Some time ?
Link went with Amelia to her place at Mer's after the puppy surprise. Link couldn't ask for a better partner. He was already thinking about building a future with her. She was perfect for him. He finally had a purpose here in Seattle. He was actually feeling like a lost pun intended, he chuckled, after Meredith stood him up. Jo had pushed him in her direction and he had even liked her but he soon realised, it was not supposed to be him who took her to dates in the first place. Deluca, who had become a really close friend of his, was the one for her. He was gloomy for a while until Meredith apologised to him. Knowing Link, he obviously forgave her.
He was okay until Amelia came thundering in his life like a hurricane...again, no pun intended, he chuckled. He was the most at ease with her. There was just something about her that he couldn't pinpoint. She always made him feel desired with the way she looked at him. Some people questioned his calm and laid back exterior but she welcomed it with open arms. She actually kinda liked it. She did strange things to him, things couldn't actually explain. She had some sort of power over him. No one had ever made him feel like this.
Currently, Link woke up in an all too familiar room with blue sheets and walls with the woman of his dreams in his arms. He couldn't actually see clearly because his head was buried in her soft, brown hair. He inhaled the vanilla scent of her hair. She just loved the smell and feel of her hair. She ha the most amazing hair, well second to him as no one could compete with his hair. He was not smug, it was just a fact.
She was still sleeping with the most adorable pout on her face. Link raised his head slightly to look at her face better. She was facing away from him and he couldn't get a good look but he was ready for compromise until God answered his silent prayer and Amelia shifted in her sleep mumbling something. She always talks in her sleep. Link chuckled at how adorable he found this habit of hers to be. He noticed even the slightest things about her. She was like an open book. She wore her emotions on her sleeves. Sometimes it was difficult to read her too but Link was becoming an expert at doing so.
Amelia turned in his direction and wrapped her arms around his torso. Without disturbing her, Link raised his body gently and propped his head on an elbow to get a good look. I look like a stalker. But I can't help it. She is just so beautiful. Her face was completely relaxed. He noticed just now that her eyes were slightly almond shaped. He knew she had big, blue eyes but it was just then that he realised they were almond shaped. She had a tiny button nose. Link really loved her nose. It was just so cute and small. It was his favourite feature in her face apart from her eyes and lips and...Wait, what's left then? Forget it, her whole face is my favourite. He bent slightly to place a soft kiss on her nose. She seemed unfazed.
His eyes drifted lower to her lips. They were just so full and soft and pink. He loved her lips. The softest. He ran his hand along her hair and lovingly brushed some loose strands away which landed on her face because of the wind entering through the open window. His right hand lingered on her cheek. He placed it firmly now and decided, Enough with the staring now. It's time to wake up!
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She stirred. He now kissed her with more intensity with the utmost intention of waking her up. She opened her blue eyes to his bluish- grey ones staring right back at hers. She smiled. She could wake up like this forever. "Good morning to you too, stalker, " she laughed at his faux hurt expression. " HEY! I'm not a stalker! ", he exclaimed blowing a tuft of his hair out of his face petulantly. She was laughing really hard, "Yeah right ."
Her laugh. Oh, how he loved her laugh. He could hear it all day long. It was like music to his ears. Too cheesy, bleh. Get a hold over yourself, Link. You're not some lovesick teenager. He tightened his arms around her and turned them over. " You just wait...", he attacked her neck with feather kisses making her sigh with pleasure. He pulled back and Amelia stared up at him quizzically. With a devilish smile on his face and a confused expression on hers, he dove right back in to prepare her for the ensuing onslaught. Amelia felt his fingers moving up her stomach and she squirmed beneath him.
Something totally unexpected happened then. She felt a soft pinch on her side. She yelled with surprise. " Ouch. What was that for? ", she asked with a mock angry face. He blinked at her innocently. " What do you think it was? " He then pushed his tshirt that she was wearing to expose her skin and proceeded to tickle her mercilessly. She was astonished for a second before squirming under him uncontrollably. She was laughing hysterically now. " Someone's very ticklish, I see. Hmmm"
He was having the time of his day teasing her like this. " Liiinkkk. Stop it." She was breathing heavily, "Pleasee, stop. I'm veryyy ticklish." She started laughing heartily on the new set of tickles on her exposed abdomen. He grinned down at her and moved lower to get level with her stomach. He held her stomach from both sides to prevent her from evading what he was about to do. He started blowing raspberries on her stomach. Amelia started guffawing and panted heavily. " Link, stooop. You'll wake up the kids. Stop, stop, stop " She held on to his arms for dear life and pleaded him. She started mock crying and he knew it was time for him to stop.
He moved back up to her and laid down close beside her. Both of them were grinning at each other with lovable gazes. Suddenly something in Amelia changed and she shifted. All of a sudden she straddled him and grabbed his hands to keep them at bay. Link stared at her slyly. Amelia whispered in his ear, " It's time for your punishment."
Her hot breath on his ear caused a shiver to travel down his spine. Link grinned at her and playfully said, " Are you punishing me or rewarding me? ", he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. She answered with a loud laugh. " That is for me to decide ," she dove in to kiss him hungrily.
Link got called in after they were done punishing each other. Amelia had a day off so she was left all alone to get bored. She blew a big puff of air from her mouth. Meh, what a boring day !! It was times like these that she wanted to pick into someone's brain. She hoped someone's aneurysm blew and she got called in. She was not a horrible person, believe me, she was just epically bored. Out of nowhere, her phone dinged and she received a text from Owen. He was requesting her to take Leo out of daycare and to his house as he had to rescue Schmitt and the golden blood donor. She quickly replied with a thumbs up emoji thanking God to grant her some work.
She hurried to the hospital and picked Leo up. She hoped to see Link on her way but couldn't find him. She was slightly disappointed but let it slide. At Owen's house, she was only there for a half hour when the doorbell rang to surprisingly reveal a heavily pregnant Teddy. She sarcastically commented about opening a time portal seeing Amelia with Leo. Amelia could not have agreed more with her. What an irony. Amelia chuckled. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Teddy started professing her love for Owen to her. Amelia was listening confusedly to her ramblings and didn't interrupt. She realised with a start that Teddy's water had broken.
What happened after that was a blur to both the ladies. It was just indescribable chaos. She had accidentally revealed Teddy's baby daddy's sexual romps with her OB and cursed her blabbering mouth. Inspite of that, as usual, Amelia's quick thinking saved the day. Teddy successfully delivered a beautiful baby girl, Allison. She was now standing outside her hospital room observing her happy family. Teddy surely deserved it. She felt bad for her teacher though. He loved her with his while being and would be devastated to know what Teddy was up to. Despite all of that, she was really happy for Owen. She had always wished hum happiness. He finally receive it. Teddy was perfect for him.
The view of the perfect family made Amelia's mind race. Amelia and Owen did not end up on a happy note. She always wanted them to be those Together Forever couples but that didn't happen. They were just not meant to be. Her mind then wandered off to Link. That perfect man waltzed into her life and turned it upside down. In such a short notice, Amelia was totally invested. This scared her to an unbeatable degree. What if her sisters were right? What if there was still some tumor left behind and she was crazy? What if Owen was right? Would she break Link? Would she lose Link too like she did all the other men in her life whom she loved? Was he just a rebound? She haulted her racing thoughts there. He most definitely was not a rebound.
He was what she had needed all along. But still she could not help but think if she jumped into him too soon. She knew he was not a rebound but she did not give herself much time to recover from her harsh breakup before running into Link's arms. He deserved better. She deserved some time to recover, to heal. Link did not deserve such treatment. He told her a few days back that this 'relationship' of theirs started feeling like something real to him. She was internally dancing with joy when he said that but then he asked her if she felt the same thing thing. She absolutely did. Surely did. But no words left her mouth. Her mind suddenly went blank and numb. She couldn't answer him. Instead she asked him for some time to answer his question. He looked disappointed but quickly guarded his expression. After all he was Link. He never displayed his hurt to others.
She was comprehending his words in her mind. This felt real to him. I'm hurricane Amelia!! I know I'll hurt him someday or the other. I can't do that to him. I'm reckless and unreasonable sometimes. Link surely doesn't need that. Does he? She silently hoped that he wanted her along with he negative qualities. She was highly doubting her actions of the past two months spent with him. It was too soon. She knew herself. She always got too attached too soon. Se completely jumped into a relationship right after one ended. She needed to clear her head. She needed some clarity. She did not want to break up with him, she just wanted some space. She wanted to get to know him better. She wanted to go on dates with him before her no filter mouth uttered those three words which she was aching to say after the wonderful time spent with THE GOD this morning. She had to talk to him and explain him that they needed to take it slow.
A hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her incessant thoughts. She knew that touch. She didn't even have to turn her head in his direction to know who it was. I hope what she is about to say doesn't hurt him. I won't be able to see that.
Link spoke gently, " I heard about what happened with the police officer. Quick thinking, Smartypants." She smiled at the nickname. " How are you doing? Are you okay? " He was quick to notice where her gaze lingered. He understood she must be hurt seeing her ex-husband with another woman and their child. He tried his best to be there for her. She has me now.
Here we go. " You are pretty incredible. And great. You are really good to me, Link." She stopped to gauge his reaction. He was intrigued and had an eyebrow raised. Amelia found it cute but then he frowned, putting two and two together.
She's praising me. Oh God. She's obviously 'breaking up' with me. All women start their talk like she did. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her? Did she suddenly realise she's still in love with OWEN?! Nah, that's not true. I've seen the way she looks and smiles at me. It must be something I did. I'm sooo stupid. He internally panicked. He didn't want her to leave!
" Uh, I hear a 'but' coming," he softly commented. His suspicions were rewarded with her affirmation. Link lost it. This was one relationship in his entire life that he wanted to cherish forever but he screwed up. Like always. He was beating himself up and was not listening to her properly.
" But I jumped into you too fast. I should not have done that."
Is she questioning what we had?
I hope he understands that I'm talking about the ill-fated timing.
" I was a rebound," Link commented dejectedly and nodded. He was too hurt to say anything else.
" You definitely were. I'm not sure if you still are."
I'm sure, no scratch that, I know you're not a rebound. I just don't have the nerve to say this. Please understand, Link. God, I can't look at his face. He's hurt.
What does she mean by that? I am or not? I don't understand. Of course, I'm not a rebound now. She's breaking up with me, that's why.
Link broke the silence. " So you're saying...? " He looked at her with confusion all over his face.
" Uh, I'm saying I'm open to possibilities. And that could include you if you don't need me to decide anything too permanent right now. I, uh....", Amelia looked away. Her eyes filled with tears at what she had done. " I need time." Her heart broke seeing Link's face. I'm not leaving you, please get this inside your head!!! " I need to figure out who I am outside of Owen. "
She needs time. I completely understand. I'll give her time. I don't want to stay away from her. Why is she doing this so suddenly? We had such a nice time in the morning!
Link didn't know what to say. He replied with a simple " Okay ".
Wait, that's it? He mentally chided and cursed himself for his curt reply. She's vulnerable right now. Don't treat her like that!
Amelia was speechless. She was waiting for the big blowup from his side. But nothing came. Is that it? He doesn't have anything to say? He won't blow a gasket? Huh. He's so understanding. Amelia mentally slapped herself. Don't go there again. You need time. Take your time. Stop dreaming about him again.
" Okay? ", she questioned softly with teary eyes.
He nodded solemnly and replied, " Okay."
They gazed at each other longingly for a whole minute until it was time for Amelia to leave. She didn't know what to do as she parted. Shall I hug him? No, that would be too intimate. Shall I hold his hand? No, that would be too formal. She finally settled on nodding his way and slowly turned on her heels to leave. She hurriedly left from there and crawled into an on-call room to bawl her eyes out. She finally got the man of her dreams and she screwed up again. No, she did it to stop herself from screwing it up with him in the future. This was necessary. She paged Maggie to the on-call room. Oh right, she's at that stupid camping trip. She then paged Meredith. She did not answer. So she settled for Alex. No answer again. Her final resort was Richard. He ignored her too. What is the matter with everybody? Why is everyone ignoring me? She started sobbing harder. Her very good day was turning out to be really, really bad.
Link's eyes lingered on her form long after she left. He was contemplating what just happened. He was trying to figure out why things took a turn for the worse out of nowhere so suddenly. He came up with nothing.
He sharply left from the nurse's station and headed to find Jo. He needed a drinking buddy today. He needed his best friend right now.
Author's Note:
Hey guys!! So here it is. I asked y'all to not hit me. Please don't after reading this chapter. It was getting really sad towards the end so I made the beginning really fluffy. Can't hurt the feelings of my readers now, can I ?! 😉
Anyways, enjoy. Next chapter will be up soon.
Until then.
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