
Amelia told her sisters all about New York, leaving some parts of course. She couldn't risk the sisters knowing about her and Link, there would be relentless teasing and of course Meredith would have some thoughts about her moving on so fast. She didn't want to deal with that. No one knew about them. It was fairly early. She wanted to test the waters first with him. She was pretty confident it would work out between them. Still she was a neurosurgeon, she liked cross checking her work.

It's been three days since New York. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other. Amelia was really impressed by his bravery and courage but what struck out for was the way he accepted her with open arms. There was no judgement. Only adoration. Admiration. She was developed some really strong feelings for him now. Keep yourself in check Amelia, you're not the same TUMOR AMELIA anymore. Behave like an adult and give it some time.

Link was feeling nothing different from Amelia. He was just like Amelia in this aspect, though both the parties didn't know this similarity of theirs. Both of them loved fiercely. Both fell in love quickly and wholly. They loved their partners with their whole mind and body. They gave them everything they had without losing their dignity. They were just the same.
           Link couldn't keep that beautiful brunette put of his mind. He always found himself seeking her company, be it in the hospital hallways or the coffee cart. Whenever he paged neuro, he prayed to God like hell that it was Amelia who answered the page. His hopes weren't crushed either. She always seemed to be there when he tried to search for her. It was like she was seeking him out too!

They didn't go on many dates yet but every time they spent with each other, it felt like bliss. Link didn't need dates to conclude that he had met the woman of his dreams. He realised that he was falling madly in love with her. He wanted her all to himself. Link knew her routine by heart.

Today she had a morning shift. She's always late by fifteen or twenty minutes because, no kidding she's Amelia Shepherd. Also, probably she was as usual helping out with the kids at Mer's place. Her shift starts at 8 a.m. and she's always in line at the coffee cart by 8:25 after changing into her scrubs. Link waits for almost daily. Today was no different. He was saving a spot for her but it was already 8:40 and there was no sign of Amelia. Where is she ?!

Link was getting worried. He was passing the first spot and allowing others to move up the line, waiting for her. Suddenly she comes running, her lab coat hanging from one arm, the other trying to fit into that contraption. She smiled her million watt smile at Link and leaned in for a quick kiss. She was desperately trying to fit her left hand into the coat, wiggling continuously. Link laughed at her antics. She's just too adorable.

" Here, let me." Link stopped her fidgeting and leaned in close to her face. His arms moved around her back helping her hand into the coat, all the looking deeply into her eyes. Amelia lost all train of thought and froze. She didn't even realise when the coat was on but he didn't seem to move. He leaned his face close to her and kissed her cheek, making her breathless. She was yearning for a kiss. She expected him to kiss her lips not her cheek!! That stupid stupid man. He always leaves me hanging, wanting more! Game on, buddy.

Eyebrows furrowed, still breathless, Amelia whispered, " I see what you did there. Oh you'll so pay for this. Just wait and watch. You don't know how competitive I get. " Still close to her face, Link breathed, " Oh I completely intend to find that out. "
He loved toying with her like this. She was just so easy to rile up. Link loved seeing that inpatient amd sexually frustrated look on her adorably face. It was always made him want to kiss her. But he held back, she was not that much into PDA.

They were standing there, looking into each other's eyes when a loud clearing of throat brought them out of their trance. It was Jo. Alex was too busy grimacing at them to say anything. Jo said, " Get a room people. We don't want to see a porno movie here in front of everybody. The guys won't mind of course," she said looking pointedly at Alex and Link, who quickly got flushed making Amelia guffaw, " but I for one don't want to see you people tear each other's clothes just with your eyes. Cool it, man. Now move over, I need coffee ", she laughed.

Amelia and Link laughed and somewhat separated. Link still had his arm around her waist though. They were talking animatedly with Jo and Alex about the possible treatment plan for Gus, the golden blood boy when it was their turn to order. Link ordered a double latte and Amelia was about to order her very difficult drink order which no one seemed to get right when Link interrupted her, " And a decaf, no foam latte with an extra shot and cream for Dr. Shepherd here, please." Amelia whipped her head in his direction but he was too busy paying the bill. NO ONE EVER got my coffee order right. Not even Owen after so many years together and here look at Link!! He has no trouble getting my order right. I just don't believe this man. No one had paid so much attention to small details about her before like this.

Amelia was awestruck. Link smiled down at her and tightened his arm around her waist when he looked at her beaming face. Her heart fluttered at his gesture and she was feeling those butterflies in her stomach. I'm not in high school anymore! But it sure feels like it. They got their orders, chatted some more with Jo and Alex and headed for the surgical floor.

When the elevator arrived, it was empty. They were the only ones on the elevator. They stepped into it and were soon fell under the enchanting spell of the infamous elevators of Grey - Sloan. Amelia could feel heart rise to her cheeks. Link seemed to be oblivious somewhat but he could feel Amelia tensing. Hurriedly, she pushed the STOP button and pushed Link on the wall of the elevator. She captured his lips with hers, kissing him passionately.

Link was astonished initially but quickly recovered and kissed her back with equal vigour. He tightly wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her body as close to hers as physically possible. She moaned into his mouth and tilted his head backwards to deepen the kiss. Link growled and switched their positions, pinning her with his body. Amelia moaned loudly this time, arousing Link further. She tangled her fingers in his soft hair and he moved to her neck. She moved her head to give him more room and he moved his arms down her back lower and lower until they reached their prize. He squeezed her cheeks, bringing her body much much closer and Amelia groaned, tugging at his hair tips. He pulled his face up and kissed him again.

She ran her hands down his chest, caressing his abs till she reached his..." I think we should stop. We should not start something we won't be able to finish," he whispered breathlessly, leaning his forehead against hers. Amelia hummed disapprovingly and kissed him again, this time softly. She gave a defeated sigh, " Okay. Yeah, you're right." She panted before kissing him again and caressing his skull. Link's control was slipping. She knew how much he liked it when she did THAT. If she didn't stop doing that right now, he wouldn't be able to stop the consequences. " Okay, okay, okay. Now stop." He loosened his hold on her and leaned back to look at her face properly.
                  Her eyes were closed and she was panting. Her face was completely flushed red. She looked breathtaking to him. He leaned in one last time to kiss her swollen lips. She had that effect on him, he had no self control around her. Amelia gently opened her eyes and smiled toothily. She was beaming. She didn't know what came over her. She just knew that she needed him right there on the elevator. After all, he did deserve a prize! They freed themselves from their arms amd Link pressed the STOP button again to put the elevator in motion.

They had content smiles on their faces when they got out of the elevator. They looked at the faces of the people waiting. They did not look happy. Obviously they had been waiting a long time. They pointedly looked at the couple, knowing what they were up to. Amelia and Link acted innocent and rapidly left. They burst into laughter when they were out of earshot. Link recovered from his laughter before her and stared at her laughing face. He was awestruck. He was captivated. He could look at her all day. He could hear that soft laugh all day. He would do anything to hear that laugh.

They went over to the OR board to see that they had no surgeries till 11 a.m. Also on the bright side, their fist surgery was together. So they had the morning free. Amelia looked at him mischievously, wiggling her eyes suggestively. Link took the hint and captured her gleaming eyes with the camera in his mind. They hurried towards the on-call room without anyone noticing. No one dared to go near that room for the next hour. They came out one by one completely flushed. Amelia's face was totally red and she was still panting when she reached the nurse's station. Link came out moments later. He brushed his fingers against hers before asking the nurse for his tablet.

Alex was there, finishing his charts. He furrowed his brows and scowled at them. " Not again, dude. What is the matter with you people? Didn't know you had so much in you, huh Shepherd." He laughed making the couple blush. " Shut it, Alex. Don't make me remind your on-call romps with Jo." Directed towards Link, she said, " I once caught this filthy man and Jo doing it on my couch! I used to sleep on that couch before Alex moved out and I got his room. Couldn't sleep for days." Link his gagged. " Ugghh, bad mental image. I don't need to imagine my best friend with her husband like that. Ughh", he covered his ears, leaving swiftly, making Amelia laugh.

Alex grew serious in seconds and inquired, " No, but seriously Shepherd. Are you happy with him? " He looked at her with concern deep in his eyes. He was the only person who knew the whole story about Christopher. He was looking out for her. She was like a little sister to him. He felt weirdly protective of her. It was nice for Amelia to see the worry for her on Alex's  otherwise chilled out face. He always acted like a brother towards her. She smiled at him, " Yes, Alex. Thanks for looking out for me," she smiled at him before teasing, " Awww Alex, are you worried for meeee? Sooo sweet of you," she nudged him playfully.
Alex flushed and said, " Whatever ", before leaving. In all this commotion, she missed to notice Owen standing a few feet away from her. He witnessed the whole interaction of hers with Link and Alex. He had a very weird look on his face and his fist clenched. Amelia turned to check on her patients when she finally noticed him.

He slowly approached her, " So you and Link, huh? "  He had an edge to his voice and tried to fish out information from her. " It's none of your business, Owen. You don't get an opinion here, so just back off." He quickly pulled her in direction of the stairwell and hit the subject again.

" I'm just asking, Amelia."
" No, you lost that right. You don't get an opinion here. So please just..."
He interrupted her, " No, Amelia just let me finish. I just wanted to say that I've been doing some therapy. I realise my mistakes now and I wanted to apologize for the things that I said to you. You didn't deserve that. "
Amelia was turning to leave before he tried apologized. She halted in her tracks hearing his words. Her gaze softened. She could not believe what he said next, "...It was wrong of me to say what I said to you in the lawyer's office. I guess I was talking about me, not you. You deserve love. Your love is very, very valuable. You are a beautiful and kind woman, Amelia. You deserve someone who loves you selflessly. I was never that man. And if you have found that man in Link, he's really lucky. I wish you all the happiness in the world, Amelia. Please don't get me wrong." He spoke with utmost sincerity. His words knocked the wind out her. They brought tears to her eyes. Owen swiftly took Amelia in his arms, comforting her. She finally had clarity, some much needed closure.

They hugged each other tightly for a few more seconds before releasing each other. Amelia gratefully looked at him and whispered, " Thabk you, Owen. I really needed to hear that. " He softly gazed at her and nodded. " Link is a good man, Amelia. I'm always here for you if you need me. Never forget that. And of he ever hurts you, I promise you I'll kick his ass." Amelia laughed at this and hugged him one last time before bidding him farewell.

She was much relaxed and at ease now. This was day was going awfully and indescribably well. She finally got what she needed all along. She awaited for some alone time with Link. She wanted to share her happiness with him. She suddenly felt like sharing with him her everything. She was looking forward to the surgery she had with him at 11:00.

The surger was successful with flying colours. They updated the family and had some free time in their hands. Amelia was dragging Link to God knows where. " Ameliaaa, please tell me where we're going. I'm really confused. "
" Just wait. We reached. "
She opened the door and led him inside. " Which room is this? I've never been here." Link looked around with inquisition. He turned towards but she was just staring at him, smiling from ear to ear. Now, he was definitely curious. What is happening?

Suddenly he heard a soft bark, " Woof woof "
Link sharply turned towards the voice and with great enthusiasm saw three nurses walking with quite a lot of puppies towards them. They were surrounded with some small bars to contain the puppies inside so that they don't run away. They say down and were welcomed by those sweet puppies with open arms. Link was ecstatic. He absolutely adored dogs. He looked at Amelia with a cheerful and delighted expression. " Wow. I'm really happy, Amelia. But I'm curious. What is it for? And how are there puppies in this hospital? Why did I not know that before? You knew it and you didn't tell me?! ", he fired at her with his questions.

" I'm so happy too. To answer you questions, the hospital arranges this thing once a week for the kids. It's what we call a rejuvenating exercise. Kids adore pets, so we bring in different ki ds of pets every week. This week was Puppies Week. I have no clue how you didn't know about this ", she laughed. She longingly stared at him for a few seconds before lunging at him, he easily caught her and her close. She buried her face in his neck and he inhaled her scent. Both content in each other's arms. She whispered in his ear, " I was really happy today. I felt this need to share my joy with you. I know how much you love dogs. So here we are! ", she gladly exclaimed.

She drew back to look into his eyes. Both had silly little grins on their faces when they kissed. They were interrupted by a small creature crawling in each of their laps. " Aww you want a hug, buddy? Here we gooo." Both had puppies jumping on them. They were exultant. They couldn't have been happier. Amelia was awestruck at how much happiness this man was capable of bringing into her life. She felt at home with him. She realised with a start what Link had long ago realised, sometimes home can be another person.

Author's Note:

Here is a brand new chapters!! Sorry for the delay guys. I was a bit busy. I totally enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you people shower it with as much love as you have in the past.

BLACK LIVES MATTER!! This is a humble request on my part, please sign as many petitions as you can to help show your support. Please donate as much as you can and let's show these authorities that we have moved on from the shitty concept of racism. People really need to stop discrimination. No one deserves suck a treatment. Please help this cause.

Anyway, the next two chapters will be a bit on the gloomy side. ( * Please don't kill me XD * ) I promise I won't take such a long time to update. Next chapters will be up soon. Until then.

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