You Tell Her, Or I Will!
The first ones to scream were Dick and Kory of course. Robin screamed in horror afterwards, covering his eyes from what he'd just witnessed. "You idiot!!!! Don't you believe in knocking?!?!?! Who the hell do you think you are, barging into people's bathrooms?!?!?!" Dick scolded, trying to cover anything. "GAH!!!! MY EYES!!!" Robin screamed, "I CAN'T UNSEE WHAT I HAVE JUST WITNESSED!!!!" Robin covered his eyes and ran backwards out of the bathroom as Dick swore and cursed at the toon. Robin then sprinted to the sink, using water from the kitchen sink in a vain attempt to wash his eyes out to try and wash away what he had seen. He saw glimpses of everything, Dick's buttocks, Kori's nipples, the hickeys on Dick's neck, etc. As Robin washed his eyes, he said, "nope! I can still see it!"
Much later, Dick and Kory came back to the living room, this time wearing decent clothes. "What the hell is your problem, Warner?" Dick asked incredulously, "I got half a mind to punch you in the face for barging in on me and Kory without knocking!" Beast Boy then said, "in Rob's defense, he needed to use the bathroom. It was an honest mistake, Dick." Raven cleared her throat, indicating to Garfield that he should shut his piehole and stay out of this argument. "My problem?!?!?!?!" Robin snapped back at Dick, "you're cheating on Barbara! I literally saw you making whoopee with someone who isn't your girlfriend! Is this what you've been doing every Tuesday night, instead of being with your girlfriend, Barbara?!?!?!?! Oh my god! Tyler was right! The CCTV footage! The hickeys! I can't believe you! How could you do this?!?!" Robin was fuming. Kori then timidly said, "perhaps we should leave the room, friends..." The Titans; except for Dick, got up and Raven said, "you don't have to tell me twice..." They left the room, leaving Robin to reprimand Dick.
"What I do when I'm not with Barbara is none of your damn business!" Dick snapped, glaring at Robin. "You stupid, selfish, son of a gun," growled Robin, "don't you understand?!? Barbara literally loves you! She wants to be with you! And all this time, you've been making whoopee with an alien bimbo behind her back?!?!?! That betrays everything Kevin, Tim, Tyler, and Barbara think of you! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Dick rolled his eyes and scoffed, "and what would you know about romantic relationships? You're just a stupid little toon who's not even one leap year old!" Robin crossed his arms and said, "a lot more than you do! I may be young, but I'm not stupid. At least I would never cheat on Barbara. I'm smart enough to put aside my feelings for Barbara because she loves you! Her happiness matters more than mine and as her friend, I was willing to put my romantic feelings for her aside so that she could be with you! And you're throwing that away!" When Robin blurted out that he had a crush on Barbara, he immediately gasped and covered his mouth. Dick smirked and said, "well even if I wasn't in a relationship with Barbara, I doubt you would have any chance with her. And why should I listen to you? You're not Bruce." Robin got mad and said, "you listen here Dick, you need to make this right! You have to come clean to Barbara and tell her the truth, damn it! Relationships aren't supposed to be built on lies! Sooner or later Barbara's going to find out! You can't just hide this from her forever!" Dick laughed incredulously, "what will you do if I don't? You going to cry to Bruce and Dinah?" Robin got so furious, he screamed at Dick, "YOU TELL HER, OR I WILL!"
And that's when Dick Grayson punched Robin Warner in the face so hard, Robin's red nose came off, and Robin landed flat on his back. He touched where his nose was, and complained, "you punched my nose off!" Dick glared at Robin and replied "you were asking for it. If you ever snoop into my business like that ever again, or if you ever snitch to Barbara, you'll disappear like Jimmy Hoffa." Robin picked up his red nose and said, "threatening a toon? And you call yourself a superhero. You really are a dick, Grayson." Dick rolled his eyes and said, "seriously? That's your best insult? A play on my name?" Robin got up and turned his back and said, "up yours, dildo-head." Robin then left the Titans Tower, getting back into his Freebird. "What am I gonna do?" Robin thought as he started driving, "do I tell Barbara what Dick's been doing behind her back, potentially hurting her? Maybe I could talk to Bruce and Dinah about all this, they would know what to do. Dinah is practically like a mother to me now. Maybe she'll know what to do..." Robin tearfully drove out of Jump City, driving back to Gotham. When he stopped at a traffic light, Robin got out his cell phone, dialing Barbara's phone number, debating with himself whether he should call her and tell her this bombshell himself. Then Robin shook his head and put his cell phone in the right cheek of his back pocket.
Meanwhile at Wayne Manor, Kevin had finished his combat training with Dinah, and they were walking to the front of the door. "I gotta say Kevin, your combat skills are improving real well," commended Dinah. "Thanks Dinah," replied Kevin, "I really do learn from the best. I may not be interested in being a superhero, but I think it doesn't hurt to learn to defend yourself in certain situations. It actually is pretty cool that I'm being taught combat defenses by you and Dad." Dinah smiled and said, "you and Robin have such optimistic spirits. That's what I like about the both of you."
"Y'know, I'm actually thinking of applying for a job at the Gotham Hospital because they're looking for a cook at their hospital kitchen." Kevin casually said, "I've talked to Mom, Dad, and Alfred about it, and they said I should do it." Dinah smiled and said, "well you would make an excellent chef for the hospital. Every doctor, nurse, and patient deserves a good meal." Suddenly, the Freebird was parking outside of Wayne Manor. "Speak of the Ink-Blot Dude," joked Kevin. Once the car was parked, Robin got out, his head and ears drooping down. Kevin and Dinah could tell that Robin looked miserable. "Robin? You okay buddy?" Kevin asked in concern. Robin looked at Kevin and Dinah, his nose still missing. Dinah gasped in shock, her motherly instincts kicking in. "Oh my goodness!" she gasped, rushing towards Robin to get him inside, "what happened to your nose?" Robin pulled out his red nose, comically honking it. "Dick punched my nose off," said Robin. "Dick did this?" Kevin asked in shock. Dinah frowned, wanting to punch Dick in the face for this. "Come on, let's see if we can fix this," said Dinah as she tenderly ran circles around Robin's back to comfort him. Robin then jokingly said, "you think my missing nose is bad, you should see what's hurting on the inside. Now I know how Michael Jackson feels."
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