Chapter 34

What did I just get myself into?

Why... Today was the winter dance, a couple days ago I was suddenly put on the spot. For some apparent reason people wanted to know who I was going with. And to be completely honest with you I hadn't even thought about it.

I know Kanan and Mari wanted me to take one of the girls, but at the same time I felt like they were also hinting for me to take them. Or maybe they were trying to make it so I wouldn't ask them...

Anyways right when I'm about to pick someone random from the group, I think Hanamaru was what I was gonna say, Kanan goes and shows a video of me saying I was going to take you.

See how that's lowercased? That's what I intended it for it to be. Instead, Kanan and the rest of the class interpreted as You, with a capital. Also known as You Watanabe...

Am I upset? Not really, she's a chill person and it won't be awkward at all. Now that I think about it, even if I took someone else we'd probably not be awkward also.

I kind of felt bad for the others honestly, we're just gonna kind of leave them behind. What if we all just hung out?

My mom attempted to make me where a suit. I ended up just walking out of the house with a polo shirt and dress pants. I think we can all guess I won.

Before I knocked on the door I mentally was panicking. Was I supposed to bring flowers? Would we have to dance?! WOULD WE HOLD HANDS?!?!?

They answered on the first knock. Each girl was dressed signifying they were all going to the dance. 

"Neh, neh, neh," Riko teased, "Where's your bouquet of flowers?"

"Gosh, didn't even bring your girlfriend anything?" Hanamaru shook her head.

"I'm broke." Is what I responded with.

Ruby threw some cash at me, "If you hurry you can make it back in time."

"What if I get sweaty?" I asked.

"You should've been more prepared..." Dia sighed.

"It's not like You will care." I protested.

"You won't care about what?" she asked coming down the stairs.

"Nothing... Mari just wants to do something." I lied.


We started to go out the door. Waiting for the others to come too.

"We'll let you guys go first." Kanan laughed.

"Don't stay out too late!" Mari winked.

"My little demons are growing up so fast..." Yoshiko sniffed.

I shook my head, these guys are such a pain. They're making this a bigger deal than it is. 

Third person's POV in their house...

"We're totally gonna follow them right?" Riko asked.

"Did you even need to ask?" Mari laughed.

"I'm only going to make sure Shizuko doesn't do anything weird..." Dia said.

"Is there gonna be food there zura?"

"Come on guys let's go..." Chika said.

Back to the MC's POV

Oh God this is gonna get awkward. I'm telling you... 

"So um," I started, "How's your day."

"You're making this more awkward you know?" she shook her head.

Shoot, this was gonna be really awkward.

"Can you dance?" I asked.

"Yep, can you?" she looked at me.

"Not really..." I admitted. She nodded her head.

Okay things were getting really awkward... Why am I not relaxed? It's just another date. I've been on nine already... But why does this win feel different compared to the others?

We arrived at the school, the dance would take place in the gym. And looking around there were a lot more people than I thought. 

We found a spot on the bleachers and we sat down.

"So um... what do you want to do first?" I asked her.

"Jeez you're making this more awkward than it needs to be." she laughed. "I know this is your first time talking to a girl but come on..."

"This is harder than I thought it would be..." I sighed.

"Aw..." she teased, "The fact that you even cared makes me feel better."

"You thought you'd get a blush out of me or something." 

She smiled, "Maybe... looks like you are though."

"There's about a three hundred kids right now cramped in a gym with no windows opened... I doubt it's from blushing." I responded.

"No it's definitely a blush." she laughed.

After another 2384940543 years the rest of the girls entered the gym. And honestly the night became alright. They danced, I pretty much just watched so I wouldn't make a fool of myself.

Everyone was having fun, my mom texted me and asked how things were going. 

Terrible I texted back.

Aw... you didn't get a kiss? she teased.

Even my mom's laughing at me right now. Unfortunately there was something called a slow dance. And all of the couples were supposed to go out on the dance floor.

And somehow I was shoved unto the dance floor with You. 

"Just a heads up," she said, "everyone's waiting for their turn..."

"Wait, I'm supposed to dance with everyone else?!" 

"I see no problem with it." she shrugged.

"Yeah except one problem and that's I can't dance."

"But you can slow dance, obviously." she nodded, "Who knows maybe one of them will give you a kiss." she grinned.

Why are so many people mentioning kisses? Is this normal? 

I somehow made it through everyone. It was extremely cliché all I can say is if they're using this for an anime or manga I want the profit.

I swear while I was dancing with Ruby I heard police sirens nearby. It was a little awkward with the first years because they were pretty short, the third years were alright. But I think the second years were definitely the most comfortable. 

I mean, the first years kind of waited for me to lead, the third years would lead, and the second years pretty much did everything in the middle.

Was I showing favorites? Maybe.

The dance started to slow down shortly after, people were starting to get tired. It was about ten now and the staff started kicking everyone out.

"That was pretty fun." I said as we all left the school. It was chilly, snow was falling but the air felt nice. 

"Yeah," Mari said, "You should really work on your dancing."

"He's got until the spring though." Kanan said with her hands once again behind her head.

"I think he did pretty alright zura." Hanamaru said opening up a snack.

"Except the fact he almost dropped Ruby." Chika laughed.

Riko shook her head, "How do you drop someone on a slow dance?" 

"Hey! I've never done it before!" I protested. 

"Yeah we're gonna need to teach you for next time." You said as we approached their house.

"Next time?" I asked.

"You thought you were through?" Dia raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged, "I should've already known..." 

Since technically You was still my date I opened the door and let her in first. She wouldn't go in. It was as though she was deciding on something.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Do you want a goodnight kiss or what?" 


Before I could do anything um... to make it all short they all said goodnight and may or may not have all kissed my cheek.

"Night Pervert." You said.

"Good night idiot." Riko added.

"See ya stupid." Chika grinned.

"Night little demon." I think we all know that's Yoshiko.

"Good night zura."

"Night night Shizuko." Ruby said shyly.

"Night dummy." Dia patted my head.

"Good night Pervert." Mari said entering the house.

Before Kanan closed the door, as she was the last one, she smiled, "That got you blushing didn't it?"

"N-no!" I lied. Luckily she'd closed the door. It was dark enough that I hid whatever color my face was right now. Yes I blushed.

But honestly, can you blame me?

I'm so tired... but I don't want to sleep. I want to watch VTubers... and anime... I'm just waiting for Friday to be honest. So Gawr Gura can play Smash Ultimate...

But anyways thanks for reading... as you can tell I need to somehow get the guy to fall for them... and get them to fall for him... so I'm being desperate searching for any cliché I can find. 

It's almost Thanksgiving and this is my last day of school until Monday. Maybe there will be a chapter this week but I just did three in the last two days so I don't know. 

Also thank you so much for almost 5k reads! That's incredible! How is it even possible that in just a month we have almost 5k! I love you all and yes this has been a lot of fun for me! Hope you all like the story also!

K I think I'm gonna go sleep in math class now... love ya!


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