Seeing Her Ex Again

When Robin and Barbara showed her father Jim that she could now walk again, he was over the moon with joy, knowing that his little girl could walk again. Barbara's friends Kara and Dinah were also overjoyed to find that Babs could walk again. When Robin and Barbara surprised Dinah with her newfound mobility, Dinah burst into tears of joy, happy for Barbara. Even Bruce was happy to know Barbara could walk again, even if he didn't show this happiness due to his stoic nature. It was now a few weeks since the day Barbara got her legs back. She was on patrol, wearing her Batwoman uniform. She was currently on a rooftop. Coincidentally, Dick was on a street that was a few blocks away from where Barbara was at, wearing his Nightwing suit. He had heard word that Mr Freeze had been in Bludhaven, so he was on the hunt for Freeze. His back was turned. Barbara saw the famous Nightwing suit. It ignited a flame that hadn't risen since the night he admitted that he cheated on her and dumped her. She didn't want to confront him just yet... She was going to have fun. Nightwing continued to look for clues. He then stretched a little, and eyed what he could have sworn was Barbara in a brand new suit. The red hair and a silhouette similar to Batgirl almost felt like a blast from the past. He could have sworn it was real. "Am I seeing things?" Dick asked himself. Barbara knew he had seen her so she leapt off the rooftop, and after landing perfectly, she walked up to him. "It's been a while, Dick." she said in an unenthusiastic manner. "Barbara?!?!?!?!" Nightwing asked in disbelief, "you're walking again?!?!?!? And you're Batgirl?!?!?!?!"

"Batwoman." Barbara sternly interrupted, "Cassandra's Batgirl now. I outgrew Batgirl. It would honestly be awkward if I continued with that name since I'm not exactly a girl anymore. So to correct you, I am Batwoman." She frowned, the eye slits hiding the anger burning in her blue eyes. "So, is that a new suit? How long have you been walking again?" Nightwing asked, wondering if he was hallucinating. "For a few weeks now." Barbara responded bluntly with her arms across her chest, "the old purple and yellow suit reminded me too much of the past, so a change was in order. And like I said before, I've outgrown being Batgirl."

"I see," said Nightwing, "well welcome back Batgirl, I mean Batwoman... Whatever. I will say that I like the eye slits. They definitely hide more of your identity and the gray and black definitely makes you look badass. Anyway, the reason I'm in Gotham is because Mr Freeze attacked Bludhaven. So of course I'm gonna investigate. You know where he is?"

"No idea. However, I recommend you look for those subzero temperatures." Batwoman suggested to him, glaring at him even more. "Well I'm on a wild goose chase finding Freeze," said Nightwing, "nice seeing ya, I guess. I'll tell Kory and the others you said hi or whatever." Underneath the cowl, Barbara rolled her eyes. "And I'll tell Robin and the others you said hi as well. Not like he'll care," commented Barbara before she added on, "unlike you, Robin actually cares about me and my feelings and will always be twice the man you ever are. And at least he made the effort to spend time with me to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Now it was Dick's turn to roll his eyes as he smugly asked, "what; are you dating him now? Is he your boyfriend or something?" Barbara put her hands on her hips and said in a sassy manner, "as a matter of fact, yes. Robin is my boyfriend. We've been dating for months. You got a problem with that?"

"You're dating that second-rate toon?" Dick asked, flabbergasted. His astonishment was soon replaced with laughter. He laughed, "you and Robin Warner? What a riot! Toons can't even have babies! Just like you! You two are perfect for each other! A childless couple!" Barbara felt the same emotions that she felt when Dick dumped her. She felt hurt by his cruel words. But that was soon replaced with that same emotion she felt afterwards. Barbara felt furious at his comment and in response, she kicked him in the nuts. "He is so much more of a man than you'll ever be!" Barbara snapped, "my father likes him more than you." Dick writhed in pain, holding his nuts and on his knees. "Yeah, well at least Kory and I are able to make babies," he bragged, "can you say the same? Now if you're not gonna kick my ass, I've gotta stop Freeze." That comment was another stab to the heart for Barbara. "Toons are able to have children. Goofy and Sylvester both have sons of their own. You should really educate yourself, you insensitive prick!" Barbara snapped, doing everything in her power to not beat her ex to death. Dick scoffed, "well good for them! Whoopty freakin doo! How the hell am I supposed to know that Robin is anatomically correct?!?!?! It's not like I've seen his schlo-" Before Dick could finish his sentence, he got blasted with Mr Freeze's ice gun, frozen into a block of ice. The villain had been looming about all along, and Barbara hadn't even noticed! "You people are so petty and tiny," said Freeze, "if I had any emotions, I'd be annoyed." Batwoman swore, dodging Freeze's attack. Once her guard was back up, her attention turned back to Mister Freeze.

"Sneaking up on someone is not cool," she said. "You should not have been distracted Batgirl," said Mr. Freeze. "It's Batwoman!" she corrected. "I couldn't care less." Freeze said coldly, "your ex allowed his ego to cloud his judgment. His arrogance is his own downfall." He aimed his freeze gun at Batwoman. Barbara was trying to quickly calculate which way to go. Every thought and every plan lead to one conclusion... There was no escape for her. Suddenly, a giant cartoony mallet whacked Mr. Freeze's hand, causing him to let go of his freeze gun. Who was it? Why, it was Robin Warner! "A toon?" Mr. Freeze asked, dumbfounded. "Hey, toons have names and feelings you know," teased Robin. Barbara smiled, seeing Robin appear to save her. She made a dive for the freeze gun in order to get it further away. Her attention turned to Freeze. "You're starting to thaw now," she teased. Robin then pulled out a baseball bat from his Acme cap and tossed it to Batwoman. "Hey Batwoman, want to live up to your namesake?" Robin asked. "You are a pest," growled Mr. Freeze. Barbara smirked, catching the bat before whacking Freeze in the head, which knocked him unconscious. "Well you're the pest, not my boyfriend," she told an unconscious Freeze. Robin looked at the block of ice that was Nightwing, smirking. "Guess he's a Dick-cicle," teased Robin, "Gray-cicle? Night-cicle? Ex-cicle? Either way, let's get Freeze back to Arkham and Dick back home so we can get him unfrozen. Should we get someone strong for that task?" He called the cops. "Just sent an anonymous tip to the cops about where the unconscious Freeze is," replied Batwoman as she looked at the frozen block, "maybe Kara and Tyler. One has the strength, the other has the gear."

"I'll call Kara," said Robin as the cops came over and took Mr. Freeze back to Arkham Asylum. He then called Supergirl to let her know what was going on. Kara flew over to where the two were. "Hey. So what do you guys need help with?" she asked. Robin pointed at the block of ice and said, "Dick got frozen. We gotta get him back home and unfreeze him. You willing to carry him back to the cave?" Supergirl glanced over to the block of ice. "Sure," she commented, wandering over to the block of ice and lifting it. "Thanks," said Robin, "we owe you big time, Kara." The blonde Kryptonian nodded before she flew to the Batcave with the block of ice. Robin looked at Batwoman and asked, "wanna ride on the Freebird?" She smiled and nodded. "I'm so thankful that you arrived when you did. If Mr. Freeze hadn't shown up, I would have killed Dick," said Barbara as they wandered over to Robin's car, the Freebird. "You mean that metaphorically or literally?" Robin asked, "what was Dick doing in Gotham?"

"I think he was looking for Freeze," replied Batwoman, "he came here all shocked that I can walk again and then he started talking shit about you all because he's offended about the idea of me dating you. I kicked him in the nuts afterwards." Robin frowned and said, "jerk. He doesn't know what it's like to feel rejected. I guess he had to investigate after Mr. Freeze attacked Bludhaven. Like Bogie said, of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." Barbara chuckled, "that's one way of putting it." Robin got into the driver's seat and Barbara in the passenger's seat. She took off her mask. "Let's get to the cave. I want to be petty to Dick," said Robin. "You can be petty all you want," said Barbara before she added, "I'm not gonna stop you." Soon Robin started the Freebird and drove out of the city and into the Batcave. Inside the Batcave, Tyler and Bruce were unfreezing Dick. Tyler was very reluctant to unfreeze Dick but Bruce's glare kind of made her do it. Kara was standing off to the side, watching as she was under no obligations to unfreeze him. Robin wandered over to the thawing block of ice, smirking. Kevin went downstairs and, noticing the block of ice, he asked, "what happened here?" Robin snorted and replied, "Dick got frozen by Mr. Freeze. How's he stabilizing Tyler?"

"He's fine. All that's injured is his ego," replied Tyler, earning a nudge from Bruce who was next to her. She rolled her eyes before adding, "he had it coming. His ego was growing too big for this world and one way or another, I was going to pop it." Soon, the ice broke and Dick was unfrozen. He breathed heavily. "Ah man, what happened?" Dick asked, groggy. "You got your ass frozen by Freeze and Robin and Barb saved your life." Tyler explained in a harsh tone, "you should really thank them for it."

"You came in and rescued us?" Dick ask, shivering. "I mean, I only wanted to save Barbara," admitted Robin, "but I didn't want to hurt Kori and Bruce by leaving you to freeze to death while you were posing as Han Solo. Cuz, y'know; I'm not an asshole. You're welcome." Barbara felt her heart flutter when she heard that he only wanted to save her. "Thanks babe," she whispered to him, kissing his cheek. Tyler and Bruce were looking at each other, like they were having a silent conversation before he threw a towel at her which she hauled at Dick. "No problem," said Robin as he kissed Barbara back. Dick rolled his eyes and said, "oh get a room you two." Barbara smiled at Robin before her expression turned dark, looking over at Dick. She sent him a glare before looking softly back at Robin. Kevin smirked at Dick and said, "hey; you don't like it? You're more than welcome to leave the cave." Tyler spoke up and suggested, "why can't we actually kick him out? I mean, it wouldn't hurt... Just a bit therapeutic for the two of us throwing him out." She sent a glare to the original Boy Wonder. "Technically I'm an independent superhero," said Dick, "I stopped working for Bruce the minute I quit being Robin. So yeah, I can arrange your sentiment, Mr Beaumont. Just gotta call Kory and let her know I'm going home." He checked his cell phone and found that it was no longer working due to being frozen. Dick grunted in frustration, causing Robin and Kevin to chuckle at his dismay. Barbara silently giggled at her ex's misery as she held on to Robin's hand, watching the scene unfold. Tyler gave Kevin a look, one asking for his permission to throw Dick out of the cave. Kevin chuckled and nodded. Robin and Barbara then went upstairs, and ate pizza and cuddled for the rest of the night.

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