❤️ I Took Pictures

🔥Devil's P.O.V🔥

It's been three weeks sense Dice and and I started, uh, dating? To be honest no one really knows what we are, even us. The sex is fucking amazing but that not it. Unlike past mates of mine I actually enjoy everything else we do. When I take him out it's because I want to, and it's not like he minds. He has been tied to this casino for years barely able to leave. Unless for a Mission. That and when ever I read his mind, I hear his thoughts talk about how much he loves me. let's just say it doesn't help keeping my ego small.

Two weeks ago we went out to rob a bank. Dice suggested it to get my mind off of stress. I have half the cops under my pay so it was no problem at first, but one of my employees messed up and some of the good pigs showed up. We had bullets flying through the windows and since I'm bulletproof I grew to a nice 8 feet tall and blocked dice from them. But before I could teleport us away he grabbed my hand and started to dance. At first I was confused and said something along the lines of "but Dice, our employees?"

He blinked his eyelashes and responded with a cold hearted "we have more, plus the gunfire makes a good rhythm!" I don't think I'll ever forget us dancing, money and bullets flying and employees and cops dying all around us. He had this huge smile on his face the hole time. And so did I. The bullets hurt a bit but that added to it. Any time one came close to him I would move us to Dodge. And in the last minute one came towards us so I dipped him and teleported us away. Then later that night w-



The voice came from behind me, I whipped around to face it only to see the only person I would excuse sneaking up behind me.

"For fucks sake Dice, what are you doing?!"

"Well you told me I didn't need to knock anymore and so I came in to do my lunch report. Only to see my boss whom I respect. taking a nap while I did so much hard work."

"So? need I remind you I own the place?"

"Oh it's not just that you where taking a nap, someone's TAIL WAS WAGING!! Happy dream?"

My life is over.

"I have no idea what you're talking about"
I turn In my chair back towards my desk before he raps his two arms around my neck from behind me, and places his Chin on my head between my horns.

"Oh De-De..." I won't diny that I did start to purr. Being held and hearing his voice in my ear. These are the moments I never want to end. But once again my tail betrays me. I have perfect control of my body, i can make it grow, shrink, even shape sift in a second. BUT MY TAIL! MY FUCKING TAIL! It follows emotions more then thoughts, dont get me wrong I can still move it, but when i sleep its got a mind of its own. Maybe he will just forget about the supposed tail wagging.

"Don't even try to diny it, I took pictures."
Suddenly i know there's no way I'm getting away with this.


"its my wallpaper"
I playfully gasp when he places his phone in-front of me the screen lighting up with dice taking a selfie with me asleep drooling on my desk with a stupid smile across my face. My tail up in mid wag.

"ON THE PHONE I PAY FOR?!? IN MY OWN OFFICE BY MY MOST TRUSTED EMPLOYE?! OH I SEE HOW IT IS!" I lightly push his arms off me and walk away with as much sass in my walk as I could.

Dice was trying to walk toward me but kept toppling over in laughter.

"OH IM SORRY BUT I DONT STOP FOR TRAITORS!!" I turn around and snapped a sassy Z in the air. "To think I LOVED YOU!!" In a second Dice collected him self for long enough to tackle me to the ground.


"OH A THOUSAND APOLOGIES SIR PRINCE OF DARKNESS!" After a long while of laughing we both started to calm down a bit. Laying on our backs.

"You do know I'm going to make you delete that right?"
I finally turn my head to him.

"What?! But you have so many pictures of me!"
He turns his body to me laying on his side.

"You are literally my property!"

"Yeah but your tail is cute!"

"Never in my thousands of years alive have I been called "cute" you're just weird"

"But it IS cute!"

"Oh I'll show you what this tail can do baby"
I sit up holding myself up with my elbows, and give him a sexy smirk. Only to be met with his face full of doubt.

"Pfft oh har har, anyway I better get back to work, I left the morning report on your desk." Oh so he thought I was joking huh? All the better then.

As he shut the door wheels started turning in my head. I quickly got up and ran to my desk in search of todays work schedule. Finely i found it under my ash trey in one of the piles of paper he left on my desk. let's see. If I'm right this next shift should be about 2 hours and he will be working the Roulette tables. Perfect.

🎲 Dice's POV 🎲

It took me only two minutes to get set up. I've been doing this job and working these tables for years now. Unfortunately in that time people have gotten to know me as a dealer. And how I never lose if i dont want to. So not to many people seemed interested in my table. Witch is fine I'll just do some fun card tricks to get the public's attention. I flip some cards in the air and soon as I got a crowd I did a fancy shuffle.

"So who's feeling lucky?" I said that last part with a wink to some lady's. The group pushes one of there friends up to volunteer her. That actually works perfectly. "So the lady's got the guts? But none of you so called men?" Just like that two more men stepped up. Everything was looking good till I heard a familiar voice.

"I'll play" my head jolts over to the source of the voice. And my concerns were confirmed. It was the boss, well in disguise. One of the perks to being the Devils right hand man, is the green eyes he gave me. They give me my powers but they also make it so I can see through most deceptions. Such as a fake signature or in this case, a magic disguise. De-De can disguise himself in a another form to whenever he wants. Witch means that while everyone just sees him as rather Rich goat I can see his real form. I just see him as the handsome devil I know and love. The question now is WHAT IS HE DOING?!

"O-Oh sure thing sir? Alright we will start with these four lucky players, PLACE YOUR BETS"

I couldn't help but try and avoid eye contact with him. At first I thought this was some kinda new cheating strategy but he won't stop starting at me. It couldn't be some kind of employee evaluation? He would just use his shadow or an imp! Plus the idea of him doing anything for work is laughable, He hates doing work for himself.

"Ok so the young lady has two chips on 13 black, this gentleman has two on 8 red and one on 4 red, our sir with the hat here has 3 on red 16, And last but not least the goat sir has...uh..27 chips on 10 black." Gasps filled throughout the casino. People crowded Even more. Now I'm starting to get a little scared. There's no way he came down for an actual gamble because he has nothing to lose or gain from this. Even if he bet his whole Fortune if he lost he would just be getting it back. What is he up to!!?

"Might I say that's quite the brave bet, especially on the first round do y-OH!" THATS when I felt it. A familiar tail running up my pants leg.

"You ok there?" I swear if I didn't have an audience I would shot him the biggest glare known to men. I know what he's doing now. All because I called his tail cute. Petty bastard.

"I'm all good sir, just thought I felt a BUG. Then I remembered that we keep it so clean here there's no chance..IN HELL!" The people around the table Laughed. But he didn't. Not sure he liked being called a bug. Oh well he will get over it. "Now! All bets are placed and un movable, so HERE WE GO!" I watched as these roulette wheel span round and round. The little ball doing it's dance around the numbers. I had to focus on when to stop the ball, I want someone to win so they think they have a chance and bet more, but I obviously can't let De-Des insane bet win. That's it, I'll land it on 8 red. Let this random man win two of his chips. Based on the state of his shoes, he is having Financial trouble. So it will be a peace of cake

...wait...he's moving his tail again. He knows I need to focus to use this manic without making it obvious. But it's so hard to do that when it's slowly going up my leg. I send him a look and He stops, I need to focus. Ok it's about to land so I just..

I feel my eyes glow a bit more green. Ok and drooooop NOW-"UMF" the bastard squeezed my thigh right when I had to drop the little ball.

He table looks at me, I assumed it was because of the little sound I made from surprise. That is till I look down. That son of a bitch.

"Ahem, so that's um....10 black." Peoples gasps filed the room I kept my fake smile and turned to De-De "well then, sir, what a lucky win!! Must be your day!" His tail kept going up and up until. It was pressed up against a rather sensitive spot. Now I understand why he is doing this now, not only is it some stupid power move to do this in public,  he knows all to well. Gambling makes me very excited.

Anytime someone makes a huge gamble I can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. This added with De-De's tail slowly making its way up, let's just say I was getting a bit flustered. Thats when he spoke.

" I guess it really is my lucky day, id like to keep going. " there were gasps all around the room. What they didn't realize is that what he just said had a double meaning. This was his way of saying he wasn't going to stop his tail. The best thing I can do is act as if it doesn't even affect me.

" Why I say! Looks like we have someone with the true gambling spirit in the house tonight ladys and gentlemen! " i look around the room hyping up the crowd. He smirked, and responded in such a whisper only i could hear him.

" oh so you want an audience sweetheart? " as he whispered he rubbed his tail back and forth on my member over my underwear. Suddenly he raised his voice so everyone who had gathered could hear him. " I'd like to triple my last bet."

The room stoped. So did I. Every eye in the casino was on him. As if to see if he was joking. Because surely this man wasn't being serious. However, I knew all to well he was. He was as serious as a heart attack about that bet. It's then he slid me a peace of paper. I could hear people in the crowd muttering questions

"Is he serious?"

"What does he have a death wish?"

"What if he wins?"

"What does that paper say?"

"Is he trying to bribe King Dice? He knows that wont work right?"

" well what else could the note say?"

I pick up the paper and held it up to my face. Upon closer inspection i saw that it was from his note pad in his office. I wasn't subtle about reading the note. Because he wasn't subtle about handing it to me. I speak up.

" Whats this? Is this note for me? Ill have you know sir if its any type of cheating we will have you thrown out without your new winnings!" The room laughed at my comment before I opened it up in read it to myself. Making sure no one could see it, just in case. As I read the note to myself I could hear a few people from the crowd yell out asking me what it said.

" What does the note say! "


However there is one way in hell I am reading this out loud. As I read the last words I could feel the De-De's eyes watching my reaction.

The note said:
" hello sweet heart,

I have a little side bet for you. If I lose this bet, you can keep all the money I lost and the pictures of me you took in my office. However, If I win, I will not only delete those pictures, but ill also finish fucking you with my tail in front of all of these people. You can use your magic to try and make me lose, but I will be trying to distract you with my tail like i did before. Sound fair?"

What the FUCK was he thinking. Who would agree to something like that! Sure its its an insane amount of money but my reputation means everything to me. Yet...here I am hard, eyes glowing bright green, nodding my head accepting the deal before I could even think it through. In all of history there have only ever been four people that have beaten the devil in a gamble. And I'm one of them. So maybe i have a shot to get back at him for this.

I could still hear every one whispering and asking me what the note says. There was only one way to distract the crowd.
Let the game begin.


The anticipation was driving me crazy. Nothing gives me a bigger high then gambling with him. and his tail going under my clothing and wrapping around my cock wasn't helping. The gasps around the room remind me I need to focus. He put everything on... six black. Because of course he did. I take a breath


He was now pumping his tail up and down, i hold back a moan


I spun the weal. It's been a while since I've watched it so carefully. Everyone in the crowd was cheering. I was trying so hard to start up my magic but he kept speeding up the movement of his tail. His eyes didn't even watch the weal they just watched me. As the ball spun around I felt my legs going weak, with all of this I was already getting close.

That's when the ball started to slow, it was now or never, i started to activate my powers. I could feel the blush building but that's wasn't what i needed to fucus on. I watched it skip over every number and waited for them moment i needed. De-Des tail moving at a brutal pace, both of us had absolutely huge smiles, its then I remembered he gets just as excited at gambling as i do. That's when I decided, i wasn't going to use my magic.

Neither of us were going to cheat. He noticed me stop and his eyes lit up more then ever, and for the first time he looked at the wheel. it was all up to a gamble.

We and half the casino watched as the ball fell. On 17 red.

I won.

Finally the Excitement of it all got to me. And i came. Thankfully everyone was too distracted by the outcome of the gamble to notice my state. I realize that I'm supposed to I announce the outcome but i was too busy starting into his eyes. Finally he spoke,

" damn, that was my whole fortune. If only there was a way i could keep it. Hark what shall i do? Oh right please let me see the extremely handsome and cool owner!" He said everything half heartedly as if it was a script. It almost made me laugh at how he wasn't even trying. "Mr king Dice sir, will you take me to see him?" He winked at me. Suddenly i regained my smirk.

"Of course sir, WHEZZY TAKE OVER!" The only way I would get out without people seeing my pants is if I teleported us. As I started to teleport us to his office. All i heard was De-De's voice say...

" I'm not done with you."


Hey! If you enjoyed this please don't forget to vote! It means a lot! Thanks, have a nice day!

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