Chapter 4

Rikka came back to consciousness slowly. Her entire body was aching. With a groan, she started sitting up slowly and looked around at her surroundings. The entire area looked like a jungle, and debris from the plane crash were everywhere.

"Is everyone okay?" Rikka yelled.

After a few moments of silence passed before some rumble started shaking and Aguri popped out of it. She looked really dirty and a little roughed up, but she didn't seem to be harmed. "Not me," she groaned in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

Mana was hanging up in a tree, tangled up in some vines. "Yeah, I'm good," she said as she struggled to get herself free from the vines. The vines broke with a snap and Mana let out a surprised yelp before she landed on the ground with a solid thump. "Ow...."

"We're okay too!" Daybi exclaimed as she flew over to the group, with Sharuru, Raquel, and Ai in tow. They all looked tired and a little worse for were, but they all were unharmed.

Rikka looked around for a moment after the responses stopped. "Has anyone seen Makoto or Alice?" she asked. With how dangerous this place was supposed to be she was starting to get concerned.

"Haven't seen them."

Then all of a sudden the girls were surprised by a muffled screaming. It seemed to be coming from the inside of a very large flower that was closed. Rikka walked over to the plant and looked at it curiously. "Is anyone in there?" she asked as she hit the flower lightly. Suddenly the flower opened up and let out a huge burst of pollen that had everyone in the surrounding area coughing. Makoto emerged from the flower covered in pollen and breathing heavily. "I. Will never. Look. At flowers. The same. Way. Again!"

"How did you even get in there?!" Aguri exclaimed.

"Rough landing," Makoto responded vaguely.


The yell got all the girl's attention. They looked over and saw Alice, transformed as Cure Rosetta, struggling to use her shield to keep open the mouth of what looked like a giant Venus Flytrap.

"Crap! We're coming Alice!" Rikka said.

After frantically fighting the creature for more than an hour the precures were finally able to rest. "So much for using the jet to make this an easier and quicker journey." Aguri muttered as she was on the ground breathing heavily.

Makoto was siting on top of a piece of rumble. Alice was on the ground laying against the same piece. "I wasn't joking when I said this place was super dangerous. With the jet completely wrecked it could take months to get to the center of Bayn Ealimin," Makoto said.

Mana, who was laying on the ground  next to Aguri, sprang up from her spot at that statement. "Our families must be in a panic! How are we going to explain why we've been missing for the past serval months when we get back!"

Makoto looked over at Mana. "We'll probably still have to explain ourselves, but for a completely different reason." She noticed the group's confused expressions so she continued. "Time flows differently here than in most places. We could be here for years, but only have a few days pass back home. I don't know exactly how much time passes here compared to home, but if we're here long enough you all are going to have to explain to your families how and why you aged so much in such a short amount of time."

"I guess that makes me feel a little better," Mana said sounding uncertain. It did make her feel better that her family wouldn't be panicking for nearly as long as Mana thought, but it was also unsettling to know that they could lose a few years of their lives here.

"My father will never let me out of my house again!" Alice groaned sliding one of her hands down her face.

"Might as well enjoy the freedom while you can then," Aguri joked, earning a laugh from the entire group.

Rikka looked at the sky for a moment to realize that the sun was setting. "It's getting dark, let's set up camp for the night, make some dinner, and start traveling on foot tomorrow morning. We can try to make a shelter of what's left of the plane."

Everyone agreed with Rikka's solution so the girl's started to set up camp. Surprisingly enough a good portion of the plane was still intact and could be used as a shelter. They also managed to scavenge the tents, blankets, and cooking supplies which were a little roughed up but functional nonetheless. They even managed to get lucky by finding some of the medical supplies.

By the time everyone finished it was dark and the girl's sat around a fire outside of their makeshift shelter. Mana was cooking something to eat with the help of Aguri. Makoto was talking with Daybi about which route they should take. The rest of the pixies were close by them asleep. Next to Makoto, Rikka was applying disinfectant to Alice's hand and wrapping it up. The small injury was most likely from their fight with the giant Venus Flytrap from earlier.

Mana held up some bowls of food and started handing it out to the others. "Eat up guys! There's plenty for everyone!"

Everyone eagerly grabbed a plate and were practically devouring their food after the long day they had. "So Mana how long do you think the food that we brought will last us?" Aguri asked in between bites.

"Probably only enough for a week if we're lucky. A lot of the food I brought was destroyed in the crash, and I don't know how safe it will be to cook up proper meals after tomorrow. This might be the most appetizing meal that we'll have for a while," Mana said with an unusually serious tone for her.

"Then we will have to try to hunt some of the creatures that live here. They're not going to be easy to catch though, everything here is pretty strong. But most of them should be edible, though they might not taste the best," Makoto said sounding distracted as she was still thinking of the best route to take.

Alice let out a huge yawn, and her head started dropping. It got to the point that Alice had to rest her head on Makoto's shoulder. Poor Makoto was not prepared for the sudden contact and let out a small yelp. When she noticed that Alice was half-awake and laying on her she started blushing. "M-maybe we should go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow," she said feeling very flustered.

A few hours later (how do you transition)
Rikka was laying on the ground wide awake unable to sleep. There was way too much on her mind. The prophecy, this island, Ira, everything. Eventually she gave up on trying to go to sleep and sat up. It was very late and still very dark outside.

She looked around for a second. Everyone was sound asleep. Mana was sprawled out on the ground with Daybi, Sharuru, and Lance on top of her. Aguri's head was next to Mana's foot as she was sleeping with Ai on top of her head. Alice and Makoto were next to Aguri, and holding each other close. Rikka smiled. Its going to be fun seeing those two up in the morning.

Rikka was about to lay back down to try to go to sleep, but then she noticed some sort of light wisp by her. She quickly turned her head towards the entrance and gasped. She quickly covered her mouth and was relieved that everyone else was still asleep. But Rikka still didn't take her eyes of what she was seeing.

There was little girl, about her age was standing in the entrance. Her long hair was a very light blue and her violet eyes practically glowed. Asides from her black shoes she was completely dressed in white. She gave off a bright white glow, which to Rikka's surprise, didn't wake anyone up. But her most notable feature were the stars around her.

That's the spirit that Alice met in her dreams. Her name was Kyra if I remember it correctly. But what is she doing here and how can I see her?! Rikka thought frantically.

Kyra didn't say anything. She looked at Rikka for a moment before starting to walk out of the shelter. Then she turned back around and looked at Rikka as she reached the edge. She seemed like she wanted Rikka to follow her. After a second she continued to walk away.

Rikka stared for a moment before she quickly woke her pixie, Raquel, who was sleeping next to her. "Huh? What is-"

Rikka quickly put a finger over his mouth and shushed him. "Quiet! Come one, I need to check on something," she whispered.

Raquel looked a little confused but followed her anyway as Rikka walked out the the shelter. Kyra was there waiting for them. When she saw them she started walking into the woods.

"Wait a second is that a spirit?!" Raquel exclaimed.

Rikka nodded and the two moved quickly to catch up with Kyra. It wasn't long before Kyra stoped in the middle of a small clearing. "Why did you lead me out here?" Rikka asked both confused and a little suspicious.

Then a sudden screech rang throughout the clearing. Rikka quickly turned around and saw a huge monster. It's body was similar to a blob. It had 6 long arachnid-like legs. There were no visible eyes, but there was a large mouth with a lot of teeth.

Rikka looked back over to where Kyra was but she was gone. "Raquel we need to transform now and quick-," Rikka was cut off by the the monster's horrifying screech before it leaped at her.

Rikka quickly flinched away and held Raquel close. But when it looked like they were going to see their final moments a sudden beam of magic hit the monster, killing it. Rikka looked at who her savior was and her eyes flashed with surprise.

As the dust let up Ira was standing a few feet away. He dusted himself off. "Stupid spirit, sending me to this stupid place, with all these stupid monsters, and-" His voice trailed off when he noticed Rikka and Raquel standing a few feet away from him staring. There was a long pause of silence.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"
Finally done and writers block sucks. Really sorry guys, my life has been so insanely busy for a while. I promised that this chapter would come out soon like a month or two ago? I'm really bad at updating. Anyways we finally get some Rikka and Ira interaction in this shipping book! Anyways hope you all enjoyed and except slow updates because I suck. (Also maybe check out my Archive of Our Own Account with the same name because that has some stories too.)

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