Meet The Commissioner

It had been a week since Robin and Barbara started their romantic relationship together. If there's one thing Barbara wanted to do, it was introduce her new boyfriend to her father, Commissioner James Gordon. "Hey Robin, my dad's coming over to spend time with me," explained Barbara, "would you like to meet him today?"

"Sure, that would be great," said Robin, "I just hope that your dad likes me. He doesn't have anything against Toons, does he?" Barbara gently rubbed Robin's ears and said, "don't worry, he's not like that." A couple hours later, Commissioner James Gordon came over to the Clocktower, knocking on the door. Barbara rolled her wheelchair to the front and opened it. "Hey Daddy," said Barbara as she smiled at her father. "Hey Princess," said Jim as he hugged his daughter. Barbara hugged back and said, "it's so good to see you Dad... There's someone I want you to meet." Once they stopped hugging, Jim asked, "and who might that be?" Robin then wandered over and shyly said, "hi Mr. Commissioner, sir..." Jim was a tad surprised to see a toon here. But then again, Jim had seen weirder. "Dad, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend, Robin Warner," introduced Barbara, "Robin, this is my father, Gotham Police Commissioner James Gordon." James looked at Robin and asked, "so you two are dating? I mean, Barbara's told me about you, I just never met a toon before."

"Yeah, we're dating..." Robin bashfully replied, "it is an honor to meet you, Commissioner, and I do love your daughter very much." He was unsure how Jim would react to a toon dating his daughter. Jim nodded and said, "well... You're certainly an improvement over the last boyfriend, Mr. Warner. Welcome to the family!" He gave Robin a bear hug, the young toon smiling. Barbara let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in when her father accepted Robin into the family. She smiled happily. "I'm glad you like me, Commissioner," said a relieved Robin, "I've always held a high respect for you." Jim nodded and said, "all that matters is that you're making my daughter happy. I remember when we watched Looney Tunes together when she was little." Barbara smiled at her father's comment. She remembered watching the Looney Tunes with him and even calling Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird her favorites- mainly because Tweety was adorable and Bugs made her laugh every time. "Good cartoon to raise your kid on," commented Robin as he smiled, "I've befriended Bugs Bunny and his girlfriend Lola. They always saw potential in me."

"Friends with Bugs Bunny. Kid, I'm liking you even more," chuckled Jim. Barbara rolled her wheelchair by the couch and said, "hey Dad, I thought you'd like to stay for dinner with us." Jim nodded and said, "sure. Dinner would be nice." Robin enthusiastically replied, "I wonder what we'll be having..."

"Coq au vin," commented Barbara, "it should be ready in about ten minutes along with mashed potatoes." Robin's stomach growled in hunger. "Sounds delicious," he commented. "You've certainly gotten better at cooking Babs," said Jim as he chuckled, finding Robin's growling stomach amusing. "Thanks Dad," commented Barbara as she smiled. She wheeled to the kitchen to check on the food and said, "a few friends gave me the recipe."

"Yeah, I think Kevin and Alfred found the recipe," said Robin. Jim nodded and then casually asked, "so how long have you two been dating?" Robin cleared his throat and replied, "well, we just started a week ago. I've been there for Barbara through thick and thin. We got very close watching Buffy together. All I can say is, I'll always remain loyal to your daughter." Jim smiled and said, "that's good to hear. Have you ever gone fishing, Rob?" Robin shrugged and replied, "actually no." Barbara blushed out of embarrassment. "Dad, don't do what you usually do," she commented with a slight groan. "I wouldn't mind going fishing with you Commissioner," said Robin. He then whispered to Barbara, "does he usually invite the guy you're dating over for fishing?"

"He normally brings it up, but I always manage to get the guy out before he can agree. You're technically the first one to agree." Barbara whispered back. "I don't have a problem with it," whispered Robin, "I always wanted to go fishing. And if it means I can bond with your dad, I'm cool with it." He smiled. Barbara sighed in relief. "I'm glad you do. It takes pressure off," she told him. "You need help with the serving?" Robin offered. He was willing to help and understood how difficult it was for Barbara due to her inability to stand. Besides, he didn't want her to strain herself. "Sure. Can you sort out the mashed potatoes?" Barbara asked him as she plated up the coq au vin. "Sure thing,"  said Robin as he served up the mashed potatoes, serving a good amount for himself, Jim, and Barbara. He helped Barbara place the plates and the silverware on the table. Barbara then began to serve the meat, the vegetables, and the sauce on to their plates. Once everything was set, Robin and Jim sat down at the table, Robin sitting next to Barbara. Robin smelled the food and said, "the coq au vin smells delicious, Barbara." Jim nodded and said, "certainly does."

"Well I hope you like it. It's my first time making it and Kevin's mom gave me the recipe," commented Barbara as she rolled her wheelchair to the table. "I'll be sure to thank Miss Beaumont for the recipe,"  said Robin as he and Jim took their first bites of the food. "This is delicious Barb," said Jim as he enjoyed the taste. Barbara smiled at her father's compliment before she began to eat herself. She had to agree with him, it was delicious. "I definitely agree," said Robin, "this is really good cooking." He and Jim continued to eat their dinner. "So Robin, what brought you here to Gotham City?" Jim casually asked. "It's sort of a funny story," began Robin, "I was out driving when I noticed this guy named Kevin Beaumont hitchhiking. He needed to come here to Gotham so I offered him a ride. We wound up becoming good friends. And through some mutual friends, we met Barbara."

Barbara continued to eat, listening to the conversation. She wanted her father to know Robin truly. She wanted him to like her boyfriend. "Well it's nice to know you were generous enough to help the Beaumont fella," said Jim. Robin then told Jim his whole life story. When Robin finished, Jim said, "well if it gives you any comfort Robin, I always found Pokemon to be overrated too." Barbara then carefully leaned over and whispered to Robin, "my dad really likes you." Robin smiled and said, "good to know." A couple minutes later, Robin and Jim were finished with the coq au vin. Robin patted his belly in satisfaction. Barbara finished and carefully placed the plates in the sink to clean later. For the rest of the night, Robin spent time with Jim and Barbara and a good time was had by all. He was glad to know his girlfriend's father really liked him.

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