Chapter 3

"Why dose Alice's family seem to have every sort of company in their pocket, and Alice seems to have skill in almost everything?" Aguri asked while she was standing inside one of Alice's jets as the mentioned girl was at the cockpit testing the controls. The girls were getting ready for their departure to Bayn Ealimin, and were going to take off soon. Everyone was just getting their stuff situated.

"One skill I don't have is staying healthy!" Alice joked while still doing her work in the cockpit.

"Are you sure that it's the best idea for you to fly the jet Alice? Especially since you've barely slept in 2 days," Rikka asked while helping Mana lift a particularly heavy bag into the jet.

"I'm fine! Plus I'm the only one who knows how to and can legally fly," Alice responded. Rikka looked at Alice a bit unsure.

"Don't worry Rikka! I'll be in the cockpit keeping an eye on her the entire time. Before you mention my sleep schedule I still got a somewhat decent nights sleep," Makoto stated.

The girls spent another hour getting the jet set up before they finally finished. "Alright! Did everyone pack everything they need?" Alice asked.

"Yep! I packed all the food and cooking supplies that I could," Mana exclaimed.

"I brought as good of medical supplies that I could and can use without killing anyone," Rikka stated.

"I double checked that we brought a good amount of clothes, blankets, and the tents," Aguri said.

Makoto nodded at the girls. "Good job everyone, now let's go. The sooner that we leave the better." she said as everyone got into the jet.

"Okay guys, buckle up! This is going to be a long flight," Alice sighed as she started to get the plane to take off.

A few hours later
"Do you think we'll be there soon?" Mana asked, looking very bored.

"I hope so! I need to do something. My legs are killing me!" Aguri exclaimed as she squirmed in her seat to prove her point.

"It shouldn't be too long now. I remember over hearing Makoto saying to Alice that we're almost there," Rikka said looking up from the book that she was reading.

"Speaking of Alice and Makoto, those two have seemed pretty close lately," Mana remarked.

"Now that you mention it Makoto did try to see Alice in the hospital more at every chance she could. I wonder what that was about," Aguri said in a small sense of realization. The friends continued to gossip for a little while before Alice's voice could be heard over the speaker.

"Look alive everyone. Bayn Ealimin is straight ahead," she stated.

Mana almost immediately attached her face to the window. "Wow! You guys have to see this view!" she exclaimed. Rikka and Aguri joined her and looked in awe. Up ahead was an island that looked so full of life. There were lush jungles as far as the eye could see. The water gave off an beautiful shimmer that added to the island's beauty.

"It's stunning! It makes it hard to believe that the island is as dangerous as Makoto says," Aguri said.

But a few moments later something seemed to go wrong. The jet suddenly let out a huge alarm and was undergoing some extreme turbulence. This caused the girls to stumble and fall over.

"Alice, Makoto! What's going on?!" Rikka asked right before she fell over due to the shaking.

Meanwhile Alice and Makoto were in their own state of panic. "We don't know! As we got closer to the island the jet just started to stop responding. Alice is trying to keep us from crashing!"  Makoto exclaimed, as Alice was frantically working on the control panel to keep them in the air.

"We just lost the first engine!" She exclaimed in a panic.

"Scratch that! Alice is trying to make sure that we don't die!" Makoto yelled.

"I thought you guys made sure that the jet was in good condition!" Aguri exclaimed as she hung onto the cockpit's doorway.

"We did! But this must be Bayn Ealimin protecting itself if anyone finds it!" Makoto explained as she was holding onto her seat for dear life.

"But you said magical beings could get through!"

"I never said I knew how magical beings got through!"

"I just lost the second engine! Girls! Hang onto something, this is going to be a rough landing!" Alice said as she was trying to use the steering to keep the crash from being too destructive. Eventually the plane kept on getting closer and closer until it crashed into the island below.

Earlier with Ira
Ira was sitting in his usual hideout with the rest of the selfish trio. Bel was talking about something, probably a plan to destroy the pretty cures, but he was tuning him out. He seemed completely disinterested until something caught his eye, a small dash of silver in the corner of his eye. Ira looked over to where it came from and saw the same spirit that he saw in his dream a few days ago. It was clear that he was the only one seeing her as she gestured for him to follow her before leaving the building.

Ira let out an annoyed huff. He looked over at Marmo about to yell at her for trying to prank him, but Marmo didn't seem to be focusing on him at all. Instead she was making some snarky comment to Bel. Deciding that following whatever he was seeing was better than being bored he got up and started to leave the building.

"Where do you think you're going,  pipsqueak?" Bel asked sounding very annoyed.

"I'm going for a walk you two are annoying the hell out of me," he answered not stopping.

"Shouldn't you be focusing more on your job Ira?" Marmo asked in a mocking way.

"I'll do whatever I want. Neither of you are the boss of me," Ira remarked as he left the building.

Not too far away he saw Kyra looking at him again before disappearing as she went around a corner. Ira, a bit annoyed, flew after her. Only for him to see her and have her disappear again. This proceeded to continue for a bit to the point that Ira had no idea where he was going. "Will you stop for one second, and tell me why the hell I have to follow you!" he exclaimed frustrated.

Kyra finally came to a stop at what looked like to be a dead end. "Are you serious?! I followed you all the way out her for a stupid wall!" Ira yelled in outrage. She still didn't say anything and looked at him with an unreadable expression. Ira stomped closer to her until he was only a few inches away from Kyra. "Hello? Are you brain dead? Answer me!" he exclaimed.

Instead she put her hand against the wall, as looked like she wanted him to repeat her. "You have to be kidding me right?" he said exasperated. But Kyra didn't move and continued to wait for him. Ira let out an annoyed sigh. This is a complete waste of time, he thought as he reluctantly put his hand on the wall. To his surprise it lit up and a portal appeared. Then the portal started to suck him in.

"What the- Are trying to getting me killed!" Ira exclaimed looking at the spirit as if she was crazy. He tried to pull himself out but it was no use, Ira kept on being sucked into the portal. "Your journey begins now Ira. Remember what I told you, and who your heart belongs to." Kyra said. "In the end it is your choice and no one else's." "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked in a forceful way. But Ira didn't get an answer as he was sucked into the portal completely and everything went black.

"Let's just hope that the choice you make is right."
Got the chapter done! I hope it was worth the wait! Also if anyone is wondering when dose the Rikka x Ira start coming in, it will come soon okay! I just don't want to go straight into romance. The story needs to set up a little first. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed and bye!

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