I'm here for you

Jermaine's POV

"C'mon Nevaeh please just drink your milk" Michael pleads with Nevaeh, who once again is refusing her bottle. "You just need to relax babies can sense when your upset" I tell him softly sitting beside him. "How can relax? Ocean's gone, Nevaeh won't sleep or eat and nothing I do for her is right" he croaks. It's been almost two weeks since Ocean went into hospital and I could see it in his eyes when he came back from the doctors without her, it's like a part of him didn't come back either and every night I hear him crying himself to sleep and it brakes my heart seeing my baby brother like this. "Ocean won't be gone forever" I reassure him putting my hand on his shoulder. "And your going to see her again today. Just like you do everyday"

"It's not the same.. I see her for few a hours in her room and then I have to walk away and when I took DJ last Saturday, he was clinging on to her and him and Nevaeh were screaming and wailing when I had to take them away"

"She their mother and they miss her. Just like you miss her" I say softly "I miss her more than anything and when The babies were crying and clinging on to her a part of me actually wanted to join in, not pull them away"

"No, offence Mike, but I don't think it would have looked as cute you throwing a tantrum and dropping on the floor, kicking and screaming" I chuckle slightly. "This is all my fault" he starts sobbing again, which is pretty much all he's done lately. "No it's..."

"Yes it is!" He cuts me off "I'm the one who drove her this way. Ocean's completely broken and I'm the one that did that to her... I ruined her life" I wrap my arms around him and pull him in close to me. "Mike, Ocean has bipolar, and she had a lot of problems long before you met her... I'll admit you probably didn't help sometimes, but it's not your fault. Just like it's not her you have your condition. But you keep each other strong and you get each other through it and you both will get through this" I smile at him through pursed lips and he doesn't say anything and continues trying to feed Nevaeh. "I um.. I have to talk to you about something before you go see Ocean" I mumble and he looks at me worried. "Did the doctors call? Is there something wrong?"

"No- no, Ocean's fine. It's about Aisha"

"What about her?" He says interested, turning back to Nevaeh. "She's found a place to live but it won't be ready for a few days and she can't stay with her friend any more so..."

"Whatever" he mumbles "it's just gonna be for a few days. And I've explained to her what's going on and I've told her your in a bad way so to keep her distance... It'll only be for a few days then she'll be gone for good. I promise"

"Whatever" he shrugs concentrating more on trying to feed Nevaeh.


Michael's POV

After finally getting Nevaeh to drink her milk and get her dressed, I went over to see Ocean. "Hi!" I smile for the first time today rushing over to Ocean and I wrap my arm around her holding Nevaeh with my other and pull her close to me. "I missed you guys so much" she smiles taking Nevaeh from me. "We've missed you to" I smile and sigh contently seeing her smile, cuddling Nevaeh. "How's everything going at home?"

"It's ok" I Shrug. "Nothing interesting... It's lonely" I mumble the last part and she leans forwards and presses her lips softly against mine, which even now still gives me butterfly's. "It's lonely without you too"

The nurses have been really nice at the hospital and even bend the rules so that we could spend a few hours a day with Ocean rather than just an hour like we're supposed to, but even with the extra visiting time, it's not enough for me and I know it's selfish of me to want her home now, but I know I can't because she needs to get better first.

Once we leave I strap Nevaeh into her car seat and she starts wailing "ssssh... It's ok sweetie" I soothe her picking her up. "I need mommy too.... but mommy just needs some rest for a little while, so she can get better... So we have to brave ok?" I croak holding her close to me.


Aisha's POV

"I'm gonna have to do to work, will you tell Michael I won't be back until late, and to call if he needs me" Jermaine says getting ready to leave. "Jermaine he's a big boy. I'm sure he'll be ok"

"Aisha, he's in a really bad place right now, I've told you this. Trust me... He's far from ok"

"Well I'm gonna be here so I'll keep and eye on him" she smiles through pursed lips. "Thank you, if he says anything mean to you, try not to take it personal ok? He's very sensitive and really vulnerable right now. So be careful what your saying" he says sternly. "Jermaine, it's fine! I'll keep my mouth shut and I'll stay out of his way" I smile and eventually he leaves.


Once Jermaine leaves I go and put my things in the spare room, which is probably the most depressing guest room I've ever slept in. As I'm about to walk down stairs I notice Michael's bedroom door open and take a peak inside. As I walk in I'm greeted with a beautiful smell of perfume. I smile looking around the room. The dressing table is covered with Ocean's things make up, perfumes, jewellery and a few of Michael's things. I open the closet an hers and Michael's clothes are all mixed up together. On the top shelf there's a big Lego house with a note that's says 'Ocean and DJ's dream house' and I small box next to it. The box is filled with pictures and cute little love letters her and Michael have written to each other. I stand smiling looking through the pictures trying to imagine what it's like to be Ocean, she's so pretty and has this perfect life and perfect husband who clearly loves her.

My thoughts are disturbed when hear the front door unlocking and I quickly put the box back and head downstairs and see Michael. "Hi" I smile walking downstairs. And he walks past me taking the baby upstairs not saying a word And I take in his strong scent as he passes me.


After taking a shower I head downstairs and sit beside Michael on the sofa and he turns to me and frowns confused. "Have you used Ocean's moisturiser?"

"Yeah I um, I forgot to get some earlier. She wouldn't mind would she" I smile "I mind" he mumbles then looks back at the TV with a large bag of chips on his lap. "May I?" I ask pointing at the chips and he shrugs still focusing on the TV "what are we watching" I sigh contently, taking some chips from the bag. "Desperate housewives"

"I love this show! I didn't know you liked it too"

"I can't find the remote" he mumbles continuing to eat and stares blankly at the TV. When he's finished he moves the bag and brushes some crumbs that landed on his thighs and around his crotch then gets up and heads to the kitchen without saying a word.

Michael's POV

I go into the kitchen and I get a call from Randy.

"Hey, just wanted to see if It's still ok to come with you tomorrow" he asks "of course! Ocean said she's looking forward to seeing you again" I tell him trying to sound happy but he's sees right through it. "You still not feeling any better?"

"I just feel so alone and useless, like I've just dumped her and give up, because I couldn't handle it" I sigh "Mike, your not useless, and you haven't given up and dumped her! Ocean needs professional help and that's what your giving her. I know how hard it was for you to make that call to the doctor, but you did the right thing. And Ocean knew she needed help too, that's why she went with you"

After finishing my conversation with Randy I wipe my tears away then turn to leave when Aisha walks in. "Is everything ok?" She asks softly walking over to me. "Why would you care" I shrug about to leave, but as I'm about to she puts her hand on my arm stopping me. "Michael, of course I care"

"If you cared then you wouldn't have come back" I mumble turning to face her. "I do care... That's why I came back.. To help" she smiles through pursed lips. "How are you gonna do that? Are you gonna make Ocean better?" I shrug. "The doctors are taking care of Ocean"

"Then you can't help" I sniffle, wiping my face, trying not to cry again. "I can help with you" she says softly. "I can see how hurt you are about all of this and it must be really lonely for you too, huh?" I nod, not saying anything. "Well I'm here.. And I can help you with that" she moves closer and presses her lips against mine and for a second I do the same, then break away. "Don't" I whisper looking away from her. "You don't have to feel lonely anymore.. I can take it away for you" she whispers in my ear then start kissing my neck, pressing her body against mine. "Aisha, I really don't wanna have sex with you" I sniffle still upset from my call with Randy and she places her finger on her lips. "You say you don't but this..." She says placing her hand on my crotch stroking gently "this tells a me different story... This tells me that your lonely... Do want that loneliness to go away?"  She asks softly and I nod, sniffling not saying anything. "So let me help you" she whispers kissing me once more "will you really make it go away?" I whisper shakily onto her lips."I promise"

Aisha's POV

It didn't take me as long as I thought it would to seduce Michael and I smile proudly of myself onto his lips as our kiss becomes deeper and more rushed as we lead each other up the stairs to the bedroom. "N-Not in there" Michael says shakily when I go to open his door and he leads me into the spare room.


"Oh my god!" I say breathlessly trying to catch my breath. "You were so... Wow!" I pant trying to catch my breath from the most explosive orgasm I've ever had and lay on the bed still in shock from the amazing skills and size Michael holds below his waist. "Are you ok, baby?" I turn to Michael who's been silent then entire time and rub my hand over his chest. "D-Don't don't call me that" he stutters and gets up putting his clothes back on and heads to the bathroom as I lay smiling to myself on the bed.

Michael's POV

I go into the bathroom closing the door behind me and immediately break down crying, looking at myself in the mirror. Feeling even more emptiness and guilt than ever before. Aisha promised me she'd make it all go away but she didn't


Jermaine's POV

I get home late and the house is silent so I go upstairs to check on Michael and he's not in his room. "Aisha, have you seen..." I begin to say, opening the door then stop seeing her lay naked on the bed and see a used condom on the floor. "Where's Michael?" I frown "he's in the bathroom... Cleaning up" she smirks and I walk out slamming the door behind me.

I go into the bathroom and Michael is sat on the edge of the bath sniffling and trembling, looking at the ground. "What the fuck is going on!?" I snap and he looks up still sobbing. "Michael, did you just have sex with Aisha!?" He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. "Michael, what's going on!? Did you or didn't you!?" I ask again. "He was amazing!" Aisha sigh contently walking into the bathroom now fully dressed. "What the fuck have you done to him!?" I frown turning to her. "More like what he did to me" she smiles happily "we were just having some fun weren't we Michael?" She smiles at him but he doesn't answer or look even at her and she turns to me "you know.. for little brother he's far from little" she smirks "And you should have seen him in action! Once he gets started he doesn't stop!... He really knows how to please a woman" she smiles satisfactory at him. "Michael?" I turn to him and he looks up still trembling. "S-she said she make it go away. But she made it worst" he sobs "make what go away?" I frown confused "she promised me" he says shakily and continues crying and looking at the ground. "What happened?" I ask and he looks up and he looks at me still trembling, doesn't say anything.

"Just tell him baby, there's no point us trying to hide it now" Aisha smirks and he turns to her and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out then he quickly runs over to the toilet and starts throwing up and crying "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I turn to Aisha "do you get some kind of kick taking advantage of vulnerable teenagers!? Is that what turns you on, huh!?" I snap. "He's fine! he wasn't doing much crying while he's fucking me.. he's just trying to play poor, innocent baby brother so you don't get mad at him... " she rolls her eyes "it's not like I forced him and his not some vulnerable little kid... He wanted me just as bad... Not my fault he feels guilty for cheating on his wife" she shrugs "does he fucking look fine to you!!!!!!?" I yell at her pointing at Michael who's still shaking and sobbing. "Aisha, You knew full well Michael has problems. Do you think just because just he's a guy it's ok to take advantage while he was vulnerable? Look at the state he's in! Why the hell did you do it!?"

"Because, I wanted to see the look on your face when you find out your baby brother could please me more than you ever could... It's called payback for you dumping me and for that little shit over there rejecting me the first time... But I knew I'd get him to fuck me eventually... And damn! did he fuck me" she smirks glancing over at Michael. "I have to admit though... I'm actually kinda jealous of Ocean now I know what it feels like to be her... getting a dick that good on demand... Lucky girl" she smirks

"Your fucking sick! Do you know that!" I frown. She's about to speak when out of nowhere Michael slaps her hard across the face, knocking her to the ground. "Mike!" I snap pulling him away from her. "Now you know what it feels like to be her" he looks down staring coldly at her and she looks up and him stunned holding the side of her face. "Get the fuck out of my house" I say sternly to her pointing at the door. "But, it's the middle of the night. where am I supposed to go?"

"Are you serious!!!? You actually think I'm gonna let you stay he after this!? I snap, still keeping a tight grip on Michael. "You have three seconds to get up an leave before I let him go and I will not stop him again" she looks up at me for a moment then quickly gets up and heads for the stairs and we hear the front door close.

"This is all my fault. I should never have let her back in this house" I sigh then turn to Michael and put my arms around him. "I'm sorry I put you in that situation. Are you ok?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I just wanted it to go away. I didn't wanna be lonely anymore.. She promised me she'd make it go away but it didn't" he sobs and starts shaking again. "I now I'm gonna lose Ocean"

"Your not gonna lose Ocean"

"Yes I am! I cheated on her!... She's gonna hate me and She'll never forgive me for this... I've lost her" he says shakily pacing the floor with his hands behind his head "I can't lose her.  I can't I-I..."

"Michael, your not gonna lose her" I cut him off placing my hands on his shoulders "but I am... I..."

"No your not" I cut him off again. "Your not gonna lose her, because we're not gonna tell her ok? You love Ocean and she loves you... You've been a mess and your heads been all over the place since Ocean's been gone... You made a mistake we can't change that but you don't have to lose her over it" I reassure him. "I told her I didn't want to but she kept pushing and I gave in  and I... How can I look Ocean in the eyes knowing what I did?" He sobs. "Because we're gonna forget all about what happened tonight ok?  we're gonna put behind us and you have to keep telling yourself it never happened and you keep telling yourself that until you believe it!"  I tell him softly yet sternly and He nods and I pull him close to me and he breaks down once again.

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