Date Night ( part- 2)
A waitress led them to their table. He had planned a candle light dinner! It was so romantic. Generally, all the tables in this restaurant had complimentary champagne but this one didn't. He had specially requested it for me? She looked up at with gratefulness. He was simply smiling down at her trying to gauge her reaction. She was shocked at his thoughtfulness. He is so good to me! No one ever thought of doing it for me beforehand. All the boys always requested to get the champagne removed after we've sat at the table. But him? He's different. Amelia brought his hand linked to hers up to her lips and kissed it.
Link pulled her chair and then proceeded to sit in his own chair. They engaged in casual conversation and a waitress took their orders. They were talking animatedly by the time their dinner arrived. They never fell short of topics. They were telling each other all about themselves. " So I've heard about your Sister trio so much. Like you're always there for each other. But I don't understand how all of you are related. Are you really sisters?," he was genuinely curious.
" So, like you already know I have three sisters. You've already met two," she chuckled. " I had an older brother, Derek." Link noticed her eyes getting nostalgic. " He was my favourite person in this whole world. I mean, he practically raised me after my dad died." Link took her hand in his and held on to provide support. His face was curious as to know how her dad died.
" That's a story for some other time. Anyway, he married Meredith. So she became my sister-in-law. Well, second sister-in-law. He was married before to Addison who also treats me like a sister and we worked together in LA before I came here. So, Meredith became my sister-in-law, practically my sister. And Maggie is Meredith's sister." Link was getting confused. He slightly frowned. Amelia understood his confusion. " Meredith's mom, Ellis Grey had an affair with Richard. And Maggie is their daughter. He didn't know about her until 3 years ago. So she's Maggie's sister. Indirectly my sister. So we're all sisters. They are my real sisters. You know what I mean? ", she was smiling widely. " I'm trying to but I got the gist of it. So yeah," he laughed.
They were having their food when Link noticed she wasn't having the famous baked zucchini of this place. He offered her the dish, " Here try this."
Amelia made a face. " Oh no, I'm full. If I eat anymore I'd have to unbutton my pants," she exhaled. Link's mind as usual in the gutter in her presence, started conjuring up many scenarios they could do it in the fancy restaurant. He shook his head and smirked, " Hot," making her laugh hard. He was looking at her the same way that made her weak in the knees. She quickly recovered and raised her eyebrows at him, he just merely shrugged and replied, " What? Don't judge me. You said it."
She shook her head whilst smiling. Amelia suddenly had an idea. " Link! Let's play a game."
Her excitement was infectious. He stared at her and found himself agreeing. " Sure. I don't see why not," he shrugged.
She looked thoughtful for a second. " Okay. Name three things that you've never done but you really wanna do." Link was really intrigued by this.
" Ooooh. Good one." His comment made her smile.
He thought for a second before replying, " Well, surf a twenty-foot wave." Amelia raised her brows, impressed. Link smiled whilst continuing, " Ride a camel through the Sahara." Amelia interrupted him, "That's an odd wish, don't you think? ", she tilted her head in confusion. Link laughed at her cuteness.
" Yeah. But it's something I would really like to do." Amelia chuckled before waving her hand asking him to finish. His voice grew soft while telling her the third one. Amelia noted an undercurrent of sadness in his voice. " And, cure Parkinson's." She knew it was not the right time to pry further so she let her curiosity slide. I'll have to ask him about this some other time. There was a slight lull in the conversation with Amelia deep in thought. He brought her back with his words, " Okay, now you. Same question." He really wanted to know her desires.
Amelia hmmed trying to think of some three very logical things. It took her a minute before the answer sprung in her mind. With a happy but nostalgic voice, she spoke, " Go to a psychic medium and talk to my dead father." Link wanted to ask more about her father but let the question slide. That's for another time. This night is going really well. He didn't want to spoil her mood by making her sad. She quickly recovered and was getting excited, " Get licensed in scuba diving."
Link grew surprised. We have so much in common! "Wait a second. You wanna learn scuba diving?" He was answered with an excited nod. " Whoa. I love scuba diving. I can even teach you the basics. We should definitely go together! " Link was beaming from ear to ear at the prospect of taking her for scuba diving. He absolutely adored the sea and had a spent a lot of time at the beach in the past. He was happy at the thought of sharing his love for the ocean with her. Amelia grinned. " Yaayy. Yes, absolutely! I would love it! " Both stared at each other, grinning with a gleam in their eyes.
Link apologised to her for interrupting and asked her to go on. Before saying the third one, he noticed that her enthusiasm grew ten fold. With excitement came nervousness. He was genuinely curious now. What is she thinking that has made her nervous and excited at the same time? It must be good.
What he heard next completely blew his mind. "Aaanndd, have sex with more than one person." Amelia was now grinning so wide, he thought her smile couldn't get any bigger. He was flabbergasted. He laughed loudly before raising his eyebrows at her and smugly questioning her, " You've never done that? " Amelia frowned at his judgemental question. But the mirth in his eyes softened the blow somewhat. She grew defensive. "Hey! ", she frowned at him.
Link on the other hand was perplexed. How can such a HOT, beautiful and sexy person like Amelia never have had a threesome before?! She's joking, right? Link laughed and shook his head. She asked him, dumbfounded, " You have? "
He shrugged as if it was the most normal thing for him. Amelia frowned at this. She could feel a fire igniting in her stomach. She most definitely did not like this thought. He lowered his voice, suddenly aware of his surroundings and the topic they were speaking about. Don't want people to think I'm a pervert. " Of course, I have. I lived in Venice Beach for a year. They're offered up like mints in Venice Beach."
Amelia got defensive again. Now her ego was badly bruised. "Well, so did I. "
He questioned her with shock written all over his face, " But you never had a three way there?! "
She squinted her eyes dangerously at him, " I had a medical practice there."
Link, now convinced, backpedaled, " Oh. Understandable. I worked there in a bike shop." He noticed that he didn't have her full attention. Amelia looked deep in thought. He grew worried. Did I offend her? On our first date ??!! STUPID.
Carefully he asked, " Amelia? " He picked up his glass of sparkling water for a sip when she looked at him with a new level of determination. " Let's have a threesome." Link choked on his water. He coughed heavily. People from nearby tables were shooting daggers at them because of course Amelia forgot to lower her voice in her excitement. She apologetically looked around before offering Link a tissue. She was concerned. What happened to him? Was it something I said? She was very confused. " Are you okay? "
After his coughing fit, he looked up at her astonished. He squeaked, voice still raspy, " What? "
Her enthusiasm was back in full force. But this time she didn't forget to lower her voice. " I said let's have a threesome." She was kinda hoping he would get excited. She wiggled her eyebrows at him. His silence prompted her to speak more about the idea to get him on board. " Well you know, you're so experienced and I've never done it in my whole life. It's only fair that you teach me." She smiled at him.
After some reluctance, he actually considered the idea. It's not so bad really. I have done it in the past. This time I'll do it with someone who really means a lot to me. We can surely try it. He replied hesitantly, "Um, okay. Who do you have in mind? "
Amelia was grinning. She was actually very happy he agreed. " Okay, so I have a friend who won't mind doing it with us. I'll call him first thing in the morning tomorrow. Thank you, Link." She winked at him and happily resumed eating.
Link's face turned white at her words. HIM?! What does she mean by that? She's considering having threeway with another man ? He was not at all okay with this. He didn't like this idea even in the slightest. Suddenly he was angry. Scratch that, he was seething inside! He hated the image his mind conjured up. He could not even think about another man's hands on her body. On HIS Amelia's body. NO. NEVER! He only wanted him to be the one who touched and saw her that way. He didn't want another man to touch her lips, her face, her hair and her body. NAH. He was getting possessive. Anger, more than jealousy, bubbled inside him and he felt sick to his stomach at the images of his mind. He shuddered at these feelings. Now I know for sure, I've fallen for her completely.
He started slowly so as to not crush her hope. "Hold up, Amelia. Instead of that doing that, why don't we start it of with another girl instead. I mean, it's your first time and it could be pretty rough for you with two men. Let's do it slowly. Okay? I have someone in mind. We can ask Carina. What about her?" Amelia frowned. She was really confused. Angry even. Just a few minutes ago he agreed and now he's saying it will be rough for me? I know what I can handle!
She tried to reason with him, " I can completely take care of myself, Link. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." She smiled at him to convince him but he just shook his head.
" Amelia, I didn't say no to the idea. I just want your first time to be, you know, good. Trust me, it will be good." This time he smiled at her. Convincing her somewhat, he resumed eating. What he completely missed was Amelia's inner battle. She didn't like him bringing up the idea of having sex with two women. She didn't want him to touch someone else. That's why she brought up the idea of doing it with one of the members of her AA meetings who was a good friend of hers. He wouldn't mind too if she asked him this. Amelia was getting really angry now. Oh, so it will be much better with two women around, huh. For him! She didn't want him to kiss another woman, touch her the way he touches her. Love someone else's body the way he did to hers. NO! NEVER! She had never felt so jealous in her entire life. She hated the tricks her mind was playing with her conjuring up pictures of him with another woman. Stupid woman. She was sickened by that image and sipped her water to extinguish the fire inside her body.
Trying not to dampen the mood, the topic was not brought up for the rest of the dinner. It was pushed to the back of their minds with Amelia deciding to question him about it later and Link deciding never to even think about another man...he couldn't even bear thinking about it. The idea disgusted him. Ugh.
They walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. Amelia tentatively asked him, " Sooo, what now? " She was gazing at him with hopeful eyes, not wanting to leave his side just yet. Not willing to leave each other's company for the night, Link suggested, " There's a park just two blocks away. It's really beautiful. We can walk there? " His eyes bore into hers hoping she'd not deny his request. Amelia smiled and nodded.
It was a short walk to the park. At this time of the night not many people were there. Just a few pedestrians taking an evening stroll and some walking their dogs. Link wanted to make the best of their time left. Amelia linked her arm with his while walking alongside him with a soft pace. Amelia whispered gazing at the sky, " It's such a beautiful night, isn't it? " Link's gaze was on her when he replied, " It sure is very beautiful." She suddenly felt Link press a chaste kiss on her forehead.
She smiled up at him, " What was that for? " He shrugged and just smiled down at her with a loving gaze, " Nothing. Just felt like doing it," bringing a gleam in her eyes. The night was getting chilly. He felt Amelia shiver beside him. He subtly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her very close to his body. He was always warm so his body heat would stop her shivering. Amelia looked up at him with gratefulness. He is so thoughtful ! She smiled at his cuteness. She realised that she had started loving everything about him.
They saw an empty bench and Amelia suggested sitting there for a few minutes to rest their feet. They sat very close to each other with his arm slung over her shoulder just enjoying the night weather. Suddenly feeling very tired Amelia buried her head in the crook of his neck and wrapped an arm loosely around his torso. A warm feeling filled both of them. This was the best day they have had in months!
Suddenly that question popped up in her mind. She pulled back slightly and looked him in the eye. She spoke softly, " Can I ask you something? "
Getting intrigued, he said, " Anyhtjing, Amelia. You don't need to ask me if you want to know something."
She frowned slightly. With a hint of aggravation, she questioned, " Why did you strongly say no to having threesome with my friend but then suggested Carina? Am I not good enough?"
Link panicked hearing her words. Did my words come out like that? Does she really think I meant that?! Nooo.
Link panicked hearing her words, he rushed out, " No, Amelia! What makes you think that?!," he asked incredulously.
" It's just...forget it. It's really silly," she looked down at her hands. Link cupped her cheeks and made her look him in the eyes. " You can talk to me. What's the matter? What did you think? ," he whispered softly.
" It's just, you've done it before. A lot. You said it yourself. And I haven't. So I thought I won't be good enough that's why you wanted another woman as a third participant for you and not a man." What she said next made her angry. " I didn't like the thought of you doing things you do to me to some other girl. Certainly not Carina who's so sexy and an expert in these things!" She was still looking down at her hands angrily so she completely missed a smile beginning to form on his lips.
Am I wrong or does she really sound jealous? She looks so cute like this! A small smile played on his lips. He never thought this would bring such a reaction out of her. Who am I kidding? I got jealous too when she suggested doing it with a man. Who am I to judge? He chuckled. He was loving this jealous side of hers. It was highly arousing and sweet. She continued to ramble, " I mean, it's not like I'm that clingy type of girls. I just didn't like it. The image makes me want to barf. And I don't u understand why I'm feeling like this. I mean, I never felt like this with anyone." She finally looked in his eyes, " But you. You're different. With you, it''s something else. It's really, really good." She blushed furiously at her admission.
I am not in high school! Why did I have to vomit my feelings? Ugghh I literally have no filter. Stupid. She was in mid-panic mode. " didn't...", she tried to form a coherent sentence but her embarrassment won. She was really nervous. Link suddenly shushed her with a finger placed softly on her lips. He then smoothed the creases on her forehead with his fingers and proceeded to cup her cheeks again.
He kissed her burning cheeks making her blush harder. He then looked her in the eyes, whispering warmly, " It's okay, Amelia. You don't need to feel embarassed. It's just me. And I'm glad you told me. I'm actually very happy you feel this way." He grinned.
Amelia was confused. " What...? "
He smirked, " Well, at least I got to see Jealous Amelia." He winked at her causing her insides to do flip-flops. Why does it feel so hot again? She wanted to fan her face but resisted. "Shut up," she stated with embarrassment. He quickly sobered up and gave her a sincere look.
" You don't have to think you're not good enough. Because, Amelia trust me. There is nothing better sex with you. I love it! You think you're not good enough? You're the best, Amelia. You're the only one who can keep up with me. You evoke feelings in me. I never felt this way with anyone in the past." His words were the push she needed. She leaned towards him and kissed him. Passionately. Realizing they were in a public place, they broke the kiss after a minute, breathing heavily. But almost everybody had left the park by then. They had their much needed privacy now.
" And by the way, the feeling is mutual." His face turned hard at his next words. " I didn't like the prospect of doing it with your friend in the least bit. I can't even bear to imagine another man's hands on your body, Amelia." He placed a kiss on her right cheek. " I hated that image, Amelia. I want to be the only man to do those things to you. I didn't like to imagine that. I knew for a fact that if I even saw someone else even touching you, I would've hit him. Badly. " He kissed her nose. Amelia was looking at him with dark eyes. His words did many things to her body. They tugged her heart strings, woke the butterflies in her stomach up and she felt tingles down there.
She smiled widely. Almost grinned. He is acting so possessive! She loved to see him like this. It aroused her a great deal. He looked so hot when he was jealous. She wanted to grab his face and kiss him senseless. So she did just that. To say that Link was surprised by her sudden action would be an understatement. They kissed passionately and desperately for several moments till oxygen became a necessity. They panted heavily. Link pulled her in his embrace. He inhaled her scent, lost in the feeling of having her in his arms. His arms were the safest place she could be. She felt safe in his strong arms.
Link grinned and pulled back. " Wanna grab ice cream? I saw an ice cream vendor on the way." Amelia who had a soft spot for once cream smiled and nodded vigorously. They fell into a fit of laughter before leaving the park hand-in-hand, all of the tension at the dinner now resolved. Link bought their favourite ice cream which they enjoyed on the ride home.
Reaching Meredith's home, Link hurried out the door and rushed to her side. He grinned while opening her car door. Amelia giggled furiously, " Ypu really like doing this, don't you? "
Link laughed, " Like I said before, at your service ma'am." Again, he earned a smack to his chest. He walked her to the door and lingered. Amelia turned towards him. Both of them didn't want the night to end. They had the best time with each other. They stared at each other with dark, greedy eyes before Link could not tolerate anymore.
He pulled her to him by her waist. He wrapped his arms protectively around her waist, pulling her snug to his body. He had wanted to feel her body against his since he saw her in that dress. He couldn't control himself anymore. She looked absolutely gorgeous and sexy. A man can only hold on for so long.
Amelia was feeling nothing different. She couldn't even describe how turned on she was right now. She had enjoyed thoroughly with him. He made her feel different. He made her feel special. This had never happened to her before. She loved his company, the way he talked to her, the way he got possessive, the way he held her, kissed her, made her weak in the knees. She realised right then and there, I am falling for this amazing man. Hard.
Amelia moaned into his mouth when his hand moved down her back to her ass. He pushed them towards the wall and pinned her body between his strong, muscular chest and the cool, hard wall. Their tongues were battling for dominance. Amelia pulled at his hair trying to deepen the kiss. He pulled her body even closer to his, if that was even possible. He squeezed her butt eliciting a moan from her. He knew how much she liked it. He then moved down her jaw till he reached her earlobe and took it in his mouth.
One hand tugging his hair, her other hand travelled down his chest, feeling those sturdy abs through the shirt that did justice to his sexy physique. She was kissing wherever she could as he was distracting her. He then moved down to her neck and suckled. She gasped when she felt his hand moving up her body up front. He finally reached his goal and gave a gentle squeeze. She pulled his face up and kissed him hungrily. She pulled back after several minutes, trying to catch her breath.
With their foreheads touching, Link opened his eyes to stare at her face. He loved this with her so much! Amelia finally opened her ocean, blue eyes and he got lost in them. Amelia softly whispered, " We decided to take it slow, Link. We can't do this just yet." It physically pained her to utter those words. She wanted him so badly right now. Link groaned softly, his head falling on her shoulder.
Amelia laughed, " Come on, Link. You're making it hard for me to resist. Come on, come on." She groaned when his right hand lingered on her butt and caressed softly. He smirked." Are you sure I should go? Now?! " When he started placing soft kisses on her shoulder blades, she realised that if he continued this any longer, she wouldn't be able to hold back. So she snapped out of her trance. This evil man! She pushed him lightly, "NOPE. You can't play dirty. Come on, goooo " She laughed at his mock hurt expression but he soon obliged. He leaned down for one last kiss of the night. He intended it to be soft and gentle but things were quickly taking a different turn.
He pulled back and smiled at her gleaming face. Ughh I want to kiss her so bad the whole night! He resisted though. They had agreed to take it slow to avoid what happened before. He wanted it to work this time. He would not give up. Doesn't mean she couldn't, right? After all, it was her idea to take it slow, not mine. Let her be the one to give up! Suddenly with a devilish gleam in his eye, he got determined. This game would be quite entertaining. " See you tomorrow?" She nodded her head yes and hugged him briefly, wanting contact a little bit more.
She waved him goodbye and turned to enter her home. Link waited until after she had safely entered her house before leaving. He was genuinely happy. The ride to his home was spent reminiscing about the night.
Amelia walked inside in a daze. She could still feel tingles in her whole body. That kiss! She was literally drooling when she ran smack into someone. Irritated, she looked up to see none other than Maggie with her arms folded in front of her, a smirk on her face. " Care to explain? " Amelia internally groaned, this was literally going to be a long night.
Author's Note:
Hey guyss!! Sorry for the exceptionally long chapter 😅. I just couldn't control myself and wrote on and on. Please don't be mad at me 😂
Anyway, how was this chapter? I hope you like it! I would really like know your thoughts about my interpretation of their date in the comments section. Many more happy Amelink moments to come! I'll try to update as soon as possible ;) Until then.
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