Back on track

Calling the first hour of the surgery uncomfortable would be an understatement. It was downright heart wrenching. Anxiety was flowing in Jackson's nerves. He was trying to start a conversation every now and then but it appeared that Link had taken an oath of silence and Nico had seen a ghost. He was too anxious to even utter a single word. Amelia was really nervous and sweating like crazy. Jackson was quick to understand that Link and Amelia had a falling out. Yeah, yeah. Everybody thinks that I don't know about them. I'm the most important member of the hospital board. Of course, I know about them. I know about everyone in this freaking soap opera we call a hospital. I even know that no one should even dare to enter the Blue Room between 12 and 1:30 everyday. NO ONE.

The tension was so intense that it could be cut with a knife. Amelia too was trying her level best to initiate a conversation and the only active participant was Jackson. Nico was pretty sure that if he spoke to Amelia then Link would most probably fire him from his fellowship so he kept mum. Amelia tried to ask him some questions about the patient in excuse to engage him in a conversation as obviously the cold wall of a man beside him was making it really hard.

Nico was about to start answering Amelia's questions when a sharp glare from Link's way shushed him. He yelped and quickly focused in the patient, now more than even concerned about his employment. This didn't go unnoticed by the other two surgeons. Jackson raised a brow and looked at the pair who were so used to acting like horny teenagers just a week back. Did I miss something?

Amelia more determined now to at least make Link acknowledge her presence commented about Jai's wife, " I have no idea how she hung onto her husband for that many hours. Have you looked at her posterior cord? God, it's in shambles! I would have let go at aboouutt the twenty minute mark, if not sooner," she chuckled, obviously laughing at her own joke.
Link got offended and rolled his eyes. He was still pretty mad at how she left him. She could've given a heads up for crying out loud! He snarkily replied, " Well, it sounds about right," while still focusing on the patient.

Amelia's eyes widened at his harsh comment. She stared at him. Ouch. Huh, at least I got his attention.
Jackson listened in on the conversation, his interest piqued. Nico, on the other hand, suddenly found himself on crossroads. He finally decided to present his input too, ofcourse if needed, who shies away from hospital gossip and drama, huh?

Trying to make it all right and diss the situation, Amelia addressed Link with nervousness, "So clearly, we've had a misunderstanding. Can we talk after surgery? ", Amelia looked at him with hopeful eyes. Their eyes met and Link started feeling that warmth arise in his stomach. Not trusting himself with Amelia alone, he shrugged, " I'm happy to talk here."

Amelia nervously looked at Nico and Jackson who were trying so hard to pretend this conversation didn't interest them in the slightest, feelingwhat uncomfortable having to talk about her feelings before the. Link seemed to be adamant though. Nico took the hint and was quick to reply, " I'm not listening," before looking at Link. Jackson replied right after him, " And I don't care," with slight amusement.
Amelia rolled her eyes at them before dragging her " Ookaay". She sighed deeply before directly looking at Link in the eyes," I like you. A LOT. I would love to keep seeing you. What I don't want is...bury myself in you." All the three males operating raised their heads and looked at her. Link raised his eyebrows, confusion written all over his face. Again she's talking Amelia language. He wanted to smack his head but they were embedded in the patient's body. What does she mean by that? Of course she's not talking about the sex. God, I don't understand. Help me out here, please.

Nico was quick to respond for him. Of course, he's a guy he understood what Link was feeling. He obviously did not understand in the slightest what Amelia was trying to say. He had observed how happy Link had been lately with Amelia and wanted his mentor to be happy in his life. He decided to help him out here. Answering her earlier question, he says, " Uh, no he doesn't ".
Amelia frowned. He doesn't understand simple English? " He doesn't? " She looked towards Link and questioned him, " You don't ? " Now it was Jackson's turn to reply. He had known Amelia for the past six years and knew she could be nuclear sometimes. And he was a guy too. No male on the planet could understand what a woman speaks when she's nervous. " Of course, he doesn't. You're not speaking a language any dude could possibly understand," he replied incredulously. She looked at Jackson first and then Link for confirmation. He felt her eyes on him and felt compelled to make this easy for her so he shrugged. Without looking he confirms her suspicions, " They're not wrong. "

Amelia sighed deeply again. Like I said, MEN! She tried to say it the easier way. " I would like to go on dates with you and get to know you better before I'm all in. I have a history of going all in, too fast and I would like to change that with you. So...", she trailed off and looked at the other nosy surgeons for affirmation. " Better? " She was rewarded with three simultaneous replies,
" Better "
" Better "
" Better. " It was the last one that brought a wide grin on her face. Link finally turned in her direction and passes her a small smile. He would love to talk to her thoroughly before coming to a conclusion as to where they stood right now but he was at least happy that the misunderstanding seemed to have fizzled out somewhat. Amelia couldn't see him smiling because of the mask but the glint in his eyes gave him away. The tension in the OR finally seemed to have vanished and as usual they performed the surgery engaging in small talk with Jackson occasionally probing Amelia and Link for details and him earning a glare from both the parties involved.

After the surgery, Nico almost pushed Jackson out of the scrub room to give the couple some muh needed privacy. The silence in the scrub room was not as awkward as before but Link still had some uncertainties. He glanced at Amelia who was too busy concentrating on her hands. He cleared his throat and turned in her direction. " Sooo...", he trailed off and raised his eyebrows prompting her to take the lead.
" Not here." She grabbed his right hand and pulled him with her to their favorite on-call room on the fifth floor. Link waited patiently by the bed smiling while Amelia paced trying to gather her thoughts as to how to start the conversation. She was just teeny tiny bit nervous. She couldn't help it. Link made her nervous!

Okay. Here we go. She turned towards him and clasped his hands in hers. " Link "
" Amelia ", he replied playfully.
He was rewarded with a smack on his arm. " Shut up. I'm trying here," she glared at him accusingly making Link grin. He just loved teasing her. Seeing her so anxious was oddly entertaining.

Link recovered and looked deeply in her eyes providing her strength. She nodded before saying, "Link. I never said that I wanted to break up with you. That day what I meant was I just needed to figure out myself. I'm going to be completely honest here. I'm that sort of a person who falls in love too quickly. That almost always becomes the reason why I hurt people or they hurt me. I didn't want that with you. I don't ever want you to get hurt. I can be very reckless and rash sometimes. Ypu don't deserve that. I thought I would hurt you...badly, which I unintentionally have done. And in the past too." Her eyes became downcast and her voice was quivering.

Link pressed his hands to her cheeks forcing her to look in his eyes. She had tears in her eyes. Her nodded at her willing her to continue. " In the past week, I never thought I'd miss you so much. I thought we'd still be together, we'll just be going on dates and no more pain relief sex. I wanted us to give us a try. You asked me a question a few days back whether it felt real for me too. I couldn't answer it that time." She too pressed her hands on his cheeks. He momentarily closed his eyes feeling her warm hands on his cheeks.
He had missed this! He had missed her touch, missed feeling so close to her. She leaned in and softly brushed her lips against his. " It does. I'm a 1000% sure, it definitely does. It all feels real to me. I never thought I'd feel this way. I never felt like this with Owen. YOU made me start feeling those things which I can't explain right now. And...I panicked. I thought I'd sabotage this relationship too, just like I did to all my other relationships. I'm really sorry, Link for hurting you."

She started sobbing. Link's heart broke for her. Why does she think she sabotages relationships? Who told her that ?! Link couldn't see Amelia so broken. He put a finger on her lips, silencing her. He drew her in closer before brushing her tears with his thumbs. " Who told you that, Amelia? It's not true. YOU could never hurt me. Even if you wanted to." Amelia raised her head to look at him properly.
"And you're not reckless. You're the most beautiful person I know. And I'm not talking about your appearance. Even though you're gorgeous", he chuckled. She smiled at that. He always knows how to make me feel better. " It's okay, Amelia. I understand, you panicked. It's completely normal. It happens to everybody." He hugged her tightly for few long moments before pulling back slightly to look her in the eyes.

" I like you, Amelia. YOU. All of you. Even if you think you're reckless, it doesn't matter. I like your recklessness." He kissed her cheek. " I like everything about you. Don't think I'll ever judge you Amelia. You can be honest with me. Always. And who doesn't have flaws? Look at me! I'm the one who ignored you for a week! I'm the one who tortured the both of us by avoiding you! I mean, I literally ran in the opposite direction at the mere sight of you! ", both of them started laughing.

" Yeah, that was quite funny to watch." At Link's confused expression, she smugly replied, " Don't you ever think you will be successful at hiding. I saw you every single time! After all, I invented the Game of Avoidance," Amelia started laughing harder at Link's horrified expression.
" And here I thought you never saw me hiding." Link shook his head in embarrassment.

Amelia brought his attention back to her by placing a soft kiss on his right cheek. " You didn't have to avoid me, Link. You could've simply come and talked to me," she whispered. " Do you have any idea how much I wanted to talk to you? It was like, I couldn't stay away from you. I always came to look for you but then I saw you avoiding me like a plague. I thought you needed your space. So I always stopped myself from punching you to knock some sense into that stupid, male brain of yours ! "

Link's eyes grew soft. Amelia looked really vulnerable. " Then why didn't you? All you had to do was simply push me into an on-call room like you did today! Amelia...I'm really sorry for avoiding you."
Amelia leaned in dangerously close. He felt her hot breath on his face. She whispered, " Don't you dare do that again. Ever. I really missed you, Link." She then pressed her lips against his in a chaste kiss. A warm feeling washed all over them as soon as their lips touched. It started soft but soon turned frantic. Both of them poured the whole week of pent up tension into that kiss. Amelia wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. They were devouring each other's mouths. Link nibbled on her bottom lip before pulling back slightly.

Amelia was totally breathless. Ah, I missed this the most! Link kissed her forehead, " I missed you too. Terribly." He then kissed her right cheek, " I missed this." Then her other cheek, " And this." Amelia sighed with content. Everything was back to normal. Just like it was supposed to be. Everything was back on track. Link wrapped his hands protectively around her waist. He kissed her nose then. " And this too. " He leaned in her ear and whispered huskily, " I really, really missed you, Amelia," before biting her earlobe. He nibbled on it for a few more seconds before pulling back. He softly pressed his lips to hers. " But, I missed these the most. They're mine." Amelia panted with anticipation. She waited for THAT kiss to come.

MINE. Those words ringed in Amelia's ears. If she thought she was aroused before, then what would she call herself now? These words arose something wild in her. She couldn't hold it any longer and closed whatever little distance was left between them. Link was happy to oblige. The kiss was frantic. Demanding. Desperate. Needy. They poured all their feelings into the kiss.
The couple were finally happy to have resolved everything. They could finally put a label on them. GIRLFRIEND. Link was overwhelmed with emotion at finally having to call her that. She was his girlfriend. His. After avoiding her for soooo long, now he could finally have his way with her. His body reacted instantly.

Their tongues were battling for dominance. She moaned in his mouth. Suddenly Amelia felt herself being pushed against the wall. Link's hands were on her hips pressing her even closer to him. I had missed this. His hands. On my body. His touch. His kiss. It was bliss for her. Pure bliss. Amelia pulled back, breathless. She looked at him. His naturally grey eyes were dark with lust. She knew her eyes mirrored the same expression. Nobody but him could put her in that state.

Before she knew it, Link dove right back in and attacked her neck. He kissed and suckled. One of his hands moved further down her back to press her against him more firmly eliciting a moan from her. His other hand slowly slid inside her scrub top and moved upwards. Amelia moved her hands to the back of his head, entangling her fingers in his soft, brown hair and tugged. He pulled back sharply to look her in the eyes before removing his scrub top. " No more secrets." He looked her in the eye.

Amelia stared at his rock hard abs for a second too long before meeting his eyes, sincerely speaking, "No more secrets." He smiled mischievously before pulling her top over her head and pushing her against the wall again. He then attacked her lips with renewed vigour and Amelia was more than happy with turns of events. Just minutes before she was crying and here she is now, panting like crazy. Only this man can do that to me. He moved his hands up her back and pulled at Amelia's hair softly to expose her neck. His lips went to her neck again and he unclasped her bra. Skin to skin. Amelia pressed herself even closer to him making him groan. She held on to his shoulders for dear life when he suddenly picked her up and wrapped her legs around his muscular waist.

She gasped at his eagerness. He smirked, So someone missed me too. Amelia was getting impatient and squirmed against him. He understood her point and held on to her protectively before moving them to the bed. Today she was all his. Amelia liked to be in control. Even when it came to the bedroom, her desire for control never faded. It aroused him always to an inexplicable level. But today he was having none of that. He was going to be in total control today. He was going to have his way with her. He didn't know what came over him. Maybe staying away from each other for a week did that to them.
If staying away from each other for a whole week did THAT to him, then maybe we should avoid each other more often. She couldn't stop the sounds coming from her mouth at what he was doing to her. This side of Link was kinda hidden until then. He had been rough with her before, but never like this. And Amelia liked it to no end. No, she loved it.

Hours later, Amelia laid on top of Link's chest completely spent. She was trying to catch her breath and Link was breathing heavily. Her arms were still wrapped loosely around his shoulders and his strong, muscular arms were tightly placed around her body holding her close. He was softly caressing her side and his nose was buried in her hear, inhaling her scent. There was peaceful silence surrounding them and they were content with each other. They were in their own pink bubble. Amelia was drawing small patterns on his chest when Link pulled her out of her thoughts and suddenly asked her, " Amelia, would you like to go on a date with me? ", he asked hopefully with a childish grin on his face.

Amelia laughed heartily, " You are such a dork." She couldn't help herself and kissed him at his cuteness. " Of course, silly. People who are dating are kinda entitled to do just that." Link joined in on her laughter and pulled her even closer before cheering, " Yayy. Today is my best day. I get to take Amelia Shepherd on a date. Lucky me."
Amelia countered, " No, babe. I get to go on a date with you. Lucky ME. All the nurses will chase me and I'd have to run for my life! ," she laughed.

Amelia looked up at him to see that his eyes were gleaming and he was staring at her face with a radiant expression. " What's with the face? ", she raised her eyebrows and tried to look suspicious but her smile gave her away.
" What face? ", he smiled down at her innocently.
She moved up his chest to look him in the eyes. She searched his eyes while caressing his jaw. " This face."

Link smiled. He moved his right hand up and down her uncovered body softly. He picked up her hand on his chest to bring it to his lips. He kissed it before answering her, " I'm happy, Amelia. With you. You make me happy. Thank you for being here with me." He then winked at her smugly when he realised how flustered she was getting.

Amelia blushed and felt butterflies in her belly. We just had sex! How can he make feel shy and giddy right after we had sex?! She rewarded him with a passionate kiss on his lips. She proceeded to kiss his jaw and moved lower till she reached his ear. She whispered seductively, " You have no idea how happy you make me. You don't know what you make me feel, Link." Mimicking his actions from before, she bit his earlobe making him groan. It was a soft spot for him. He loved it when she did that. His arms now wrapped around her tightly trying to bring her as close to him as physically possible.

He groaned when she moved down to his neck and gave it as much attention as it deserved. Her hands moved down his body to reach their goal. Link moaned and She made her way even lower when all of a sudden she shrieked and found herself on her back with Link pinning her hands above her head. When did he flip us? That dark look returned in his eyes which made her shiver. He kissed her nose before slyly whispering, "Are you cold? Huh, I know a way to warm you up very nicely." With a mischievous glint in his eye, he made his way down her body.

Author's Note:

Heyy guys!! I'm sorry for being hone for so long. And yet again I'm back with a horribly long chapter XD I just hope you people love this chapter! This was how I imagined their reunion after season 15 should've been like. Sorry this is kinda smutty, I mean, not exactly, but yeah. It wasn't my intention to but I just went with the flow.

This chapter was so fun to write, especially the OR scene. Jackson and Nico just made me laugh in that scene when the episode aired. I hope you like my portrayal of everyone here.

Next up we have some fun chapters with Meredith and Maggie being typical sisters to Amelia. Can't wait to begin writing them! Until then.

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