Chapt One: You're Not You

It was another day in Hogwarts, everyone is going to their class. Except for you, Rowan notices this and decided to search for you. After class, when she was looking for you, she bumped into your friends and helped her the search for you, but nothing. They haven't found you. After all their classes, they decided to search for you for the whole day. 

Rowan was with Ben Copper, looking for you. They went to the courtyard and found nothing anything about you. 

"This is the first time she ever missed class and went missing," Rowan said. Ben Copper looked around and see a group of Slytherin talking. He sees the one girl that may know where she went.

"Merula!" Ben shouted and walked up to her. She then turns around to face them. 

"What is it?" she asked annoyed. 

"Where is she!" Ben shouted at her angry. You helped Ben with his confidence, and now he's more confident. 

"Who's she?" Merula asked unfated by him. Ben was about to take you his wand, but Rowan pushed him aside. 

"(Y/n), have you seen her?" She asked her. Merula just rolled her eyes. 

"No, why?" She questioned. 

"Well, she missed all of her classes today, and we have no idea where she went," Rowan told her. 

"Oh, missing? Hehe... that's good," Merula laughed. Rowan did not put up with this. 

"Did you did something to her?" She asked her, but with a little anger in her voice. Merula just shrugged. 

"Hehe... maybe..." Rowan then pulled out her wand and shoved the tip into her face. 

"WHERE IS SHE?!" She threatened her. 

"Calm down! I didn't do anything to her!" Merula shouted back at her. Rowan then groans and put down her rod. 

"We'll look somewhere else, let's go, Ben," Rowan said and left with Ben. Merula juts groan.

"They're getting annoying," she told her self and left the courtyard. 


Merula walked down stairs going to the Slytherin room. As she was walking down the halways, she heard some one talking. 

"Pain is good... Pain is good..." She followed the voice, as the same sentence kept repeating. She then enters another hallway as the voice gets louder. It sounded soft and caring like (Y/n). But it cant be, the 'pain is good' doesn't sound like her, Merula said mentally. She found where the voice is coming from, a closet. 

"Pain is good... pain is good..." She heard from the other side. Without hesitation, she barges in.

"Can you keep it down!" She shouted. 

"Eek!" She saw you, your back turned from her. She heard something dropped on the floor, and you quickly picked it up and put back your sleeves on. 

"Oh, it's you..." She said irritated. "Jeez, you're loud" You left your face heat up, for some reason, and your heart beating fast. 

"S-sorry... I-I-I didn't m-mean too," You stutter with your back to her still. An awkward silence happen. 

"Ok?" She said confused. "I'll be going," Merula said leaving you. You sighed and looked at the object, a bloody knife. It has your blood on it, ready to cut more. It talks to you... like you wanted to do this. It's now apart of you. You but the knife back into your pocket and walked out of the closet. 

"That was close," you said to your self and walked away. But you didn't notice that Merula hasn't left yet. She was hiding. She walked into the closet to see what you were doing. She saw some drops of blood on the floor. 

"Blood? That's weird?" She said to herself. 


You where running though out the hallways trying to get to your room. You where holding your wirst trying to covered up something. When you wernt looking, you exdently pump into someone. 

"Sorry!" She shouted and past them instantly. The person who bumped into you is Penny Haywood and Nymphadora Tonks. 

"Was that-?" Tonks was about to say your name but Penny beat her to it.

"(Y/n)?" They both looked at each other and nodded, and started to follow you. 


You where in the washroom, washing your wirst full of blood. You have been doing this for a while. But it keeps getting worst, but you cant stop. You just want to keep hurting yourself for somereason. You then heard the entrence to the washroom open and you looked. You see your friends, Tonks and Penny. 

"H-hey..." You greeted them. You notice they have worried faces. 

"Where were you, (Y/n)?" Penny asked. 

"What do you mean?" You asked her. 

"We haven't seen you in class, your room, or anywhere in Hogwarts," Tonks said seriously. 

"I-I... was... studying..." Tonks and Penny gave a suspicious look at you. You were nervous, you felt your blood slowly when down your arm. You then started to squeezed your wrist with your hands to stop the blood going further to your hand. 

"Are you ok?" Penny asked worriedly. You just nodded. 

"I-I'm ok... I'm just... need some me time..." You told them. They just nod but still looked worried. 

"Ok, if you need anyone to talk too... we're here for you," Penny said. They both walked out of the girls' bathroom, leaving you alone. You looked back at the mirror and see your younger self. Your younger self looked lifeless, dead, rotten... like nothing is there... just a body. You punch the mirror into pieces. You never wanted to remember your childhood, but it haunts you. It will always hunt you. Your fist was still connected to the shattered mirror. You looked at your fist and see shattered pieces in your fingers and knuckles. You slowly take them out one by one and threw them into the toilet. 

It didn't really hurt. You were already hurt, you can't hurt someone who is already hurt. You sighed and baggage up out right hand. You then walked out of the washroom and looked to your left then right and see no one. You turned to your left and was about to walk, but you bump into someone. You looked and see him, Snape. 

"Where were you during class?" He asked you. You quickly got nervous and start to shudder instantly.  

"S-S-Snape... I-I-I was uh-uh...." Before you can make an excuse. Snape stop you. 

"Whatever it is, you miss class. For that, I need you to clean up in my class tomorrow," He said. You nod. 

"Yes, Snape, that won't ever h-happen a-again," You told him. He then walks away. You sighed once again. 

"Haha!" He heard someone laugh. You turned and see, you crush, Merula Synde. 

"That's what you get for skipping class!" She spat at you. You let her bully you when you two are alone. Your friends usually help you with her. But they're not around. 

"I-I know," You felt you face heat up a little of just thinking of her. You don't want her to see your blush, so you tried to hide it. 

"Aw, what's wrong you're embarrassed, that you're getting beat by me!" She spat at me. 

"Y-yes..." I responded. Merula wasn't satisfied with this and tries to go further, to make you scream at her. You have never fought back, but Merula wants you to fight back. But never did. You never head any anger in you. You never hated anyone, you cared for everyone. 

She was know shouting in your face trying to make you get angry at her. You just flinch at her as she'd scream. You resist, and she just gave up. 

"*sigh* You're no fun at all," she said irritated at you. You just nod and started to walk away. She then grabs my arm hard and pulls me back. This made me hiss in pain, due to the fresh cuts I have. 

"Why there was blood in the closet?" She asked me. I gulped and afraid of her discovering cuts. 

"I-I-I... was... I had a p-paper cut," I lied poorly. She just stares at me looking at me weirdly. She then lets go of my arm.

"Fine I let you go, but I'm still the best," She said. I just nod and quickly left.


Merula Pov. 

I watch her quickly leave holding her wist. I question what's she up to, she's acting stranger than usual. I then felt a liquid on my hand that I grabbed her arm with. I looked and see blood. Where did this blood come from? Whatever, I need to study and beet her. 









But I wish... I can tell her.... the truth... one day, Merula, one day. 


A/n: Sorry if I took long, I'm mostly focosing my other stories. So the updates will be slow.

Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day. 

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