Recap--Shiva drops Raavi home

Shiva reaches home with Dhara amd Gautam. As he is coming out of the car, his eyes fell on the reports. He thinks of calling her to inform her that she had left the reports in his car.

But he stopped. He thought it this was the only way of knowing what was she hiding. Though she had told him that false reason,but he knew that she was lieing.

He came inside the house and opened the reports. The floor under his feet slipped. Her medical condition, the cramps, difficulty in conceiving, everything was clearly mentioned in the reports.

And he got even more shocked when he saw the dates which were written on bills. The first report was of one day before their engagement. He recalled that they had come out of the hospital but Raavi was still inside it.

His eyes became teary. He fell on his knees. An unexplained guilt surrounded him. He was guilty that she had been going through all this alone all the time. Her medical condition plus the emotional trauma she had been suffering through.

He was angry on himself to have left the hospital that day. Dhara and Gautam suddenly saw him like that and came to them.

DHARA-Shiva what happened?

He didn't say anything. He just hugged Dhara and started crying.

GAUTAM- Shiva please tell us.

Dhara wiped his tears and asked him again. He didn't say anything instead gave them the reports. Both of them saw it and were shocked too. A tear escaped Dhara's eyes.

GAUTAM- I hope what I am thinking is wrong.

DHARA- What are you thinking Gautam?

GAUTAM- Dhara What if Raavi left Shiva because of this reason only? Maybe she didn't want Shiva to take the brunt of her problems.

Shiva looked them in shock. His heart wanted this theory to be wrong but his brain told him that this is right. No person can change so much overnight. He recalled the night before their engagement.

She was so upset, so tensed but he didn't give a thought about it. Now all the things were falling in place in his head.

He stood up and went towards the gate. Dhara and Gautam understood that he was going to Raavi's place. He was not in a good state of mind.So they followed him in other car with the baby.

Shiva came to Narayan house and entered the threshold with a heavy heart. It's been four months that he had come to this house. Dhara and Gautam reached there too.


MA- Shiva what happened beta? Is everything fine?

SHIVA- (teary eyes) Ma, Papa, you only call me your son. Now I know that you don't mean it.

PA- What? But please tell us what is the issue?

DHARA- The issue is that he knows everything.

Raavi's parents got shocked.

PA- About what?

GAUTAM- About Raavi.

MA- What...

DHARA- Yes Aunty. How could you two let her do this. You should have stopped her.

MA- It was her decision which was right in a way( she said crying)

SHIVA- No it was not right. She has no right to snatch away my happiness from me.

GAUTAM- Aunty Uncle now it's better we all don't intervene. They should sort this out themselves.

MA&PA- Fine. Shiva you can go to her room upstairs. She was not well so she slept.

Shiva came back to his trances hearing that she was not well. He explained himself that she needed support and he was not going to get angry on her.

He went upstairs and entered her room. He saw her sleeping in foetal position with her hand on her stomach because she was in so much pain. His heart ached seeing her like this.

He went towards her, kissed her hand, her belly and then her forehead gently. She woke up at this gesture and got scared. She was going to shout but he put his hand on her mouth.

SHIVA-I am removing my hand. Don't shout.

Raavi blinked her eyes and he removed his hand.

RAAVI- Shiva! What are you doing here? How did you come? And where are Ma Papa.

In this trail of events, she noticed that his eyes were wet. Was he crying? Is everything fine with him and his family?

SHIVA- Ma Papa are downstairs and they know that I am here.

RAAVI-What! And why are you crying Shiva? Is everything alright? Dhara Di...

SHIVA- Bhabhi is fine don't worry.

RAAVI-So then. Please tell Shiva..

Shiva shows her those reports as his answer and she gets confused. She takes the reports from him and opens it, only to realise those are her reports. She gets shocked.

RAAVI-How dare you Shiva? How did you get these?

SHIVA-You left them in my car.

Raavi gave an Oh- Shit expression.

SHIVA- Why did you do this Raavi?

RAAVI- What...What did I do(crying)

SHIVA-Why didn't you tell us about your condition? I know that you got to know this only one day before engagement.

Raavi stood there silent, not uttering a word.

Shiva held her shoulders tightly and again asked.

SHIVA-Don't stand still damn it. Answer me.

RAAVI-Leave me Shiva you are hurting me.

Shiva left her at the moment and started crying.

SHIVA-Why Raavi Why? Didn't you trust me? You thought I wouldn't support you. Am I that bad? You thought so low of me?

Raavi saw his condition and hugged him instantly. She knew that he loved her unconditionally and he didn't deserve this pain.

SHIVA-Answer me Raavi. Am I that bad that you were not able to trust me.

RAAVI-No Shiva No. You are an angel. I trusted you that's why I did that break up act.

Shiva broke the hug.

SHIVA- What?

RAAVI- I knew that you would never leave me even after knowing my truth because you love me. But I also love you and I couldn't be so selfish. How could I keep you away from your share of happiness.

Shiva stood there not knowing what to do? Should he feel good that Raavi's love was so selfless or upset that he was the reason of all her miseries.

SHIVA- My happiness is you stupid girl. You compared our love with love for a non existing child. My life is incomplete without you.

RAAVI-But..But I thought why should you be punished for my problems.So...

SHIVA- The biggest punishment for me is staying away from you. I want to marry you not because I want a child but because I love you. Yes having a child is a part of this beautiful journey but it cannot be the driving force.

RAAVI-Why do you love me so much? You are ready to sacrifice so much for me.

SHIVA- I am not sacrificing anything Raavi. Infact I am being selfish. You are my life. I don't even want this life if you are not a part of it.

Raavi kept her hand on his lips and nodded her hand in a no. Shiva removed her hands and continued.

SHIVA- Okay just answer one question of mine.


SHIVA-If something like this happened with me, would you leave me saying that I am not worth you because I can't be a father.

RAAVI-What nonsense. I would never leave you.


RAAVI- Because the pain of not having a child is nothing in front of the pain of losing you. I love you more than anyone and anything.

SHIVA-I hope you got your answer now. For me too, the pain of losing you is far greater that not having a child.

This one statement made Raavi realise her mistake. She got his point and hugged him tightly. He reciprocated back. This hug was much needed to let go of all their pain and misunderstandings.

After few minutes, Raavi broke the hug and wiped her tears. She held his hand and said...

RAAVI-I am sorry Shiva...I am sorry for everything...

SHIVA-I am forgiving you this time but don't you dare think of leaving me now otherwise I'll die..

RAAVI- No...Never.

SHIVA-So Miss Raavi Narayan,are you ready to become Mrs. Raavi Shiva Pandya.

RAAVI-Yes(happy tear falling from her eyes)

She put her hands on Shiva's neck and kissed both his cheeks. He kissed her forehead,her eyes, her cheeks.

Then she started staring his lips. She went forward, wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed her lips on his. He reciprocated with equal passion. It was not at all a rough kiss.

Just a small, smooth, passionate kiss to mark their new beginning and remove the baggage of past.

As they broke the kiss,they came downstairs hand in hand surprising everyone.

RAAVI- Ma Papa I have realised my mistake and now I want to correct it. We want to marry each other.

After so many days, they were getting to see this happiness in her eyes. Though her eyelashes were wet because she had cried, bit its happiness was like never before.

SHIVA- Ma Papa I promise that I'll always stand by you daughter and give her all the happiness which she deserves.

PAPA- We know that Shiva. And if she is happy we are happy. We have no problem.

Raavi hugged her Ma and Papa. But she needed to apologize to Dhara and Gautam also. But somehow she was feeling very embarrassed to go to them. Shiva held her hand and went to his Bhai Bhabhi.

RAAVI- Bhaiya Bhabhi I am sorry..I am very Sorry.

Dhara hugged her instantly.

DHARA-Stupid girl. You kept suffering so much alone and didn't tell us anything.

RAAVI-Indeed I am stupid. I couldn't understand only that I was going to get the best in-laws of this world. But now won't you forgive your younger sister?

Dhara slapped her loving on her face and smiled.

GAUTAM- We are not even upset with you Raavi. All we want is your happiness.

DHARA-Yes and we also know that your happiness lies in each other. So let's call the priest and finalize a date for marriage. What's say?


DHARA- And one more thing I have told my daughter that her name will be decided by her Chachi only. Day after tomorrow is her naamkaran ceremony so come with a nice name Okay.

RAAVI- Thankyou Dhara Di.

All shared a family hug. Shiva Raavi took God's blessings in the temple of her house and then everyone else's.

Shiva, Dhara and Gautam go home leaving an all happy Raavi behind again. Prafulla and Jagat were so happy. Finally everything was awesome.

After four long months, Shiva and Raavi again talked on phone call at night and sleep consumed both of them while on the call.

That's it for today readers.
This story is going to end in next few chapters.

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Word Count-1849

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