I like you, like a lot!

A blinding ray of sunshine wakes Link up. He yawns and tries to stretch but something on his chest stops him. His body is stiff and rigid from sleeping in the same position. He tilts his head amd opens his eyes but darkness clouds his vision. Did I drink too much last night? He touches his face and comes in contact with something very soft. He suddenly hears a soft humming and his eyes widen suddenly becoming cognizant of the events of last night. The memories of their eventful night come rushing to him causing blood to rush down there.

He becomes conscious of their closeness. He moves his head slightly to look down at her. Amelia is out like a light, sleeping softly on his chest. Her head in the crook of his neck and her hot breath tingling his skin. She hums softly and turns her head to get more comfortable, her face coming directly in his line of vision. Link stares at her face, a radiant smile creeping up on  his face.
                  He wraps his arms tightly around his girlfriend, bringing her body closer to him. He was amazed by the beautiful creature lying on his chest everyday. She never failed to surprise him. How she sneaked up on him so stealthily, he would never be able to comprehend. He had fallen in love before but not this hard. He absolutely adored Amelia. Her innocence, kindness, wit and her weird sense of humor, beauty ( both internal and external ) , her intelligence and brains, God she was intelligent and her courage. She never feared anything. He felt so damn proud of her.

How well she handled tense situations and the way she stood up for herself and held her ground made him want to kiss her senseless. He couldn't even imagine how she must've felt in that situation. He would have definitely ran away someplace far and drunk himself to sleep if he would've been in her shoes. He held her closer to himself and buried his face in her hair. He would always protect her. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. He couldn't even begin to imagine what he would do if something happened to her. He silently promised himself that he would always be there to catch her when she fell.

His thoughts whirled in his mind. And then there was this 'L' word which constantly circled his mind for the certain brunette in his arms. Did he actually love love her?? Does she feel the same? Naahh, not possible. She obviously doesn't LOVE me. I am that kind of a person who you date just to have fun. There's no love involved ever. Never happened with him before. Nope. He couldn't shake the disappointment out of his mind at this thought. He obviously couldn't talk to Amelia about this. She would definitely freak out!

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he almost missed the blue eyed beauty stirring awake on his chest. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and kissed her fluttering eyes. He then proceeded to plant feather light kisses on her cheeks and she hummed in pleasure. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked up at him. Both of them were smiling like idiots with heart eyes.

Amelia was feeling so giddy. Now that's a good morning. Ahhh, this is where I wanna wake up always, snuggling against his chest and his arms around her. It was indescribable how much she loved him. HIS COMPANY. It's definitely too soon to fall in love obviously. But this is who she was. Always falling in love too quickly. But she knew it in her heart that being with him was not impulsive or  Hurricane Amelia decision. Nope, can't blurt all of this in front of him. He'll definitely freak out and leave me. I can't afford to lose him. She pushed her array of thoughts out of her mind.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leant in to kiss him passionately on his lips. Their lips moving softly against each other. Amelia broke the kiss, coming up for air. Link moved down to her neck. Amelia breathlessly replied, " Hey, you! "
Link chuckled, his hot breath on her neck causing a shiver to run down her spine. " Hey, yourself! "
           After their shenanigans last night, both of them were highly playful. Link flipped their positions making her yelp in surprise. He hovered above her and lopsidedly grinned down at her. Amelia couldn't help but reciprocate his action. " So I reviewed our schedules last night before leaving, we have a day off. Sooo...", he winked at her. Amelia laughed out loud at his childishness.

She tightened her arms around his neck and breathed in his ear huskily, " So what are you gonna do about that? ", and bit his earlobe before leaning back on the bed again. His eyes had considerably darkened. Ahhh that woman!! He knew Amelia was testing him because she knew how much he loved it when she did that. He growled at her smug grin and dove right away.

Two rounds of vigorous lovemaking later, Amelia resumed her position from the morning on his chest, utterly spent and exhausted. She was catching her breath while leisurely tracing patterns on his hairy chest. Link had one arm loosely wrapped her back and the other in her hair, running his fingers gently through her short, brown locks.
Both of them were deep in their thoughts after their blissful shenanigans, when suddenly her chuckle broke hin out of his reverie. She looked up at his curious expression before answering his silent question.

"How that's what you call a good morning." He laughed at her cute expression and the deep rumble in his chest made her heart flutter. I always did love his laugh! She grinned at him before laying down on his chest again. Link wanted to know everything about her. Everything. But first he wanted to ask her something which had been circling his mind ever since New York.
After several moments of quite, he couldn't help himself and broke the silence. " Amelia? ", he whispered reluctantly. She looked up expectantly and recognizing hesitation in his voice, brought her hand to his cheek and caressed. " Yes ? ", her curious gaze urged him on and he continued.

" I have a question. This has been circling my mind for a really long time and I really wanna know." He paused and took a deep breath worrying Amelia. Is he gonna propose? WHAT? That is downright stupid, Amelia. Shut up. Will he ask me to move in with him? That doesn't seem like a bad idea but at least not right now. Too soon. Then what? Shit ! Does he want to know about my addiction? Did Alex tell him about Christopher? Naahh...he won't do this. Did Owen tell him something? Does he wanna breakup with me?

Seeing her troubled face, he realised his tone caused a whirlwind of questions to arise in her mind. He knew she was freaking out. He took her face in his hands. " Hey, hey, hey. You have nothing to worry about. I did mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll ask you my question only if you're okay with it. We don't need to rush into anything. Okay? " She nodded and took a deep breath again. She braced herself. " I really want to know about that giant sized tumor of yours. What happened?", he asked her cautiously.
                    Amelia blinked down at him. This she did not expect. Is he for serious? She couldn't help but burst out laughing. Link was beyond astonished. I most certainly did not prepare myself for this reaction. But who can blame her? That's Amelia for you. Always finding humor in every situation. She never failed to blow his mind away. His disbelieving and confused gaze allowed her to control her laughter. Between chuckles she replied, " I'm so sorry." Chuckle. " But you scared me for a minute there. God, I'll kill you." Chuckle. She sobered up then. " Well, no one really asked me after when it happened. Do you really wanna know? "

She actually hesitated to tell him because that giant meningioma had made her do some pretty stupid stuff and she did not want him to know about her dirty laundry. But he already knows so much about me and didn't run away. So why not?
             " Yes, Amelia. I really do. This was a big part of your life. And I really want to know you better to you know, take this thing further. I'm all in. And I would really like to know about my girlfriend's life better," he grinned. She smiled up at him radiantly at the G word and felt butterflies in her stomach. She kissed him on his cheek.

" Well okay, BOYFRIEND. If you're so curious then..." She took a deep breath. Link never stopped caressing her face which was very comforting. He listened to her intently and with all seriousness.  Okay, I hope he doesn't judge me. " So here goes. So I operated on a child two years back
He had a giant tumor invading his jaw. Each and every single person in the hospital undermined my authority and advised me against moving ahead with the surgery. Especially Jackson. He compared me with my brother and tried to prove me impulsive, reckless and what not." Link's gaze hardened at that and wanted to lunch the living daylights out of Avery but he didn't say anything. "Owen and I were already having a lot of problems so there was that also. I wanted to prove him and others wrong. I wanted to prove them that I was capable and worthy. That I was equally talented as Derek. I spent weeks buried in my research, trying to find one way not to kill him. Then it hit me. I knew I could do it. The child's family had faith in me. I had faith in me. I went ahead with the surgery. Deluca was my resident then. He was one person who always stood by my side when I was his teacher. He was a great student and friend. He still is." She smiled fondly.

" Anyway, so I operated on him there were some complications and I thought he would never wake up. I had to dismantle his jaw mysf and we had to page Avery because I didn't know how to assemble it myself. There was that. But anyway, then he gained consciousness and had no side effects, nothing! The family was ecstatic that she at least got to live and teach! I was exultant! I proved Avery wrong. His ego took a huge hit and again he said something mean to me but I didn't care. I was riding a different kind of a high." Link grinned. I'm so proud! Way to go!
" Carina , Deluca's sister was working on a project about orgasms affecting the brains or something and was looking for volunteers to to masturbate in the MRI while she monitored their brains. So I volunteered because I wanted to celebrate" Link's eyebrows touched his hairline at that, a suggestive smile spreading on his face. There was glint in his eye and was about to speak his mind when Amelia swatted his arm and sternly reprimanded him, " Don't even think about it. I'm not doing that! " He acted disappointed but then chuckled. She couldn't help but laugh along with him. What a dirty little man! Idiot. She chuckled and shook her head before proceeding.

" So where was I? Oh yes, masturbation," she laughed. " My scans came up and that's how my tumor was diagnosed. I mean, I didn't even realised it was my brain I was staring at and lauding praises at the beautiful tumor. Anyway, I took a week to gather my thoughts which were honestly, all tumor. I think my entire life of ten years before the diagnosis was all the tumor talking. Meredith and Maggie still make fun of me, I was so damn reckless. " She shakes her head reminiscing of the all the absurdity. Would I really do those things now? Had the tumor not been there, would I have done things differently?

Link nudged her shoulder, urging her further on. " The first person I told was Maggie. I mean, the Delucas knew obviously, but I swore them to secrecy. Maggie helped me to tell Meredith and Owen. I called Tom for the surgery. But before that I completely freaked out. I thought I had messed up in all of my past surgeries, I mean, how ironical is it? The head of neuro has a brain tumor and doesn't realise it? My brother died of a brain bleed." It's funny how irony works sometimes. It's hilarious! To ease her inner turmoil, Link chuckled, " Hey, you're not alone. I'm the head of Ortho and I had osteosarcoma. Ironical too, right? " Amelia's eyes softened and she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Link breathed her in and hugged her close. I wish I would've been there for her! Richard then reassured me that I did not kill my patients. He even proved that my success rate was higher than Derek's! " She smiled gratefully and Link couldn't help but feel slightly smug for having her as his. " We stood in the operating room on the superhero pose for five minutes and then..."
" Wait, what is the superhero pose? ," Link asked her inquisitively. Having been a fan of superheroes his whole life, he couldn't control the way his heart thundered in his chest and the prospect of her believing in them too! How much more perfect can she possibly be for me ??!! Amelia waved her hand in a weird hand gesture, kind of like dismissing. " Ah, it's nothing. I just believe that if you stand like a superhero for a considerable amount of time, the body releases endorphins and hormones which make the person confident and he does considerably well in his task. " Link was smiking like an idiot. God, help me.

" I gained consciousness after 22 or so hours and woke up gorked." She laughed loudly at Link's really worried expression. She kissed him soundly on the lips. " Don't worry, babe. I just woke up speaking French which I didn't even know I knew. So that's that. After that everything went back to normal. Owen and I realised that he married the tumor and we broke up. We were friends up until I developed real feelings for him. I actually did send him to pursue Teddy when we were still married. Wait, that was Tumor Amelia, I guess. So he went ahead and impregnated her. " She shrugged her shoulders. Link was getting a bit uncomfortable with the track their conversation had taken. Her voice suddenly dropped an octave and Link had to strain a bit to hear her correctly. " When we came to know, which was after months, I broke up with him. We went to the court to get Leo's legal custody. We had broken up but we still decided to co-parent. That's when Owen told me that I was fundamentally incapable of love and that I sabotage all of my relationships. I was so hurt that I withdrew my name from the papers and left. That's when I decided that it was enough and I desperately needed a change of scenery. That's when New York happened." She winked at him and tried to sound cheerful at the last part but she couldn't escape Link's penetrating gaze obviously.

Link suddenly sat up, holding her and taking her body along with him. She straddled him and wrapped her legs loosely around his waist after the initial shock wore off. Link was intently looking at her without uttering a single word. His gaze pierced into her soul and that was her undoing. She let go all of a sudden and for the first time after she heard those words did she allow herself to completely succumb to her miseries. She buried her face in his neck and sobbed with her hands holding onto him for dear life. Link secured her in his arms tightly deciding to never ever let go. He nuzzled her hair and softly rocked her body. He caressed her hair and back in order to soothe her or provide at least some sort of comfort.

How can a person say these things?! That too to Amelia! I'm gonna kill that asshole! How dare he hurt her this way? He couldn't recognize the sobbing woman in his arms. She did not appear her strong and brave self, she looked so...broken. Link couldn't bear seeing her like this. No one was entitled to hurt such a beautiful and pure soul like this! He tightened his arms around her, with tears in his eyes trying his level best to comfort her.
                 She finally let go. The dam was now broken and tears were flowing endlessly. She allowed herself to cry freely but resolutely decided that this was the last time she would allow herself to cry over that man. When her sobs were under control and she finally allowed herself to think consciously, that's when she freaked out. Oh God, now he knows how broken I truly am. He'll definitely break up with me. No one wants all this baggage so early on in a relationship. Nooo. I cannot lose him too! A fresh set of tears closed her vision.

He pried her away from her face and delicately held her face in his hands. She absolutely refused to look at him even after several long moments. " Hey, hey, hey. Shhhhh. It's okay. Come on, look at me Amelia. Look at me, at least " She finally met his gaze and was surprised to not find disgust or judgmental eyes but loving and kind eyes staring back at her, inviting her. This man never failed to amaze her. He was ready to accept and love her even with all of her mess and dirty laundry.

" Listen to me and you listen to me loud and clear." He spoke to her in a firm and stern voice. " I want you to get this straight. You are NOT incapable of love, do you hear me or shall I repeat myself. Because I'll spend my whole life repeating this. You are the strongest and most lovable, adorable, sweet, kind, humble human being I know. Don't you dare let what that man thinks affect yourself. You trust me, right? " She nodded her head timidly, never breaking eye contact. At her affirmation, " Then believe me, Amelia, I am the happiest person on this planet that you gave this relationship a second chance. You have no idea how much I like you!!! I mean, I'M having a really hard time believing how much I like you, Amelia. " He preferred using the word 'like' and not the other 'L' word he so desperately wanted to use to avoid freaking her out further. " So don't you even dare go around disrespecting my choice and MY GIRLFRIEND. She is a fabulous person. She doesn't need this bullshit invading her mind like this. Do you hear me? " He then determinedly kissed her passionately and then followed by doing his favourite thing to do to her. He kissed her entire face, kissed her tears away and pecked her cheeks. He moved down to her neck and pressed light kisses every inch of her skin. He kissed her on the lips again before hugging her tightly.

Amelia was blown away. Never did she ever experience such a strong feeling that she was experiencing now. Her heart would definitely burst right then and there. No man had ever adored and loved her so much! She was never this vulnerable around anybody. He elicited those emotions in her which she thought were long since buried deep inside her heart. She pulled back and initiated the passionate kiss this time, hearing his words. She chastely pecked his lips once more before pulling back. Her eyes twinkling and a radiant and grateful smile gracing her features. Link's reassuring smile arose those sleepless butterflies in her stomach again. Don't they need sleep?! Always tarting and flying around whenever he's around, which is always!!! Stupid creatures.
               Amelia suddenly chuckled. Link was confused for a second but how well he had come to know her, this was not at all astonishing. She had a weird sense of humor, always finding something or the other funny in serious situations. " So did you really talk about me in the third person? When I'm sitting right in front of you? " The grin that spread on her face was so infectious that both of them were left a giggling mess at that absurd line!

" So I believe," Link shrugged and grinned at her. After the laughter died down, Amelia wrapped her body tightly around his and whispered, " Thank you."
Link acted clueless and embarrassed all at the same time. Why can't he ever take a compliment?!
She leaned dangerously close to him and whispered, her hot breath touching his lips, " And for the record, when you go about ordering others about not disrespecting YOUR GIRLFRIEND, if you come across MY BOYFRIEND along the way, you tell him that I like him so damn much and I'mall in too! " She smiled sheepishly at the admission and kissed the corner of his mouth.

His eyes had turned a dark shade of grey and he kissed her senseless. He laid her down when the kiss became heated. She breathlessly broke the kiss to say something but he silenced her with his lips. She tried again and again but he just didn't allow her, always silencing her with his lips. She needed to say just this one thing but he was not having it! She broke the kiss again and put a finger on his lips. He tried to remove her finger blocking his lips from touching hers but she was unyielding. His expression was becoming annoyed. He just wanted to kiss his girlfriend! Right after she admitted that she liked him so damn much! Amelia hurried to say, " Next time we'll do you. We'll play Spill your Guts with you. 'Cause I really know about my boyfriend's past life desperately too." Her radiant smile was his undoing and he dove right back in. Again she broke the kiss.

This was it! He was not having any more of her jokes right now! " Also, I'm so, so, so damn hungry," both their stomach rumbled in response and Link looked down at her with wide eyes. " Looks like I'm not the only one." Both of them laughed like idiots before deciding to feed the rats running around in their their tummies.

Author's Note :

Heyyy guyss!!!! Hope everyone is doing okay! Alright, I am definitely ready for the onslaught. Throw whatever you find in front of you at me. I definitely deserve it! (Not something hard though please XD)  I'm so damn sorry for going MIA for so long. I actually have a lot of school work to do and it's literally killing me !!
I didn't want to make it so angsty but couldn't help myself 🙈  This issue needed to be addressed, like they never even thought about showing us how hurt Amelia truly was after hearing those words! And I just had to add caring and protective Link in the mix. Can't do without him really, now can we? ;)))

Anyway, I'll try my level best to update every week ;) I accept prompts and suggestions, so if you have a special request, hit the comments section !!! ;) Don't forget to vote and comment!! I really appreciate all of your comments. They are so encouraging! I thank all of you out there reading for your constant support! Couldn't have done it without you people.❤Until then. 

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