Ocean's trial

Jessica's POV

We've just arrived at the court house and my mind is still spinning on what to do. As I'm stood waiting to go into the court room, I see Ocean arrive with Michael and his family. I can see the nervousness on her face as Michael comforts her. "try not to look at them" Grace our lawyer says to me, bringing me from my thoughts. "I know it's hard because she's your daughter, but you can't let your emotions get in the way of the truth. I don't say anything and nod.


Whilst Ocean so on the stand I sit and listen as she pours her heart out about what happened during her stay with Sherri and her at the time husband James and I can see by the look in her eyes how scared she is right now.


Grace: So what was your experience like when Ms Jackson was in your care?

James: It was a nightmare. She was spoilt and whenever she didn't get her own way she'd lash out. Hit, scream, throw things. Stuff like that and she'd make up stories

Grace: What kind of stories?

James: She'd say people were beating her. She'd even go as far as to hurt herself so it was more believable

Grace: Who would she say did these things?

James: Me, my at the time wife. Anybody that didn't let her get her own way


Kyle: If you've had no contact with Ms Jackson in almost 10 years why would she make up a story like this?

James: I have no idea. Like I said she'd makes up stories whenever somone upset her or she didn't get her own way

Kyle: How could you have upset her? She hasn't seen you in 10 years.

James: I heard she's been having some issues with my ex wife. Maybe it's to get back at her

Kyle: So why go after you? If she was upset with your ex wife, surely she'd be making these claims against her not you

James: Maybe somone told her to say it. Or maybe she's not getting enough attention. She'd often make up stories to gain attention. plus it would be more believable for her to say a man did it not a woman.

I listened on as James continues talking about Ocean and I know that Ocean was never spoilt as a child. She was always shy and polite. The way he's talking about her is like a completely different person to the child she really was.


Ocean's POV

"your doing really good" Michael assures me when we leave the court room for a short break. "I never hurt myself. They did hit me" I croak and he nods wrapping his arms around me. "I know baby, their gonna tell alot of lies about you up there. And I know that's not the person you are. We all do. you have to try and stay calm ok?" He says softly and he pulls me in as close as possible, holding me tightly. I see my mother walking past and she stops and looks at me for a moment, then puts her head down and turns away from me "don't let them get to you" Kyle says coming over to us.


Carson: We've always had problems ever since she was a child. We tried with her we really did, but she was defiant and her personality was so hard to predict.

Grace: In what way?

Carson: One minute she'd be this sweet and polite girl and the next she'd just snap and become agressive. Especially when she would be told no. And then the boys came along.

Grace: Boys?

Carson: Yes. It started when she was around 10. I'd take her out to the park or something and she'd literally run over and kiss them. Complete strangers and even adults. I explained to her of course that these things weren't expectable, but that only made her do it even more and the older she got the worst it became. She began sneaking out of the house at night and we'd find her in parks with boys. Drinking and fornicating

"what the fuck is he talking about!?" I frown in a hushed tone and Kyle nudges me slightly to keep calm

Grace: And how old was she?

Carson: 12 or 13. She'd say that she was being bullied and made to do these things. She even made up stories about sleeping with school teachers and relatives and claim to be pregnant.

Grace: Did she ever show signs of being bullied or forced to do any of these things?

Carson: No. In fact she'd brag about it and it was clear she was enjoying the attention.

"that's bullshit. That never happened" I frown shaking my head.


Kyle: When your daughter told you these people were bullying her and making her do these things. Did you ever look into them?

Carson: Every time, and when it was proven she was lying she'd eventually admit it.

Kyle: Did she ever say anything about your ex brother in law?

Carson: Never. Not until recently

Kyle: You don't find that strange that she'd that she'd say these things? From what we've been told here in court, your daughter barely has contact with any of you anymore plus if she was so proud of her actions and would brag about them, why hide this accomplishment infact she's kept it hidden for about 10 years.

Carson: My wife and I have custody of their son and my sister.. James's ex wife lives with us. I believe she's making up this story to try and gain custody again.

Kyle: But surely if she was lying to gain custody she'd make a claim you or somone around her son had abused her. Why would claiming somone who has no contact with Duncan help them gain custody?

Carson: Because she's claiming we knew about it and did nothing. I've always tried to do the best by my daughter. Even when she got pregnant at 15! I was there for her, but like always she just threw it back in my face.

Kyle: You didn't do anything when she was supposedly sneaking out with boys and drinking in the parks at 12 years old And when you found out she was pregnant you allowed her to moved out and get married to the boy.

Carson: I never signed those papers! just like I never threw her out of the house. It's just more of her made up stories. She was out of control and still is. Like I said, we tried our best with Ocean but nothing we did seemed to worked

Kyle: The lawyer that married them says he witnessed you sign them and so do members of Mr Jackson's family. and If you believe she's making this up about her uncle, then why did you try and intimate her into dropping the charges?

Carson: their lying. My signature was forged! and I didn't try an intimate her. I confronted her about the allegations and asked her about it in a very calm manner and she began to get very aggressive when I asked her if it was true. I've never once tried to convince her to drop the charges


Sherri: They were at their wits end with her. She was sneaking boys into the house. She'd leave for school in the morning and they wouldn't see her day's at a time. She was bad enough in the beginning, then she met that boy and things became worst that ever.

Grace: In what way?

Sherri: The two of them would skip school and go who knows where doing who knows what. And then that poor baby came along. They'd just leave him with anybody and go off doing drugs and anything else they felt like doing.

Kyle: Objection! These questions are based solely on rumours with no actual proof and nothing to do with this case

Judge: Ms Grace please stick to the matter at hand

Grace: Have you ever seen your ex husband act in an over affection or impropriate manner towards your niece?

Sherri: Never. In fact he would do his best to avoid her.


After a few more from both sides take the stand we leave the court room for another break.

"just relax and remember what we told" Kyle says to LaToya prepping her. "but what if I forget or say something wrong?" She asks nervously. "then glance over at me and I'll give you a sign. "and remember if she makes a comment don't speak and when she asks you something give short simple answers. No detail and I'll object if there's a problem and I'm only gonna ask you things we've practiced" he reasures her. She takes a deep breath and sighs.

We're all called back in and LaToya nervously takes the stand.


Grace: How long have you known Ms Jackson?

LaToya: About Three years

Grace: And can you tell us a little more about your experiences with her?

LaToya: Her and my brother are married and they both live in our family home with their daughter

Grace: Are you sure? We've been told that their daughter is currently living with other relatives

LaToya: She lives with Michael and Ocean on our home and always has.

Grace: And what's your home life been like since she arrived?

LaToya: Fine

Grace: And how did she come to be living in your home?

LaToya: Her parents disowned her after she had a child with my brother

Grace: Did you ever see signs of aggression or distress from either your brother or Ocean?

LaToya: Never

Grace: Did Ocean ever mention any kind of abuse?

LaToya: She told me about her parents and I've also witnessed her parents and aunt be abusive towards her myself

Grace: But never about her uncle?

LaToya: No

Grace: And when did you hear about these accusations?

LaToya: A few weeks ago

Grace: Don't you think it all a little bit of a coincidence that she made these claims straight after your brother and claimed the same thing happened to him? The same day infact!

Kyle: Objection! I'd like to remind the court that the Jackson vs Jackson trail is both separate and a now closed cased

Judge: Ms Grace please keep your questions to this case only

Grace: Has Ms Jackson or her husband ever given you any reason to be afraid and concerned in any way?

LaToya: No

She continues asking questions and even though she looks nervous standing up in front of everybody. LaToya managed to stick to what she was told and gave simple answers. Kyle had to object a few times because the lawyer kept referring to Michael's case.

Kyle: Has Ms Jackson ever given you the impression of somebody that would make up stories or become aggressive in any way?

LaToya: Never. She's always been a very sweet young girl

Kyle: And what was it like when she moved into your home?

LaToya: It was strange having a baby in the house again, but things were good

Kyle: How did your family react when you all learned that your brother had fathered a child with his now wife?

LaToya: We were surprised obviously. Nobody was even aware she was pregnant untill the day Duncan was born, but we were very excepting towards Ocean and Duncan.

kyle: Why do you think they would hide somthing like this?

LaToya: They were very young at the time and they both come from a religious homes where pr marriage sex is not permitted and they were scared they'd be in trouble and we'd be mad at them.

Kyle: Were people mad at them?

LaToya: Nobody in my family was. We we're very understanding and supportive of their choice to keep the baby

Kyle: How was Ms Jacksons relationship with her own family?

LaToya: They disowned her the day she gave birth. They even try to force her to give the baby up for adoption, which both her and my brother refused to do.

Kyle: The day he was born?

LaToya: Yes. Ocean and Duncan we're also very sick at the time. He was born two months early and there had been some complications and they had to stay in hospital for a few weeks.

Kyle: And after they refused to adopt their new born son and Ocean and the baby came to live in your family home did they ever try to make contact with Ocean or Michael?

LaToya: Only to harass them. They'd never leave them alone. Everytime they left the they'd be complaining and accusing my brother of beating and bullying her"

Kyle: Did you ever witness him doing either?

LaToya: Never. My brother has always been very loving and affectiatte towards Ocean and their children.

Kyle: Have you ever had any problems with Ocean's family personally?

LaToya: A few times. Sherri even turned up when Ocean had been taken into and started making up stories that Michael had beaten her

Kyle: And what did happen that day?

LaToya: Ocean had suffered a miscarriage. I tried to tell her this but she wouldn't listen and continued making up ridiculous stories and yelling to the point she had to be removed from the building.

Kyle: So it was the Thompsons who were aggressive?

LaToya: Yes. Michael and Ocean just wanted to get on with their lives and be happy, but it was like they were trying to make things as hard as possible for them


Jessica's POV

The court takes a final break before I have to take the stand and the Grace our lawyer wants to cross examine Ocean.

I go into the restroom and as I'm coming out of one of the cubicles Ocean comes in with Nevaeh. She doesn't say anything and begins changing her diaper. "you never told me you had a miscarriage" I say softly "why should I?" She shrugs. "I suffered the same thing a few years after you was born. I know how hard that must have been for you"

"yeah it was.. but unlike you I didn't steal someone else's kid to replace it!"

"you had her though" I point out looking at the baby. "we don't all get a second chance after something like that happens. Your lucky your young and your body was able to recover" I mumble. "so you stole mine and Michael's first chance to be good parents, because you lost your final attempt" she frowns picking Nevaeh up. "it's wasn't like that...."

"why are you even talking to me?" She cuts me off. "you've all made it pretty clear you don't believe a word I say. Your supposed to be my mother! You know none of those things dad and Sherri were saying were true. And you know I'm not making this up" I don't say anything and can see the hurt in her eyes. "mamma" Nevaeh babbles and I look down seeing her adorable little smile looking up at Ocean. "why do hate me so much?" Ocean mutters, looking like she's on the verge of breaking down in tears. I shake my head trying to speak but nothing comes out. "dadda?" Nevaeh babbles "daddy's waiting just outside sweetie" Ocean smiles at her through pursed lips and walks out of the restroom without saying another word to me.


Grace: And how old were you when you had your first intimate encounter?

Ocean: 15

Grace: With who?

Ocean: Michael

Grace: And he's the father of both children?

Ocean: Yes

Grace: It's been said you'd been pregnant four times the last one to a Mr Jermaine Jackson which you aborted. Is that right?

Ocean: No. I've been pregnant three times all to my husband one of which I miscarried

Grace: So if it wasn't an botched up and most likely illegal abortion that made you and your husband first try heroin then what did?

Kyle: Objection! My client has clearly just stated there was no abortion legal or illegal and there's no evidence to suggest any heroin use from my client or her husband. Only rumours from an anonymous letter.

Judge: Please stick to facts only. Ms Grace

Grace: So Michael.. Your husband...he is the only person you've been intimate with?

Ocean: Yes

Grace: Yet your claiming your uncle was intimate with you. That's two people and you just said Michael was the only one.

Kyle: Objection! I'd like to remind the court that intimacy and abuse are two completely different things

Grace: If your uncle did do these things to you then why wait 10 years to say anything?

Ocean: Because I was scared

Grace: You have no problem saying these things now what's changed?

Ocean: I'm not a scared 8 year old little girl anymore.

Grace: it's a fact, You recently spent time in a hospital due to your bi polar is that correct?

Ocean: That was over a year ago. No recently

Grace: But you still spent time there is that correct?

Ocean: Yes

Grace: After the birth of your daughter?

Ocean: Yes

Grace: Are you pregnant right now?

Ocean: No

Grace: Would you be willing to do a test to prove that?

Kyle: Objection! Whether my client is pregnant or not is irrelevant

Grace: How can you be so sure these things really happened?

Ocean: They did

Grace: But how can you be so sure these thoughts aren't just the beginning of another manic episode?

Kyle: Object! There is no problem with my clients mental state and we have doctors notes to prove that.


I sit back and listen and our lawyer questions Ocean and it's clear she's trying to manipulate her into saying something she doesn't mean. Just like the miscarriage, this is the first time I've heard about Ocean having bi polar. "did you see that? They did it again" Sherri nudges me pointing slightly towards Ocean's and her lawyer. Personally I havn't noticed it, but Sherri is certain that she's noticed Ocean's lawyer signaling both Ocean and Michael during both their trials. I already know Ocean is telling the truth about what James did to her as a child and I heard that Michael's uncle confessed so I havn't really paid much attention to Sherri's theory that their being told what to say.


After Ocean so finished it's my turn to take the stand and as I do I glance over at Ocean and her and Michael are whispering something to each other, then I glance over at Carson who's staring straight at me.


Kyle: So you claim you saw Mr Jackson forcing himself on your daughter and heard him yelling and beating her many times yet, now your saying she was this rebellious tear away that only seems to care about sex and drugs

Jessica: That's what she told me when I walked in on her with him.

Kyle: And where was this again?

Jessica: At the Jackson's family home. They went upstairs supposedly to do homework, but when I went upstairs to tell her it was time to come. I found them in bed together.

Kyle: And then what happened?

Jessica: I took her straight home and she began sobbing telling me that he'd hit her and made her do it and told her he'd hit her again if she said no.

I look over at Ocean and she's looking at me with both a confused and annoyed look on her face. Then I glance over at Carson and remember all the things he said to me.

Kyle: Did you call the police?

Jessica: She wouldn't let me

Kyle: She was 15 years old. And just you told a 17 year old just hit her and forced her into his bed! Why would you need her permission?

Jessica: Because at first she said she wasn't ready and I thought she was just scared so I told her we'd wait until the morning to call them. But that night I went to check on her and I caught her climbing out of her window into his and I knew once again she was lying.

I continue on with the questions trying not to give Ocean any eye contact and eventually her lawyer takes his seat and Grace stands up and starts questioning me.

Grace: So you allowed your daughter to move back after you gained custody?

Jessica: Yes. About a week or so after I got custody, She came to the house in tears and told me Michael had been beating her and she terrified of him

Grace: Did this turn out to be true?

Jessica: No. It turned out they were still together and Michael had gone into rehab for drug abuse and Ocean had been arguing with his parents and they'd thrown her out.

Grace: And what was she like when she returned home?

I'm about to speak when Nevaeh begins crying and I look over and see Randy at the back of the court room trying to soothe her whilst taking her outside the room and I hear her cry the word "mamma" just as the door closes behind them

Grace: Mrs Thompson?

Jessica: She....

I pause and sigh to myself and take a deep breath.

Jessica: She was just as bad as she was the first time. She was out partying all the time. Sneaking men into the house at night and even began stealing money from us.

As hard as I tried not to. my eyes glanced over towards Ocean and I see her sobbing and Michael putting his arms around her trying to comfort her.


after the trial Sherri and Carson are talking with our lawyer and I head to the restroom. As I get there Ocean is standing outside the door in floods of tears and Michael and some of his family members are trying to comfort her.

"haven't you done enough damage!? What kind of mother does that!?" Joseph snaps at me. "dad, don't bother.. it's not like she cares" Michael's scoffs "I do ca..."

"stay away from my children! You've already hurt the two of them enough. I don't even want you to look at them!" Kathrine snaps cutting me off and they all start walking away. "Ocean, please..." I say softly placing my hand on her arm and she stops and stares at me blankly. "you heard what my mother said" she says blankly with no expression on her face or in her voice then carries on walking hand in hand with Michael.

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