Marshall X Everest
"Catch the ball,Marshall!" Said a German Shepherd pup to his Dalmatian buddy."Alright,i got it,i got it,i got..."said Marshall but then the ball hit his head."ouch..."he finished then Everest asks "Are you alright,Marsh?" with a worried expression."I'm okay~!"he replied happily.Then all of them laugh."Now,let's see how this game works"said Skye then got the ball from Marshall."Hey,that's not faiw!" Said Zuma chasing Skye being on the same team in Chase,Everest and Marshall."Hahaha! Catch me if y' can~"said Skye.Chase rolled his eyes and smiled,earning a giggle from Marshall and Everest.Both staring and smiling at each other happily."Send the ball to me,Skye!"said Rubble."Alright!" replied Skye then kicked the ball to Rubble."not that fast..."mumbles Zuma.Everest howls then chased Rubble while Chase and Marshall see if Tracker,Skye or Rocky do sth."Wihee!"said Rubble happily and when he is about to kick the ball to the goal , Zuma runs straight in front of him and Rubble stopped.Rocky runs to Rubble but Chase quickly caught it and stopped Rocky from running.Everest gets the ball from Rubble which earn a smirk from Zuma and a "Hey!" from Rubble."Good job,Everest!"said Marshall.Then Tracker runs chasing Everest which make Marshall runs toward Tracker."Thank you!"said Everest happily then she saw Tracker,Rubble and Skye were surrounding her while Rocky is keeping the goal so that Everest's team won't win so easy.Marshall and Chase are behind Everest which got 'close' by Tracker and Skye.Everest smiles at all of them then said "It's about time." Marshall and Chase both look at each other while Zuma smiled, leaving Skye's team curious and cautios.When the pups are playing the ball happily,Ryder phone rang. (/// There's a mission~///)Everest closed her eyes and focus.Then she opened her eyes and move backward a bit."here I go..."she mumbles then quickly kicks the ball to the air and she jumps and kick the ball toward the goal... Will they win?|bip bip| their pup tag beep : "Pups,to the lookout!" All of the pups said "Ryder needs us!" and run to the lookout including Everest and Tracker.Well,all the pups except one... "GOAL!!!"said Marshall happily then jump."Hey,wait for me~"he said then run toward the others.The others didin't hear him except... Everest."Silly, Let's go together so that you won't crash."said Everest,stopped her track and wait for Marshall."Thank so much,Eve!"replied Marshall happily then they run together."Your welcome!"Both smiling at each other then race to the lookout~[They have been so close since season 2 in Paw Patrol until now in season 5.So close like they have ever known~]"Where's Marshall?"said Tracker."and...Everest?"adds Rubble."Thewe they awe!"said Zuma happily,watching the two pups come together. "Watch out the ball,Mar-"said Chase but cut off by Marshall that had already accidentally fall b/c of the ball and the pups that already close their own eyes to prevent from crashing.But,strangely he didn't crash.All of the pups opened their eyes and see Everest in top of Marshall that crashed into the soft pillow of the pups."you alright,Marsh?"asks Everest."Wrong direction~"jokes Marshall.Then they laugh together and Marshall said "Sorry,Eve..." "Don't worry~"she replied happily.The pups look at them and smile at each other,especially Chase and Skye.They know how close Marshall and Everest are,like very very close.Even though they look like dating,they are actually just close friends.Making Zuma and Rocky suspicious and always teased them.Chase and Skye know that they have a crush on each other but keep a secret and said 'They better know themselves~'.While Rubble is the youngest,he and Tracker said that they ship these two together because they are so sweet.Marshall and Everest blush then run to the elevator.Marshall said "Lame joke ever~!",making the others laugh and the elevator goes up./elevator scene later/"Ready for action,Ryder sir!"said Chase as usual."Thanks for coming,pups"said Ryder."What's wrong,Ryder?"asks Rubble."Any emergency missions?"said Tracker."Well,there's a mission.Not really emergency,tough.But maybe a little"said Ryder facing his pup pad and didn't let the pups see his face.All of the pups stared at each other with confusions.Ryder click his pup pad then explain"Cali is hurt and had been buried by snow in Jake Mountain,but we dunno where.We're going to save her.So,..." and click Marshall's badge."Marshall,we need your medic skills to check if Cali is alright and if she's getting frostbite."said Ryder."Ready for a *ruff ruff* rescue!"chanted Marshall."and Everest,"said Ryder and click on Everest's badge."I need your mountainerring skill to search and see where Cali is and plus,you know Jake Mountain very well than all of us."explains Ryder."Ice or Snow,I'm ready to go~!"chanted Everest happily."And the last,Chase and Skye.I need Chase's Super Spy skill and his leader skill to lead Marshall,Everest and Skye."said Ryder but then cut off by Chase saying"Wait,...Ryder? Sorry to interrupt but... you don't come with us?""Nope"replied Ryder.All the pups widened their eyes."I trust you,Chase"said Ryder then Chase said "This paw uphold the laws!" determinedly.While the others howl for Chase, Skye said "you're really will be the best leader,Chase!" which make him blushed."Thanks Skye~"he replied then both smiled and stared at each other."And Skye,search in the sky."said Ryder."This pup's gotta fly~"said Skye then does his usual back flip."PAW Patrol is on a roll! Go get Cali back,guys!"said Ryder finally facing the pups.The pups bark,howl and jump.The 4 pups (Chase,Skye,Everest and Marshall go down the slide./slide scene later XD/"If you guys already find Cali,contact each other.Got it? "said Chase."Got it!"said the 3 pups.Chase smiled then got to work,so did the others."Marshall!"said Everest running toward Marshall."yeah,Everest?"said Marshall turning to his very close friends that he had ever had.EVER! Even much more closer than Rocky and Rubble.Not counting Tracker and Zuma being his 'wonderful' great friends. As for Chase and Skye,Chase is of course his best friend forever. The one that is always there for him and can say all of his feelings to the police pup.Skye is almost like his bff that's a girl but ends up they treat each other like brother and sister much like Zuma and Skye.But a much more closer bond.And now,he feels that Everest is much more closer to him like when he is to Chase.Comfortable and always be himself,can show his 'other' side to her.Of course at first,he feels kind of heart beats fast or blushed and sometimes runs if he meets Everest. but the more they spend time together, Marshall feels something.He feels more open up to her.Everest glad that she can make Marshall happy like Marshall did to the others.They both respect and trust each other very much.More than the others know.And little did the pups know,Marshall and Everest have this feelings with each other.Chase and Skye know truly and deeply how they act around each other."Let's go together! So,that Chase and Skye can be together~"winks Everest at Marshall."Haha! Oh,Eve~ This is missions and i bet Chase wants to be with her.But... if we want them to be together,... I have to 'take care' of you~"replied Marshall while both walking next to each other."Oh,Marsh! Y' know how brave i am,right? Well,not as brave as you... yet"said Everest then both giggle.Well,you're braver than you might think.Brave,adventurous and beautiful..."said Marshall then blushed.Everest blushed too then said "thanks,Marsh.I'm not as brave as you guys might think...*ruff*snowboard!" "What do you mean?"asks Marshall. "I'm not as brave as now when I'm in the Arctic... I always scared and think if i can still alive...*ruff* grappling hook!" "Really? when I met you with Jake,you are super brave in my eyes.Helping Jake without any scare expressions in your soul.No matter what,you just 'care' about Jake!"explains Marshall while both of them climb the not so high mountain."Well,it's you guys that makes me much more stronger until now.To protect the one you love or so we called family.And Marshy,thanks so much.You don't know how those word you said mean a lot to me."replied Everest "your welcome Eve~ but that's the truth"said Marshall climbing the little 'mountain' already and smile at Everest.Everest giggle then said"Chase and Skye didn't found Cali yet,huh?" "neither did we"said Marshall then both laugh."Focus~"said both of them.then both stare at each other and laugh.*bip bip*:"Marshall,Everest! Chase finds Cali! Near the tall oak tree~ the tallest!"said Skye from their pup tag."Got it,Skye! Off the trail,we won't fail!" "We're fired up!""sweet!"said Skye then closed the 'connection'.Both blush and giggle then Marshall said "Lead the way~" "okay~" replied Everest happily then both walk toward their destiny.Meanwhile with Chase and Skye,...
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