Chapter 7
When Magnus left for work that afternoon Alec was alone in the loft. They had brunch together made by Magnus himself. Alec was cleaning up and looking out the window when he's done thinking on his future. He never thought how his life would turned up like this. How his father can be this bad. But no matter how bad he was treated never he hated his father for being like that. It wasn't his fault that life making him abusive. So he decided, he want to come cleaned to his mom and asked her instead. He wanted to know why she left? Why she abandoned her family. So he grabbed his jacket and left the loft.
Alec went into the cafe and looked around for Maryse but he was left with disappointment again. But then he was greeted by someone, she's Maryse's daughter Isabelle. "Hey, can I help you? You're that boy, mum always talks about you." She said smiling or more like flirting but Alec couldn't help feeling like a big brother so he wouldn't care for her flirtation. "Yeah, where can I find her?" He asked politely. "She's actually at home, she asked me to look after the cafe. Want a coffee?" She turned around and tried to grab a paper to write down Alec's order but when she turned back Alec was gone. He left the cafe in a rush. Isabelle sighed of his behavior and continued working.
Alec sprinted to Maryse house and found her at her lawn tending to her roses. She looks so beautiful with her hair bun up and smelling the roses. Alec couldn't help to stare. He wish how he could walked up to her and hugged her feeling her motherly embrace. Alec was so lost in his thoughts when Maryse caught him staring. "Gideon? Where have you been? You were gone for days and you got me worried. Are you alright?" She walked towards Alec and removed her lawn gloves and get closer to Alec. She looked him in the eyes and saw how he teared up. But the worst part his face is more messed up. More bruises on his cheek, neck and she saw cuts on his lips. Her face frowned and she cupped Alec's cheek, rubbing it. Alec closed his eyes upon her touch and teardrops on his cheek. Maryse didn't think twice, she hugged Alec and he hold her body tight in his embrace. Maryse could hear Alec sobbing and he tried to calm him down. After a while Alec let go of her embrace and wiped his tears with his sleeves. "I'm sorry." Maryse rubbed his arm up and down and shake her heads. "No, you have nothing to be sorry about. Mind telling me what happen? Who hurt you my boy? Have you made a report? You cant keep letting them hurting you like this." Maryse couldn't help feeling sorry for Alec. She saw how Alec was so broken and he keep looking at her eyes. His stares making Maryse felt weird and there's feeling she couldn't shake. Alec kept staring at her, her eyes, her face, her hair. He wanted to tell her. He wanted to let go his feeling after weeks he kept from her. "What do you see when you look at me?" Alec caught her by surprise. She pulls back and stared at him with her eyebrows crooked. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Look at me. What do you see?" Alec started to tear again. Maryse couldn't understand his questions. "Look at me. We have a same eyes, same nose, why can't you recognized me? Mum, its me, its Alexander " Maryse backed up from Alec and she couldn't believe what she heard. She couldn't form any words, she couldn't think of anything whether this is a dream or reality. "How long I wanted to say this but I couldn't. I saw how happy you were. I don't want to destroy your happiness. I just wanna know. I wanna know why you left? Why you left me with that monster? Why didn't you take me with you? What did I do wrong for you to leave you own son! Why didn't you just kill me then rather leaving me with him all these years beating up and being treated like this." Alec released all of his feelings out and he saw how she broke down in her tears. "Alec? You're my Alec?" She stares at him with tears flooded her eyes, she wants to hold him again but Alec backed up when she got closer. "You have no idea what I have gone through my life when I was with your father." Alec looked at her with an angry look, "and you think I don't? Every single day my life has been his punching bag. Why you left me? Why didn't you come back for me?"
"Alec I tried, I tried to get you back, I tried everything, my lawyer couldn't get you as my custody. Your father has the court believes that I was the one who hurt you. It was all my fault. I tried to kill myself and I almost killed you but they brought us back. I'm so sorry Alec." Alec frowned not understanding what happened. But he knows now why he always feeling suicidal, it was because of his mom. "I tried to kill us both but your father caught me in time. That's why I ran, I ran away knowing I couldn't escape your father. I tried to get you back but he threatened me to make a restraining order and I knew if he did that I couldn't get close to you. I know one day you will come and find me. My heart is complete now." Alec couldn't bear his heart hearing how his mother tried to kill them both. "You're weak. I hate you so much for letting me live like this. I hope you're happy with what you have now. My wish is filled, I get to see you one last time. Bye mum." He turned and started to ran. He heard how Maryse was calling him and he wouldn't dare to look back. He ran as fast as he could. But he doesn't knows where he want to go. He just kept running and all he knows he was at a graveyard. He doesn't know why but he like to be at the graveyard. Its quiet and peaceful. He sat down on one of the gravestone. He didn't know whose grave it belongs too. He leaned his back towards it and panting from the running. More like he was having a panic attack and he hugged his knees rocking his body front and back trying to calm down. He felt his chest so tight and his vision blurred from the tears. He knew he sat there for a while when he felt sudden coldness. Its freezing cold and its almost dark. He got up and walked home.
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