jungkook tapped his fingers steadily on the steering wheel as he waited for the red light to turn green. Beside him, Taehyung was busy answering his emails on his phone.

The sky was clear and the humidity had considerably increased with the summer quickly approaching. It was late April and summer definitely wasn't his favorite season. He wasn't a fan of Monday morning either. As his favorite song Ten thousand hours by Dan, Shay and Justin Bieber played in the background, his mind replayed the conversation he had with Namjoon last evening.

"Jungkook-ah, there's no way I can get any information from Dr. Seokjin."

"You said you knew him."

Namjoon sighed in exasperation as he slung his leg on the side of the couch. "You see, that doctor is the eldest brother of mine. I was going to talk to him today over dinner, but then your guy showed up."

My guy? "Jimin?"

"Yeah, him. I tried to strike a casual conversation and hyung went all defensive asking me to stop right in front of my face. Jimin was cool, but my brother was such a pain in the ass."


"The only thing I was able to confirm was that Jimin is still his patient."

Jungkook didn't know what to do with that information. What happened to Jimin? Taehyung was awfully quiet and it was eating him from the inside. The unspoken tension was so palpable that even the music couldn't ease his nerves.

"Hyung..." Jungkook shut the music and cast a glance toward him.

"Yeah." Taehyung's gaze was still glued to his phone.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook chewed at his lower lip. "I'll stay away."

Taehyung lifted his gaze and then shook his head. "Never mind."

"Hyung..." Jungkook's voice came out as soft whine as he felt his eyes sting.

"I'm not angry." Taehyung locked his phone and dropped it on the seat between his legs as he reclined in a comfortable position. "We both are sailing the same boat here. I'm just furious that there is nothing we could do where emotions are involved. And he's got an upper hand."

Jungkook released a breath he was holding and nodded. "I'll...I'll transfer him to some other location." His grip tightened around the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

Taehyung just rolled his head to face him. "Don't bother anymore." He then looked ahead at the road. "I already know it's too late for that."

Jungkook felt the guilt wash over him. Was he being selfish?

"If Jimin had forgotten his past...maybe..." Taehyung clenched his jaw. "Maybe you have another chance."


"You know how long it has been since I saw you laughing like an idiot? How long it had been since you had sung along to a song unconsciously all the while grinning like a fool? How long it had been since you zoned out with a soft smile on your face?" Taehyung's smile was sad. "You did all that in a matter of two weeks." Tae sighed. "I missed this side of you and I just want you to be happy, Jungkookie. As for Jimin, I realized this is something you both have to work between yourselves."

Jungkook nodded. "Thanks, hyung. I'll be careful."

Taehyung shook his head with a bitter smile, but didn't say anything. When they reached the Jeon building and stepped into the elevator, Jungkook was buzzing with energy. An involuntary smile stretched his lips at the thought of Jimin. However, both stopped, seemingly frozen in their track when they saw Jimin sitting on Byeol's desk, both laughing harder. They were too close.

Jungkook felt his blood freeze in his veins. "What's going on?" he snapped before he could stop the words. This shouldn't bother him, but it fucking did and he was ready to tear them apart.

Jimin's head whipped around while Byeol's smile faltered as she jumped to her feet, Jimin's grin widened as he removed his hip from the desk and turned to fully face him.

Fuck, he looked hot in his dark brown button-up and black dress slacks. His hanging earrings hit is angular jaw with a slight movement. He pushed his platinum hair back with his left hand, causing it to fall in waves. Heat stirred inside Jungkook's chest.

"Good morning, Mr. Jeon," Byeol said.

"Good morning, boss." Jimin crossed his arms across his chest.

"What were to both laughing at?" Taehyung looked equally pissed, but his handsome face made it difficult to read his mood.

Jimin barked with laughter and Byeol too threw a hand over her mouth, suppressing it but she soon regained her composure. "It's nothing, Taehyung-ssi. Jimmy here was telling me how he almost broke that Yuna's wrist during Saturday night party."

Jungkook felt some of the tension leaving his shoulders.

"You're a bad boy, Jimmy. You shouldn't manhandle women like that." Byeol snickered.

"And she still hasn't learned her lesson. I won't spare her the next time." Jimin shrugged and turned his head to Jungkook. "You're early," he said with a casual flick of his wrist as he checked his watch. "I'll get you both something to kick off the day." His eyes crinkled with laughter as he brushed past Jungkook and Taehyung.

"I like him." Byeol's smile was still in place. "I wish I was there to see her pissed face. Such a shame."

Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other.

Taehyung cast an annoyed glance. "What's new? She always does this."

Byeol's eyes grew wider. "You didn't know?"

"Know what?" Jungkook lifted a brow.

"She was out for dinner with her friends last night. A paparazzi asked if you're both together and she said yes."

"What?" Jungkook's eyes widened as he quickly looked at Taehyung. That was a scandal. Was she crazy?

"And your father had booked you for another event this evening. Actor Choi Minsung's birthday party," Byeol stated with a grimace. She knew how much Jungkook hated these parties.

"What?" He seriously needed to have a word with his father. This was going overboard, he had no time for this fucking birthday party.

"Jimmy tried to cancel it this morning, but the guest list has already gone public. Don't worry, boss. She won't get anywhere near you with Jimmy around."

Jungkook ran a hand over his weary face. "Please tell me this event doesn't require a plus one."

Byeol pursed her lips. "Unfortunately, it does."

Jungkook threw his hands in the air letting out a stream of curses. He rarely cursed in public, but today he was too pissed to even care. His jaw clenched and unclenched as Taehyung squeezed his shoulder. "I'm gonna have a word with him." He stormed into his office. "What does he even think of himself? Is this all a game to him?"

Jungkook already knew the answer. To Jeon Jungwoo his son was only the heir to the empire he built. There was no love between his parents and the bastard refused to give her divorce. One night he was a carefree fresh graduate and the next morning he was sitting in a boardroom filled with people double his age.

There had been no induction or a sense of direction when he was thrust into this business world. If it wasn't for Taehyung he didn't think he'd have made it this far. And Jasmine...His father's personal assistant knew the ins and outs, which helped him stay in track while he learned the ropes of the business. Jungwoo hadn't even lifted a finger to help him. It was his form of punishment and the worse he could face was public humiliation and his father's resentment. He didn't care about his father's resentment, he never cared anyway. But a public humiliation like that would have ruined a future he was trying to build. No companies would have hired him if he had failed. He hated his father more for putting him in a limelight during one of his vulnerable moments.

He was pacing the office fighting the urge to hit something when Jimin stepped inside with a tray balanced in one arm. Jungkook frowned seeing the steaming cups of coffee with sandwiches. He was in no mood to eat. "I didn't ask for a sandwich."

"I know. Eat up." Jimin's smile didn't falter. "You have a busy day ahead and you're gonna need all the energy you could muster." He placed the tray on the table. "Jungwoo-ssi should really stop going behind my back like this. I've been trying to reach you both since yesterday night when I saw this new appointment on my calendar."

Jungkook wordlessly went to sit behind his desk. Jimin still doesn't have his personal number and he always switched off his work phone during weekends, especially to escape the man he called his father. He grabbed the sandwich and bit into it, chewing before pushing the plate to Taehyung who was reaching for the coffee.

"We have an important call at the same time slot this evening." Jimin pushed his hair back once before pulling his phone out of his back pocket. "I can't get him on his phone to reschedule." He rubbed his temple. "He's in a flight and this call is his first scheduled appointment."

Jimin caught his lower lip between his teeth as he typed away on his phone. Jungkook couldn't help but stare at the way Jimin tilted his head to the side as he worked. That guy was beautiful in every aspect. If anyone could pull cute and sexy at the same time, it was Jimin. Taehyung cleared his throat bringing Jungkook out of his stupor.

Jungkook blinked a few times and averted his gaze to the plate. The sandwich was gone in a few bites and he washed it down with the coffee. Black with sugar just the way he preferred.

"We can––"

The door to Jungkook's office opened and Yuna stepped inside with a bright smile. Her red bodycon dress hugged her curves and fell short of her knees. A silver chain with red-stone pendant rest between her cleavage. Her smile faltered at the sight of Jimin and Jungkook noticed the sudden change of Jimin's demeanor.

Byeol rushed in after Yuna looking perplexed. Jungkook stared at her with a frown while Taehyung had climbed to his feet beside him, fully facing her.

"Great to see you, Yuna-ssi," Jimin greeted first. "I don't see your name anywhere in my schedule for today. And how did you get up here?"

Jungkook tensed when Byeol mouthed paparazzi to Jimin from behind Yuna.

Yuna smirked. "Oh, I'm the person Jungkook took home on Saturday. Who's gonna stop the boss's girlfriend?" She crossed her hands across her chest, tilting her head to the side as she glared at Jimin.

Jimin hummed, but a smile stretched Jungkook's lips because he noticed the way Jimin's face morphed in a matter of seconds. If he was anything like the Jimin he knew, Jungkook knew the shit show was about to start. Taehyung pulled a swivel chair and collapsed on it with a sly smile.

"My memory of Saturday is bit different from yours. I remember warning you to stay away from him. And he left alone leaving you in the party hall."

Jimin just walked to the edge of the mahogany desk taking all the time he needs, then he turned to lean on it, planting both his hands firm on the desk and crossed his ankles. Jungkook found himself relaxing. He loved it Jimin's bitch mode was activated.

"Byeol, call the security desk and take care of this, will you?" Jimin said casually. "Also ask them to email me the list of guests who has uninterrupted access to Mr. Jeon's office. Clearly, there is a hole because I now have rat snuck through it."

Byeol pursed her lips, fighting the smile.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Yuna seethed. "Jungkook never turned me down."

"Hm...Give me a break, Yuna-ssi. He was trying to push you away, but was holding back out of respect as a woman."

Yuna clenched and unclenched her jaw. She ignored Jimin and cocked her head to the side with a seductive smile. "Jungkook, I'm here to ask you out for Mingsung-ssi's birthday party."

"It's Mr. Jeon to you," Jimin snapped. "And he already has a date."

Jungkook quirked a brow. He had a date?

"Yeah?" Yuna faltered a bit. "Who might that be?"

"Me." Jimin shrugged while Jungkook choked on his saliva. Taehyung coughed.

Fuck. He had to adjust a bit and hissed out low at the sudden tightness he felt in his lower half.

Yuna burst into laughter. "That's the funniest joke I ever had. You really have balls of steel to pull something like that."

Jimin sat unfazed as she continued to laugh. "I don't remember showing my balls to a woman before and you definitely have a good imagination." He smiled sweetly. "Unfortunately my balls are made of flesh and blood like every other man."

Jungkook sputtered his coffee. His cheeks grew red as he reached for the napkins quickly. He should not to eat or drink anything while Jimin was in bitch mode.

"Jungkook, you haven't answered my question." Fury radiated off her. "The sooner you get rid of this weasel here, the better."

Jimin casually tilted his head to face Jungkook. "Jungkook-ssi, do you fancy this woman here?" He was annoyed and the tightening of his jaw told him how pissed Jimin was.

"No, Jimin-ssi," Jungkook said with a look of admiration. Jimin gave him a pleased smile that sent delicious shivers down his spine.

The eldest swiveled his head to Yuna. "You heard him."

She pursed her lips. "He needs a date for today's event and I know he doesn't have one."

"That's too kind of you, Yuna. But he doesn't need one if he's not attending." Jimin stretched his neck to the side hearing a satisfying crack. "And the invite doesn't specify he has to bring a woman. Your services are not needed."

"Services?" Her eyes went wide like a saucer. "Jungkook! Why are you not saying anything? You––"

Jungkook suppressed a chuckle, but the smile still stayed on his lips. "You heard him." He pushed his chair to the computer, powering it up as he checked his wristwatch. "Taehyung-ssi, do you have everything we need for nine-thirty?" he said to Taehyung ignoring her stare.


Jimin sighed. "Close the door on your way out." He straightened and smoothed his shirt.

"I won't let this slide. You'll pay for this."

"I already told you that I'm not a patient man, Yuna-ssi." Jimin pulled a swivel chair and lowered himself, crossing his right knee over the left. "You're a talented woman with a bright future, I don't understand why you're lowering your standards by doing this. You test my patience and push me to say and do things I don't usually say or do. Please leave."

Yuna opened her mouth again but Byeol interrupted her. "This way please, Yuna-ssi."

The fuming actress stomped her feet as she exited the office. Jimin rubbed his temple again. "Now I need a coffee. Excuse me."

Jungkook watched him leave with a soft smile on his face. Jimin might have possibly forgotten who Jungkook was, forgotten how it was between them while they were dating, but he was still the spitfire when it came to protecting the youngest. He hummed a happy tune as he opened his emails, quickly getting into work.

We have a comeback in less in 4 days...Something like Mic Drop and Waste it on Me... I can't breath. Are you ready ARMY?

Here's another fan art she made...

Until we meet again...💜💜💜

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