Chapter 9
"Wrong again..." Hanamaru sighed while looking at me. "That's still only about seventy percent..."
My eyes lit up, "That's great! That's a C-! That means I'll pass!" I smiled happily, Hanamaru face palmed and Dia let out a frustrated sigh.
"Yeah," she answered, "That'd be great if we didn't do the same worksheet FIVE TIMES!!!!"
I scratched my head, "Eh, practice makes perfect..."
Dia shook her head, "That's wrong... Perfect practice makes perfect." She went into lecture mode, "Practice all you want but if you don't practice perfectly, then you're not gonna improve."
At that point I was just exhausted, there was only two days before the mid terms and to be honest things were not looking so hot.
Math was a serious problem, and science... But I was getting better! Only by a few percent but that's progress!
"You know maybe if you kept studying like this everyday you'd soon get to a hundred percent!" Hanamaru said thoughtfully.
"I'm so hungry!" I sighed, "Studying makes me hungry... I'd do anything for some food right now..."
Dia's eyes lit up, "Anything?" Uh oh... "I'll buy you all you can eat ramen if you study for another half hour, and score above seventy-five percent on this next worksheet! Got it?"
At the mention of food my stomach growled, someone else's did also... We looked at Hanamaru, Dia laughed, "That goes for you too!"
Hanamaru started studying with determination that it looked like steam was coming out of her ears. That fired me up also and we hit the books!
Dia smiled proudly, "Remember!" she would say occasionally, "All you can eat ramen..." she said with a dreamy voice.
I hit a wall after forty-five minutes. "I- I can't..."
Dia sighed, "Looks like Hanamaru will be the only one to eat the ramen..."
"NO!" I said before somehow finding it within myself to keep studying.
The worksheets were sheer torture, I couldn't keep going... BUT I DID IT FOR RAMEN!!!
"Hanamaru got an eighty-nine percent!" Dia said, Hanamaru clapped with excitement, "And Pervert got... a 74.9"
I swear at that moment in time tears started to swell in my eyes. WHY CRUEL WORLD WHY?!!??!
"I'm going to the roof..." I said with tears in my eyes, before dashing out of the library.
I ran up to the roof, wait why did I even come up here... I stood on the edge of the roof... and well...
Dia's POV
What the hell? Was this guy for real? Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have played with him. Yes he got a seventy-five on the dot. Did it not even process in his mind that there's no way to get a 74.9 on a MULTIPLE CHOICE?!?!?!
I took off after him, he said he was going to the roof but I didn't really know how to get there.
After running around aimlessly I found the staircase and found my way up to the roof. There he stood on the edge of the school's roof.
"PERVERT!" I yelled, he had to be joking he had to. WHY IS HE DOING THIS OVER RAMEN?!?!?!
He turned towards me, but in doing so he slipped and fell.
Oh my god.
Oh My God.
He was barely holding on to the ledge. "HELP ME!" He said.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" I said scared out of my life, I grabbed unto him and tried to pull him up.
I swear if something happens I'm gonna be charged with something stupid like, "Teen committed suicide after not obtaining unlimited ramen as promised by fellow classmate..."
I couldn't pull him up, "YOU'RE TOO HEAVY!!!" I pulled.
"YOU'RE JUST WEAK!" He yelled back.
That drew the line for me, "DON'T EVER CALL ME WEAK AGAIN!!!!" I said before pulling him up and slamming him on the rooftop.
"OWWWW!!!" He cried.
There were tears in my eyes, "Jeez Pervert! You scared me so much!"
He smiled at me, "Since when did mean old Dia care about me- ow!" Yep, all that he needed to shut up was a kick...
"Come on, let's go." I said holding out my hand.
"Where to?" he said,
I rolled my eyes, "To unlimited ramen duh..." I smiled.
"R-really?" He looked so happy.
I sighed, "Yes, I'm pretty sure Hanamaru is already there..."
He got up and started running, "Then let's hurry up and get over there!"
I shook my head, "I'm coming, I'm coming..."
Honestly he's such a pain... but then again, he's not that bad...
Sorry this one was pretty short... I need to go watch more love live... Okay thanks for reading!
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