Mattew's locker slammed close as Cole and Marcus approached him. He stuffed his books in his bag then said, "It's Tuesday Cole."
"And we eat burger for lunch." He said flatly, "Why are we stating the obvious?"
Marcus rolled his eyes then went to stand beside his brother and said, "It's Tuesday Cole and you haven't broken up with Sid yet. You are stalling it too long."
"What the fuck? I thought it's when I take it a week I'm stalling it too long'." He said, frowning at the twins.
The twins pulled a face at him and Cole sighed, having given up. The blond boy took a deep breath then said, "Okay. I'm going to do it."
Marcus grinned and said, "Good because here she comes."
"What?" Cole almost shouted. He had only said that just so that they would leave him alone. He still wasn't tough enough to break things up with Sid. She was a sweet and good girl.
Who was he kidding? Sid just freaking wanted his money.
"Good thing we called her, right?" Marcus said as he glanced at his brother, "We knew if you said you were going to do, you wouldn't until you saw real motivation." His friend held his shoulders tightly then turned him around just as Sid, the ever pretty blonde stopped in front of them.
"Make us proud bro. We'll be watching." Marcus added in a little whisper then pulled Mattew away. But they didn't go so far.
They stopped by Gustus's locker, the blue haired from their Math class, and pretended to be interested in what he was doing.
Sid smiled at him and asked, "Your friends said you wanted to see me?"
Cole sighed. He hated doing this to the sweet ones. Shaking his head, he pulled her by the hand to another hallway where there were less students and no twins. He scanned it quickly before looking back at his to-be ex.
"Hey, sorry for the rush there." He said slowly as he leaned on the lockers.
"No problem. So what is it?" She asked curiously as she turned to look at him.
Cole took another deep breath and focused on why he was doing this. It was for Cloud. For the twins. For him. Mostly for Cloud though.
"We should break up." He told her firmly. Not so cold and yet, not so soft.
Sid closed her deep blue eyes for a second then said, "I knew it."
"I knew any minute from now you were going to break up with me." She chuckled lightly then added, "You've passed your limit huh?"
"Huh?" he asked confused. "If it is about you not being good enough please know that you are wonderful. I'm just-"
"Confused." She finished. "Because, I've dated you for a month and you refused to have sex with me. You aren't even cheating. Do boys like you really exist?"
"You lost me." He blinked entirely confused by that last question.
"You know. Those really good guys that don't touch girls until that special day."
Cole laughed. "Yeah right. It's like you haven't heard the rumors then."
"I have but I believe it was made up. No one is ever that good with the way the girls tell it." She nodded. "Even though I do not understand your reason for breaking up with me. I'll accept it."
Cole was surprised. He hadn't expected her to take it well at all. To even try to understand him. Something was up.
"That's probably because there is someone else, right?" He told her when she turned to walk away.
Sidney froze in her steps then turned sharply to glare at him, "What?"
"Please, the Sidney I knew was a bitch and didn't understand me. Tell me, what's got you so focused?"
Cole watched as her face grew red with embarrassment. He was right and she didn't even have to say it. Sidney was cheating on him.
Scoffing, he opened his bag and got out a blue sweater with black horizontal pattern on it and a green notebook.
He handed it to her and she asked, "Why?"
"Because you asked. I always give my ex the last thing they ask for." He ruffled her blond hair as she gaped at it.
She murmured a brief thank you then sprinted out before Cole could open his big mouth and ask who he was.
Rolling his eyes, he slid to the floor and released a breath he hadn't known he was holding. Breaking up with girls was always strenuous.
But here was the bigger deal. Now he had the chance to date Cloud...maybe. They kissed once so there was a big chance for them. Then there was Mattew. He had no idea what to do with him.
Should he stay away or act normal with him? Staying away wouldn't help his situation because they lived in the same house and Mattew would notice. He couldn't act normal around Mattew because if Cloud wasn't there, he practically takes up all his thinking space.
Gosh, being in love is worse than breaking up.
Cole didn't know how long he had sat down there just thinking because he didn't notice when someone stood in front of him until she drew her face so close to his that their nose were touching.
Cole almost yelped as he pushed her away a little too harshly. Getting up, he glared at the girl as he tried to recognize her. She had long wavy brown hair that she packed into a pigtail with wide brown eyes that looked so cute that it stopped him from frowning.
She stood up and dusted her really long black skirt that she wore with a black and white horizontal stripped crop top. Cole did not miss the socks and plums she wore.
He blinked, completely dazzled by her appearance.
"What are you staring at?" She asked rudely but Cole hardly noticed.
"You. You look different."
"You don't even know me." She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Yeah but you look a lot more different than the other girls here."
"The long skirt huh?" She sneered.
"You could say that." He responded. Still mesmerized.
There was a short pause and Cole snapped back into his senses. He cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Hi, I'm Cole."
"I know. And I've been watching you."
"I know about everything that is happening to you. Love triangle. Sexuality. Cloud. The twins. It's so bad that I even know what goes on in your family." She said in a serious tone as she circled around him.
Cole froze. What? What was just going on today?
"It's a story I'm writing." She continued then stopped in front of him. "But the problem is, I don't know how it's going to end."
Cole blinked. He wasn't having this. There was no way his life could be so confusing all at once. He had to see something normal. Like Cloud. In his sexy tights.
Yes. That's what he should do. See Cloud.
By the time he focused back on the strange girl, she was glaring murderously at him. "Did you even hear a word I said?"
"No but if you stop acting weird I could try."
"I do not want you to try. I want you to tell me. Who are you going to pick? Cloud, Mattew or Henry?"
"Henry?" He asked. "Girl, I am tired okay? Can we do this another day?"
"Answer me now!"
"No. I'm leaving." He turned away from her but when he tried to walk away, she said something that stung him like a bee.
"I'll tell the whole school you are gay." She said slowly and quietly that he was sure it was only them that could hear it. Mostly because the hall was empty. "I saw you at your date and I know of a few people that could vouch for me. Know Dustin?"
Cole's eyes widened. Dustin was there for the whole thing, except the dinner. Dustin was a good leverage.
He turned back to her and frowned at her smirk, "What do you want?"
"I want to know how my book will end. Who are you going to pick?"
"I don't know." Cole answered stiffly but in all honesty, that was the truth and it was as if the girl knew that because she nodded.
"Too early, I see. Don't worry, I'll drop in on you later." Then she walked away, brushing past Cole softly.
He turned to watch her leave and as he did, he admitted to himself that he had just met the scariest girl to ever cross his path. And to make it worse, he didn't even know her name.
"Good one Wilson. Now pass it to Dustin. Cloud you better watch out!" Coach Everton yelled as the boys quickly did what he said. Passing the ball as fast as they could and away from their opponent.
Cole had decided to skip lunch at his man cave to watch Cloud practice in his tights. Damn, he was just eatable. He watched silently away from the other crowd that were also watching them. As Cloud focused on his game, Cole prayed he would notice him at least once.
Dustin glanced at the crowd of girls that were cheering for them before his eyes trailed to Cole and to Cole's uttermost surprise, he waved at him.
Cole almost popped the lollipop out of his mouth in shock. He liked the notice but things are just getting too weird for him. A friendly notice from Dustin has practically topped his weird day chart. His day couldn't get any weirder.
"Hey Cole." The one voice he never thought he would be hearing boomed from behind him and he turned to see his brother.
Everything about him was still unbelievable irritating. Mostly because he resembled his parents and seeing him was like seeing his dad and mum at the same time.
Tames came to sit beside him and said, "Funny seeing you here."
"I don't remember being on good terms with you."
That wiped the smile off his face and Cole could finally relax.
"I guess this is just cliché." Cole continued.
"What is?"
"I was like my day couldn't get any weirder and my brother came to talk to me. That's cliché."
"No. That's just coincidence. It happens every time." He answered then stared at the field in silence.
They watched the game in silence for a moment to catch the twins on field then Cole asked, "I don't understand."
"I know. Soccer is a lot easier to understand than football." Tames explained.
"Not that. You. I do not understand why you are talking to me now. We were worst of enemies before."
"And I am sorry. I guess having a gay neighbor could do that to you."
"No but chill on that. We have a gay neighbor?"
Tames laughed. "I knew that would turn you on. Yeah. They moved in and when they introduced themselves. The boy's father even told dad his son was gay. Of course, dad reacted but after the boy kept coming over to help mum in the kitchen, we were all forced to relate.
"And having spent a night with him. I guess I kinda support your sexuality and I understand it."
"So it took a neighbor for all of you to understand me. I never expected it."
"Me neither. Everyone's trying to get you back but they are just too ashamed."
"Why aren't you?" Cole asked.
"Because I didn't give birth to you. My case is completely different. People fail at being brothers all the time and I thought I try to regain what I threw away." He said as he looked deeply at Cole.
Cole's eyes closed into a slit, "How can I trust you after everything?"
"Because I begged?" His brother tried.
Cole looked back at the field just as Cloud looked at him. Cloud's thin lips fell into a grin and Cole couldn't help but smile.
Cloud grinned at him. At him!
"You are just lucky I'm in a freaking good mood." Cole said to his brother as he watched Cloud try to retrieve the ball from someone Cole had seen before hanging around Dustin.
"It's Cloud?" Tames asked, surprised.
"You like Cloud? The big bully? Not even his friend?" Tames asked as if Cole was going to answer him.
Cole glared at him and said, "If you want this brother thing to work, let's start with getting to know each other slowly. I'm Cole Morani, the gay boy who still tip toes around the house. You?"
Tames sighed and said, "The younger brother who's trying to make up for his mistakes."
Cole smirked, "Pleasure to meet you."
And with that, they fell silent until the practice finished.
I am so sorry for the lack of update. I wouldn't say I had writer's block because I was just busy writing other books and reading other books and going to school. Yeah.
But it is updated now.
Pick a day in the week except weekends for updates.
I will try to update on that day and if I can't there will be a reason.
Stay beautiful. Love you all
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