Getting Her Legs Back

It had been six months since Robin and Barbara started their romantic relationship together, and Robin was considering something important. He saw Babs was at the Batcave, working on the Bat-Computer. He playfully covered her eyes and asked, "guess who?"

"Daffy Duck? Felix the Cat? Woody Woodpecker?" Barbara joked with him, a smile on her face before she removed his hands and wheeled around to face him. "Hello Robin. How are you?" Barbara asked him. "Happy to see you as always," said Robin as he kissed Babs on the cheek, "so I discovered something that's game changing." He smiled with excitement. "Care to share with the rest of the class?" Barbara asked him, looking at him with intrigue at what it could be. "Well, I was talking with Pinky and the Brain," explained Robin, "and it turns out Brain has accidentally discovered a cure for paralysis. Not really great for taking over the world, but this serum could give you your legs back, Barbara." The beautiful redhead looked at him in disbelief. "That means I could walk again..." she commented before asking, "isn't it dangerous since it's experimental?"

"Actually no," said Robin, "all you have to do is take the serum as it's a pill, and in three minutes, boom! You got your legs back. Brain has confirmed that there are no negative side effects." Barbara was skeptical at first. From all research, cures always had negative side effects and didn't take three minutes for it to work. However, this was different. This was involving toons, and anything goes with toons. "Of course, Brain told me that Pinky made it," said Robin, "but it totally works. Would you want to take it? I know you miss walking and such..." Barbara nodded without hesitation. She wanted to glide through the air as a superhero and feel the wind through her hair again, even if she wouldn't be Batgirl, probably. Robin smiled and pulled the pill that held the cure to paralysis from his cap. "I had it with me just in case," he said, "want me to get some water? Wait, you think we should tell your dad and Bruce before we do anything?"

"No, we're not telling those two. They'll have the same reaction as I had if they discover this." Barbara tells him, "water would be nice, please." Robin ran up to the kitchen and got a glass of water. He ran back down and gave the pill and the glass of water to Barbara. "I wonder if they would believe us," said Robin, "then again, your dad and Kevin's mom have been cool around me. Bottoms up." He winked at her. Barbara laughed before she sipped some of the water, popped the pill into her mouth with the water, and drank the rest of the water. She forced the water and the pill down her throat. Robin then set the time for three minutes. "Alright, now we wait," said Robin, "how do you want to test your mobility when it's time?"

"For now, just walking. Let's see if I can walk first before we do anything too extreme," said Barbara as she rested her head against the headboard. "Well, I would check to see if my toes could move if I were you," suggested Robin, "want to try that? If so, with or without shoes?"

"Without shoes, so that I can actually see," replied Barbara as she took off her shoes and socks. Her nails were clean, no color. "Don't know if I said this, but you got some cute feet Babs," commented Robin. Barbara blushed and said in a smirking manner, "well thank you very much, Mr. Quentin Tarantino." Soon the timer went beep! "Time's up," said Robin as he lifted Barbara's right bare foot up, "alright, let's see if you can wiggle your toes." He poked her sole to see if it would work and asked, "can you feel that?" Barbara let out a small giggle. "I felt that, Robin. I felt something," she commented before she began to wiggle her toes. Robin gasped in surprise. "Oh my gosh," he said in excitement, "you're moving your toes, Barbara!" He gently placed her foot down. Barbara had tears of joy in her eyes as she continued to wiggle her toes. "I can move my toes, Robin! I can move my toes!" she said excitedly. Robin smiled and said, "alright, now try moving your foot. I'll help you stand once you've succeeded with that." He held her hand, happy for her. Barbara carefully moved her foot around in a circular motion. "Can we try standing?" she asked him, looking at her boyfriend. "Yes, let's," encouraged Robin as he held Barbara's hand, "let's try on three." He had Barbara's feet touch the ground. "1... 2... 3!" He helped Babs up. Barbara forced herself to stand up, she smiled as she felt the weight in her feet. "I'm standing, so that's a good thing," she commented. "That is good. Alright, let's try taking a few steps," said Robin, "where would you want to walk to? The Batmobile? The costume display?" Barbara then began to take her first step. She let out a cheerful laugh before she carefully took another step and so on. Robin laughed in excitement, "you're doing it Barbara! You're actually walking! Eureka!" He held her hand as Babs kept on walking. It was indeed a miracle! Barbara carefully wandered over to the glass cases where their vigilante suits were. The suits consisted of Bruce's first Batman costume, the first Nightwing costume that Dick ever wore, the first ever Batgirl costume that Barbara wore, and the original Robin costume that Dick and Jason wore. Barbara stopped walking and turned towards her Batgirl uniform. A purple cowl and cape with yellow overtones, a purple bodysuit with a yellow bat symbol, and yellow gloves and boots. Robin looked at the suit and then at Barbara, and then he suggested, "hey we can make a new Batgirl suit for you."

"Not Batgirl," replied Barbara, "that name belongs to Cassandra now. And if I'm being honest, I've kind of outgrown that name. It's time I started calling myself... Batwoman!" Robin smiled and said, "I like the sound of that. If there's anyone who's qualified to call themselves Batwoman, it's you. Does that mean you need a new costume?" He winked at her playfully. Barbara giggled at his comment, placing a hand on the glass case. "That sounds perfect," she commented, still focused on her old suit. Robin pulled out some papers and pencils from his cap and suggested, "if you want, we could sketch some new ideas." Barbara nodded and said, "I have a few ideas."

"Do tell," said Robin, "how about we go to the table and we could sketch some stuff out." He offered his hand. Barbara took his hand as the two slowly wandered over to the table sitting down. "Well, I was thinking of something similar to Bruce's suit," explained Barbara, "you know, black and gray." Robin started sketching what Barbara described and said, "sounds awesome. So are we talkin' a grey bodysuit with a black mask and cape, with black boots and gloves?"

"Yeah, like a grey bodysuit with black highlights. Put it simply, it's a female version of Bruce's current costume," explained Barbara. Robin drew a Batwoman costume with a black cowl, a grey bodysuit with a black bat symbol, black gloves and black boots and a black cape. "How's this?" Robin asked, showing Barbara the drawing. Barbara gave the design a once-over before smiling. "It's perfect, I love it," she commented. "Want to go to a fabric store to buy it?" Robin asked, "I could also order some fabric from the Acme Store online. They set up a website on the internet about a year ago. Also, do you want a utility belt, eye slits for your mask, along with a custom detail that lets your hair stick out?"

"Sure, those sound like good ideas," replied Barbara, "want to use the Batcomputer to go to the Acme Store online?" Robin didn't waste time and sat on the chair, getting on the Batcomputer to go to the Acme Store online. Robin then ordered an accurate sketch of the new suit, including Barbara's body size and shoe size. He offered, "I'll order two spares, how's that sound?"

"Sounds like a good idea," replied Barbara as she borrowed Robin's cap and then pulled out some purple flip-flops in her size, putting them on her feet. Once Robin got the right quantity, he paid for it with his card. "We should expect speedy delivery soon," said Robin, "let's go upstairs. Want me to put your wheelchair to the side?" Barbara then picked up her shoes and socks. "Yes, we don't need it anymore," she said, "hope you're not bothered that I pulled out some flip flops from your cap. I just want to feel the breeze on my toes a little while longer." She stood up, wiggling her toes. Robin put Barbara's wheelchair to the side. "No judgement from me," replied Robin, "I can understand why. We should expect the delivery to come in less than 5 minutes..."

"That is certainly speed delivery. It's like you hired a Speedster or a Kryptonian to deliver it," commented Barbara as they wandered out of the Batcave and into the living room. "You know, as your designated boyfriend, I'd be happy to give you a foot massage if you ever need one," offered Robin. Barbara smiled and said, "sounds like a nice treat. I'll hold you to that, Robin." Five minutes later, Robin and Barbara walked over to the front entrance. The doorbell rang, and Robin opened the door. Outside was surprisingly Roadrunner, he was the delivery man with the package.

"Beep, beep!" The Roadrunner said. Barbara let out a giggle when she saw the Looney Tunes character. "Thanks Roadrunner," she commented, picking up the package and waving at him. Once Robin tipped Roadrunner, he went, "beep beep!" Roadrunner then dashed off. "Now that's what I call speedy delivery service," said Robin as he shut the door behind him. Barbara chuckled at his joke. "I didn't expect him to be a delivery Roadrunner," she commented as she wandered inside with the fabric. "He's one of their best employees," said Robin, "how does it look?" He walked with Barbara, just as excited as her. "It looks amazing!" Barbara exclaimed, a smile on her face as she held the costume up to him. "It definitely looks awesome," agreed Robin, "you want to try it on now or later?" He admired the many details of the suit. "We'll try it on later," commented Barbara as she placed the suit down on the couch, "I can't believe that it was that fast."

"Well, ACME is known for its speedy delivery service," said Robin, "don't believe me? Ask Wile E. Coyote. You want to do something else?" Barbara smiled and shook her head. "Oh I certainly believe you Robin. I don't need to ask anyone," she chuckled. Robin chuckled back, "good." Suddenly, Cassandra Cain walked in, shocked and at a loss for words. She of course noticed the new Batsuit. Due to her upbringing, Cassandra wasn't always a talkative person. Cassandra was trained to fight with action for speaking was considered a weakness. When she defected from becoming a potential assassin, Cassandra learned how to talk again and understand her human emotions, especially when she was under Barbara's wing. Barbara was like a surrogate mother to Cassandra when training her to become the next Batgirl. She quietly pointed at Barbara as if to ask if what she was seeing was true. Her mentor could walk again? Barbara smiled and nodded. "Hey Cass. Yeah, I'm able to walk again. Don't tell my dad or Bruce yet. I want to surprise them," she told Cassandra. Cass breathed in, trying to think of the right words to say with all the emotions she was feeling. "Cass? Are you okay?" Robin asked. "I... Don't know... What to feel," said Cassandra, "Barbara... I feel happy for you knowing that you're able to walk... but I'm also scared... you couldn't be Batgirl anymore due to you being in the wheelchair... but now that you can walk again... does that mean... you're going to take away the Batgirl mantle away from me...?" She was starting to breathe fast. Barbara immediately wandered over to Cassandra and hugged her. "Cass... I would never take Batgirl away from you..." Barbara softly said, "you've been through so much in your life, and I would never do something as cruel as take away what you have earned. You'll always be Batgirl, Cassandra. The mantle belongs to you. I am very proud to consider you my successor, Cassandra." She gently wiped Cass's tears, and the young girl hugged back, smiling. "Thank you, Barbara..." Cass softly said, letting out a breath she didn't even know she was holding in.

Many minutes later, when Robin and Barbara were alone, Barbara gave a sly smile to Robin and seductively said, "hey Robin, how would you like it if you were the first to see me try on my new Batwoman costume?" Robin got red in the face and replied, "I think I'd like that a lot." A couple minutes later, the two lovers were in the privacy of Robin's bedroom. Barbara undressed in front of Robin, and put on her brand new black and gray Batwoman costume.

"See anything you like, babe?" Batwoman seductively asked. Robin nodded and said a very famous phrase his cousins were best known for saying. "HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NURSE!" Barbara smirked and said, "I'll take that as a yes. Now how about I take you up on that offer?"

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