Epilogue - Baekhyun Pov
Thanks for reading. This is the Epilogue. It will be telling the same story but in Baekhyun point of view. I did a long Chapter for you guys. Enjoy.
Baekhyun Pov.
"So guys what are we doing tonight?" I said to kai that was still on his phone. We were in a coffee shop in the afternoon chilling and hanging out just us three, Me, Kai and Suho.
"Well what are you going to do?" he replied back.
"Never mind" I said and was looking at the menu to order.
"Hey Baekhyun did you really break up with her,So Ye?" Suho asked me. I saw it in his eyes that he was concerned or something. His face was a little bit off. I wonder why. I question myself.
"Yeah I did... It was a bet remember that we did last two weeks ago"I said to them.
" Yeah you're right"Suho replied and called the waiter to order.
As he was calling the waiter, I saw someone came in the door. Her present make me stopped what I was doing. Maybe it's because she had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness.But when she turns and smiles all thoughts of inquiry flee, she isn't conventionally beautiful, but to me she's simply gorgeous.
Her cheekbones weren't especially high and her nose was a little too long to be perfect, but there was undeniable symmetry to her features and perhaps that's what held me so captivated. She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes.
Her delicate ears framed a button nose. A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth gleamed as she blew gently on her carmine-red fingernails. Her enticing, blue eyes gazed at me over her puffy, heart shaped lips.
Our eyes met, but I broke it off. What's the matter with me I said to myself. The food are already arrived. I see my two friends were arguing who will get the last portion of the food, so I said" I will get it then".
"No that's mine" Kai said loudly.
"No you two can't have it that's mine" Suho argued back at him.
"How about this Baek if you date her the girl over there who is at the counter... you will get it... If you don't then we get it... I give you two weeks to date each other... Understand" Kai said to me while pointing at the girl.
Wait, that's the girl I was looking at earlier. I smile and said"Deal I will date her"I get up as I was going there to talked to her. She wasn't there anymore.
I was laying on my bed, thinking of her. She's pretty, stunning and beautiful. Words can't describe how beautiful she is. I wonder will I meet her again. I hugged my pillow and went to sleep.
It was the first day of school, I parked my motorbike and saw kai and suho talking.
"I heard she attended this school" Suho said to Kai.
"Who attended this school?" I asked them.
"Remember the girl Kai pointed at the coffee shop" Suho replied.
"Wait how do you know this?" I asked him.
"Well I have my ways" He continued.
"Fine... I go first see you guys later" I said and went in the school.
So, she went to this school. I wonder if I will find her. I was walking in the hallway, girls were staring at me. I know I'm handsome. I just wink at them to go away. The hallway wasn't that crowded. I was going to my locker, when I saw someone was about to fall. I ran and caught her by my arms. Just in a nick of time. I sigh"That was closed".
I helped her get up. All this time I didn't looked at her. Who she was but when I did. I was so shocked. It was her. The girl I wanted to date. We looked into each other eyes. She's still beautiful as ever. When I first saw her. We stared for a long time.
I broke the gazed by saying "Are you OK? " to her.
"Y-yes.." she replied nervously.
"Well OK then" I said with a wink and I just walked away. Stupid Me I should of asked her out there at that moment. Why am I nervous around her. This is not like me.
"Class settled down... Today is your first day of your first year of high school ... So please everyone introduce yourself starting from you" The teacher said and pointed at one of my classmates.
As my classmates introduced themselves one by one. I was staring at her. My chin was on my hand while my elbow was on my desk. I was sitting just behind her. As she was turning her head, I lifted my chin and sit straight up and look away.
"Hi everyone I'm Lee Eun Ji... Call me Eun Ji" she said nervously.
Eun Ji..so, that's her name. What a nice and beautiful name.
"Hi guys I'm Byun Baekhyun... Nice to meet everyone.... ladies" I said while winking and there was also a smirk. Actually I want to wink at Eun Ji but force of habit I wink at those girls over there.
Class was already finished, I packed my stuff and went out. I saw her falling again. Is this her habit of falling. I save her from falling.
"We got to stopped meeting like this" I said while looking into her eyes.
She get up and continued walking to her locker without saying anything to me. Who would of thought our lockers are next to each other. I looked at her while she was getting her stuffs in the locker and said "Eun Ji,right? " and I smirk.
"Yes"She replied. Quick Baekhyun make a move and asked her out. It's that simple.
"I know you're playing hard to get" I replied. Why did I say that. Even I know it's kind off cheesy.
"Well you not wrong" She replied while not looking at me.
She just walked away after that without saying anything. It's now or never and walked towards her.
I grabbed her hand and whispered to her ear seductively"Can I kiss you?".
"Well sorry to burst your bubble... I'm not interested " she said that and walked away from me. Wow she's a difficult one and different then the others.
" I'm sorry but I'm asking you out"I said while grabbing her hands. Her hands were soft and delicate. It feel comfortable when I hold her.
"Listen here Baekhyun... I'm not interested... Or do you want me to spell it out for you"she said harshly back at me and released her hands from mine.
" Feisty one aren't you"I said with a smirked plastered all over my face.
She continue walking in a fast pace. I followed her and I smiled. She turned around to face me and pushed me against the hard wall and glared at me. I just smile. One of her hands was pushing my shoulder and the other one was against the wall. Wow she's really a feisty one.
" Listen here Baekhyun... I'm not interested...not I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-E-D... I'm I making it clear"as she said that our faces were an iched close to one another. I could feel our breath as I was looking at her. We stared for a few second more and she released me and turned her head around.
"OK Eun Ji... What most I do for you to date me then" I said to her as I moved in front of her. I need to date you Eun Ji for the bet.
"Well... if you do this for me... Tell everyone your most embarrassing thing about yourself in our class... Then I date you... how about it?" she said to me with a smirk.
"OK then if I do that you will go out with me... How about this if I do that will I have a reward .. Eun Ji" I said this while coming closer and closer to her.
"What else you want" she replied.
"How about this.." I slammed my lips into hers. I kiss her roughly. I don't know what came over me. She pulled away immediately and said "What was that for" to me angrily and she slapped me on my face. Well I deserved that.
"Just a little something... So is that a deal" I said while one of my hands touched my cheek where it was slapped. It still hurts. She's strong. I could feel red marks on my cheeks because of that.
"Fine then deal but no more kissing from now on..." she replied. I smile, yes I will date her.
"We can kiss when we go out right? "I teased her.
"Wait one more thing... Can I have your number" I said softly.
"Mmm...maybe... after you did what I asked then you can have it" she replied.
I walked away from her and think of a planned to do what she wants but not get me embarrassed at the same time. I know I thought in my head and went to my motorbike and saw Kai and Suho.
"Hello guys... That food is mine now I already asked her out" I said confidently.
"Really" Kai said looking at Suho.
"Here you go" Suho said.
The first day of our date, I can't believe we're going to the carnival.
I was dragging her everywhere at the carnival. I don't know why but I feel excited.
"So what do you want to do?" I said still holding her hand.
"I'm fine with anything" she replied.
"Are you sure" I said while my face was an inch close to her.
"Hey that's too close" as she said that she move back a little. She so cute when she's embarrassed.
We ended up going to the rollercoaster. But I felt nervous. I think I'm scared. As we finished the ride. It was an awful ride that I ever had. It was so scary.
I kept on covering my face throughout the ride. As we finished the ride we sat down on a bench.
"Wait here" I said and walked away.
"OK" She replied.
What now. I should get to know her. I go to the ice cream van and brought two ice cream, one for me and the other one for Snow angel. I should call her that. She's beautiful like an angel.
"Here you go" I said while I handed her an ice cream.
"Thank you" she replied.
I sat beside me and said "Tell me more about yourself"
"What do you want to know?" she replied while licking the ice cream.
We talked about each other. I know that she lives in a rich family. As she asked about me. I froze. What should I say to her.
" Well... I once had a long term girlfriend but she cheated on me and broke me "I said. Why did I say that. I know I like So Ye. But why did she cheat on me with my best friend.
I completely ignored the topic and suggested we play a game with each other. This was to get my mind of the thought I had earlier. We made a bet if I win I get a kiss with her. But if she win she can do what ever she wants. By the end, I managed to win. I could see that she was ignoring me and looked elsewhere.
" Promise is a promise now... Where's mine kiss... snow angel"I said this and pinned her against the wall with both hands against the wall. My face was so close at any moment we might kiss.
"I don't know what you talking about Baek" she said nervously with her eyes looking the other way.
I could kiss her at any minute now. But seeing her like this not willingly. I can't. I can't just force her. As I was thinking about the kiss. I heard a familiar voice. It's her voice.
"Lee So Ye it was nice for us to spent a day together like best friends should" the girl said to her.
Wait my ex is here. Quick what to do. I was panicking. It was a bad break up. As the two girls about to walked passed us. Eun Ji slammed her lips to mine. They looked at us and ignored us because they only see the back of me, they didn't see both of our faces and they just walked away. That was a close one.
Then, we kiss for a long time. It was magical. I think I already started to like you Eun Ji. She pulled away. I looked at her and said"Let's go home".
At school, I can't believe I was late. I rushed to the corridor and saw Eun Ji in the hands of some guy. I only get to see his back. As I get closer, he looks familiar. I just ignore him and said "Let's go" to Eun Ji.
"Hey Baek... Long time no see" Lay said and smile at me. I need to think for a second. It's my childhood friend, Lay.
"Hey Lay... It's had been so long" I said and hugged him.
"Baek I need to talked to her" he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Well" he said.
"You can't me and my girlfriend are late for class" I said and dragged her with me. I wonder who is he to Eun Ji.
It was our second date. We went to see a movie. She was pretty and cute with the outfit she was wearing. We were watching a horror movie. Eun Ji was the one wanted to see this. I'm not a big fan of horrors, but she wants to watch it. I will let her.
Throughout the movie to tell the truth, I was so scared and the jumpscares terrified me so bad I said "Kkaebsong". I heard she was laughing because of that. I'm glad to make her happy.
One moment, I was getting the popcorn next to her. I saw that she was crying. Tears drip down her white pale skin. I was questioning myself of why. I don't want to disturb her, so I just stared at her. The whole time untill the movie ends.
"Snow angel... the movie is over" I said to get her into her senses.
She get up and walked down. I stopped her and said"Why did you cry?".
"It's nothing" she said.
We went back riding my bike back home. As we reached her place. It started to rain. It was started to get heavy. She grabbed my hands and said"You should stay here in the time being".
I went in her house, we were sitting on the couch. We started to talked. At one point, our faces are very close. We almost kiss each other. But her parents got back home.
I was fine to meet her parents but she pushed me to the back door and said" goodbye to me". Oh well it was nice seeing your place Snow angel.
A lot had happened. Me and Eun Ji became really closed. There's two new friends joined our class, Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongdae or Chen. We managed to become friends. When we first met, we just clicked.
Then when we were chosen to work together for the school project. We did it at her house. To my surprise, I never would of thought her sister was my ex girlfriend, So Ye.
After that incident. We didn't talked for a while. I don't know why. I felt I want to distinct myself from her. Why did she keep that a secret from me. I went up to the school rooftop when I find the door was locked so I opened it to see Chanyeol and Yi Soo kissing.
I fake cough to get their attention.
"You guys need to get a room" I said to them. They stopped and looked at me.
"I need a word with you" I said to Chanyeol.
"Excuse us Yi Soo I meet you in a while"Chanyeol said to her.
" So what do you want to talked about"he said.
"Well it's about Eun Ji... What should I do when I am dating my ex's sister" I said to him.
"I think you should continue to date her because you love her" he said.
"Really" I continued.
"Baek.. Deep down I know you are a great person... If you love her then go to her and tell her how you feel" Chanyeol said and he get up and ran down stairs to cached up with Yi Soo.
He got a point. I shouldn't get that get away from how I throughly feel towards her.
I searched for her everywhere. I can't find her. I stopped at room where's there's a piano. I went in and play it while singing. A few minutes later, I heard a noise, it was Eun Ji she fell down.
"Well looked at the time" she said and was about to run.
I stopped her and said"We need to talked Eun Ji".
We managed to settle our differences and I actually confessed to her. I feel good after that. She confessed to me too.
The next day in the school hallway. They were asking me on why I didn't break up with Eun Ji already. I explained to them I am in love with her. Lay wanted to talked to me so I let him.
"So, what do you want to talked to me about?" I said to him.
"Well..First I'm Eun Ji ex... Secondly I am happy you like her... Thirdly I won't get in your way of you two" He said To me.
"Umm...I don't know what to say... thank you I guess" I replied. We hugged and he went home.
The next day we didn't talked or make eye contact. I was so curious. We were fine yesterday. I just want to know what I do. Day by day, Eun Ji and I didn't talked.
The day of Yi Soo departure, she said to me to take care of Eun Ji for her. But she doesn't know we are not together. She thinks we are.
Years went by, I am now a trainee of SM entertainment. After High school, I managed to find a new dream for me to become an idol. As I was auditioning, I saw Chen too and Chenyeol. They were auditioning too. I went towards them and said"Hi guys". They looked at me and said"Baek you're auditioning too"
"Yeah... I am" I replied and we hugged each other.
Weeks past, all three of us pass the audition and we three had been selected for the new group that will be announced, one week after. I am so excited. We went in the practice room to see 9 guys. Some were eating and some were dancing. We introduced ourselves with each other. We become friends so easily because some of them were my old friends.
I was at the Han River to get some fresh air. But I saw a women that seem familiar. The wind was so strong her hair covered her face. When she flipped her hair. I saw her, Eun Ji. Then she tripped on something and I caught her. I opened my cap and mask and said "We got to stopped meeting like this"
Tears started to drop little by little to her cheeks. She was crying.
"Snow angel... It's me Baekhyun" I said.
"I Know who you are Baek" she replied and ran towards me and opened her arms and wrapped to my waist. I hugged her back. For a long time we embrace each other. This was because I think we really miss each other very much. I really miss her so much. It had been about 3 years.
"I miss you Baek" she said still hugging me.
"I miss you too" I replied.
We managed to settle our differences. But now the problem is her arrange marriage. We made a promise to meet here. If shes is not here then she went through with the marriage.
But we managed to settle it but the bad thing is she was in a coma for two years. I was there taking care of her.
Two years had past, we just had a comeback with Monster. I was in bed just woke up and to see her beside me. I was hugging her from the back. Then she turned her backed around to face me. She was still closing her eyes. I kiss her forehead and said"Snow angel I love you". She continued and said "I know" and smile and buried her head at my chest. I want to stay like this forever.
I tucked a her hair back of her ear. We stared and she kiss me and pulled away immediately. I just smiled.
"I think we need to get up... I need to go to work and you need to go for your vacation to Hawaii with the boys" She said to me.
"Do we have to" I whine and hugged her to stopped her from moving.
"Baek... I will be late" She replied.
"Fine"I said and let her go. To my surprise she give me a peak on the cheeks and get up.
Before you, I've only ever really loved was your sister So Ye. When she betrayed me. I loose myself. I became someone I am not proud of. I become a playboy. This was because to me I will never find loved again. But Eun Ji, you're different. You let me to find love again. So, I'm so happy to have met you, and I'm scared too; there is such joy and such pain. But we managed to overcome that pain and problem together. What if I never met you, what will happen. I can't imagine a life without you, Snow angel, I mean Lee Eun Ji.
Thank you to my readers who reads this book. It became my favourite story to write. So this is the last Chapter. I know it's sad, but there will be another book after this the story of Chen and Soo Mi. Don't forget to vote and comment.
Here's a dancing Baek 😂.
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