Chapter 23
"So where are we going?" I asked Chika as she dragged me out of the house.
"Somewhere I really want to go!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Which is...?" I waited for her to respond.
"You'll just have to see!" she said happily still dashing.
This was something I didn't notice about of the girls. All of them were pretty athletic... aside from I guess Hanamaru (not saying she's fat or anything), maybe if there was a burger on the line then she'd do a pushup...
But dang Chika was setting a pretty fast pace running. It was hard to keep up and I had the height advantage by about four or five inches.
"Hey slow poke!" she called looking back, "Aren't you supposed to use your longer legs?"
"I'm only staying behind because I don't know where were going." I lied, it was definitely because she was going extremely fast.
Now that I think about it most of the girls were pretty short, I was five foot six meanwhile Chika was barely hitting five foot.
Anyways I didn't even notice how far we ran until we arrived at a train station. I was doing okay, but Chika looked like she didn't even break a sweat.
"Shizuko! Let's get on this train!" she said hopping on.
"Aren't we getting tickets?" I asked confused.
"Go buy me one!" she said sitting down.
I sighed, of course she'd put the bill on me. Hopefully I'd have enough money to get me through this...
"Can I have two train tickets to that train over there please?" I said to the cashier.
"Do you know where the train is going?" he asked why I didn't mention a specific destination.
"Um, I actually have no idea where that train is going, my friend though wants me to take it with her." I explained.
"Ah, going on a date with your girlfriend eh?" He laughed handing me my change.
"N-no... It's nothing like that. She's just a girl who's my friend."
He grinned, "The orange haired one right? She's a keeper, take care of her..."
At this point I was gonna say something but Chika was calling me already.
"Hurry up! It's gonna leave soon!" she called.
"Okay okay okay, where are we even going?" I asked.
She flashed a smile, "I don't know..."
"Chika, this isn't very funny, where are we going?" I questioned again.
She looked at me with a serious face, "I have no idea where this train is going."
At that point the doors closed and it started moving...
"Come again?" I said very very confused.
"Um... I don't know where we're going..." she said smiling innocently.
I sighed, "But!" she said, "I do have plenty of confidence we'll enjoy it no matter what!"
"Sometimes life's adventures," she began, "require unexpected encounters, it's no fun if you have everything planned out!"
Maybe if you planned a little better it'd be more fun.
Well... at least this day couldn't get any worse. A few minutes later she was passed out on my shoulder.
This is an extremely awkward situation if you're a guy, if you move her off she'll wake up and think you don't like her. If you keep her there it'll be awkward when she wakes up.
This though only applied if you had a romantic interest in the person sleeping on you. I had no romantic interest in Chika... so what should I do?
I decided to check my texts letting Chika continue sleeping. There was a text from You.
Be careful. She texted. If Chika-chan falls asleep on your shoulder you can pretty much kiss that shoulder goodbye. It will be numb around the first five minutes and you won't feel anything there for the next few hours.
God... That's gonna suck...
Chika at this point had entered pretty deep sleep so moving will cause her to wake up. I hate being woken up, so I don't want to wake someone else up.
Another thought struck. WHAT STATION WERE WE GETTING OFF OF?!?!
About half an hour had passed, my shoulder was getting sore. Not to mention the conductor kept checking on us. Then I realized, THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE ON THE TRAIN!!!
I don't care how far she was asleep, I don't care if she's angry when she wakes up, we were in farm country now...
"Oi Chika," I shook her, "OI CHIKA!"
She rubbed her eyes, "Mikan oranges?" she said drowsily.
"No you idiot! We're in the middle of nowhere!" I told her, "Wake up!"
"What do you mean we're in the middle of nowhere? We're at home!" she said her eyes still closed.
"Why?" she asked.
I sighed, "Just come on!" the train just stopped.
"Everybody off!" the conductor announced, "This is the last stop!"
It was now about three o'clock... where did the time go?
"Chika, what do we do now?" I asked her.
"I don't know... WAIT LOOK!" she pointed to a field filled with, "MIKAN'S!!!!!" she said excitedly.
"Um, Chika I don't think this is legal..." I said as she ran into the field picking the oranges. "Chika, I really don't think we should be doing this..." I said again.
She was definitely not listening, so you know what I grabbed some too.
Bad decision... "HEY!" we heard a voice shout.
"Crap..." I muttered.
"What do we do?" Chika whispered,
"When I say go, we run..." I tell her.
"Okay..." she said stuffing more oranges into her pockets.
"Sir! I just want to say one thing!" I said to the farmer.
"And what's that thief?" He asked.
"CATCH!" I yelled throwing an orange at him, "Go!" we took off.
The poor farmer of course couldn't let one of precious crops hit the ground so he caught. Giving us enough time to bolt.
However, Chika was not doing so great, she had so many Mikans in her pockets that she was practically running with an extra twenty pounds.
There was a random bucket in the middle of the field. "Use this!" I said looking back to see how far ahead we were, I think we had about a two hundred foot lead... still not enough. Also WHY DID HE HAVE A PITCHFORK!?!?!?!
"COME ON!" I yelled at Chika. "LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!"
We ran again for another ten or fifteen minutes eventually losing him.
We sat down behind some bushes. "I'm so tired..." I sighed then angrily turned to Chika, "OI WE ALMOST DIED!!! WHY DID YOU JUST BUST INTO A FARMER'S FIELD AND START STEALING?!?!"
She shrugged, "You did it too..."
"T-that may be true... BUT WE'RE BOTH AT FAULT!"
"But it was fun wasn't it?" she looked at me.
I thought back to the day, "You know what... it was pretty fun..." I said still shaking my head. "The sun's going down already, we should really head home."
We arrived at about nine. Chika once again fell asleep on the train ride so I carried her on my shoulders back home.
We ended up getting to her house at about ten, mainly because I was carrying her the entire time. I rang the doorbell.
"Welcome back!" Riko said opening the door. "CHIKA-CHAN?!?!"
"Did you guys go out for drinks or something?" Dia asked.
"She does look wasted..." Kanan shook her head.
"No! Jeez she fell asleep on the train." I responded.
"Shizuko are you good?" You asked.
"No, she almost got us killed..." I said sighing.
Mari laughed, "That sounds like Chika-chan."
"Are you gonna tell us about it?" Hanamaru asked.
"Yeah I'll tell you..."
Today may have been a tiring day, but it was pretty fun I guess. Except for the part where we almost died.
Well hopefully the rest of the day's will be this fun.
Hello everyone, I have emerged, I hope you weren't worried that I haven't updated in a day... I kind of want to start every other day so I can pretty much have some time to edit the story.
But anyways thanks so much for reading! Next chapter is You Watanabe!
Alright yeah I'm gonna go fail a computer studies quiz now...
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