Chapter 64

Graduation day, I had passed all of my exams and was feeling good. "Dia!" I said happily, "I passed!"

"That's great and all but will you be okay studying next year?"

"No need to worry!" I gave a thumbs up.

She sighed, "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Hey relax, it's officially going to be summer, you guys are supposed to chill out before you go to university." I patted her back.

"I know... but I'm worried about everyone, especially Ruby." she said worriedly, 

"Don't you have a month before you have to go? Spend time with Ruby then... she's strong, she can get through it." I offered.

"Yeah, but the thing is can I get through it?"

I saw Kanan and Mari and approaching, "Well you have these two pains to deal with don't ya?' 

"That's true..." 

"Hey!" Mari complained, I was afraid she heard my comment, "Kanan give me some!"

Kanan was holding a sandwich, "Should've packed your own... plus I'm hungry after a run!"

"Yeah well I'm hungry from rehearsals!" 

"Too bad..." she took another bite, "It's so good!" 

Mari pouted, "Shizuko did you bring any food?"

"I did not..." I lied, "Even if I did I wouldn't give you any."

"Meany!" she cried, she looked at my bag, before I could grab it she stole it, "Hey look food!" she started helping herself as I sighed.

"All third years get ready to line up, wear your gowns and get ready." a teacher called, "And Shizuko... you can graduate next year."

"Jesus, I was already leaving..." I said getting up.

I brushed past a bunch of third years going back downstairs to the second year floor. Riko and You were already down there, and greeted me.

"Where's Chika?" I asked.

"Late, she forgot to grab a dress..." You shook her head.

"We were supposed to dress up?!" I panicked, "Um... I got to go home real quick!" I took off downstairs. Well, I totally forgot to dress up today... I thought we could just go in our regular clothes. 

Arriving at home I walked through the door, "Here!" A voice said throwing clothes at me.


"Where else am I supposed to go? Also you're late, come on let's go!" she said starting Mari's car.

"You have a driver's license?" I asked.

"Nope... so let's hope we don't get caught!" she pulled out. 

I sighed, this was going to be rough, there was a banging on the side of the van. It was Chika! 

"Let me in!" she yelled, we unlocked the doors. "Tsuki? You know how to drive?"

"Stop asking questions! Let's go!"

Luckily no police caught us. We arrived back at school just in time to line up. First the first years walked in then we walked in. Tsuki sat in the back of the auditorium. Then the third years had their walk to the front. There were parents crying, many pictures were taken, and I fell asleep.

So the rest of things you'll hear is from Chika. Basically everyone got a certificate for graduating, pictures were taken and then caps were thrown in the air. There were speeches that I luckily slept right through and before I knew it the ceremony was over. 

The third years joined us outside. Ruby was clinging unto Dia and everyone was in a good mood. 

"It's the last day of school right?" I yawned.

"Actually... it's officially summer break..." Mari announced, "Since technically this is the last thing at school."

"YES!" I took off, in excitement.

"Where's he going?" 

Every year the second school is over I rush home and throw out all of my notebooks and bury them deep into the trash. That way I don't even think about school during summer!

After doing that little tradition of mine, I sat down and stretched. I heard the other girls come out of the van next to my house. I sat there thinking... I had to pick by today didn't I? 

They all liked me, and I liked them... but I need to pick one right?

I sat there puzzled over the next few hours... Since this was the last day, I should've been spending it with them but I couldn't do it. My conscience wouldn't let me be with them if I hadn't decided yet. 

It was now the next day... I had finally decided on one person, but was just double checking to make sure. I was about to walk over to their house when someone came in.

"Knock knock." a voice called out into the room. It was Tsuki. "I take it you're deciding?" 

"Somehow I feel like deciding is harder than the exams..."

"Well... I think whoever you choose will be happy to hear." her voice seemed a little off.

"Hey are you okay?" I said concerned.

"H-huh? Oh yeah I'm f-fine." She said nervously.

"Did something happen?" I asked noticing her guilty face.

"Nope... Um, you've decided?"

"Yes, my heart is telling me to go this way."

"W-who is it?" she started to sweat a little bit, 

"Are you alright? You're sweating a lot, do you have a fever?" 

"N-no... I'm fine r-really." 

"Well if you're fine, then I'm going to go and tell her now." I stepped outside and knocked on the door.

Tsuki's POV

I feel really guilty. Extremely guilty... But it had to be done... I couldn't let him ask her out before she left... no matter who it was. It just wouldn't work.

Shizuko's POV

No answer... Hm... I opened the door, the house was dark. No lights were on. "Hello?" I called out. No one.

T-they didn't leave already did they?

I walked upstairs no one, the house was empty. Nothing was left. 

"Please... please no." I begged.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the table. 

Dear Shizuko.

By the time you're reading this we'll be flying back to our parents. Listen I know this is hard for you, but it's better that you didn't tell us. We love you, I love you and I'm going to miss all the time we spent together.

Even if you did choose one of us, how are you going to continue that relationship? We don't want to be a burden to you anymore. I want you to be set free and happy. So go fall in love with other girls, because I guess it was never meant to be.

But I'll always love you, if by some chance we meet again then it was fate. But only time will tell. If you keep feelings for us all, then maybe, just maybe we can pick up where we left off.

I'm not going to ask you to forgive us for doing this, I'm not going to ask you to wait for us, I'm definitely not going to ask you to not date other people.

I want you to be happy, so I guess this is goodbye. If you forget us, we only have ourselves to blame. We are only high school crushes... 

Tears filled my eyes when I read who wrote it. It was her.

Why? Why did this happen?! I took the letter and angrily stormed back to my house. "DID YOU TELL THEM TO GO?! IS THAT WHY YOU WERE ACTING GUILTY?!"

"Shizuko I-"

"I NEED ANSWERS! YES OR NO?!" I commanded.

"But what were you going to do?! You can't keep that relationship going anyways!" she countered.

"I WOULD HAVE AT LEAST WANTED TO TRY!" tears ran down my eyes. I broke down crying at that point. My heart broke at that moment. And I didn't know if it could ever be put back together again...

Coolio! Final chapter may actually come out today... It might be a little short too but whatever... Thanks for reading! 

Hope you weren't too surprised ;)

Oh yeah I also forgot to reveal who was the person who wrote the letter... My mistake... Or was it?

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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